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View Full Version : Metal Gear Solid is the best series ever. Period.

01-19-2007, 10:07 PM
This game rocks my socks. I get endless enjoyment from sneaking around, shooting innocent medics in the back with an AK47, Strangling guards and forcing them to join me, using people as body shields, and exploding trucks with TNT, and watching guards freak out and call HQ.

I'm playing MGS: Portable Ops on my PSP and it's the best game ever.

Discuss Metal Gear Solid.

01-19-2007, 10:18 PM
I'm posting in this thread with the power of my mind alone.

I always play no-kill though for added challenge.

01-19-2007, 11:06 PM
Yes. To everything that has been said in this thread so far.

I probably going to purchase MGS:PO next week, and I can't wait for MGS4.

Moon Rabbits
01-19-2007, 11:08 PM
MGS One was good, I lost hope after MGS Two and haven't played Three yet.

And Silent Hill is better.

01-19-2007, 11:10 PM
Metal Gear Solid is ridiculously awesome. MGS2 is actually my favorite, and it's the most criticized of them all. I liked Raiden, though... I liked him before Kojima changed him to Badass Raiden or whatever you kids call him these days (not that the new one isn't looking totally jiveriffic too). But I like Snake, too, so it's all fine for me.

Definitely looking forward to the fourth.

01-19-2007, 11:13 PM
I really get the feeling that most of the MGS2 hate is "monkey see, monkey do".

I think it was much better than 3.

01-19-2007, 11:35 PM
Im not a die hard fan of the series but I like them, I would normally pass on a game of this type but MGS is very unique so I stuck with the series. I own Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops but have only had time to play about 2-3 hours of it, even though I got it two weeks ago. I liked the first Metal Gear Solid the most, then the second, then the third. So its kinda gone downhill with me, but I liked all of them still. I do feel like im the only one who treats them like a stealth shooter though, I even had a go at European Extreme on MGS2, I got up to Vamp ( when hes a boss ) then stopped, both because is was hard as nails, and I wanted to play other things.

Bring on MGS4.

01-20-2007, 12:26 AM
I'm a pretty big fan. Like Lunar, MGS 2 is my favourite. I don't hate Raiden. :P

Odaisé Gaelach
01-20-2007, 04:36 AM
MGS2 was very good, except for one thing: the storyline. The plot. Complete and utter drivel.

01-20-2007, 04:59 AM
I liked the plot. It was crazy. :P

Wolf Kanno
01-20-2007, 06:53 AM
I love the series though I have to say MGS3 is my favorite. Big Boss is the best:D.

I think MGS2 gets too much hate for dumb reasons. Raiden isn't all that bad, he's a little bit whiny but I blame his VA and Rosemary for that. It's plot is pretty damn convulated but actually makes sense except I felt they made the Patriots seem a little too "other worldly".

I want to play Portable Ops and MGS4 but Sony want's too much money for lackluster systems with competent game libraries at best:mad: Though if anything was going to make me buy a PS3, it would have to be MGS4. It's still the only game announced for the system that seems worth the trouble. I can only hope that fanboys will convince Kojima to port MGS:PO to the PS2 cause I really don't want to get a PSP.

01-20-2007, 08:44 AM
I love the whole Metal Gear series, but I haven't played Portable Ops or Snaker Eater.

And I didn't like Raiden, he was queer.

01-20-2007, 10:00 AM
Raiden wasn't queer, he was having a baby with his (not ugly) girlfriend and his job involved shooting people in the face, blowing up mechs, defusing bombs and slashing people up with a katana.
Possibly the least queer actions I know.

I love all the Metal Gears, although MGS2 was my favourite. I enjoyed the plot too, with his combination of testosterone fuelled action and Sartre influenced philosophy. You don't get THAT in many games.

And yes, I AM looking forward to MGS4.

01-20-2007, 11:22 AM
the first Metal Gear Solid is one of the best games ever the second was so disappointing because you had to be that wimp Radien! but the third was great a lot like James Bond really but i wanted them to make the game where snake fights his dad Big Boss and Grey Fox the new game should be good though.

