View Full Version : Computer Science Article

Moon Rabbits
02-06-2007, 12:06 AM
I started Computer Science this semester, and one of the first assignments for the History of Computers unit is this:

Assignment: Report – Issues in Computers
Find a newspaper or magazine article related to an issue in computing. Write a 500-750 report discussing the article and its impact on society. Your article should include a summary of the issue as described in the article followed by your opinions of the impact on society. Be sure to include a copy of the article (if appropriate) with your report and proper references.

Any suggestions for an article?

Flying Mullet
02-06-2007, 12:19 AM
Piracy is a big one; music, movies, programs, etc...

Viruses and their impact on workplace productivity is an easy one to report on.

You could discuss how the growing popularity of instant messaging, email and other forms of online communication are eroding people's inter-personal skills, especially young adults and teens.

Mankinds reliance on/trust of technology and the occasional mishap where technology "turns" on mankind is always a fun one. This is more along the lines of defective technology, recalls, etc...

There are always proponents and opponents of atificial intelligence, or AI, writing their opinions in various magazines and articles. This should be an easy issue to find articles and opinions pieces on if that's what you want to do.

All in all, this assignment leaves a lot of room for you to explore and investigate. I just came up with those off of the top of my head in about two minutes. Just remember that computing isn't limited to the computer itself, but technology in general.

And if you have to do the assignment, enjoy it. Pick some topic that you will enjoy reading and writing about. You'll find it will make the assignment, and the word-count requirement, that much easier.

02-06-2007, 02:37 AM
Wow! I never had to do that type of nonsense while completing my bachellor's degree in CS.

A few suggestions:
How computers have impacted the world as we know it (cliché, but hey)
The future of computers

02-06-2007, 02:51 AM
Go to slashdot.org and browse until you find something that is epic enough for your tasks.

Dr Unne
02-06-2007, 04:08 AM