View Full Version : Best FF Moment?

01-22-2007, 09:04 PM
I'm talking the whole series. I was thinking we could pick the best moments from every FF game (I-XII).

For Final Fantasy I I'd pick the opening (the prologue thing.) That may be my all-time favorite Final Fantasy moment.

Disco Potato
01-23-2007, 02:00 AM
Hmm...I don't know if these are the *best* moments but I think they're my favorite out of the games I've played:

FF6: The scene where Locke gets the Phoenix esper, the scene with Cyan and his family after the events on the Phantom Train, the scene before the final battle

FF7: the scene where Tifa helps Cloud remember who he really is, the scene where you find out Sephiroth's killed everyone in Shinra hq

FF8: the scene where Squall carries Rinoa over the FH bridge and...telepathically talks to her or something...it was cute :p, basically the whole end

FF10: the ending...favorite one out of all the FFs I've played

FF10-2: um, the ending again...:p Good version

FF12: the beginning :eek:, the scene at the top of Pharos, the ending

01-23-2007, 02:44 AM
IV: Cecil and Kain leaving Baron Castle in the morning.

VI: The opera, duh. Like you have to ask.

Can't think of other moments. Too sleepy.

Ashley Schovitz
01-23-2007, 02:56 AM
Final Fantasy IX's ending and when Zidane went to into the Iifa Tree to go back for Kuja. I thought they were both dead. But I didn't care if Kuja died.

01-23-2007, 03:24 AM
IV - the ending battle when all your friends bring you back to life and full health in time for the final battle.

VI - when you go through the phoenix cave only to see locke at the treasure chest getting the phoneix esper.

VII - in the flash backs when cloud stabs sephiroth runs to the bottom of the whatever he was on and takes off his helmet revealing that soldier was cloud.

VIII - when squall cuts rinoa free and she falls into his arms.

IX - when dagger is falling and out of the smoke zidane jumps down and saves her by holding onto the flag ropes which is what they were doing when they first really met.

X - when they slide down the metal ropes to save yuna from being married.

XII - the ending.

01-23-2007, 04:27 AM
II- Opening movie (Origins)

IV- When Cecil becomes a paladin

VIII- Quistis shooting the hell out of X-ATM092

IX- When Kuja destroys Terra

Dr Aum
01-23-2007, 04:30 AM
The best FF moment is, hands-down, the point in FFVIII's ending when the music hits a climax just as Balamb Garden moves forward to reveal an enormous and beautiful moon . This particular moment has always been extremely moving to me.

01-23-2007, 04:35 AM
X - the camp / romance scene :love:

XII - Ashe decides to destroy the suncryst

Wolf Kanno
01-23-2007, 05:23 AM
FFI- The Bridge Crossing, especially when we get to hear "Final Fantasy Theme" for the first time.

FFII- The opening, where the kids are attacked by the imperial army.

FFIV- Cecil becoming a Paladin.

FFV- The Battle on the Bridge

FFVI- The Opera scene and Celes' attempted suicide

FFVII- Sephiroth's destruction of Nibelheim or Aerith's death (I know it's overrated but it was rather well done.)

FFVIII- Rinao floating in space while Squall tries to rescue her. A few moments of silence go a long way.

FFIX- Bahamut vs. Alexander or The battle with the Black Waltz resulting in Vivi kicking ass.

FFX- The ending, especially when Tidus disappears in Yuna's arms

FFXII- The ending

01-23-2007, 07:44 AM
Hmm, I think you're going to need more than 4-5 scenes per game:p

FFVII - Can't really think of one right now. Maybe later:p.

FFVIII - (I can't believe nobody has mentioned this before me!:eek:) The fight between Galbadia garden and Balamb with the galbadian army, all the SeeDs fighting, basically everything. And the music was great!

FFIX - When everyone is fighting to save Garnet in Alexandria and Beatrix joins your party. Alexander vs. Bahamut:thumb:, also great. Oh! And when entering Memoria and the fight with all the Silver Dragons.

