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03-11-2007, 02:33 PM
Easy... Copy & Paste

Favourite Final Fantasy: IX
Favourite Character Overall: it's hard.... eh Tifa
Favourite male Character: Cloud Strife
Favourite Female: Tifa Lockheart
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy X (except that you could'nt Pause)
Favourite Villian: Sephiroth
Favourite non-playable ally: Nida or Xu
Favourite City: Dalmasca
Favourite Town/Village: Daguerro
Favourite Music: Rose of May & Tifa's Theme
Favourite Scene: "You're Not Alone"
Favourite Boss: Beatrix x3
Favourite Summon: Shiva
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Ultima
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaja
Favourite Side-Quest: Chocographs
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite Weapon: Murasame
Favourite Monster: Cactuars!
Favourite Box Cover: X
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Alexandria: Skipping
Favourite awww moment: Garnet & Dagga awwww

Phew I'm done

03-11-2007, 03:30 PM
lol, you didn't need to pause in FFX fights

Favourite Final Fantasy: FFX, but may become FFXII
Favourite Character Overall: Freya/Amarant/Auron/Lulu/Freya/Fran etc
Favourite male Character: Amarant/Auron
Favourite Female: Freya/Lulu/Fran etc
Favourite Battle System: FFX-2
Favourite Villian: Kefka
Favourite non-playable ally: Larsa
Favourite City: I've never really been a fan of cities... Probably Lindblum
Favourite Town/Village: Kazham
Favourite Music: Ooh, that's a toughy. I'll go with "Illusions in the mist" (caedarva mire theme)
Favourite Scene: Scenes have names? Or do you mean FMVs? In which case, the end of FFX or maybe the one where zidane swings down to save Dagger... I also like the one where Tidus n that are sliding down the grappling hooks
Favourite Boss: Yunalesca was awesome
Favourite Summon: Adremelech!
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Warp (FFXI)
Favourite White Magic Spell: Hastega (FFX)
Favourite Side-Quest: All the hunts in FFXII
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy X
Favourite Weapon: Good question... Ice Brand in FF12? Actually, Aurons Masamune is rather sex
Favourite Monster: Oh god! I don't know, so many to choose from... Ummm... I like killing black chocobos
Favourite Box Cover: FFX was cool yeah
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square enix SOUNDS better
Favourite Place to hang for ages: The only game I've "hung for ages" is FFXI, and the place thats best was... Hmmm... Resting in Pso Xja, only been there once. (damned hypothermal combustion!!)
Favourite awww moment: I've never gone "awww" at FF lol Oh wait, yeah I have, the moogles in FFXII

03-11-2007, 03:43 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: FFX
Favourite Character Overall: Rikku
Favourite male Character: Balthier
Favourite Female: Fran
Favourite Battle System: FF Tactics
Favourite Villian: Doc Cid
Favourite non-playable ally: Larsa( he was kinda playable)
Favourite City: Bhujerba Sky City
Favourite Town/Village: Besaid Village
Favourite Music: Yuna's Ballad and The Chocobo theme
Favourite Scene: Tidus + Yuna Kiss
Favourite Boss: Vayne(The Undying)
Favourite Summon: Valefor
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Ultima(FF tactics)
Favourite White Magic Spell: Holy(FF tactics)
Favourite Side-Quest: FF12 Hunts
Favourite Ending: FF12 and FFX
Favourite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favourite Monster: err Moombas?
Favourite Box Cover: FF X( Yuna Dance!!!!!!!!)
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square Enix(not for quality)
Favourite Place to hang for ages: eh The Hot Springs in Gagazet LOL
Favourite awww moment: Yuna summoning Valrfor while falling :greenie:

03-11-2007, 06:37 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: Love all of them, but if I had to choose... FFVI
Favourite Character Overall: Balthier
Favourite male Character: Zell Dincht
Favourite Female: Fran
Favourite Battle System: FFXII
Favourite Villian: Garland (FFI)
Favourite non-playable ally: Al-Cid :cool:
Favourite City: Rabanastre
Favourite Town/Village: South Figaro
Favourite Music: FFVII Main Theme, You're not Alone, The Oath, Terra and the list continues... I LOVE UEMATSU!!!!!!!
Favourite Scene: FFX - before the Yunalesca fight
Favourite Boss: Ultros :tongue:
Favourite Summon: Ifrit
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Firaga
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaja
Favourite Side-Quest: Getting Umaro and Gogo
Favourite Ending: FFX
Favourite Weapon: Atma Weapon
Favourite Monster: Cactuars! x2
Favourite Box Cover: FFXII
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Luca
Favourite awww moment: Tifa and Cloud sitting in front of the Highwind before entering the Northern Crater... Awwww...