01-20-2007, 01:33 PM
I'm going to hesitantly agree with the premise of this thread, at least for the moment. It sort of depends on whether or not you're going to include MGS:Twin Snakes, since that drags down the rest of the franchise, while at the same time corrupting the brilliance and beauty of the original game.

As for MGS2, I wasn't thrilled by it on my first playthrough, but once I had a bit of time to digest the plot it really grew on me. Raiden has his awkward moments, but the game itself is superbly designed, albeit not quite up to the standards of its predecessor. If you're going to come up with arguments against MGS2, go for something better than "the main character is a wuss".

Wolf Kanno
01-20-2007, 09:36 PM
the first Metal Gear Solid is one of the best games ever the second was so disappointing because you had to be that wimp Radien! but the third was great a lot like James Bond really but i wanted them to make the game where snake fights his dad Big Boss and Grey Fox the new game should be good though.

If you can get a hold of MGS3:Subsistence, it comes with a port of the first Metal Gear games for the MSX. MG1 is kinda've awkward and more intriguing in theory than execution but Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is basically a 2d MGS1. A great plot, wonderful boss fights and puzzles that were ahead of it's time. It also has your battle with Grey Fox (he's a wuss by the way...) and a pretty damn hilarious battle with Big Boss.

01-20-2007, 10:00 PM
I'm going to point out first and foremost that I've only played the original MGS on PS1 and Twin Snakes.

I was a little disappointed in both. For as much as people hype the gameplay, you sure spend a lot of time not using it. I know that the creators spend a lot of time trying to craft this story, but there doesn't seem to be enough balance. This was most notable when you'd get a long cinematic with a boss or something, then leave the room, get a long-winded codec call, go forward two steps and get another codec call.

That, and I thought the whole "cruel relentless boss spilling his/her guts and deciding to turn to the good side thing" was lame. There, I said it.

I still plan on checking out the two sequels, of course, and it's possible they'll change my mind. Right now, though, MGS rests in my head in the same place as Halo: People treat it as if it's a flawless series, and while it's well-executed, there's a lot of problems that tarnish it a bit.

01-20-2007, 11:54 PM
Raiden wasn't queer, he was having a baby with his (not ugly) girlfriend and his job involved shooting people in the face, blowing up mechs, defusing bombs and slashing people up with a katana.
Possibly the least queer actions I know.

1. strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different

01-21-2007, 12:56 AM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

01-21-2007, 01:03 AM
Metal Gear Solid makes me happy in the pants.

I can't decide if the original or MGS3 was my favourite.

Metal Gear Solid had the best story and characters. Nothing beats FOXHOUND. ...well, except Solid Snake. I really liked the jungle setting of MGS3, and had endless fun mindlessly slaughtering animals or alternatively, capturing them and using them against guards. As soon as I find the cobalt blue tarantula, (it's on the walls in the prison area of Granin's lab) every single one of my kills from then on will be through me throwing the little critter onto a guard and having it bite him, slowly poisoning him to death. :D It's just little things like that which cause me to drool uncontrollably.

MGS2 wasn't a bad game, I just didn't really feel anything towards any of the characters, and no empathy isn't a good thing. Still, I did enjoy the overall plot.

01-21-2007, 01:13 AM
I've only played MGS3, but I loved it. Psy is right when he says that the little details are fantastic.

01-22-2007, 04:57 AM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

Roto is right.

MGS2 wasn't a bad game, I just didn't really feel anything towards any of the characters, and no empathy isn't a good thing.

I dunno, I felt more for Emma then anyone else. Oh, and Solid. I think the problem with that one is that it comes off too Steven Segal in places, and therefore the characters lose out in the end. I think the difference with MGS2 was that I thought the bad guys had a good point, right until Solidus justifies killing Raiden just to find the Patriots at the end. Silly boy. I showed him. :D

I really liked the jungle setting of MGS3, and had endless fun mindlessly slaughtering animals or alternatively, capturing them and using them against guards.

