View Full Version : Hard Work Pays Off..

02-10-2007, 02:23 AM
I dont know about you guys but in every rpg I play, whether i've beaten it or not, I always take the time to get to an adequite level and bulk up a bit. Well tactics is no different, out of curiosity I wonder what lvl T.G. Cid was when any of you guys 1st got him on ur party?? Not bragging or anything but when I got him he was lvl 93! Thanks to all my leveling and job building I smash anything that gets in my way in any fight, except a fight with chocobos, those are the only fights that pose any threat or challenge to me. And thats only because damn chocobos can move halfway across the fucking map and have long range attacks, ESPECIALLY red chocobos....I hate those bastards!

02-10-2007, 02:53 AM
Humiliating anything with TG Cid is nothign special. Keep the Excalibur on him and he'll party stomp anything without a problem, even a well built Ramza. He is the most overpowered guy in that game.

02-10-2007, 07:58 AM
I know that, duh, it's t.g. cid with all sword skill! u aint talkin to a rook! i wasnt saying anything about how good he was i was just saying the intitial level I got him at was a high level. ur just mad cuz i showed u up...lol. dont take it personal, I was just braggin a lil bit about the level I got him at, ur talkin to somebody that has beaten the game like 50 times...I just usually dont take so long to build my guys up that high but Ive beaten it so many times that i wanted to try sumthing new...get it now buddy? alright...take it easy smart ass....

Oh and by the way, on that last note, I never even use cid. I was just surprised at the level I got him at...well considering when I got him my whole party was 99 already! Including Malak,Rafa, and Mustadio & agrias....understand now?

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02-10-2007, 03:39 PM
I'm not sure, but I was far along in levels when I got him.

I'm no stranger to powerleveling, but FFT is one of the games (like FFVIII), where the random enemies level up with you. Ironically, it's mainly the boss fights that become easier at higher levels. Random enemies stay commensurate with your party.

It also becomes a problem when recruiting a Johnny-come-lately like Cloud. His levels and abilities are so far below the rest of the party that leveling him up is only something die-hards (guilty! :D) should try.

02-12-2007, 09:10 PM
Oh, trust me....I always lvl up cloud when I get him. He's my favorite character out of all the final fantasy. Besides sabin from III/VI:)

02-13-2007, 01:54 PM
Dude, 99 is not an "adequate level"

that's crazy that you got him at a 93...had he already learned all of his skills, or did you still have to go learn them?

02-13-2007, 04:05 PM
Orlandu always has the same abilities learned when he's recruited, no matter what his level.

02-13-2007, 08:39 PM
BG-57 is rite, cid always has the same abilities learned when u get him. I just didnt have to level him up or anything. Once u get Gained Jp up with any character it becomes pretty easy from there on out to get their abilities. I mastered cid in one fight at the mandalia plains...:)

02-28-2007, 12:03 AM
I noticed that when you get cloud way leveled up with the Materia Blade in his possesion, it takes less time for his limits to charge. Altough 'Cherry Blossom' still takes too long for me. (About ten turns.) Otherwise I still have his Omnislash at 6 turns... As for Orlandu, Orlandu+Excalibur= easy victories. Of my characters, I like to keep more females in my battle party with that oh so certain nice perfume...
Thanks- 'Ace':D

02-28-2007, 01:26 AM
I'm having problems figuring out how to use cloud, I got all his limit breaks and hes lvl 75 rite now but how do u use em? also, where do u get the materia blade??

02-28-2007, 12:09 PM
If you click on Cloud's icon, he gives a hint:

It's at the top of the volcano.

There's only one volcano dungeon, an optional place. Go there and have a character use Move-Find at the top. Rafa is a natural choice because her Bravery is so low.

As for Limit, it's like the Archer's Charge, but with a meelee weapon instead of a bow and arrow (although Charge works with meelee weapons as well). So equipping Short Charge will make your life easier.

I'd put my money on Finishing Touch, since it does a nice amount of damage in addition to some nifty status ailments.