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01-17-2007, 10:18 PM
If you could have any one wish, what would it be?

It can't be love.

It can't be reviving someone, including Aeris(had to be said).

It can't be killing, banning, suspending, or hurting anyone.

And last, you can't get more than $200.00USD, same with equal value to other currencys.

Also, no more wishing for more wishes. No more of that. :mad2: -kikimm

01-17-2007, 10:21 PM
You missed not allowing us wish for more wishes and becuase of this that is what i would wish for. More wishes.:tongue:

01-17-2007, 10:39 PM
Uh... I wish I had the powers equivalent to a SSJ3, complete with floating conical golden hair, obviously.

01-17-2007, 10:41 PM

01-17-2007, 10:45 PM
The ability to clean myself with my tongue like a cat and then spit out a hairball and continue on as normal.

01-17-2007, 10:53 PM
I wish there was no global warming... its getting hot out here...If not that, i would wish for more wishes...Or i would wish for lunar to stop consuming other children's souls...Now for lunar if your reading this... please don't turn into Micheal jackson...

01-17-2007, 10:59 PM
To make a Bruce Lee clone that had his exact personality, skill and knowledge of the time just before he died. :D?

Oh, and if tha is over ruled by the 'no bring people back to life' rule, then i wish for the Human Instinct of 'Always wanting what you cannot have' to be wiped out. Less Wars would be caused this way


01-17-2007, 11:05 PM
I wish I had something to eat.

01-17-2007, 11:07 PM
I'd wish for the power to sooth people's feelings.

01-17-2007, 11:08 PM
For religion to become a thing of the past this would stop a lot of wars.

01-18-2007, 12:12 AM
To make it so that Pangea never seperated.

01-18-2007, 12:34 AM
One wish ?

Be on a desert island with my pups and hubby, with no wars, polution, crime, violence, etc...

And no kids wanting to kill mom for wishing such a boring place for them to be ;)

01-18-2007, 12:36 AM
I'd ask for the 200 dollars on a gift card so I could buy lots of books for my "Read 100 books in 2007" challenge.

01-18-2007, 01:27 AM
More wars.

- - - TAURUS - - -
01-18-2007, 01:33 AM

01-18-2007, 01:39 AM
Oh em gee! Kikimm edited meh post, I purposely left that wish thing out because it shows greedyness. This topic was created so I could get an idea of how everyone would use a wish, some would feed the hungry, some would take the little amount of money and buy something constructive, or some would simply want more and take infinite wishes.

Also, I said you can't get more than $200.00USD, I never said you couldn't get a car, or a house, or a plane ticket, I was referring to cash.

I myself would want the ability to fly.

01-18-2007, 01:52 AM
Oh em gee! Kikimm edited meh post, I purposely left that wish thing out because it shows greedyness.

I wish for more wishes. I use these wishes to combat world hungry, stop wars, end the homeless epidemic, find a cure for the various diseases that have no cure in sight, and end the rest of the problems that this world is plagued with.

I am greedy because I wished for more wishes.

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
01-18-2007, 02:08 AM
I wish I could meet my favorite band in the whole worldddd~~~:bigsmile:

01-18-2007, 02:41 AM
I wish for a comfortable bed so i won't hurt my back at night...also a nice pillow would do...

01-18-2007, 02:50 AM
I wish I was a cattapillar


01-18-2007, 02:56 AM
I Wish eternal misery for all Squall, Laguna, and Sephiroth Fan-Boys.

I'd say the girls, but if I leave them out and put them on a pedastal I may get lucky tonight. And I say lucky instead of laid, cause if I said that someone would be upset. And I only explained this scenario so I could infact say laid to upset somebody, because I hate you.


01-18-2007, 03:11 AM
Oh em gee! Kikimm edited meh post, I purposely left that wish thing out because it shows greedyness.

I wish for more wishes. I use these wishes to combat world hungry, stop wars, end the homeless epidemic, find a cure for the various diseases that have no cure in sight, and end the rest of the problems that this world is plagued with.

I am greedy because I wished for more wishes.

Nicely said, however, its a shame you wouldn't have really done that, especially if I didn't reveal what the purpose of this thread was. Anyone should be greatful for any wish such as that, if you wish for more, thats being greedy, it doesn't matter what you use them for.

01-18-2007, 03:13 AM
so if i wish for more wishes...then i give the wishes to charity...does that mean im greedy?

01-18-2007, 03:19 AM
so if i wish for more wishes...then i give the wishes to charity...does that mean im greedy?

Okay, why is everyone getting on my back about that? You wouldn't have thought of doing that to begin with had you had the chance to get a real wish, so quit trying to make me look bad with my words.

If you can't understand that asking for more wishes is greedy, just stop then. Its like asking for more money to give to the poor after someone gave you $1000.00 already.

If you persist, and need to be all technical, just say your one wish would be to end all world problems, then you won't need to wish for more wishes.