FFX - When the party crashes the wedding:thumb:, or right before you fight Yunalesca with Auron's line and all that.

You know, FF has too many good scenes in it for someone to just pick one that's best:(

01-26-2007, 11:43 PM
Auron's ending

01-28-2007, 07:12 PM
I- Prolougue

II- idk

III- idk

IV- The moment you finall get Kain in your party for good.

V- Galuf's death (I miss Galuf though)

VI- I love the opening and Kefka's 'slef-help booklet' line

VII- Aeris' Death

VIII- idk

IX- Bahumut vs. Alexander

Rocket Edge
01-28-2007, 07:52 PM
Anything from VIII. I'll go with when Squall rescue's Rinoa from the Sorceress Memorial.

01-28-2007, 07:58 PM
Tidus and Yuna in the spring <3 Booow chicka woow.

01-28-2007, 10:50 PM
the best FF moment would have to be when Tidus yells " I HATE YOU!" to his father, ya ou gotta love these family moments.

02-01-2007, 09:16 PM
Aeris death in Final Fantasy 7 the hole scene is brilliant and the fight after with the music is very moving.

Squall and Rinoa in the space ship i really like the song Eyes On Me and i didn’t know it was in the game, i like the bit where Squall says to Rinoa something about not being her mother its a funny scene somebody else will remember.

02-01-2007, 09:49 PM
Final Fantasy X : When Yuna summons Valefor while falling.soo cute :love:
Final Fantasy X2: 1000 Words :cry:
Final Fantasy 12: Ashe's marriege thingy :p

02-01-2007, 10:18 PM
thes 1. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cadnxnUoTOs)

02-02-2007, 05:12 AM
FFI:Final battle against Garland/Chaos.
FFVII:The truth of the incident in Nibelheim, when Cloud killed Sephy.
FFVIII:The battle between Balamb and Galbadia. Just awesome.
FFX:Auron's FMV when you first meet him in Spira, and indeed all scenes with him.
FFX-2: The concerts. The only part of the game that had even halfway decent music. Seriously, Square, what happened to your aural taste? But I liked those bits.
FFTA: When the "hero" destroys the world simply to get home. Oh, and the second plot.

02-04-2007, 01:13 AM
FFIII - The opening scene (DS).
FFVI - The opera, Celes' suicide attempt
FFVII - The opening, Aerith's death, especially what Cloud says to Sephiroth right after

Add more later...

02-18-2007, 03:55 PM
I think that my favourite moment of the moment (I haven't played XII yet) could be the Campfire scene from X.

Very moving and the emotions, the actions and the music are just pressed together perfectly. :D Brilliant all round!

02-18-2007, 04:11 PM
The campfire scene was okay. The scene in FF8 where the characters were talking about the orphanage was better.
I liked the Summoner Sanctum scene A LOT in FFX. Tidus' reaction was priceless! The Ending in FFX and the scene after you met Yunalesca was pretty good. The FF8 ending was probably one of the better scenes in FF. I think the best moment in the FF series was the opening in the first game where the Crystal Theme was playing. That's what started it all.

02-19-2007, 08:10 AM
I'd say:

FF IX .. when Princess Garnet cuts her hair and spread it to Alexandria


FF X .. when al behd has been attacked when Tidus figure out than Yuna Gonna Die in the end he was keep telling her " let's do this let's do that" ..


FF X-2 .. Yuna dream of Tidus and both shot.


FF XII .. Rex befor dying saying " Vaaaaan..."

02-19-2007, 04:25 PM
Awwww! You spoiled FF12 for me!

