View Full Version : Government songs.

03-04-2007, 11:05 PM
ok, well, im in a band, and, me and the band are kinda anti government. and....i cant even think of any songs!!! to write about, like, there are obvious ones..but..can someone/ some people help me with thinking of these kinds of song ideas?

03-04-2007, 11:20 PM
Well you must have reasons for being anti government? maybe you should start with them? Or are you just doing it to be rebels and 'cool'?

Can't say I agree with you there, my kinda songs would go a little something like: 'Establishment, establishment. They always know whats beeeeest.'

03-04-2007, 11:22 PM
NOOOOO!!! i HATE it when peopel try to be cool by that. i was more going to write about how the government like, controls WAY to many people...but...then like, i couldnt think of any examples. see, i could write about way more stuff,...but, ya. anyways, back to the main topic.

03-04-2007, 11:28 PM
i don’t like it when band do anti government or anti war songs because people will buy it even if its crap because that what they believe and that isn’t right! Musically

03-04-2007, 11:29 PM
If you write just about "Anti-government" your not going to do very well. Expand you ideas to other topics too.:)

03-04-2007, 11:29 PM
NOOOOO!!! i HATE it when peopel try to be cool by that. i was more going to write about how the government like, controls WAY to many people...but...then like, i couldnt think of any examples. see, i could write about way more stuff,...but, ya. anyways, back to the main topic.
If you can't think of any examples to back up your logic, then no one is going to take your lyrics seriously. You can't just go around writing songs about how the government is evil without having some basis for the argument. Without an airtight case to back yourself up, you're just saying words without meaning, and if that's what it comes to then you might as well stick to writing about a topic you can more easily relate to.

03-04-2007, 11:33 PM
I completely disagree with you here politically, the only thing you can do is think of how the government "opresses" you and create a hypothetical situation. Like a person, like you, trying to live life and being opressed this way. While you kind of tell out the story. Then try messing around with the instruments and make up some lyrics and stuff. I'm no musician, but this sounds right to me. If you can't honestly think of how you're opressed. Then;

1. Your arguement is terribly flawed.
2. You need to find a song-writer somewhere else.
3. The reccomended option, give up and pay attention in school or something. =/

Remember this; Keep it fresh.

Crushed Hope
03-04-2007, 11:34 PM
My advice:

Don't even bother.

Nominus Experse
03-04-2007, 11:45 PM
Ditto to what Crushed Hope said

03-04-2007, 11:50 PM
What kind of band are you doing again? Like Punk or Rock or Metal or something?

03-04-2007, 11:50 PM
ya, were not JUST that. we do other songs too. its just, we ARE part anti-government. and..chrisffan(or w.e) thats not true....

wow, ok
you know what, this has turned into a topic about THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! so, ok, let me get my point across. the government makes poepoe do REALY stupid things. and you know what, i have no problem with canadian government, and all that. its BUSH!!! thats what were about. hes a TOTAL IDIOT!!!! he isnt fit to be president. he cant make public speeches, hes sending soldiers into iraq for nothing, theres no reason at all. im VERY sure that hes lieing about 9/11. and, theres so many things that he could be stopping, like, animal testing. its totally gross. go look at some music videos on youtube...

"ready to fall"-rise against(go to the uncut version, if you can)
"KILLING DOLPHINS IN JAPAN FOR FOOD"( i think this is gross also.)
and, no, im nto gonan give up music. im actually not great at expalini9gn things.
Please don't double post. -- foa

03-04-2007, 11:57 PM
wow, ok
you know what, this has turned into a topic about THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! so, ok, let me get my point across. the government makes poepoe do REALY stupid things. and you know what, i have no problem with canadian government, and all that. its BUSH!!! thats what were about. hes a TOTAL IDIOT!!!! he isnt fit to be president. he cant make public speeches, hes sending soldiers into iraq for nothing, theres no reason at all. im VERY sure that hes lieing about 9/11. and, theres so many things that he could be stopping, like, animal testing. its totally gross. go look at some music videos on youtube...

"ready to fall"-rise against(go to the uncut version, if you can)
"KILLING DOLPHINS IN JAPAN FOR FOOD"( i think this is gross also.)
and, no, im nto gonan give up music. im actually not great at expalini9gn things.

So....are you like...Punk or..like metal or what?

Old Manus
03-05-2007, 12:07 AM
I say you break the mould and sing about how favourable democracy is. Unfortunately then everyone will hate your music.

Madame Adequate
03-05-2007, 01:24 AM
I say you break the mould and sing about how favourable democracy is. Unfortunately then everyone will hate your music.

03-05-2007, 01:59 AM
wow, ok
you know what, this has turned into a topic about THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! so, ok, let me get my point across. the government makes poepoe do REALY stupid things. and you know what, i have no problem with canadian government, and all that. its BUSH!!! thats what were about. hes a TOTAL IDIOT!!!! he isnt fit to be president. he cant make public speeches, hes sending soldiers into iraq for nothing, theres no reason at all. im VERY sure that hes lieing about 9/11. and, theres so many things that he could be stopping, like, animal testing. its totally gross. go look at some music videos on youtube...

"ready to fall"-rise against(go to the uncut version, if you can)
"KILLING DOLPHINS IN JAPAN FOR FOOD"( i think this is gross also.)
and, no, im nto gonan give up music. im actually not great at expalini9gn things.
It seems like you're just bandwagon jumping on this whole government hating thing rather than basing it on facts. Do some research on those claims you made. Make sure you understand all of the facets of them. Don't just go on hearsay from a friend or a crazy conspiracy theorist website or what some sucky band decided to sing about. You have to actually understand fully what you're saying if you want to be taken seriously. Saying "Bush is dumb because he is bad at speeches" isn't going to get you very far.

I'm not trying to insult you or even counter your views, but rather provoke some thoughts about your stance on the issues and whether or not you really know what you're talking about.

03-05-2007, 02:31 PM

03-05-2007, 03:54 PM
'Establishment, establishment. They always know whats beeeeest.'

Someone please make that song. It'd be a smash hit.

I'd advise you to research things a little more. It'll make you more passionate about your subject, and you might find something that really makes you angry or whatever. Voilá, there's your inspiration. That's how I write all my songs and poetry, it just might work for you too. Anyway, good luck.

03-05-2007, 07:31 PM
I think you may enjoy this clip then LunaNaelyan:


03-05-2007, 07:44 PM
A'yo, listen to some Eminem. At least he bring up a lot perfectly good arguments.

03-05-2007, 08:12 PM
I think you may enjoy this clip then LunaNaelyan:


I KNEW that sounded familiar...