- Welcome to the mafia forum
- Game Strategy.
- Who's the easiest ;)
- Town Roles.
- Fake Arguing
- Demon Dead?
- Night 1 :D
- Night 0: Kill WarrenW
- Kill Qwerty. Let thy aim be steady and true.
- Yes I'm being open about my identity.
- Day 2 Mistakes =To Make us better=
- Mafia bickering.
- Night 2
- Night 2 Kill Yar-Yars: BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL...
- This almost seems too easy....
- Nacht Drei
- Night 3: Kill Goldenboko. The town opens up a package containing two dead fish.
- Bad news.
- A little thing called love
- Night 4: Come to where the magic is AK...
- Robots and day 5
- What can I say?
- Night 5: Kill Hartman. Heroes in a half-shell!
- Yeah that was way easy!