Ki Ki
01-18-2007, 03:20 AM
I wish I had a big fat blanket.

01-18-2007, 03:22 AM
Lol but i want to be specific! lol

01-18-2007, 03:25 AM
I'd wish for a sandwich.

Azure Chrysanthemum
01-18-2007, 05:17 AM
Equivalent abilities of a 100th level D&D Telepath.

01-18-2007, 05:20 AM
To be god.

Erdrick Holmes
01-18-2007, 05:25 AM
I'd wish for murder to be legal for exactly 24 hours. Then I'd kill all the idiots I go to work with.

01-18-2007, 05:51 AM
I'd wish for a giant hammer to smash that little motherfucker up that I go to school with. I hate him! I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM.


01-18-2007, 05:57 AM
i wish i could manipulate peoples minds....it'd be fun >:]

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
01-18-2007, 06:24 AM
Easy. Ish. I would wish either to have the ability to fly, or the ability to shapeshift. I think I would go for the shapeshift one though. 'Cause then I could be anything or anyone. And I kinda want to experience sex from a womans point of view. And then I could also fly while being a bird, or butterfly, or something. And I could do so much more. I would become a tiger and roam the land until I was tranquilized, and when I came to in the zoo, I would change back into a human, but be in the tiger pit, and it would be awesome.

Tifa Valentine
01-18-2007, 07:04 AM
I'd like to control time. Every time I'd make a stupid mistake I would just go back in time and re-do it!

01-18-2007, 11:29 AM
It can't be killing, banning, suspending, or hurting anyone.

WHAT? I have only one wish and I can't use it on banning someone from EoFF?! How the hell I'm gonna get Levian banned then. :mad2:

No, seriously, I really don't have material, physical or emotional needs at the moment which feels odd *pinches self* That's why my wish would be that me and fiancee would live happy, healthy and long life together if that wouldn't be too much to ask. My biggest fear is that I would lose her over some stupid accident or drunk driver and how life can change in blink of an eye.

I think of this stuff too much sometimes. I don't want to and I shouldn't. I sometimes feel insecure like that, hence my wish. :choc: =>

Loony BoB
01-18-2007, 11:46 AM
Oh em gee! Kikimm edited meh post, I purposely left that wish thing out because it shows greedyness.

I wish for more wishes. I use these wishes to combat world hungry, stop wars, end the homeless epidemic, find a cure for the various diseases that have no cure in sight, and end the rest of the problems that this world is plagued with.

I am greedy because I wished for more wishes.

Nicely said, however, its a shame you wouldn't have really done that, especially if I didn't reveal what the purpose of this thread was. Anyone should be greatful for any wish such as that, if you wish for more, thats being greedy, it doesn't matter what you use them for.
Actually, I would have wished for more wishes and I would have then wished for the end to world hunger. Why not? To not wish for more wishes is to either condemn people to hunger or condemn them to cancer or condemn them to AIDS, etc. If you only have one wish, then you are clearly going to leave some people out. So wishing for more wishes is not greedy, but rather the opposite. Wishing for more wishes gives you greater power to do good for the world. If it's just a matter of wishing, I think most people in the world would happily do those things, even if they hadn't read your post first. I imagine most people would have cured world hunger in the first day if they had been given infinite wishes.

I would wish for more wishes. This would allow both myself and the rest of the world to benefit. That's not greedy. Greedy would be wishing for something for yourself and nothing for anyone else. But to wish for more wishes is neither, until you use the next wishes. It's just logical.

It can't be killing, banning, suspending, or hurting anyone.

WHAT? I have only one wish and I can't use it on banning someone from EoFF?! How the hell I'm gonna get Levian banned then. :mad2:
Wish to become a CK, admin or owner of EoFF. Then you can ban him. :p

01-18-2007, 12:49 PM
I myself would want the ability to fly

so if i wish for more wishes...then i give the wishes to charity...does that mean im greedy?

Okay, why is everyone getting on my back about that? You wouldn't have thought of doing that to begin with had you had the chance to get a real wish, so quit trying to make me look bad with my words.

If you can't understand that asking for more wishes is greedy, just stop then. Its like asking for more money to give to the poor after someone gave you $1000.00 already.

If you persist, and need to be all technical, just say your one wish would be to end all world problems, then you won't need to wish for more wishes.

Let's talk about greed, baby.

See, I would have wished for all of the world's problems to end, but there are a few problems with that. First, I was hungry at the time of making that post. Second, I'm inherently selfish, as all other human beings, thus I think of myself before thinking of others. Lastly, and most importantly, is the belief that for the world to survive, there needs to be chaos within the order. Without chaos, order cannot exist, and vice versa. So getting rid of all of the world's problems wouldn't work because I don't think it can ever happen. Utopia is out of the question.

01-18-2007, 12:56 PM
I'd wish for the ability to turn back time.

