View Full Version : More Tactical Details Emerge for The Lions War

03-14-2007, 05:03 PM

A few new details have emerged on the PSP's Final Fantasy Tactics remake. A player-vs-player battle mode has been added along with a PvP feature called "traps." At the end of the battle, depending on how well the player did, the winner will be rewarded with a number of treasure chests. This feature can be turned on or off at the player's wish. One of the other new features of the game will be the ability to choose maps and set up specific and detailed rules for each battle.

A North American release for Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lions War has still not been confirmed, but check back with RPGamer for updates as they become available. For more information on the game, check out the official website.

03-14-2007, 07:55 PM
That's a neat addition~

I'd get my ass kicked playing against another person though :hahaha:. I relied less on strategy and more on Cid.

Wolf Kanno
03-14-2007, 09:12 PM
Why oh why does this game have to be released on PSP?! It's already sounding pretty amazing and I always felt FFT should have a PvP mode.

03-17-2007, 06:29 PM
This is brilliant news, im gonna love it!

03-23-2007, 02:44 AM
Just to assure you, I'm not insulting your comments at all this is productive criticism. I never thought PvP would be a great idea in a game like FFT. I just find in strategy you actually have to think and take time to decide which moves would be the best to make etc. I just think that a PvP online system wouldn't work out that well because you spend a lot of time waiting for your opponent.

One thing that I do think would work would be if you have 2 players in co-op and each player would be assigned different characters in your party, this way you would control Ramza and 2 others while your 2nd player played on his characters' turns. I thought that would be neat. I remember playing the game like this with my friend but we got annoyed having to pass the controller back and forth when it was our turn.

03-30-2007, 05:40 AM
I don't think to time delay in between moves would be that big a deal, not like I can't think of any games that involve a lot of thought being put into moving pieces on a board.

The real problem I forsee with FFT PvP is the fact that this game is horribly unbalanced. Sure it would be fun to pit parties of the type you had on your first play through against each other, but if people are actually going to try at being good I can see it being really lame really fast.

Something like having each person assigned the same pre-made characters at the beginning of the battle and then fighting with what you have might be a good idea, but from my experience with games and PvP, if it can be exploited, it will be.