View Full Version : Giruvegan Zodiac Gates

01-09-2007, 07:39 PM
In the midst of hunting down and obtaining Ultima, and the treasures on the northern part of the Great Crystal, when you open a Zodiac Gate, will it remain opened for good? I know that you have a choice of opening either "Gate I" or "Gate II" and only one at a time.

However, if I open Tauras Gate I first, can I go back and open Gate II for Tauras and the first one will still be opened? I'm just wondering if I have to go through the whole process of opening gates EACH AND EVERY time I go into the Great Crystal?

01-09-2007, 09:34 PM
I have only ventured into the great crystal on one occasion, so I cannot say for venturing there again from saved games or exiting/returning to Great Crystal.

However, taking down Libra 1, then going around a bit, and taking down Libra 2, still left Libra 1 up, so you can bring them all down.. if that is part of what you were asking. Ie its not a toggle 1 is off, 2 is on... etc...

As for reloading the zone/dungeon and if the barriers reappear... /not sure.

01-09-2007, 09:50 PM
Actually...I think it's only one of each Zodiac sign allowed to be tampered with at once. I just beat Ultima and went to go find Omega sleeping. When I tampered with the Aquarius Gate II, the first one went back up. Same with the Libra. I guess I found out my own answer. Thanks for any who attempted to look into it though or still do in the future.

Problem solved.

01-09-2007, 11:35 PM
strange.. i'm pretty sure I got both libra 1 and 2 to be down at the same time.. hmm

Maybe I got turned around though, its possible.

01-10-2007, 12:08 AM
You can only open 1 gate at a time. Anyway, open gate Taurus II first then go back to the Taurus gate stone and open Taurus I. Taurus I takes you to Omega MarkII.

Also, you don't have to repeat the process of opening and closing gates again when you venture back into the crystal. It will be left the way you leave it since your last save. I've been into the crystal more than 20 times to get all the cool gear that can be found.