View Full Version : Just Started Help

01-24-2007, 01:58 AM
I just started FFVIII having only tried playing it when i was a little younger. I started playing and i already have some questions that i couldn't find the answer to anywhere else. So i came here to all you knowlegdable, lovable people. I was trying to play the card game and i understood the jist of it. I get that the higher number will win against the lower one. I don't understand how the plus aspect of it works. The opponent has cards that are in an L shape. Now say that i put a card that has a 3 and a 4 that touches the opponent's card's 2 and 1 respectivily. They way i understood it is that beause they both add up to five that i would get both those cards, but i didn't when i played. How is it really supposed to work. I was also wondering how to get new limit breaks. Do charecters get more as they level up or do they learn them by using them alot, or is there a different way. The last question I had was in the junction menu (under the charecter's picture) it saids something like S/T-D/U and E/L-D/U. Im not sure if that exactly what it said but it was something like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. No spoilers please.

01-24-2007, 03:05 AM
Is the plus rule actually in effect for the game? If so, it should work like you described it, so long as both the other cards are in the opponent's possession.

You can get limits like this:
Squall- upgrade his weapon
Rinoa- progress in story line and read Pet Pal Magazines, then walk Angelo (this is explained in the game)
Quistis- Use certain items
Zell- Read Combat something magazines
Selphie- They're just kinda all there xD you can open the lid to give you more time to toggle them
Irvine- Buy different ammo:D

01-24-2007, 04:03 AM
Uhh i see so the plus rule is only sometimes, i get it thanks. Also for Quistis are the items specified somewhere in the game or is it like a guess kind of thing?

01-24-2007, 04:04 AM
Is the plus rule actually in effect for the game? If so, it should work like you described it, so long as both the other cards are in the opponent's possession.

You can get limits like this:

Selphie- They're just kinda all there xD you can open the lid to give you more time to toggle them

Note: I think that only works on the original Playstation, not PS2. Also, do her better limits show up once you get her upgraded weapons? (Such as The End, Rapture, and such...) I never used Selphie much. My team was always Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine.

01-24-2007, 04:12 AM
Combat King for Zells limit

boys from the dwarf
01-24-2007, 07:20 AM
to use some better ammo, irvine needs to upgrade his gun.

its best just to play through the game and find most things out for yourself.

01-24-2007, 07:28 AM
yeah, it's more exciting that way.

01-24-2007, 03:10 PM
And finally:

When you get an item that will teach Quistis a new Blue Magic, it will say so in the item's description, along with what she'll learn. Degenrator is very useful. All you have to do is grab them in the main menu and use them.

Plus will only work if specified as a rule at the beginning of a card game.

01-24-2007, 05:16 PM
And any items that can be conferted to spells and other items will also be stated.

Kenji Longaway
01-24-2007, 08:29 PM
The best thing to do is not to play cards in certain areas for a while. Because the rules change, and become much more difficult to master. Master one towns rules, then move on to another. Mostly all of the players can be challenged at any given time with a few exceptions.

Make sure you save before playing. Sometime near the end of the game when you try to get the phoenix card...you might just have to get lucky. Thats how I did it. Pure luck. The rules are that complicated. Anyone who says they have mastered them and can beat any player at any given time is a liar. Because card games can go either way sometimes.

Also, wait to refine your most powerful cards at the end of the game, once you have obtained every other card. Because if you don't have a strong deck, you won't be obtaining new cards.

01-24-2007, 09:52 PM
Is the plus rule actually in effect for the game? If so, it should work like you described it, so long as both the other cards are in the opponent's possession.

You can get limits like this:

Selphie- They're just kinda all there xD you can open the lid to give you more time to toggle them

Note: I think that only works on the original Playstation, not PS2. Also, do her better limits show up once you get her upgraded weapons? (Such as The End, Rapture, and such...) I never used Selphie much. My team was always Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine.
It works in the PS2. The animations go kinda dumb and repeat over and over, but it works itself out after the disk tray goes back in xD

I'd say that I can beat most card enemies with all the rules maybe 50% of the time, depending on what you classify as win and whether the direct trade rule is in effect and I don't want to reset to keep my character cards :D

01-25-2007, 04:23 AM
Ya i totally agree with you that playing the game and finding things out on your own is the way to go thats why i didnt want to much info or any story spoilers. I just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something early on thats gonna hurt me the rest of the way through the game.

I just got back from the fire cavern and started playin some cards, I was pretty pumped when i beat a guy that had both the Quistis card and the Biggs,Wedge card. With those two and ifirit, iron giant, Ruby Dragon i started being able to beat anyone in the garden.

01-25-2007, 11:04 PM
I don't bother playing with all of those rules. I always abolish all of them and spread Open everywhere. It is so much easier that way. I leave Same in some places.

Junctioning is awesome. One slide left of the main Junction screen is the Elemental Attack/Defense, and to the left of that is the Status Attack/Defense. Junctioning magic to your Elemental Attack infuses the element to your weapon when you attack. If you're in an area where enemies are weak to a certain element, then junction that element to your character's attack to deal more damage. If you're in the Fire Cavern, then junctioning 100 Blizzards will increase your character's damage, since enemies there are weak to ice. I usually don't junction anything here unless I am in an elemental area. Depending on what and how much magic is junctioned to your Elemental Defense, you will either take less damage or absorb certain elements. Like, if you junction 100 Firaga to your Defense you will absorb fire elemental attacks. Some magic will absorb several elements, such as 100 Ultimas.

To the left of the Elemental Attack/Defense is the Status Attack/Defense. Your Status Defense determines how likely your character will be afflicted with a certain status ailment. For example, if you junction 100 Sleep to your Status Defense, your character will be immune to the Sleep status. Status Attack works the opposite. That determines the chance of afflicting a certain status when your character attacks physically. So, junctioning 100 Death to your Status Attack will ensure that every enemy that is not immune to instant Death will die instantly.

You can only Junction magic to these areas when you have a GF junctioned that knows these abilities.

btw, there's also a tutorial that explains all of this.