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03-13-2007, 12:42 AM
Are things like homosexuality something you're born with, or is it something you aquire over your lifetime?

03-13-2007, 12:57 AM
I think it's something you acquire.

Dr Unne
03-13-2007, 01:04 AM
It's something you acquire.


03-13-2007, 01:37 AM
Are things like homosexuality something you're born with, or is it something you aquire over your lifetime?

there trying to connect the brains chemical activity and way of thought to heredity...

technically any ways of thinking inhereted from your parents would be mental retardations...so what makes our natural personality is retardation...so the ones that r more retarded have more character and personality lol

and some psychiatrists claim they can "cure" homosexuality...I've never really liked psychiatry ever since I've gon to once when little...and no im not a scientologist

03-13-2007, 01:42 AM
i don't ponder on this at all

03-13-2007, 01:50 AM
God flips a coin.

Heads for straight; tails for gay. If it lands on the side: transexual!

03-13-2007, 01:52 AM
heads you get some tail
tails you get some...

03-13-2007, 01:52 AM
God flips a coin.

Heads for straight; tails for gay. If it lands on the side: transexual!

u forgot hermaphrodite/hermaphrodite, herm/guys, herm/girls and their recipricols...hows he decide them...

03-13-2007, 01:54 AM
It's both.

I think that some people are born with homosexual tendencies, and the more open a society is to homosexuality, the more those tendencies are allowed to become more prevalent.

03-13-2007, 01:55 AM
God flips a coin.

Heads for straight; tails for gay. If it lands on the side: transexual!

u forgot hermaphrodite/hermaphrodite, herm/guys, herm/girls and their recipricols...hows he decide them...

He hurt his flipping finger so he went both ways.

Captain Maxx Power
03-13-2007, 01:55 AM
God flips a coin.

Heads for straight; tails for gay. If it lands on the side: transexual!

If the one in eight theory holds water, God's more likely to be rolling a 1d20.

03-13-2007, 01:57 AM
heheheh god is the DM after all

i heard it was 1 in 10...but what do i know

03-13-2007, 02:02 AM
You guys should make your'e own religion...usually people good at writing are good at it...for example the sci-fi author hubbard created scientology

03-13-2007, 04:52 AM
What do you mean by "things like"? What in terms of biological or societal can be compared to sexual orientation?

03-13-2007, 05:09 AM
You guys should make your'e own religion...usually people good at writing are good at it...for example the sci-fi author hubbard created scientology

Sci-Fi writers usually aren't good at writing.

03-13-2007, 05:11 AM
You guys should make your'e own religion...usually people good at writing are good at it...for example the sci-fi author hubbard created scientology

Sci-Fi writers usually aren't good at writing.

well..I didn't say most sci-fi writers I only said one specific one so to try to knock down my opinions like every1 loves doing u'd have to say hubbard isn't good at writing...

03-13-2007, 05:16 AM
Homosexuality is something you are born with. I don't consider that debateable.

Most traits are a mixture of nurture and nature, and it's fairly pointless to try and sort it out.

03-13-2007, 05:16 AM
I'll call that.

Hubbard is a good con artist. Not a good writer.

I've read his work.
And I've read hella better.

03-13-2007, 12:17 PM
He rolls a d10, ofcourse. 1 = homosexuality :p.

More seriously, I'd say it's a combination of both, but never something you can decide yourself. After all, other animals have gay sex aswell.

03-15-2007, 12:04 AM
Thanks you guys, you all proved me wrong since the debate I was picked to argue was that people WERE born homosexual =.=

03-15-2007, 12:08 AM
Thanks you guys, you all proved me wrong since the debate I was picked to argue was that people WERE born homosexual =.=

Well I'd have to argue with the "everything is relevant" quote in this situation...Everything involving someone is probably somehow related to their sexuality...

03-15-2007, 12:28 AM
It's caused by demons.

03-15-2007, 12:30 AM
Let me exorcise yours, Roto.

03-15-2007, 12:35 AM
The gay is strong in that one, Mirage. Not even Father Karras can get rid of them demons.

Moon Rabbits
03-15-2007, 01:03 AM
What do you mean by "things like"? What in terms of biological or societal can be compared to sexual orientation?

Giga Guess
03-15-2007, 01:21 AM
Let me exorcise yours, Roto.

He exorcises it every night.

03-15-2007, 01:23 AM
In the animal kingdom there is no such thing as gay or straight, some species of apes use sex to make ties amongst the group tighter this can be sex with either gender and in some instances every member of the tribe will have sex with every other member. Humans are just apes really when you think of it, so homosexuality is in your genes its just our desire to reproduce (also genetic) that makes us see it as not the normal thing to do.

The Summoner of Leviathan
03-15-2007, 02:03 AM
I think that either way it does not matter for both sides (those who accept homosexuality and those who do not) will just use either (nature or nurture) to prove their own point or to disprove their opponent.

