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Ki Ki
01-24-2007, 03:47 PM
So what other langauges can you speak? :bounce:
Speak them well?
Why'd you learn them anyways?
Any other langauges you'd like to learn? Why?

I learneded French 2 pik up da hotties. :aimsun:

JOO GU LAE!!!!???
WO AI NI!! Donde esta la bibliotheque pedro? JE VEUX UN POISSON! :D

01-24-2007, 03:47 PM
I can speak basic Spanish.

01-24-2007, 03:52 PM
I can speak fluent Latin, German, French, Spanish and Dutch. I know Sign Language. I can read Gaulish, Italian, and Portugese. I am learning Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Romanian, and Greek. I know a little be of the Afrikaan language.

Oh and English. I can speak that kinda.

01-24-2007, 03:53 PM
english is a foreign language for me :p
I can speak german, english, spanish, french, portuguese... :p that's all

EDIT: Abnd like four words in arabic, Owie taught me :D

Old Manus
01-24-2007, 03:54 PM
A bit of french, and of course, min svävare är full av ålar.

Welsh is easy, you just point and say the english word in a very welshy voice

01-24-2007, 03:56 PM
I know a little French from French 1, and veeeeeery little Japanese (As in, the kind that you pick up from watching shows in Japanese).

I also know English o:

01-24-2007, 03:57 PM
I know very basic Japenese. But, I'm still learning more.

01-24-2007, 03:59 PM
English is my other language. I think I'm doing pretty well at it. Norwegian is my native language, and I know enough German to make myself understood.

I'd jump on the bandwagon and say "I know a bit Japanese too", but I don't really think random words picked up from Japanese shows is enough.

Owen Macwere
01-24-2007, 04:00 PM
I speak English, Arabic and Kurdish (I bet no one heard of this), I know some little Japanies, and like 7 words of portuguese (Ice Angel is teaching me :cool:).
I taught myself english at home by reading and translating. I learned english basics here, in EOFF. lol
I'd like to learn, Korian, more Japanies, Germany and French.

01-24-2007, 04:00 PM
Ako'y marunong ng wika ng Pilipinas!(I know the language of the Philippines)
Damn, I'm not sure if I spelled "marunong" right or not :mad2:

01-24-2007, 04:01 PM
Finnish is my first language. English and Swedish are my other languages. Then I speak a little bit of German. I used to be kinda fluent on it, but I've forgotten the most of it because I haven't got to use it.

Speak them well?
Why'd you learn them anyways?
Any other langauges you'd like to learn? Why?

Yeah I speak the first three I mentioned pretty well. I learned them at school. In Finland you start learning Swedish and English on 3rd grade.

As for the languages I'd like to learn... probably Spanish.

Twilight Edge
01-24-2007, 04:01 PM
Watashiwa Twilight Edge des, dozo yoroshiku. Saya datang daripada negara yang namanya Malaysia. Wo jing nian 15 sui. I like tentacle hentai. Lei hou cun.

Guess how many.

Ki Ki
01-24-2007, 04:08 PM
I speak English, Arabic and Kurdish (I bet no one heard of this), I know some little Japanies, and like 7 words of portuguese (Ice Angel is teaching me :cool:).
I taught myself english at home by reading and translating. I learned english basics here, in EOFF. lol
I'd like to learn, Korian, more Japanies, Germany and French.
Your english is really good! And you taught yourself too! *impressed*

I have never ever heard of Kurdish! o___o

01-24-2007, 04:10 PM
I speak English, Arabic and Kurdish (I bet no one heard of this), I know some little Japanies, and like 7 words of portuguese (Ice Angel is teaching me :cool:).
I taught myself english at home by reading and translating. I learned english basics here, in EOFF. lol
I'd like to learn, Korian, more Japanies, Germany and French.

Heard of Kurdish, but I've never heard anyone speak it.

01-24-2007, 04:12 PM
I learned english basics here, in EOFF

That's impressive. :)

While I didn't learn English basics here in EoFF, my English sure imporved a lot here. When I joined EoFF in year 2000, my English was pretty average. Upon joining EoFF though, my English grades skyrocketed gradually as I used to post here a lot ( and read too). Then I started reading all my books in English and I think I'm pretty fluent now. I don't think my English would be even nearly as good as it is now without Internet ( and EoFF). :)

Owen Macwere
01-24-2007, 04:14 PM
Well, kurish is a language spoken in the north of Iraq, south Turky (wrong spelling I believe), east of Iran and west of syria.
It isn't a really hard language to learn. So close to Arabic.