02-19-2007, 07:28 PM
Awwww! You spoiled FF12 for me!

don't worry
if U play FF XII U'll notice that it ain't a Spoiler ;)

02-20-2007, 03:32 AM
IV - Cecil and Golbezs' fairwells to one another.
VI - The Opera, Kefka's whole tirade on the Floating Continent,Locke's final talk with Rachel.
IX - The ending sequence
X - Again, the ending

MikeL Valentine
02-20-2007, 04:52 PM
FF7: When Sephiroth kills Aeris, when you fight alongside Sephiroth, in Shinra where Tzenova has killed everyone and when Sephiroth gets inside the fire in that small town :cool:

FF8: The fight in the begining between Squall and Seifer and the war between two schools (I think).

FF9: When Vivi beats the crap out of that black mage that was hunting you with an airship, when Atomos destroys a small part on that big city (don't remember names), when Zidane saves Garnet from the fallen balcony, when Bahamut fights with Alexander and finnally when Odin comes out of the skies and destroys that huge tree (my favourite part in all FFs). :eek: :cool:

FF10: At the begining when that huge tsunami comes and Aouron is walking towards the stadium :eek:

I don't remember much from the previous FFs 1-6 because it's been a veeeery long time since I played them :D

02-20-2007, 05:15 PM
Right in abit more detail:

FF4 - When Cecil realises that the Bomb Ring was brought by the king to destroy Mist Villiage. His reaction was so real.
FF5 - Probablly the beginning.
FF6 - When you first discover Ramuh.
FF7 - When the section with Tifa's bar of the City gets destroyed.
FF8 - The school war.
FF9 - The game from Cleyra onwards. Just effing briliant!
FF10 - The campfire scene.

02-23-2007, 03:54 PM
FFI - Crossing the bridge (with Final Fantasy theme playing), getting the Airship, the final battle
FFII - Entering the Cyclone and defeating the Emperor for the first time.
FFIII - Princess Sara joining the party :D, Elia's death, the ending.
FFIV - Cecil becoming a Paladin, everyone reuniting to fight the Giant of Babel, the scene before the final battle.
FFV - Exdeath's seal is broken, Galuf's death, the scene at the top of the Phoenix Tower.
FFVI - Defending the frozen Esper in Narshe, the Opera
FFVII - Me realizing that Kefka isn't in this game, which makes FFVII automatically better than FFVI for me :p, Sector 7 Plate falling, Aeris' death scene (I didn't want her to die, but it was still a powerful scene), Tifa and Cloud in the Lifestream, the final dungeon and the final battle.
FFVIII - The opening, Squall's speech to everyone before ramming Balamb Garden into Galbadia Garden, the ending.
FFIX - Alexander vs. Bahamut, Zidane saving Dagger at the top of Alexandria, Dagger cutting her hair, Dagger and others helping Zidane in Pandemonium, the ending.
FFX - The dialogue before the lake scene, fighting Sin before going inside it, the ending FMV.
FFX-2 - The bittersweet battle against Bahamut, the Thousand Words scene and its aftermath, the scenes around the final battle.

02-24-2007, 09:31 PM
VI: Kefka's "self-help booklet" line, priceless

VII: Climbing the stairs of Shinra tower, with Barrett's constant moaning, coming to Aeris' home village after her death, and seeing flashbacks of her parents - a very eerie moment

VIII: The opening FMV, the whole ending (especially the moment when the FMV fades to the credits and the traditional FF theme begins - also the camcorder part of the ending as the credits roll) - I'm a big FFVIII fan basically :D

IX: The destruction of all the main cities: Cleyra, Lindblum, Alexandria - anything to do with Quina, and the ending againVivi's letter is very sad

X: Discovering the rotten truth behind Yevon, and the lies behind the Final Summoning

02-24-2007, 09:48 PM
The best moment would have to be...
FFVI: Kefka: I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate you!


02-26-2007, 01:08 AM
FF7 - The scenes where Tifa was helping Cloud to regain his subconsciouses

FF8 - Squall and Rinoa hugging each other :P

FF9 - Hmmm... mostly all scenes with Vivi in em.

FF10 - Yuna and Tidus kissing inside the water, so cute!