View Full Version : Next generation television

Darth Anarcus
01-17-2007, 05:20 PM
My friend told me last night that something new just came out that's better than HD and plasma, and roughly the same price; but he couldn't remember what it was called. Does anyone know anything about this?

01-17-2007, 05:26 PM
I was hoping this had something to do with Star Trek: The Next Generation. >:/

He might have been talking about this (http://informitv.com/articles/2006/01/05/billgatesvision/), but that has nothing to do with the picture quality. Perhaps he is pulling your leg? I will investigate further.

Darth Anarcus
01-17-2007, 05:29 PM
No, he isn't. He doesn't pull legs.;)

01-17-2007, 06:10 PM
Better than HD and plasma? Funny, HDTV is just a signal and resolution standard, it has little to do with the method of displaying the images, which plasma is an example of. It is perfectly possible to have a CRT HDTV that delivers a better picture than a plasma HDTV. Sounds to me like someone is mixing terms.

01-17-2007, 07:24 PM
Yeah and in any situation (I work selling TVs and the like) LCD TVs are a much clearer picture than your average Plasma TV also they don't get so hot (remember Andi Peters and the kissing a plasma screen TV thing? it took all the skin off his lips through heat the idiot) In anycase the best TVs to date I have seen are probably the Sony Bravia TVs which are HD ready Freeview inbuilt (UK version) LCD TVs.

01-17-2007, 07:34 PM
Furthermore, almost any PC monitor fulfills the "HD" requirements, except having a built-in tuner :p.