03-11-2007, 06:55 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy:VII
Favourite Character Overall:cloud
Favourite male Character: Cloud Strife
Favourite Female: Aeris or yuna
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy X i want the random battles back
Favourite Villian: Sephiroth
Favourite non-playable ally: all cids everywhere
Favourite City: Alexandria
Favourite Town/Village:Enruyt village( mutated playboy bunnies)
Favourite Music: eyes on me(VIII)
Favourite Scene: the love sceane with squall and rinoa on the ragnorack
Favourite Boss: jecht
Favourite Summon: Bahumut of course
Favourite Black Magic Spell:Flare an drain
Favourite White Magic Spell: aura( ffVIII)
Favourite Side-Quest: choco breading(hours of fun)
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy x
Favourite Weapon: ultima weapon
Favourite Monster: Cactuars!
Favourite Box Cover:IX
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Tcheca uplands: steal from couralls and get embroided tippets:yay
Favourite awww moment: hearing the chocobos talk on X so cute

03-11-2007, 08:09 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: X
Favourite Character Overall: Rikku
Favourite male Character: Squall/Auron
Favourite Female: Rikku
Favourite Battle System: X
Favourite Villian: Chaos
Favourite non-playable ally: Bugenhagen
Favourite City: Midgar
Favourite Town/Village: Timber
Favourite Music: To Zanarkand/ Otherworld
Favourite Scene: "Ooh, Soft"
Favourite Boss: Biggs/Wedge (FFVIII)
Favourite Summon: Pandemona
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Demi
Favourite White Magic Spell: Holy
Favourite Side-Quest: Wutai sidequest
Favourite Ending: FFX
Favourite Weapon: Zidane's Ultima Weapon
Favourite Monster: Tonberry
Favourite Box Cover: Anthology
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Gold Saucer
Favourite awww moment: Aeris' death (runs away)

MikeL Valentine
03-11-2007, 09:45 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: FFIX & FFVII might become FFX
Favourite Character Overall: Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, Rinoa, Vivi, Garnet, Yuna and Auron
Favourite male Character: Sephiroth
Favourite Female: I really like that girl from FF13 and Yuna
Favourite Battle System: FFX
Favourite Villian: Sephiroth
Favourite non-playable ally: Freya's lover
Favourite City: Alexandria maybe
Favourite Music: Prelude FFVII
Favourite Scene: When Zidane saves Garnet from that falling balcony, when Odin distroys that big tree in FFIX, When Tidus kisses Yuna, When Sephiroth kills Aeris and when Rinoa fells on the hands of Squall
Favourite Boss: Sephiroth One winged Angel
Favourite Summon: Odin
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Death
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaga
Favourite Side-Quest: No idea
Favourite Ending: FFIX till now (I'm curently play FFX so I don't know the ending yet)
Favourite Weapon: Sephiroth's Masamune
Favourite Monster: Tonberry
Favourite Box Cover: FFXII and FFIX
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square enix
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Many places in FFIX
Favourite awww moment:I have no idea what awww is :confused:

03-11-2007, 10:45 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: VII
Favourite Character Overall: Red XIII
Favourite male Character: Red XIII
Favourite Female: Quina
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy XII
Favourite Villian: Kefka
Favourite non-playable ally: Quale
Favourite City: Alexandria
Favourite Town/Village: Wutai
Favourite Music: One Winged Angel
Favourite Scene: Aerith's Death Scene
Favourite Boss: Bizarro Sephiroth
Favourite Summon: Ramuh
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Flare
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaja
Favourite Side-Quest: Tetra Master
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy VIII
Favourite Weapon: Cadabolg
Favourite Monster: Cactuars
Favourite Box Cover: X
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square Enix
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Golden Saucer
Favourite awww moment: ???

