View Full Version : WoW

White Raven
02-28-2007, 04:52 AM
I know this game has been around for a while, but I just got into it over my reading week, and I can see why it's so popular.

So what has everyone else's experience with the game been?

And is there an EoFF guild?


02-28-2007, 05:25 AM
I played it for about a week. The solo grind just got too tedious. I hated it being more efficient to be alone when exping then not, really the only reason I needed any other people was for instances and some really harder quests. Over all though my paladin was fairly self-sufficient while grinding.

02-28-2007, 06:15 AM
well yeah paladins rock

i had the game since october, when a couple of my friends pressured me into getting it....i had hardware issues almost immediately....anyway, i upgraded to BC when it came out, liked it....the game itself is boring to me unless i play with friends...

recently my comp would crash whenever i tried to load up the game...i did some tweaking, uninstalled it, and upon trying to reinstall my comp crashed....i don't know what's going on so i just left it.
anyway my videocard is toast now, so i'm not sure what i'll do yet

Madame Adequate
02-28-2007, 11:55 AM
I played it for about a week. The solo grind just got too tedious. I hated it being more efficient to be alone when exping then not, really the only reason I needed any other people was for instances and some really harder quests. Over all though my paladin was fairly self-sufficient while grinding.

Well yeah, but that's because pallies are PvE E-Zmode. I don't know any other class I can take on 3 +2 level mobs and come out the other side, alive, without even having used all my cooldowns. Warriors can if they pop Retribution with a good 2-hander, but that's a half hour cooldown.

Pallies are slow as hell to level, but they're by far the safest class to play in that regard. Hell, I've survived aggroing Mor'Ladim when I was level 28 in the middle of fighting something else. Bubble ftw!

I like WoW. I'm starting to get into Rogues now, they're pretty cool actually. But I like Warriors the most, and I'm pretty good with them too. (Was kinda famous for awhile on US-VeCo for being a staff-using warrior xD People I'd never even met before were like "Hey, it's Ishago!")

02-28-2007, 12:35 PM
I played it for about a week. The solo grind just got too tedious. I hated it being more efficient to be alone when exping then not, really the only reason I needed any other people was for instances and some really harder quests. Over all though my paladin was fairly self-sufficient while grinding.

Well yeah, but that's because pallies are PvE E-Zmode. I don't know any other class I can take on 3 +2 level mobs and come out the other side, alive, without even having used all my cooldowns. Warriors can if they pop Retribution with a good 2-hander, but that's a half hour cooldown.

I've done that as a mage. Granted, I nearly died and it isn't something I'm likely to try anytime in the near future, but I have done it before. I suppose you meant the ease in which a paladin can do it though. So yeah, Paladins bah.

I play a mage and a warlock, both gnomes, on Deathwing. It's fun sometimes.

02-28-2007, 05:28 PM
Well, it's not so much a guild as it is a few of us on the same server, but me, enano, Jowy and Doomgaze all play on Draka.

I have a level 38 Blood Elf priest atm, so if you wanna play with us, you gotta roll horde. Which is just a common sense thing, really, cause Alliance sucks. *nods*

For the horde!

02-28-2007, 06:03 PM
Which is just a common sense thing, really, cause Alliance sucks. *nods*

This is an example of what to say if you want to be horribly wrong.

02-28-2007, 06:56 PM
WoW really comes down to a "do quest, get item" MMO, which works for it, since Blizzard can do anything and wind up succeeding. It's good stuff, and is quick in leveling compared to other MMOs, but it's just terribly boring once you finish all of the 60-only quests. I haven't gotten TBC, and I don't plan on it.

Also, it costs money. I can't afford that.

To be completely sure of what's going on, simply change the above statement from "horribly wrong" to "insanely correct."

02-28-2007, 07:36 PM
WoW really comes down to a "do quest, get item" MMO, which works for it, since Blizzard can do anything and wind up succeeding. It's good stuff, and is quick in leveling compared to other MMOs, but it's just terribly boring once you finish all of the 60-only quests. I haven't gotten TBC, and I don't plan on it.