And, Ki ki and Mikztsu, thank you. :D English is my fav. language.

The Summoner of Leviathan
01-24-2007, 04:16 PM
English is my mother tongue, French is my second language. I was put into the French Immersion program by my parents. I had the choice in grade 11 to drop out (at this point you only need four more credits to finish it, so it is kinda pointless to drop out then). It is nice to have since where I grew up is about half and half. Plus my maternal grandmother's family can all speak French. Some of them only can speak French. It also helps that I know French since I am currently living in a province whose main language is French, though where I live use French only at the grocery store and when asked for directions. Oh, I swear in French almost as much as I do in English.

As for my French, it is not the best but it is not the worst. For the most part, it is not bad. It started to decay while I was in High School, since basically you get reduce from almost all your courses in French to one course per semester in French. That and the teachers tended not to overly force us the speak French (as in when we work in groups and such), though sometimes they did, we still spoke English anyways, or at least when the teacher was around. I was told over the break that my French is improving. I have no problems with comprehension though, with the exception of unfamiliar words. My French is only horrible when you really catch me off guard. As in over the Christmas break I was called from the living room to use the phone (which they already had ringing) to ask about a piece of property that they saw for sale. -__-; My French was horrible at that moment.

EDIT: I used to watch Card Captors in French because we did not get the English channel that had it. :/

01-24-2007, 04:19 PM
I speak very basic French and Spanish. ^_^

Ki Ki
01-24-2007, 04:33 PM
While I didn't learn English basics here in EoFF, my English sure imporved a lot here. When I joined EoFF in year 2000, my English was pretty average. Upon joining EoFF though, my English grades skyrocketed gradually as I used to post here a lot ( and read too). Then I started reading all my books in English and I think I'm pretty fluent now. I don't think my English would be even nearly as good as it is now without Internet ( and EoFF). :)

I think your English is probably better than mine! ;_;
And considering it's not your first langauge it's like "WOW".

EoFF has helped me get out of the habit of typing in TEXT MESSAGE STYLE! Im glad I dun do dat nemore LOLz! ^____~

01-24-2007, 04:34 PM
From basically ebing forced to take it thorugh most of my pre-grade 10 life, I know conversational French, or did, not using is causing me to lose it, Also, English, and I am in a Japanese, Chinese(Mandarin) and German class, after those I will branch into Spanish, Arabic, and whatever else my university offers, also, I plan to eventually teach myself Latin.

01-24-2007, 04:39 PM
French for Bert. Also my father and I speak our own language. We made it up one night while taking bong hits and playing risk.

While I didn't learn English basics here in EoFF, my English sure imporved a lot here. When I joined EoFF in year 2000, my English was pretty average. Upon joining EoFF though, my English grades skyrocketed gradually as I used to post here a lot ( and read too). Then I started reading all my books in English and I think I'm pretty fluent now. I don't think my English would be even nearly as good as it is now without Internet ( and EoFF). :)

I think your English is probably better than mine! ;_;
And considering it's not your first langauge it's like "WOW".

EoFF has helped me get out of the habit of typing in TEXT MESSAGE STYLE! Im glad I dun do dat nemore LOLz! ^____~

srsly. me2

01-24-2007, 04:45 PM
I studied French for ten years.

01-24-2007, 04:49 PM
And yeah I can ahrdly speak a word of french now since it;s beena bout 4 years since I took a class or really tried. However I can read it fairly.

01-24-2007, 04:58 PM
I learned French for 3 years, but I didnt choose to. (Je deteste le francias, c'est enneyeux)
I know a tiny amount of Spanish from my holidays there.
and Im teaching myself Finnish, I only know the basics.

I know that Kiki said something about a fish. I don't remember much.

01-24-2007, 05:58 PM
J'ai une poussion, il s'apelle Bernard et est rouge et noir

I like and can speak random french. It makes for much amusement when i go their


01-24-2007, 08:34 PM
english and cantonese, dont ask me to read or write chinese though :(

01-24-2007, 08:36 PM
I tried to learn spanish but I wasted six years on that. And currently I am failing at learning latin.

