View Full Version : I'd like to thank Garland, for being my first boss...

Dr. Acula
01-30-2007, 10:37 AM
Being a fan of character development and backstories, bosses that have motives and lots of characters to choose from, you wouldn't think I'd like this game much, would you? To tell you the truth, I didn't think I'd like it much, either.
But nay, finishing the game only but a few minutes ago, I've come to a conclusion about Final Fantasy the First.
I love it.
It's the game that started it all, and without it my beloved Final Fantasy 7 wouldn't be here today. I'd say it's my third favourite Final Fantasy out of the few I've played, behind FF7 and FF6.
In my book, this game gets a well-deserved 9/10. The graphics are good, (I have the GBA version) and, most importantly, the game was extremely fun to play. The only thing that really let it down was Lifespring Grotto, an optional dungeon. 20 freakin' floors! 20!! And, at the end of it all, an impossible boss, Shinryu.
So, what rating do you give this marvellous game?

PS: Sorry bout the long post. I had a lot to say.

01-30-2007, 11:47 AM
Well DoS is extremely easy compared to the original version. And that boss was from FFV where he basically was impossible in that game. And there is more than one boss at the end of that dungeon. Not only that but the boss wasn't hard, and the optional dungeon for after killing Tiamat is even longer... not sure you were complaining about the dungeon being too long or not.

I enjoyed FFI, especially back when I was little and played with my family.


Dr Unne
01-31-2007, 05:33 AM
You're right that without FF1, none of the other games would exist. Part of the reason the later games are good is that they draw from FF1. (Masamune, Bahamut, wooden boat airships etc.)

But FF1 stands on its own as a great game even ignoring all the other games it spawned. If it wasn't so great in its time it probably wouldn't have inspired so many sequels.

Dr. Acula
01-31-2007, 09:30 AM
not sure you were complaining about the dungeon being too long or not.


Let's just say that by the thirteenth floor I was pretty much begging the game to let me out of there.

01-31-2007, 02:24 PM
FF I is indeed an enjoyable game. Even though I only played the DoS version, I had fun with it :)

02-01-2007, 01:05 AM
I give this game a 9/10 as well. I didn't expect it to have much of a story but it really sets the rest of the games after that.

Thank you Final Fantasy I!

02-01-2007, 11:33 PM
I'd rate it 7/10.

It is, indeed, very entertaining every now and then, but compared to most other titles, it's pretty pale.

GRAPHICS: 7/10 - (good for the NES, but pretty bleak at times)
SOUNDS: 7/10 - (Nobuo Uematsu always rocked, sound effects are nothing special)
CONTROLS: 6/10 - (decent, with some minor flaws)
DURABILITY: 6/10 - (play it exactly once)

TOTAL: 7/10 - (a nice start to a fantastic series)

02-06-2007, 08:47 PM
I enjoyed it more than I expected with a DoS that was easy and had a grind to it but I just didn't notice how many times I hit "attack". The replay value is mainly in it's ability to chalenge. Graphics and sound are always the last thing on my list.

The one thing that I really dislike about the bonus dungeons is that they don't give you remotely challenging enemy's. They just throw weak spiders at you endlessly without any difficulty and then lay you down with an unexpectantly difficult boss. I only did the Earthshrine and I was bored as it nothing more than a maze. I tried the Air Shrine but was stuck on lvl 1 with just that maze!