It's also a "find a group, do an instance/raid, associate with people from across the world" MMO. WoW, while it can be a strictly solo game, is not built for it. Most of the fun lies in the end-game instances and raids.

02-28-2007, 08:07 PM
"Find group, do instance" falls under "do quest, get item."

End game instances also fall under "level 60-only."

If I wanted to associate with people across the globe, I'd either go play Starcraft, or foreign exchange programs. You meet a surprising amount of Koreans and Mexicans on USEast. I can only imagine the Asia servers.

EDIT: LOL, the advertisement right now is a WoW ad: gold and power leveling, cheaper faster!

02-28-2007, 08:12 PM
Well, it's not so much a guild as it is a few of us on the same server, but me, enano, Jowy and Doomgaze all play on Draka.

I have a level 38 Blood Elf priest atm, so if you wanna play with us, you gotta roll horde. Which is just a common sense thing, really, cause Alliance sucks. *nods*

For the horde!

+ Chemical and Misfit, and I think Araciel now.

Damn, we're cool. 8-)

Madame Adequate
02-28-2007, 08:42 PM
Horde were so awesome until Belfs. Now the two factions are pretty much equal - two sucky and three great races each.

Find me something that trumps a Gnome rogue, however, and I shall salute you.

White Raven
02-28-2007, 10:09 PM
Right now I have a level 16 Night Elf Rouge and play with a buddy on the Khaz Modan server under the name Ravenac.

Perhaps if I start up a Horde character I'll scope you chumps an chumpettes out. :)

Markus. D
02-28-2007, 11:17 PM
up to level 50 (Warrior) on the account I am playing for my friend.

I still find it incredibly boring.

not the most tedious MMO. But definetly awful still.

03-01-2007, 01:14 AM
Well yeah, but that's because pallies are PvE E-Zmode. I don't know any other class I can take on 3 +2 level mobs and come out the other side, alive, without even having used all my cooldowns. Warriors can if they pop Retribution with a good 2-hander, but that's a half hour cooldown.

Um play a druid :P Well they are the best for outlands right now. Bear is pprolly the best tanks atm. I think it's so funny, I was lvl 54 in outlands and I was killing the 58-62 mobs so easily while i'd see 60's dying. Maybe i'm just a sweet druid. Maybe it's the whole eating faces thing.


Maybe I should start something on Draka. Azjol-Nerub is getting incredibly full.

Markus. D
03-01-2007, 01:31 AM
someone come to Dragonblight so I can give free stuffs.

03-01-2007, 04:05 AM
I played it for about a week. The solo grind just got too tedious. I hated it being more efficient to be alone when exping then not, really the only reason I needed any other people was for instances and some really harder quests. Over all though my paladin was fairly self-sufficient while grinding.

Same here, I want to start playing more again but i just don't have motivation to play anything right now xD

Jebus, I could be convinced to change to your server if you guys help me level some :p

EDIT: nevermind, I made a character :p

03-01-2007, 04:10 AM
- Araciel....i'm using my onboard graphics right now :S

03-01-2007, 04:26 AM
I played it for about a week. The solo grind just got too tedious. I hated it being more efficient to be alone when exping then not, really the only reason I needed any other people was for instances and some really harder quests. Over all though my paladin was fairly self-sufficient while grinding.

Same here, I want to start playing more again but i just don't have motivation to play anything right now xD

Jebus, I could be convinced to change to your server if you guys help me level some :p

EDIT: nevermind, I made a character :p

Well, if you're on when I'm on, I'll help you out if I can. My name's Thelinis.

Madame Adequate
03-01-2007, 05:32 PM
Hey, guys! Could use some help. If you feel like it.

Go to this here thread (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=79176417&sid=1) and start trolling, making noise getting uppity.

I wanna see how long it takes someone to see my Bel Air. :(

Edit: kek, nevermind, I got bored and revealed all. Just in time, 'cause my thread was locked. After all the other QQing mine gets locked? What's up with that? xDDD Edit again: Oh, Cor's explained why :D

03-02-2007, 06:41 PM
I played for about two months before cancelling my account to focus on schoolwork. I think I might re-instate it in a week when Spring Break hits.

03-03-2007, 03:24 AM
I played for a few weeks and got a level 23 human warlock,but then i ran out of money and my account got frozen:( :(

03-03-2007, 07:24 AM
for me, I love it because it's a great casual game. Even if I have only half an hour to play I can still accomplish something. Star wars Galaxies I needed at least a couple of hours or logging on was a waste of time.

03-03-2007, 11:00 PM
Yeah, played most every class; I really do not like the game, as it feels so limited and franchised with in itself. Nothing new, just new wrappers. I played a hunter, and they are a freakin great class to play with any sepc really.

I did quit after being horribly let down by the expansion. I went to Vangaurd ~ which feels too much like eq meets wow to me. But we are rolling with it.

03-04-2007, 01:34 AM
Been there, seen that. It's a fun game, certainly a very good MMORPG, but that's it. I can't say that WoW revolutionised gaming for me. Right now I've still got 1 month pre-paid left and I'm not considering paying anymore.

PS: Got a 51 Rogue Night Elf and the BC expansion (was a gift:P).

03-05-2007, 04:40 AM
I have a 70 Undead mage. leveling from 60-70 was probably the greatest thing in wow ever.

And for everyone who says soloing is to hard, then you shouldn't be playing online games at all, because thats as easy as its going to get.

Markus. D
03-05-2007, 06:35 AM
I found it pretty epic (60-70) if not ub3r.

it was definetly not worth the 1-60 grind though.


PvPing with a Priest Shadow Spec is mighty satisfying though >_<!

edit: and to be honest. I shudder each time I hear a gamespot reviewer say that it revolutionised MMOs.
it did nothing to innovate (but it did add some nice things).

03-05-2007, 12:13 PM
And for everyone who says soloing is to hard, then you shouldn't be playing online games at all, because thats as easy as its going to get.

It isn't hard, it's just boring after awhile.

I killed a 70 rogue yesterday. I am a level 64 mage.

Boy did he get mad.

03-05-2007, 01:21 PM
edit: and to be honest. I shudder each time I hear a gamespot reviewer say that it revolutionised MMOs.
it did nothing to innovate (but it did add some nice things).

My thanks. Now I remember where I've heard that line.:p

03-08-2007, 11:26 PM
Female Tauren and Trolls are way hotter.

03-08-2007, 11:33 PM
I got bored of my Pally at 52 and just last night decided I was bored of my Priest. I probably won't renew my subscription. Bring on WAR.

Also, Dwarf Femmes FTW!

03-09-2007, 02:06 AM
I only got acquainted with WoW a month ago, because soloing in FFXI proved way too difficult for me. Iirc, I'm at an amazing lvl 13 now :cool:. Yes, I know I suck, and here's further proof:

LINK (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/tatiAna3388/WoW-n00b.jpg)
Tried to target a guild member, but ended up saluting to a freakin' rabbit :choc2:. Animals need more respect.

03-09-2007, 08:00 AM
Assuming it's working:
Here's me (http://armory.wow-europe.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Quel%27Thalas&n=Maerin).

Last night was funny, we got Ragnaros down in under 3 mins with 26 people, and Azuregos right after, in about the same time.

03-14-2007, 02:30 AM
Hmm.. this armoury thing is quite neat. Too bad my character's been inactive for too long.:P

03-14-2007, 02:50 AM
Me and mine (http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Deathwing&n=Deriden)

I have a higher crit rate than most 70 mages I know, and I've had around that since 63~. I've downed a 70 rogue and a 70 warrior. Not at the same time, but definitely some fun. Three hitting +1-2 level mobs is grand.

03-14-2007, 07:40 AM
its not bad...well,since im a big FF fan.although i also played WoW for sometime now...but i went back to FF11.more at home i guess..

Been a gamer since,been a gamer still....