01-24-2007, 08:49 PM
I'm planning on learning French soon because I plan to move to France for a year at the end of 2008 with my boyfriend. :jess:

01-24-2007, 08:50 PM
I speak Danish, English and almost German fluently. I also took Spanish for two years and Latin for just one.

Other than that I understand and can also read Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch, but don't really speak any of them, although I easily can make myself understood in both Swedish and Norwegian. I also know some basic French.

I've always thought that learning some Russian would be pretty cool.

01-24-2007, 08:59 PM
I'm good at Gibberish. :)

Ki Ki
01-24-2007, 09:10 PM
J'ai une poussion, il s'apelle Bernard et est rouge et noir

*mangeBernard* :3

01-24-2007, 09:16 PM
imma pretty fluent in le francais.....ma name is even hyphenated... :D...thats due to ma parents contemplating moving to france when i was a weeee laaaddd....and they did....and i lived there for a while...

01-24-2007, 09:19 PM
I speak English as my first language, have learned French since the age of 10 and German since the age of 13. I haven't been practicing them a lot lately but I usually pick them back up once in a while.

Currently I am attempting to learn Japanese through the Pimsleur method. It's easier than it sounds, it's just very different. So far I haven't seen much to render my knowledge of other languages completely useless.

01-24-2007, 09:21 PM
btw....youve never heard of turkish kurds:D?....you foos....

01-24-2007, 10:10 PM
Je parle un peu de français, y hablo poco de español, parce que je suis un "over-achiever".

01-24-2007, 10:17 PM
I can read German well enough, although my vocabulary is limited. Carrying a conversation in German, however, is an entirely different manner. I can't follow fluent speakers, as they speak too quickly. I learned this when I visited Germany two years ago.

Next year I'm moving to Miami for college, so I'll be following the logical course of action and take some Spanish classes. Of course, I'll be speaking a bastardized version of the Spanish language if I ever want to converse with any of the Cubans there, but I'll pick up on the differences.

Rocket Edge
01-24-2007, 10:23 PM
English, Irish(Gaelic), & Papiamento.

01-24-2007, 10:38 PM
oh ya..
i can speak irish too...hahaha...

Dr Aum
01-24-2007, 10:47 PM
I'm proficient at Latin, Japanese, and English. I also dabble in Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Etruscan and other early Indo-European languages, Ancient Greek, French, Proto-Germanic especially where morpheme analysis is concerned, Esperanto, Newspeak, and the language in A Clockwork Orange.

01-25-2007, 01:42 AM
I can speak English (Americanized with slang, and the proper kind, you know, the way I type kind-of-way.)

I also know basic Spanish. Also, I can understand a few languages with English cognates in them, but I can't speak them.

01-25-2007, 01:51 AM
English is my native language, so I can obviously speak that :p I've learned how to speak pretty good German, and right now I'm trying to learn Spanish.

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
01-25-2007, 02:42 AM
I'm fluent in Spanish and English. Spanish was my first language, then I learned English. :bigsmile:

01-25-2007, 03:23 AM
I basically can only Speak English.
I knew some French when I took it in school, but I mostly forgot it. I know a bit of Italian, but I can't read speak or write it. I can only understand it, because I grew up with my family on my Dad's side being off the boat Italian immigrants. :p

I'd love to learn the following languages in this order: Italian, Norwegian, Japanese.

Italian because I sing Italian opera and because I'm Italian and it would be nice to learn my MOTHERTONGUE!1

Norwegian because I love Norway. So much.

Japan for basically the same reason, though mostly because I'd like to understand more Japanese shows like HARD GAY RAZOR RAMON!

01-25-2007, 05:48 AM
between family/relatives...Teochew
friends/other people...English

01-25-2007, 06:21 AM
J'ai habite en France pour deux ans, quand j'avais dix ans. Je suis alle a l'ecole publique, et j'ai apprenu la langue francaise. Mais il y en a douze ans dupuis, et j'ai oublie un petit peu.

01-25-2007, 09:43 AM
Al bhed? :(

01-25-2007, 03:02 PM
The only language I speak fluently is English, but I can carry on basic conversation in and understand a lot of Cantonese. My Mandarin is much much worse by comparison but I do occasionally pick up the gist of what someone might be saying. I can also quite confidently tell people "I don't understand" and "I don't speak Mandarin" in Mandarin (wo bu dong / wo bu jang guo yu). I can say some other stuff too, mostly work-related things because most of the people who speak Mandarin around me happen to be my workmates.

I spent 4 years of high school learning German. I don't remember too much. But the other day I realised I could still count. I am also especially fond of the word for "sports team" (Mannschaft)

Also in high school, I did 2 years of Latin and half a year of French and Ancient Greek.

And this year I start Japanese.

01-25-2007, 03:04 PM

There are more people than I thought that speak portuguese o_O:cool: which gives me lots of hope :D

Owen Macwere
01-25-2007, 03:14 PM

There are more people than I thought that speak portuguese o_O:cool: which gives me lots of hope :D

You guys are going to take over EOFF, we have to clean you out. :mad2:

Twilight Edge
01-25-2007, 04:03 PM
I speak English, Arabic and Kurdish (I bet no one heard of this), I know some little Japanies, and like 7 words of portuguese (Ice Angel is teaching me :cool:).
I taught myself english at home by reading and translating. I learned english basics here, in EOFF. lol
I'd like to learn, Korian, more Japanies, Germany and French.

Where the hell do you live mon? Your English is like those of an average American mon! :eek:

I am actually Chinese mon, but somehow, my parents got me English-educated by conversing in English with my relatives and Cantonese on the mother's side since none of them speaks fluent English mon. My parents say I cry when they get me to learn Chinese when I was small mon. I can't believe I'd choose English over my mother tongue mon. Well, until now, I still do mon. I only started to really learn Chinese when I enter Primary school(or elementary). And I can't believe my dad sent me to a Chinese school so that I can learn to be selfish, but on the other hand, I was more kind to help people than I was as a kid mon. But, had I went to another school, I might never learn how to speak Chinese mon.

Being I-think-slightly-better than my friends in English(due to good education background), I gladly offer help to them whenever they need it mon. But I am actually in doubt whether they are thinking me as more of the true teacher than the one teaching us mon. I have once asked some of my friends "Teacher and me, who would you choose to teach you?" and they actually said they'd choose me over the teacher anytime mon. I was like "WTF? YOU THINK ME IS DEMIGOD OF ENGLISH?" but then they said that I am not the kind of person who would suddenly go berserk and just simply explain stuff to the students mon. They say I give them an in-depth explaination whenever they ask for my help mon. And now, when they have problems in English, they'd choose me as the primary source of answers, explanations, word recommendations for essays and homework copying mon.

Why am I posting my retarded being-elite-in-English-gives-you-15-minutes-of-fame-or-more-and-also-in-Japanese-tutorial-classes life mon? Guess I was bored. Mon.

Owen Macwere
01-25-2007, 04:20 PM
I speak English, Arabic and Kurdish (I bet no one heard of this), I know some little Japanies, and like 7 words of portuguese (Ice Angel is teaching me :cool:).
I taught myself english at home by reading and translating. I learned english basics here, in EOFF. lol
I'd like to learn, Korian, more Japanies, Germany and French.

Where the hell do you live mon? Your English is like those of an average American mon! :eek:

I am actually Chinese mon, but somehow, my parents got me English-educated by conversing in English with my relatives and Cantonese on the mother's side since none of them speaks fluent English mon. My parents say I cry when they get me to learn Chinese when I was small mon. I can't believe I'd choose English over my mother tongue mon. Well, until now, I still do mon. I only started to really learn Chinese when I enter Primary school(or elementary). And I can't believe my dad sent me to a Chinese school so that I can learn to be selfish, but on the other hand, I was more kind to help people than I was as a kid mon. But, had I went to another school, I might never learn how to speak Chinese mon.

Being I-think-slightly-better than my friends in English(due to good education background), I gladly offer help to them whenever they need it mon. But I am actually in doubt whether they are thinking me as more of the true teacher than the one teaching us mon. I have once asked some of my friends "Teacher and me, who would you choose to teach you?" and they actually said they'd choose me over the teacher anytime mon. I was like "WTF? YOU THINK ME IS DEMIGOD OF ENGLISH?" but then they said that I am not the kind of person who would suddenly go berserk and just simply explain stuff to the students mon. They say I give them an in-depth explaination whenever they ask for my help mon. And now, when they have problems in English, they'd choose me as the primary source of answers, explanations, word recommendations for essays and homework copying mon.

Why am I posting my retarded being-elite-in-English-gives-you-15-minutes-of-fame-or-more-and-also-in-Japanese-tutorial-classes life mon? Guess I was bored. Mon.

Do you have 'mon' sickness?. :Oo: I got dizzy.
Well, since I know Arabic it means I am Arabic otherwise I wont bother to learn that hard-to-speak-and-look-at language, mon.

01-25-2007, 04:23 PM
I speak English, Arabic and Kurdish (I bet no one heard of this), I know some little Japanies, and like 7 words of portuguese (Ice Angel is teaching me :cool:).
I taught myself english at home by reading and translating. I learned english basics here, in EOFF. lol
I'd like to learn, Korian, more Japanies, Germany and French.

Where the hell do you live mon? Your English is like those of an average American mon! :eek:

I am actually Chinese mon, but somehow, my parents got me English-educated by conversing in English with my relatives and Cantonese on the mother's side since none of them speaks fluent English mon. My parents say I cry when they get me to learn Chinese when I was small mon. I can't believe I'd choose English over my mother tongue mon. Well, until now, I still do mon. I only started to really learn Chinese when I enter Primary school(or elementary). And I can't believe my dad sent me to a Chinese school so that I can learn to be selfish, but on the other hand, I was more kind to help people than I was as a kid mon. But, had I went to another school, I might never learn how to speak Chinese mon.

Being I-think-slightly-better than my friends in English(due to good education background), I gladly offer help to them whenever they need it mon. But I am actually in doubt whether they are thinking me as more of the true teacher than the one teaching us mon. I have once asked some of my friends "Teacher and me, who would you choose to teach you?" and they actually said they'd choose me over the teacher anytime mon. I was like "WTF? YOU THINK ME IS DEMIGOD OF ENGLISH?" but then they said that I am not the kind of person who would suddenly go berserk and just simply explain stuff to the students mon. They say I give them an in-depth explaination whenever they ask for my help mon. And now, when they have problems in English, they'd choose me as the primary source of answers, explanations, word recommendations for essays and homework copying mon.

Why am I posting my retarded being-elite-in-English-gives-you-15-minutes-of-fame-or-more-and-also-in-Japanese-tutorial-classes life mon? Guess I was bored. Mon.

You should probably know that saying "mon" with such consistancy that you end every sentence with it, and in one case make it its own sentence, makes you look more ignorant than funny. I'm not sure what exactly your goal with it is, but you probably shouldn't do it as much. Everything should be done in moderation.

01-25-2007, 04:29 PM
I speak perfect English, have been studying German for three years in school, have been studying French for three months (but I'm going to drop it at the end of the year, and promptly forget it) and very, very, very little Japanese. The kind you pick up from fansubs and your older sister who has been studying Japanese for 4 years.

I also know one sentence in Polish, but I can't spell it.

01-25-2007, 04:49 PM
So what other langauges can you speak? :bounce:
Speak them well?
Why'd you learn them anyways?
Any other langauges you'd like to learn? Why?

I learneded French 2 pik up da hotties. :aimsun:

JOO GU LAE!!!!???
WO AI NI!! Donde esta la bibliotheque pedro? JE VEUX UN POISSON! :D

Kiki what did you say about pork buns?

Je suis les gateaux!

01-25-2007, 05:53 PM
English is my native language. I can speak some Japanese due to 4 years of classes (I'm YTDN's big sis), but even less French despite 5 years of classes. I also know a tiny bit of Polish, due to my mum's family being Polish.

01-25-2007, 06:20 PM
I basically can only Speak English.
I knew some French when I took it in school, but I mostly forgot it. I know a bit of Italian, but I can't read speak or write it. I can only understand it, because I grew up with my family on my Dad's side being off the boat Italian immigrants. :p

I'd love to learn the following languages in this order: Italian, Norwegian, Japanese.

Italian because I sing Italian opera and because I'm Italian and it would be nice to learn my MOTHERTONGUE!1

Norwegian because I love Norway. So much.

Japan for basically the same reason, though mostly because I'd like to understand more Japanese shows like HARD GAY RAZOR RAMON!

Norway loves you too, Rye <3.

Spawn of Sephiroth
01-25-2007, 06:23 PM
Well, I can read alot of Latin from taking the class, but I can speak Spanish pretty good. Only in my second year of learning it, but I am pretty good.

Ki Ki
01-25-2007, 08:35 PM
Kiki what did you say about pork buns?

Je suis les gateaux!
Wo ai char siu pao! Ni neh? Er or sumting lik dat!


