View Full Version : Hunt Club Rewards Question

03-08-2007, 10:16 AM
When you finish all of the Hunt Club side quest (all 30 rare game), you can buy stuff from Atak, Blok, and Stok depending on how many awards you gave each. Is there anything that any of them sell that are only available from them? i.e. I can't steal it, find in treasure, buy somewhere else, or is a drop. I am trying to figure out who to go with to turn them in to.

03-08-2007, 03:18 PM
Nothing unique that I remember.
I think all the armor can be purchased elsewhere at least.

03-08-2007, 07:58 PM
You should pick one and give all 30 to him, that is how you get the best stuff.

Giving the trophies to Atak gives you weapons
Blok gives you armor
Stok gives you items

The brady guide has a list of what you get for each and the higher the number of trophies you gave to say.. Atak, the better the corresponding prize (weapons in this example).