I did as well, although the CQC was more fun for me. Only problem with MGS3? Camera angle was a pig at times. Might get MGS3:Subsistence and see if I enjoy it more.

Wolf Kanno
01-22-2007, 06:21 AM
I have mix feelings about the whole Otacon/E.E. plot, but in the end it proves that the entire point of MGS2 was to make the player feel awkward and on edge.

Though I agree that Solidus was more good than evil, he just pushed the concept of "the end justifies the means" a wee bit too far... I didn't care for anyone else in Dead Cell though. Vamp has a second chance to impress me in MGS4...

Anyone else thinking that Big Boss is going to return in MGS4? He's become increasingly popular since MGS3 and MGS:PO. Also, MGS1 was really evasive about his remains. Snake asked the Colonel why they just didn't hand over his body and Campbell didn't really answer...

Subsistence's camera might help you, I never really had a problem with the original but some people did I guess... Most say the camera helps in Subsistence. I never really found it very useful.

01-22-2007, 08:34 PM
I liked 1, but then got bored of it with 2 and 3.
3 was just a japanese marketing/product scam in my eyes.
Im curious what MGS4 will be like, but im not that excited.

Odaisé Gaelach
01-22-2007, 09:45 PM
I'll say this though: Metal Gear 2 (y'know, the one in Zanzibar Land) is really, really good. :D

01-22-2007, 10:12 PM
Its alright, but if you like it so much more, shouldn't you all be in a MGS forum instead?

01-22-2007, 10:14 PM
I love Metal Gear Solid. So much. The characters are so great and it's just overall such a fun series.

MGS4 is the main reason I want a PS3.

01-22-2007, 10:16 PM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

So... you're reading my mind now?

If I had meant what you thought I meant, I would have said "Raiden is a queer." And compared to Snake, yes, Raiden is queer.

01-22-2007, 11:19 PM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

So... you're reading my mind now?

No, I'm reading your posting history now. Lots of homophobia in there.

Eiko Guy
01-22-2007, 11:53 PM
I like it...Raiden is soooo hot I could just eat him up

Cruise Control
01-22-2007, 11:54 PM
Play nice. I think MGS1 was way more epic than two. But two was fantastic, and Raiden is awesome.

Eiko Guy
01-23-2007, 12:26 AM
and sexeh

Roger Belmont
01-23-2007, 01:13 AM
and sexeh

01-23-2007, 05:02 AM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

So... you're reading my mind now?

No, I'm reading your posting history now. Lots of homophobia in there.

Oooh, look at Mr. Freud.

And besides, you can't get an accurate view of my character purely from my EoFF posts. Most people here are too uptight, so I'm just a jerk.

01-23-2007, 02:45 PM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

So... you're reading my mind now?

No, I'm reading your posting history now. Lots of homophobia in there.

Oooh, look at Mr. Freud.

And besides, you can't get an accurate view of my character purely from my EoFF posts. Most people here are too uptight, so I'm just a jerk.

I can get an accurate view of your posting style and your history of posting those kinds of comments from your EoFF posts. If you're going to be a homophobe, go for it. Just don't try to cover it up later. You're not fooling anyone.

01-23-2007, 06:23 PM
If I'm here then...

01-23-2007, 08:18 PM
He wasn't queer in that sense, either, which wasn't what you meant when you posted it anyway.

So... you're reading my mind now?

No, I'm reading your posting history now. Lots of homophobia in there.

Oooh, look at Mr. Freud.

And besides, you can't get an accurate view of my character purely from my EoFF posts. Most people here are too uptight, so I'm just a jerk.

I can get an accurate view of your posting style and your history of posting those kinds of comments from your EoFF posts. If you're going to be a homophobe, go for it. Just don't try to cover it up later. You're not fooling anyone.

Screw this, I don't need to explain myself to you. EoFF is only a microcosm of my character. Most of you are too uptight to have any sort of fun, so I post the way I do.

Eiko Guy
01-23-2007, 11:17 PM
I have fun... By saying that raiden is my HOT HOT SEX!!!!

01-23-2007, 11:30 PM
Roto and NorthernChaosGod, as entertaining as your squabble is, it doesn't really have much to do with the adventures of the Snake family, so keep it in PMs and out of this thread. Thank you very much!

Big D
01-24-2007, 04:40 AM
The anti-war message that runs throughout the MGS series is extremely well done, I think. A kind of powerful subtlety that other stories usually fail to come near to, when they even try.
However, I'm still very much bothered by the way many of the characters in the series spend a lot of time apologising for the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A terrible event, of course; but if you believe the MGS cast, you'd think that it was an utterly unprovoked attack against a completely innocent and defenceless nation, as well as being the single worst atrocity in all of human history.

That aside, MGS is a great series with generally strong gameplay - though the enemy AI has always felt very scripted and predictable, despite the kerfuffle that's made over how it's advanced and original.
Still, it's nice to see a game where you're rewarded for not killing everything in sight.

Kenji Longaway
01-24-2007, 04:54 AM
Raiden reminds me of Kadaj.
I liked the game, but it was very difficult playing it on hard without the radar.
MGS4 will definitely be more promising.

01-24-2007, 05:34 PM
MGS is my second favourite series(after FF) and MGS:Sub is my most favourite game for know(untill MGS4 and FFvXIII come out), my favourite thing about the game was Snake,The Boss and CQC

I can't wait for MGS4

01-26-2007, 06:32 PM
the first Metal Gear Solid is one of the best games ever the second was so disappointing because you had to be that wimp Radien! but the third was great a lot like James Bond really but i wanted them to make the game where snake fights his dad Big Boss and Grey Fox the new game should be good though.

If you can get a hold of MGS3:Subsistence, it comes with a port of the first Metal Gear games for the MSX. MG1 is kinda've awkward and more intriguing in theory than execution but Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is basically a 2d MGS1. A great plot, wonderful boss fights and puzzles that were ahead of it's time. It also has your battle with Grey Fox (he's a wuss by the way...) and a pretty damn hilarious battle with Big Boss.

i have got subsistence I haven’t really played it but i will try it, im surprised Grey Fox is a wuss i mean i know he’s not a Ninja in Zanzibar but he was the only man to be given the code name Fox so you would think he would be one of the best. I could see them making that game in years to come what do you think?
The game were Big Boss and Grey Fox and a team of other revolutionaries are hunted down by Solid Snake in Zanzibar but the story would be so different now because Big Boss and Grey Fox turned out to be good guys didnt they?

01-26-2007, 08:44 PM
MGS:PO retconned Grey Fox with "Awesome Ninja Skills" pre MGS.

Also, all hail Slowbeef for all your MG2 needs. If you don't have subsistance or an MSX, or don't want to sit through the game.


He also did a pretty awesome walkthrough of Snatcher on Something Awful, one of the games Kojima made inbetween MG and MGS, but it was more of a forum thing, and would thus require lots of trudging through unnecessary posts.
And I no longer have the link.

Wolf Kanno
01-27-2007, 06:44 AM
i have got subsistence I haven’t really played it but i will try it, im surprised Grey Fox is a wuss i mean i know he’s not a Ninja in Zanzibar but he was the only man to be given the code name Fox so you would think he would be one of the best. I could see them making that game in years to come what do you think?
The game were Big Boss and Grey Fox and a team of other revolutionaries are hunted down by Solid Snake in Zanzibar but the story would be so different now because Big Boss and Grey Fox turned out to be good guys didnt they?

I would love a remake of this game, cause I know that the battle with Big Boss would be awsome. Grey Fox can be difficult, he plays dirty but as long as you stay in one spot and let him come to you, you should do okay.

Actually, the game does a very good job to shed light on these two. It also portrays them as quite honorable and good. Grey Fox has a few moments where he act like an ass but overall, his "death" was rather touching. Big Boss comes off somewhat noble if not a little twisted. He's alot like Soldius in that respect. What threw me off the most was the base being swarmed with war orphans who praise Big Boss for saving them. It's a little disturbing at first but it also shows that he's not totally insane, just bitter and misguided.

