View Full Version : Tetra Master Internals

01-15-2007, 05:28 PM
Greetings! I have two questions about Tetra Master (the card game) internals. I'm not certain these can be answered unless you're a game programmer, but asking won't hurt.

1) When two cards battle, as in arrow vs. arrow, each card is assigned a HP, so to say, and then both card's HP is lowered (by random, I suppose) until one card wins over the other. But most of the times, the losing card doesn't reach zero HP, but may stop on anything from 0 to it's original HP minus a few points, from what I can make of it. Why is this? What makes one card win over the other?

2) If you play regularly with certain cards, you'll notice them "growing" over time, in both strength, defense and the M/P->X->A determiner. I think I remember reading somewhere that attacking cards successfully grows strength, while defending successfully in magic attacks and physical attacks grows magic defense and physical defense respectively, but:
- What makes the second digit (M/P->X->A determiner) grow?
- Does A in this position do anything more than X, besides adding 1(?) point to your collector's level?
- Does certain cards have a higher growth than others? I doubt this, but I'm not sure.

Thank you.

01-15-2007, 05:58 PM
Why is this?
See below.

What makes one card win over the other?Each card has an attack, physical defence and magical defence value. Each of these values has a range and a hex value. The hex value is worked out by following the numerical stat with a 0. So, a stat of 1 in hex is 10, and is 16 in normal numbers. Similarly, a stat of 2 would be 20 in hex, or 32. The range is ([hex value] - [hex value + 15]). For example, a stat of 1 equates to 16, so it has the range 16-31 (10-1F in hex). A stat of 2 equates to 32, so has the range 32-47 (20-2F).

Stage 1: A random number in the range is selected.
Stage 2: Another random number between 0 and the number selected above is chosen. This is the 'actual' attack/defence value.
Stage 3: The number selected in stage 2 is subtracted from the number selected in stage 1.

All three stages are performed for both the attacking card and the opposing defence value. Whichever has the highest value at the end of stage 3 wins the battle.


Attacking card: 7P23
Defending card: 1P02

Attacking card's Stage one: Range is 112-127. 120 is selected.
Defending card's Stage one: Range is 0-15. 11 is selected.

Attacking card's Stage two: Range is 0-120. 116 is selected.
Defending card's Stage two: Range is 0-11. 3 is selected.

Attacking card's Stage three: 120 - 116 = 4.
Defending card's Stage three: 11 - 3 = 8.

Verdict: 8 is greater than 4, so the defending card is the victor.

- What makes the second digit (M/P->X->A determiner) grow?
Number of battles won, I think.

Does A in this position do anything more than X, besides adding 1(?) point to your collector's level?
X attacks the weakest defence stat. A attacks the weakest stat on the card, so it can be attack, physical defence or magical defence. That makes beating a Ribbon card (e.g. 0MCF) easy as an A will attack the 0.

Does certain cards have a higher growth than others? I doubt this, but I'm not sure.
All cards have different limits to which their stats can grow (so it's impossible to get a card with FAFF), but I think they all 'level up' at the same rate.

01-15-2007, 06:23 PM

I've yet to ask a question you haven't been able to answer. :) Could you elaborate on the stages of the first answer though? I don't follow completely there.

01-15-2007, 06:28 PM
I don't think I can add much beyond the example I've given. Sorry.

01-15-2007, 08:59 PM
Actually I thought about it for a while, and it makes sense now, there were just some things that didn't add up at first thought.

Anyway, thanks again! There's a reason I nominated and voted you for Most Helpful Gamer in the last Ciddies :jess: