View Full Version : best AP

02-16-2007, 04:22 AM
where is the best place to get ap, other than north crater, and how much ap do i get there

02-16-2007, 05:24 AM
Well, using the W-item glitch and fighting Magic Pots in the crater is by far the easiest way to get AP. But apart from that, fighting in the Sunken ship (In the same room you fight Reno & Rude) is probably the best place.

02-16-2007, 05:59 AM
damn i dont wanna have to go all the way to north crater

02-16-2007, 12:23 PM
The forest outside Mideel is the best overworld location to get AP. It's risk-free, but much more time-consuming than the North Crater.

If somebody is equipped with Mega-All, 4x-Cut, or Flash, the battles will almost be over before they begin.

I've done playthroughs with both strategies, and in the end, the North Crater is the way to go. As annoying as it is to get in and out of, you can rake in the AP. This is particularly useful in mastering KoTR.

02-17-2007, 12:05 AM
dammit i only need 40000 to level up my throw to coin

02-17-2007, 12:26 AM
Coin toss is pretty useless anyway, I almost never used it.

But yeah, Mideel is faster than the sunken plane. The enemies there die faster, and give about the same amount of exp. and AP. The only reason to go to the sunken plane is to get the awesome items there, and to morph things into stat-up sources.

vorpal blade
02-17-2007, 12:48 AM
Don't forget to check your equipment too. Rune armlets give double AP (but only have four slots as I recall) and certain weapons do the same. Also, equip Cloud's Apocalypse, as it has only 3 slots but triple AP.

02-17-2007, 01:36 AM
Using a 4 slot double growth weapon/armour gives no benefit over a 8 slot normal growth weapon or armour if you're going to level up more 8 materias in total. You'll get them to master twice as fast, sure, but then you need to repeat the process for the next four materias. The total time spent would be the same as for an 8s 2s growth equipment.

The only piece of equipment that actually gives you more total AP than a 8s 1x growth equip, is Cloud's Apocalypse, which has 3 slots and 3x growth. Cid's Scimitar has two slots and 3x growth, but this does in fact not gain you more total AP than a 6 slot normal growth weapon.