Meat Puppet
01-27-2007, 07:49 AM
I’ve only played Metal Gear Solid. I got up the first boss and he was way too hard for me to get past. Pretty cool game, though. I just don’t have the wits to play it. :-\

Wolf Kanno
01-27-2007, 10:05 PM
I’ve only played Metal Gear Solid. I got up the first boss and he was way too hard for me to get past. Pretty cool game, though. I just don’t have the wits to play it. :-\

It's more about getting a hang of the controls. Once you begin to familiarize yourself with the system, it gets easier. To be honest though, the only thing that makes the Ocelot battle difficult was the fact that the targeting system in the game tends to hinder you more than hellp you... I remember really hating Ocelot when I first played the game so I know how you feel.;)

01-29-2007, 12:40 AM
[21:01] Cruise Control: HOLY HELL
[21:01] Cruise Control: I HAVE LIKE 25 INJURIES
[21:01] rotothirteen: XD
[21:01] Cruise Control: AND LEECHES
[21:01] Cruise Control: I'm all out of medical supplies
[21:01] rotothirteen: BURN THEM
[21:02] Cruise Control: I did
[21:02] Cruise Control: Now I just have a broken leg, And severe lacerations
[21:02] Cruise Control: Burns from that fence
[21:02] Cruise Control: And head injuries from a rock trap
[21:03] rotothirteen: XD
[21:03] rotothirteen: I can just picture what he would look like in real life.
[21:03] Cruise Control: I can't even walk
[21:03] Cruise Control: I'M REDUCED TO CRAWLING
[21:03] Cruise Control: AND KNIFING IN THE LEG
[21:03] Cruise Control: IM OUT OF BULLETS
[21:03] Cruise Control: GOD HAVE MERCY
[21:03] Cruise Control: I SHOULD HAVE PICKED EASY
[21:04] rotothirteen: What difficulty?
[21:04] Cruise Control: Norma;
[21:05] rotothirteen: XD
[21:06] Cruise Control: I have a stealth rating of negative 80
[21:06] Cruise Control: I'm wearing scientist, manning a machine gun emplacement
[21:06] Cruise Control: AGAINST GUARD DOGS
[21:06] Cruise Control: The one time I DIDN'T want to slit his throat, I did
[21:08] Cruise Control: WOOH
[21:08] Cruise Control: BANDAGES
[21:08] Cruise Control: OMG

Cruise Control
01-29-2007, 12:41 AM

Edit: Yes, thats after I subtract teh one I used bandages on.

01-29-2007, 12:49 AM
(19:46:40) Cruise Control: I throw rats at an enemies head as a distraction
(19:46:55) Genji: Can't you throw tarantulas at guards too
(19:47:00) Cruise Control: I don't have any
(19:47:09) Genji: I'M OUT OF TARANTULAS
(19:47:42) Cruise Control: I ate it
(19:47:48) Cruise Control: It made me feel nostalgic
(19:47:53) Cruise Control: Like when I was a kid

[21:31] Cruise Control: I just stepped on a claymore
[21:31] Cruise Control: Which blew me backwards
[21:31] Cruise Control: into an electric fence
[21:32] rotothirteen: *edits post*
[21:32] Cruise Control: xD
[21:33] Cruise Control: omg SALVATION
[21:33] Cruise Control: A machine gun placement
[21:33] Cruise Control: With 5 guards
[21:33] Cruise Control: If I make it
[21:33] Cruise Control: Ill gun them dwon
[21:33] Cruise Control: And then shake them down

Cruise Control
01-29-2007, 01:12 AM
Posts like the above 3 are why I play RPG's.

01-29-2007, 01:13 AM
Posts like the above 3 are why I play RPG's.

Because you suck?

Cruise Control
01-29-2007, 01:14 AM
Posts like the above 3 are why I play RPG's.Because you suck?Pretty much, yeah.