Darth Anarcus
03-11-2007, 11:24 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy VIII.
Favourite Character Overall: Not sure, but I like Sephiroth, Vincent Valentine, Squall Leonhart, Quistis Trepe and Zindane Tribal.
Favourite male Character: Either Sephiroth or Squall.
Favourite Female: Quistis.
Favourite Battle System: Either FFX-2's or FF12's.
Favourite Villian: Ultimecia.
Favourite non-playable ally: Nida or Xu.
Favourite City: Esthar, Delling City, Lindblum, Burmecia, Rabanaster and Archades.
Favourite Town/Village: Dollet.
Favourite Music: Liberi Fatali.
Favourite Scene: Not sure.
Favourite Boss: Omega Weapon (FF8).
Favourite Summon: Bahamut (from any game), Eden, Anima.
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Ultima and Flair.
Favourite White Magic Spell: Holy, Full-Life and Auto-Life.
Favourite Side-Quest: Deep Sea Research Center.
Favourite Ending: FF8's.
Favourite Weapon: Not sure.
Favourite Monster: Not sure.
Favourite Box Cover: FFX's.
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft.
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Balamb Garden.
Favourite "awwwe" moment: Any scene involving Rinoa playfully embarrassing Squall.

03-11-2007, 11:35 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: VIII
Favourite Character Overall: Kuja!
Favourite male Character: Auron
Favourite Female: Yuffie
Favourite Battle System: VIII
Favourite Villian: Sephiroth
Favourite non-playable ally: Reno
Favourite City: City of the Ancients (anyone guess why?!)
Favourite Town/Village: Besaid
Favourite Music: One winged angel, Otherworld, Assult, The Mission (not in that order)
Favourite Scene: The one where Aeries dies!
Favourite Boss: Ultimecia
Favourite Summon: Brahmute
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Meteor
Favourite White Magic Spell: Holy
Favourite Side-Quest: Killing the bastard Dark Aeons
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy VIII
Favourite Weapon: Excalibour
Favourite Monster: Cactars
Favourite Box Cover: X
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Monster Arena: Leveling up
Favourite awww moment: Squall and Zell awwww

03-16-2007, 03:59 PM
How can you not know what aww means? Okay, when you see a cute dog or something you go

"awwwww" It can also be called cooing.

Sorry, I felt I should educate.

03-16-2007, 04:40 PM

Favourite Final Fantasy: X
Favourite Character Overall: Tidus
Favourite male Character: Tidus
Favourite Female: Ashe
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy X-2
Favourite Villian: Sephy-popo
Favourite non-playable ally: General Leo (counts enough)
Favourite City: Midgar
Favourite Town/Village: Black Mage Village from IX
Favourite Music: One Winged Angel
Favourite Scene: X's Spring Scene
Favourite Boss: Sephy-popo
Favourite Summon: Shiva
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Demi
Favourite White Magic Spell: Esuna
Favourite Side-Quest: Triple Triad
Favourite Ending: X
Favourite Weapon: Eiko's Flutes
Favourite Monster: Cactuars
Favourite Box Cover: VII
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square-Enix
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Rabanastre
Favourite awww moment: X's Spring Scene :aimkiss:

03-16-2007, 05:54 PM
How can you not know what aww means?
actually, i do know what it means. Think about it. Two tough guys showing their gental side with each other. If that's not an AWWWW!!! moment, then i don't know what is!

03-16-2007, 06:20 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: IX
Favourite Character Overall: Refia
Favourite male Character: Zidane
Favourite Female: Refia
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy V. Jobs, you know.
Favourite Villian: Kuja, duh.
Favourite non-playable ally: Aria
Favourite City: Alexandria
Favourite Town/Village: Black Mage Village (Boby Corwen FTW!)
Favourite Music: FF IX's OST, FF III DS' OST. I simply can't pick one track.
Favourite Scene: The death of Aria/Galuf, I can't choose. The top of Pharos Lighthouse in FF XII is one of my favorites as well.
Favourite Boss: Cloud of Darkness DS. Common, she freaking rules! That battle-background is GODLY! And Particle Beam is nifty. See? A Final Boss doesn't always need a one minute+ ultimate attack animation to be cool. Particle Beam rules.
Favourite Summon: FF IX's Bahamut
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Ultima
Favourite White Magic Spell: Holy
Favourite Side-Quest: Chocographs
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favourite Monster: Eh... I don't know.
Favourite Box Cover: FF III DS Japanese Cover
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square-Enix
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Memoria
Favourite awww moment: Boby Corwen ^^ "Kweh!"