To actually answer the question, I think it is mostly nature and perhaps a bit of nurture.

03-15-2007, 03:14 AM
I bet the US gov has culture deprived lab humans they perform tests on to see things such as sexuality...

My bet is the primitive humans would more likely have a natural sexual attraction to the opposite sex and that genes would usually be working against people becoming homosexual...But there are always exceptions and those small mental retardations passed on to us by our parents that make us who we are...

So like almost everything in life its usually not one factor but a mix of things...

so I'd say Nature and Nurture...and If I had to choose one I would say nurture because I have had experiances in my life that have affected my sexual orientation....

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
03-15-2007, 03:30 AM
Yeah. Um. No. I believe that it is just a matter of personal taste. I don't like mustard. Personal taste. I like chicken. I like steak. I don't like shrimp. I don't like pushy religious people(usually). I like women. I like men. I don't like barbeque sauce. It is all a matter of personal preferance or taste.

Or are you telling me that the fact that I no longer like mustard is genetic? Is the fact that up until just a few years ago girls were my only interest, but now I am looking for guys too, is that genetic like my mustard dilemna?

Hm. I wonder.


03-15-2007, 03:59 AM
Yeah. Um. No. I believe that it is just a matter of personal taste. I don't like mustard. Personal taste. I like chicken. I like steak. I don't like shrimp. I don't like pushy religious people(usually). I like women. I like men. I don't like barbeque sauce. It is all a matter of personal preferance or taste.

Or are you telling me that the fact that I no longer like mustard is genetic? Is the fact that up until just a few years ago girls were my only interest, but now I am looking for guys too, is that genetic like my mustard dilemna?

Hm. I wonder.


no what:confused:

03-15-2007, 04:08 AM
It's something you acquire.


Dr. Unne made a joke?..

Satan is among us indeed.

03-15-2007, 04:09 AM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

03-15-2007, 04:19 AM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

also slight mental inbalances passed on through genes can cause a persons brain to develop a certain way...for example homosexua...I also think deppresion...and "emo'ism" can be connected to this

I know less about how hormones play a part in it but it must because sexual attractions can be brought on by chemical signals...

03-15-2007, 04:34 AM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

also slight mental inbalances passed on through genes can cause a persons brain to develop a certain way...for example homosexua...I also think deppresion...and "emo'ism" can be connected to this

I know less about how hormones play a part in it but it must because sexual attractions can be brought on by chemical signals...

Everything you said would fall under the categories I've described. Though I think your opinion, as it's presented, is pretty base. Which isn't meant to be an insult though it probably sounds like one.

03-15-2007, 04:39 AM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

also slight mental inbalances passed on through genes can cause a persons brain to develop a certain way...for example homosexua...I also think deppresion...and "emo'ism" can be connected to this

I know less about how hormones play a part in it but it must because sexual attractions can be brought on by chemical signals...

Everything you said would fall under the categories I've described. Though I think your opinion, as it's presented, is pretty base. Which isn't meant to be an insult though it probably sounds like one.

yeh, you talked about how its affected by both nature and nurture...birth/abuse
and I went a tiny bit more in on bieng born with it but Yeah...it was pretty base? i dont exactly know what you mean by base but I get the feeling thats right...

and the reason it sounds insulting is the word base...sounds like a very rude word the way I read it...sounds like ...kinda like the word jack...just makes me angry

Dr Unne
03-15-2007, 05:00 AM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

How do you define "homosexuality" in the context of what you studied? Is it someone who has sex with people of the same gender? Or someone who has a predisposi<b></b>tion to have sex with people of the same gender? Or is it more than sex acts, and also includes some level of romantic emotional attachment to people of the same gender? Or is it anyone who identifies himself/herself as a homosexual? Or something else?

It seems surprising that the only ways to be homosexual are to be born predisposed to it, or to take it up as self-defense. Or were you only giving the most common examples?

It seems like there must be some number of people (even if it's a minority) who decide to try out some gay sex for some reason, say imitation of peer behavior to try to become part of some peer group, or trying it randomly out of curiosity. And then decide they like it for some reason, or grow to like it. Even if they're predisposed to be heterosexual. Would these people be called homosexuals, or "heterosexuals who happen to engage in homosexual behavior"?

What about homosexuality in prisons as another example? That seems like learned behavior but for very different reasons than self-defense. It's more an act of aggression or dominance, right? (It might be self-defense for you if a big guy says to you "Either I own you now, or I kill you now", but I think that's a different kind of self-defense than what you meant.)

Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? Because I sure don't.

03-15-2007, 05:05 AM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

How do you define "homosexuality" in the context of what you studied? Is it someone who has sex with people of the same gender? Or someone who has a predisposi<b></b>tion to have sex with people of the same gender? Or is it more than sex acts, and also includes some level of romantic emotional attachment to people of the same gender? Or is it anyone who identifies himself/herself as a homosexual? Or something else?