01-29-2007, 01:29 AM
[21:58] Cruise Control: OH :skull::skull::skull::skull:
[21:58] Cruise Control: IM ON FIRE
[21:59] Cruise Control: I through a WP grenade
[21:59] Cruise Control: While in a tree
[21:59] Cruise Control: And it hit a branch
[21:59] Cruise Control: Branches have great hit detection
[22:00] Cruise Control: I HAVE AN IDEA
[22:01] Cruise Control: Grenade camo
[22:01] Cruise Control: White phosphorus
[22:01] Cruise Control: Suck flame bitch!
[22:01] rotothirteen: XD
[22:03] Cruise Control: I've thrown 25 and still haven't hit

Pete for President
01-29-2007, 10:23 AM
I think MGS 1 was best by far. The bosses were awesome, and I liked the no-first-person-aiming-gameplay.

MGS was... well... the worst of the 3 in my opinion. Most of the bosses were ridiculous, and the intro-part with snake was the best part of the game. The katana was cool though.

MGS 3 rocked. Not as good as mgs 1, but still awesome. The End sniper-battle was thrilling. The storyline was a bit primitive though...

Haven't played any of the handheld MGS's yet.

01-29-2007, 10:40 PM
I think MGS 1 was best by far. The bosses were awesome, and I liked the no-first-person-aiming-gameplay.

MGS was... well... the worst of the 3 in my opinion. Most of the bosses were ridiculous, and the intro-part with snake was the best part of the game. The katana was cool though.

MGS 3 rocked. Not as good as mgs 1, but still awesome. The End sniper-battle was thrilling. The storyline was a bit primitive though...

Haven't played any of the handheld MGS's yet.

May I point out that MGS3 features a bee man that shoots bees, In the form of shooting the bee's as projectiles and shooting with guns that appear to be made of bees (With bee ammuntion?).

I think MGS3 takes the "most ridiculous boss" award.

Wolf Kanno
01-29-2007, 10:56 PM
May I point out that MGS3 features a bee man that shoots bees, In the form of shooting the bee's as projectiles and shooting with guns that appear to be made of bees (With bee ammuntion?).

I think MGS3 takes the "most ridiculous boss" award.

Now, now, aside from The Pain and The Fear. Most of the bosses in MGS3 were pretty cool. Besides... a rollerskating mad bomber? A dancing vampire? It's a toss up if anything...

Besides, none of them hold a candle to some of the guys you battle in MG1 and MG2. Running Man? Dirty Duck? The two Terminater robots?

Rocket Edge
01-29-2007, 11:32 PM
Final Fantasy is the best series ever. Syphon Filter was even better than MGS IMO.

01-30-2007, 01:24 AM
[21:53] Cruise Control: :skull::skull::skull::skull:
[21:53] Cruise Control: I WOKE UP A DOG
[21:53] Cruise Control: FORK THAT BITCH
[21:53] Cruise Control: omg
[21:53] Cruise Control: I stabbed it in the head and it died

Gotta love it.

Pete for President
01-30-2007, 10:24 AM
May I point out that MGS3 features a bee man that shoots bees, In the form of shooting the bee's as projectiles and shooting with guns that appear to be made of bees (With bee ammuntion?).

I think MGS3 takes the "most ridiculous boss" award.

Now, now, aside from The Pain and The Fear. Most of the bosses in MGS3 were pretty cool. Besides... a rollerskating mad bomber? A dancing vampire? It's a toss up if anything...

Besides, none of them hold a candle to some of the guys you battle in MG1 and MG2. Running Man? Dirty Duck? The two Terminater robots?

I agree the Pain and the Fear were awful. Fighting the Fear in the dark would've been so much more thrilling... The Pain is hopeless though.

Wolf Kanno
01-31-2007, 07:01 AM
I agree the Pain and the Fear were awful. Fighting the Fear in the dark would've been so much more thrilling... The Pain is hopeless though.

Or you they could have forced you to fight him before you got the Therma goggles and you would have to rely solely on sound... but then I guess it would have taken away from the awsomness of the battle with The End.