01-25-2007, 09:59 PM
English I know how speak good. I speak Spanish as well, but my pronunciation of some words could be better. I'd like to learn Portuguese and Japanese as I plan on going to Brazil and Japan in the future.

01-25-2007, 10:02 PM
I speak English.

Ya gaveeroo Parooskee tojjee. (Russian)

Ich spreche Deutsch aber es ist schlecht.

A little Swiss.

moogle maniac
01-25-2007, 10:15 PM
well i am learning spanish and i can speak to my friend quite fluently in it now!yesterday me and my friend walked around town speaking entirely in spanish.and we got a few strange looks lol

i also know lots of random words and phrases in korean...because i heart Korea!!...langages i would like to learn would be Korean

01-26-2007, 07:31 AM
I speak Tagalog, English, and Japanese fluently.
I speak 4 Filipino dialects though because I need to, my family's weird this way: my Mom's a Waray and my Dad's a Boholano, I was raised and bred as Davaoeno and I speak Illongo for the heck of it.

01-26-2007, 11:54 AM
I'm currently trying to teach myself french, It's a long process, I keep forgetting some of the words.

01-26-2007, 04:49 PM

There are more people than I thought that speak portuguese o_O:cool: which gives me lots of hope :D

Brazilian here. Portuguese is my birth tongue.

I've been in US for the last 20 years though. My English is fluent.

I also speak Spanish and can read Italian and French. I was even able to order food in Italy :love:

My next quest is to learn to read Japanese to read my Ultimania guides :D

Odaisé Gaelach
01-26-2007, 05:23 PM
English, Irish (Cá bhfuil mo straipach?) and a little French (Mon Dieu!).

01-26-2007, 05:25 PM
French and Italian. I know a lot of French, I'm almost fluent, and I just started to learn Italian. We're going at a very fast rate so I'll probably know just as much as Italian as I do French.

Heero Yuy NWZC
01-26-2007, 05:34 PM
I speak fluent English (duh xp), and I'm learning Spanish at the moment. I think I'm pretty good at it.

I would love to learn Japanese as Spanish and Japanese I want to be fluent in. And basically I just want to learn as many languages as possible.

01-28-2007, 08:49 AM
CHAR SIU PAO! is soooooooo yummy. :-)

Uhm, well, English ain't my first language but I still reserve the right to mangle it by using excessive apostrophes whene'er I wanna, so there! I can speak two Indian languages (one very badlyyyy), I know some French -- I used to learn -- some basic Malay and lots of bad words in Mandarin and Cantonese.

01-28-2007, 09:05 AM
I learned English when I was 2. :cool:

01-28-2007, 12:35 PM
I can speak french cause I've been learning it at school since like year 5 and obviously I can speak English. :bigsmile:

Gnostic Yevon
01-29-2007, 01:47 PM
I knoe English as my first language, spanish fairly well (I read it better than I write it). I know a few random phrases in Bosnian, I wanna learn either Hebrew or Arabic as well as Japanese, Chinese or Korean. Basicly I wanna learn non-European languages.

I can sorta read esperanto, which seems pretty useful.

The only thing about non-European languages is the writing system. How the smurf do you teach kids to read Arabic without vowels? let alone Kanji/Hanzi -- it's beautiful, yes, but until you memorize enough symbols you can't really read anything.

01-29-2007, 02:20 PM
Arabic is my first language, and my English teacher says that my english is very good(he is American)

btw....youve never heard of turkish kurds:D?....you foos....

actually Sniper Wolf is an Iraqi kurd

01-29-2007, 02:23 PM
I knoe English as my first language, .

I couldn't help it sorry.

Owen Macwere
01-29-2007, 02:27 PM
Arabic is my first language, and my English teacher says that my english is very good(he is American)

btw....youve never heard of turkish kurds:D?....you foos....

actually Sniper Wolf is an Iraqi kurd

It seems there are alot of Arabic people here and I didn't know. Why are you hiding, guys?. :D

01-29-2007, 02:33 PM
Arabic is my first language, and my English teacher says that my english is very good(he is American)

btw....youve never heard of turkish kurds:D?....you foos....

actually Sniper Wolf is an Iraqi kurd

It seems there are alot of Arabic people here and I didn't know. Why are you hiding, guys?. :D

I think that you and me are the only ones

BTW where are you from?