Little Blue
01-18-2007, 01:04 PM
A big edit toolbar for life, not just computers. It'll have a nice undo button, a copy button, a paste button and a cut button which I can use on people and things. Don't like someone, just cut them out of existance, then clear the clipboard and poof, they're gone, forever! :radred:

Owen Macwere
01-18-2007, 03:49 PM
For that one person in my mind to be happy forever. :)

01-18-2007, 03:55 PM
For that one person in my mind to be happy forever. :)

we thought the same thing:eek:
Anyway what he said :cool:

Madame Adequate
01-18-2007, 05:32 PM


Jetpack with infinite fuel for me plz.

01-18-2007, 05:38 PM
I would wish for omniscience. Once you have this, you wouldn't need wishes. :D

01-18-2007, 05:59 PM
I would wish I had a huge bottle of coke right at this exact moment. :(

Dunno why, random thought really. :bigsmile:

EDIT: Actually forget the coke, I would wish that my headteacher, would die a horribly painful death. :nonono:

01-18-2007, 06:48 PM
EDIT: Actually forget the coke, I would wish that my headteacher, would die a horribly painful death. :nonono:

If you could have any one wish, what would it be?

It can't be love.

It can't be reviving someone, including Aeris(had to be said).

It can't be killing, banning, suspending, or hurting anyone.

And last, you can't get more than $200.00USD, same with equal value to other currencys.

Also, no more wishing for more wishes. No more of that. :mad2: -kikimm

You cannae do that, madam. There be rules in this hear wishin' thread.

01-18-2007, 06:52 PM
EDIT: Actually forget the coke, I would wish that my headteacher, would die a horribly painful death. :nonono:

If you could have any one wish, what would it be?

It can't be love.

It can't be reviving someone, including Aeris(had to be said).

It can't be killing, banning, suspending, or hurting anyone.

And last, you can't get more than $200.00USD, same with equal value to other currencys.

Also, no more wishing for more wishes. No more of that. :mad2: -kikimm

You cannae do that, madam. There be rules in this hear wishin' thread.

That's not fair. :(

Loony BoB
01-18-2007, 06:53 PM
Oh yeah. I forgot to say what I'd wish for if I couldn't wish for more wishes. I'd wish that Danielle and I would be together until the day one of us dies - preferrably at an old age. Alternatively, I'd wish for mind control over one Bill Gates. Then I'd have him sell Microsoft to me for pennies and then buy it back for billions. Loophole!

01-19-2007, 09:34 AM
I'd wish for some intelligence. Fuck knows I need it.


Nominus Experse
01-19-2007, 09:53 AM
I want Jedi powers, or at the very least, the ability to wield and control various forms of magic.

01-19-2007, 03:18 PM
I'd wish for real life to be like final fantasy, random monsters that you can actually kill without getting arrested, ability to learn magic, and evil people trying to destroy the world!

01-19-2007, 04:08 PM
I wish I could go and out of video games, movies, or books, and if i died within them there wouldn't be any consequences to me i'd just pop out, unless it was a game that lets you revive also I could come out at any time I please.

That or be able to change sexs, not for the fact of anything sexual but you could beocme a serial killer or something or do something that causes people to look for you and you just change sexs and they have no idea.

01-19-2007, 04:32 PM
Immortality and eternal youth

01-19-2007, 05:16 PM
Teleporting device with 24/7 access.

01-20-2007, 02:58 AM
I wish I could go and out of video games, movies, or books, and if i died within them there wouldn't be any consequences to me i'd just pop out, unless it was a game that lets you revive also I could come out at any time I please.

That or be able to change sexs, not for the fact of anything sexual but you could beocme a serial killer or something or do something that causes people to look for you and you just change sexs and they have no idea.

Well that makes it no fun :( If you can't die, then theres no real reason to fight with all you got :greenie:

Odaisé Gaelach
01-20-2007, 03:08 AM
I'd wish that no one else's wishes would come true.

01-20-2007, 05:14 AM
Infinite regeneration (that continually renews my cells, even if only one remains.

01-20-2007, 05:33 AM
I would wish for something not cliche. No world peace, that's not going to happen. Money would not suffice. Immortality, in a earthly-bound sense, is vain.

Probably to meet Gabriel. Who wouldn't want to meet the angel of death?

black orb
01-20-2007, 07:09 AM
>>> Good luck..

01-20-2007, 07:24 AM
Infinite God-Like powers which allowed me to do ANYTHING! I wouldn't need more wishes that way.

01-20-2007, 08:28 AM
I change my mind, the power of all of the Norse gods combined, and the Gungnir and Mjolnir.

01-20-2007, 09:28 AM
I wish I could fly!

Cliche but, I would love to fly.

01-20-2007, 05:06 PM
i wish i could get high pay for a low effort job

01-20-2007, 05:30 PM
I wish Brentford F.C. could score a smurfing goal