It seems surprising that the only ways to be homosexual are to be born predisposed to it, or to take it up as self-defense. Or were you only giving the most common examples?

It seems like there must be some number of people (even if it's a minority) who decide to try out some gay sex for some reason, say imitation of peer behavior to try to become part of some peer group, or trying it randomly out of curiosity. And then decide they like it for some reason, or grow to like it. Even if they're predisposed to be heterosexual. Would these people be called homosexuals, or "heterosexuals who happen to engage in homosexual behavior"?

What about homosexuality in prisons as another example? That seems like learned behavior but for very different reasons than self-defense. It's more an act of aggression or dominance, right? (It might be self-defense for you if a big guy says to you "Either I own you now, or I kill you now", but I think that's a different kind of self-defense than what you meant.)

Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? Because I sure don't.

You don't always have to know what you're talking about if your only asking questions...

03-15-2007, 05:15 AM
How do you define "homosexuality" in the context of what you studied?

Yeah, totally went there.

[Doing too much homework to participate in meaningful discussion.]

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
03-15-2007, 05:25 AM
Yeah. Um. No. I believe that it is just a matter of personal taste. I don't like mustard. Personal taste. I like chicken. I like steak. I don't like shrimp. I don't like pushy religious people(usually). I like women. I like men. I don't like barbeque sauce. It is all a matter of personal preferance or taste.

Or are you telling me that the fact that I no longer like mustard is genetic? Is the fact that up until just a few years ago girls were my only interest, but now I am looking for guys too, is that genetic like my mustard dilemna?

Hm. I wonder.


no what:confused:

Thanks you guys, you all proved me wrong since the debate I was picked to argue was that people WERE born homosexual =.=
No that.

03-15-2007, 05:35 AM
Yeah. Um. No. I believe that it is just a matter of personal taste. I don't like mustard. Personal taste. I like chicken. I like steak. I don't like shrimp. I don't like pushy religious people(usually). I like women. I like men. I don't like barbeque sauce. It is all a matter of personal preferance or taste.

Or are you telling me that the fact that I no longer like mustard is genetic? Is the fact that up until just a few years ago girls were my only interest, but now I am looking for guys too, is that genetic like my mustard dilemna?

Hm. I wonder.


no what:confused:

Thanks you guys, you all proved me wrong since the debate I was picked to argue was that people WERE born homosexual =.=
No that.

Yeah I'm bored with this topic now...it is in my opinion obviously a mix of both and if anything the question should be which people would argue has more of an effect...

In that case I would say nurture...Ill leave my opinion at that

03-15-2007, 06:11 AM
Nature with a small percentage of nurture. Homosexual couples that adopt/have children are <b>not</b> more likey to have homosexual children. People in different communities are no less likely to be homosexual. Whether or not they choose to show it is their prerogative. Homosexuality occurs in nature with several species of animals. Off the top of my head, I can think of penguins and giraffes.
Similar to prison rape, homosexuality can be sometimes be "forced" upon animals in captivity by not allowing them a mate of the opposite sex (and not neutering them).

03-15-2007, 07:36 AM
I think you're just born placed on the Kinsey Scale (or whatever made-up measurement of your choice) already. I was knitting little pink hats as a fetus. It's all part of my gay magicks.

Giga Guess
03-15-2007, 01:27 PM
Nature with a small percentage of nurture. Homosexual couples that adopt/have children are <b>not</b> more likey to have homosexual children. People in different communities are no less likely to be homosexual. Whether or not they choose to show it is their prerogative. Homosexuality occurs in nature with several species of animals. Off the top of my head, I can think of penguins and giraffes.
Similar to prison rape, homosexuality can be sometimes be "forced" upon animals in captivity by not allowing them a mate of the opposite sex (and not neutering them).

And therein is the point. I can't say for 100% accuracy that I was born gay, but I'm about 95% sure of that fact. There was no real point in time that I had any desire to be with a girl, so it stands to reason. The nurture comes in more, IMHO, as to whether you embrace that part of yourself, or work for the rest of your life to sublimate your desires.

03-15-2007, 01:54 PM
It can be something you're born with that is evident from a young age, something you're born with that's latent, or a way your brain develops as a defense mechanism, usually as a result of abuse.

According to everything I've ever studied ever.

Gee thanks psychology queen. Completely forgot that almost all actions and tendencies can be acquired after birth, including sexual orientation.

Anyway, thanks to this being in GC I can now say that I am very pleased with Dr Unne's mocking post xD

Dr Unne
03-15-2007, 03:06 PM
How do you define "homosexuality" in the context of what you studied?

That's not what your mother said.

03-15-2007, 04:28 PM
I think that qualifies for an "oh snap."


03-15-2007, 07:49 PM
I think that qualifies for an "oh snap."


Or rather you just wanted an opportunity in which you could apply House's face because you can't go five minutes without him, fanboy. >;[

I think you're born homosexual or heterosexual honestly, though there can be some influences.