03-16-2007, 06:50 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: VI
Favourite Character Overall: Locke
Favourite male Character: Auron
Favourite Female: Lulu
Favourite Battle System: FFX(i like how you can switch guys in battle)
Favourite Villian: Kuja
Favourite non-playable ally: Cid from VII
Favourite City: Lindblum
Favourite Town/Village: Narshe(love the music)
Favourite Music: Overworld music in VI and IX
Favourite Scene: When it becomes the World of Ruin in VI
Favourite Boss: Chaos and the 4 fiends from I
Favourite Summon: Choco/Mog
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Firaga
Favourite White Magic Spell: Regan
Favourite Side-Quest: Getting Cloud in FFT
Favourite Ending: II b/c you gotta fight the boss over again with the dead guys.
Favourite Weapon: Lulu's dolls
Favourite Monster: Death Machine from I, only beat him in DoS
Favourite Box Cover: I is classic
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square :D
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Gold Saucer
Favourite awww moment: Tidus and Yuna

03-16-2007, 10:06 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: IX
Favourite Character Overall: Locke
Favourite male Character: Locke
Favourite Female: Tifa
Favourite Battle System: X-2
Favourite Villian: Sephiroth
Favourite non-playable ally: Delita (he was on your team but you coudlnt control him.)
Favourite City: Treno
Favourite Town/Village: Narshe
Favourite Music: your not alone
Favourite Scene: escapeing from the forest in FFIX
Favourite Boss: kuja
Favourite Summon: Bahamut and Phoenix
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Ultima
Favourite White Magic Spell: Haste
Favourite Side-Quest: fighting ruby weapon
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite Weapon: Exploda
Favourite Monster: behemoth
Favourite Box Cover: X
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Lindinblum
Favourite awww moment: Locke saving Celes.

03-17-2007, 02:16 AM
Favourite Final Fantasy: I can't decide! It changes as often as the seasons. Currently, it's VI again.
Favourite Character Overall: Basch! <3!
Favourite Male Character: See above.
Favourite Female: Beatrix.
Favourite Battle System: Tactics.
Favourite Villian: Kefka.
Favourite non-playable ally: Yang's Wife!
Favourite City: Rabanastre.
Favourite Town/Village: Daguerro.
Favourite Music: Rose of May
Favourite Scene: The opera in FFVI.
Favourite Boss: Rubicante.
Favourite Summon: FFX's Shiva.
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Merton.
Favourite White Magic Spell: Holy.
Favourite Side-Quest: Chocobo Hot&Cold/Chocographs.
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy VI.
Favourite Weapon: Dragon Lance.
Favourite Monster: Tonberry.
Favourite Box Cover: FFIVA.
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft.
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Gold Saucer's Chocobo Racing Tracks.
Favourite awww moment: Catching chicobos in VIII.

03-18-2007, 04:50 AM
Favorite Final Fantasy: FFVI
Favorite Character Overall: Locke
Favorite male Character: Locke
Favorite Female: Aeris (what do ya know?)
Favorite Battle System: FFV
Favorite Villian: Kefka
Favorite non-playable ally: Al-Cid
Favorite City: Lindblum (FFIX)
Favorite Town/Village: Troia (FFIV)
Favorite Music: "To Zanarkand," Some stuff from FFIX, "Aeris' Theme," "One Winged Angel," "Terra," "Celes"
Favorite Scene: Cloud finding himself or Celes' suicide attempt
Favorite Boss: Seymor (on Mt. Gagazet)
Favorite Summon: Golem
Favorite Black Magic Spell: Ultima
Favorite White Magic Spell: Haste
Favorite Side-Quest: Vincent's scenarios
Favorite Ending: Final Fantasy IX
Favorite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Monster: behemoth
Favorite Box Cover: FFVII
Favorite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favorite Place to hang for ages: flying FFVI airship
Favorite awww moment: Zidane and Garnet awww

Dr. Acula
03-19-2007, 09:24 AM
Favourite Final Fantasy: VII
Favourite Character Overall: So hard to choose... Vivi!:D
Favourite male Character: Balthier
Favourite Female: Selphie
Favourite Battle System: FF12, I think. It's a refreshing change.
Favourite Villian: Kefka.:greenking
Favourite non-playable ally: Reeve.
Favourite City: Alexandria.
Favourite Town/Village: Wutai
Favourite Music: FF7 Boss Theme, Liberi Fatali, One-Winged Angel (I love all of them equally!
Favourite Scene: Don't have one, actually...
Favourite Boss: FF12 Wall Boss
Favourite Summon: Shiva/Ifrit/Bahamut/Alexander
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Flare/Meteor
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaja/Holy
Favourite Side-Quest: Chocobo Raising/Racing
Favourite Ending: FF1
Favourite Weapon: The Nail Bat (good ol' FF7 gag weapons!)
Favourite Monster: Cactuar
Favourite Box Cover: FF6
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Gold Saucer
Favourite awww moment: When you first see Vivi! Aww!:love:

Setzer Gabianni
03-29-2007, 11:16 AM
Favourite Final Fantasy: XII
Favourite Character Overall: Oh eck..Judge Ghis? At the moment anyway
Favourite male Character: Ghis/Dr. Cid (could change >.<)
Favourite Female: Beatrix
Favourite Battle System: XII
Favourite Villian: Ultros and Rubicante
Favourite non-playable ally: hmmmm~ Could I choose Marquis Ondore?
Favourite City/Town/Village: Luca, Winhill, Esthar, Balamb, Rabanastre
Favourite Music: Jeebus - I reallllly like Gilgamesh's theme, Sorrow (Imperial), and White Room
Favourite Scene: One that sticks to my mind more then anything right now? Drace's death scene
Favourite Boss: Dr. Cid <3
Favourite Summon: Ifrit
Favourite Black Magic Spell: aga spells
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaja
Favourite Side-Quest: Hunts (From XII and TA), Chocographs 2nd, then Blitzball from X
Favourite Ending: VIII and XII
Favourite Weapon: Axes/Sledgehammers, or, Bare Fists (Monks attack without weapons)
Favourite Monster: Behemoths
Favourite Box Cover: X, XII, TA
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: *shrugs* Both are alright?
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Winhill, Balamb Garden, Galbadia (where the parade is right?), Lindblum, Luca, Rabanastre, Bhujerba.
Favourite awww moment: Anything with moogles @_@

This may be updated, I have yet to finish XII

03-29-2007, 03:12 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy VI
Favourite Character Overall: Kain
Favourite male Character: Shadow
Favourite Female: Tifa
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy XII
Favourite Villian: Kefka
Favourite non-playable ally: Reddas
Favourite City: Lindblum
Favourite Town/Village: Wutai
Favourite Music: Shadow's Theme
Favourite Scene: Kefka destroying the world
Favourite Boss: Lunar Summons
Favourite Summon: Shiva
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Flare
Favourite White Magic Spell: Arise/Full-Life
Favourite Side-Quest: Celestial Weapons quest
Favourite Ending: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favourite Monster: Dragons
Favourite Box Cover: Final Fantasy IV Advance
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square Enix
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Golden Saucer
Favourite awww moment: Rosa willing to assist Cecil to fight Zeromus

03-29-2007, 04:56 PM
Favourite Final Fantasy: VII
Favourite Character Overall: Bartz
Favourite male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female: Freya
Favourite Battle System: XII
Favourite Villian: Sephiroth
Favourite non-playable ally: Wedge
Favourite City: Midgar
Favourite Town/Village: Dali
Favourite Music: Reunion - FFVII
Favourite Scene: Nahh
Favourite Boss: Ozma
Favourite Summon: Alexander
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Flare
Favourite White Magic Spell: White Wind
Favourite Side-Quest: FFX's secret weapons
Favourite Ending: FFIX
Favourite Weapon: Buster Sword
Favourite Monster: Yan
Favourite Box Cover: FFX
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Squaresoft
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Midgar Slums
Favourite awww moment: Nahh

03-30-2007, 04:09 AM
Favourite Final Fantasy: VI and VII, can't pick only one.
Favourite Character Overall: Auron
Favourite male Character: Auron
Favourite Female: Fran
Favourite Battle System: FFXII
Favourite Villian: Kefka
Favourite non-playable ally: General Leo
Favourite City: Rabanaster
Favourite Town/Village: Wutai
Favourite Music: You're not Alone (FFIX)
Favourite Scene: Kefka destroying the world.
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh (FFXII)
Favourite Summon: Bahamut
Favourite Black Magic Spell: Ultima
Favourite White Magic Spell: Curaja
Favourite Side-Quest: Hunts (FFXII)
Favourite Ending: FFX
Favourite Weapon: Buster Sword
Favourite Monster: Behemoths
Favourite Box Cover: FFX
Favourite Title, Squaresoft or Square-Enix?: Square. :tongue:
Favourite Place to hang for ages: Rabanaster
Favourite awww moment: FFX spring scene.