View Full Version : Your First FF

Holy Lancer
04-03-2007, 06:07 PM
Which FF game did you play first?

For me, it was Final Fantasy X back in 2003 I believe. My first real game system was a PS2 and I fell in love with Final Fantasy after playing it and I still play it. In fact I beat the game again and it says "The End" on my tv right now and is playing the Zanarkand Theme. :tongue:

04-03-2007, 07:20 PM
My first FF game was VIII and i got to the start of the third disc then stopped for some unknown reason.
My second was X. (The introduction to Auron--best character in the whole series).
My third was Final Fantasy IV.
My forth is now XII (The introduction to Balthier--the second or joint best character in the whole series)

04-03-2007, 07:26 PM
My first was Final Fantasy VI (III for SNES) which i began playing with my best friend in the summer between 6th and 7th grade.

I loved it, and my second game was tactics, which is my all time favorite from the entire series.

Can't wait for the re-release on PSP, I will buy the PSP just for that game.

04-03-2007, 07:53 PM
My first was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance in 2005, I believe. Then I got Dawn of Souls in the summer and after that I played the ROM of FF II US (FF IV).

After that, in about one year, I played and finished every FF from I till IX + FFTA.

f f freak
04-03-2007, 08:09 PM
My first FF was FFVII. I played and completed it like 10 times. I followed the series on from there and after FFIX played through the earlier ones. Then I played through FFX and FFX-2 and I am currently working on FFXII

04-03-2007, 09:08 PM
A'yo, TyphoonThaReapa's first FF was FF8. MAN, I played the hell out of the game. Completely unstoppable. Your first will always be your first...BABY COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-03-2007, 09:10 PM
VII, one of my 1st ps games. right now i'm finishing up III, and i'll have played through the numbered series, except XI.

04-03-2007, 09:12 PM
FF IV for the SNES back in 98. Then FF VI a year later(Number 1 on my top 5 favorite FFs followed by IV). From there on, I played and beaten every FF that was out there(Still need to play VIII and DoC though :sweat:

04-03-2007, 09:17 PM
omg i'm the first person to say Final Fantasy??

man i'm old.

04-03-2007, 09:19 PM
My first FF game was VIII and i got to the start of the third disc then stopped for some unknown reason.
My second was X. (The introduction to Auron--best character in the whole series).
My third was Final Fantasy IV.
My forth is now XII (The introduction to Balthier--the second or joint best character in the whole series)

Same for me and in the same order, but I also got FFIX before X and FFX-2 after X.

04-03-2007, 09:30 PM
My first game was IX, but i didn't get the junctioning system at the time (10-11). So i gave it away.

Holy Lancer
04-03-2007, 09:36 PM
My first game was IX, but i didn't get the junctioning system at the time (10-11). So i gave it away.

:mog: VIII was the one with the juntioning system. IX was an awesome game by the way.

04-03-2007, 10:23 PM
FFIX. I had no idea about anything to do with video games, including final fantasy. I was just playing on my stepdads PSX back then, and I was bored of playing Spyro and Tombraider, looked thru his massive pile of games, thought the FFVII and IX covers looked pretty, did an eenie meenie meini mo and ended up with IX.

Then I got stuck on the second black waltz and went back to playing Spyro and Tombraider.

Ahh, memories...


04-03-2007, 10:41 PM
My first game was IX, but i didn't get the junctioning system at the time (10-11). So i gave it away.

:mog: VIII was the one with the juntioning system. IX was an awesome game by the way.
thanks. I meant the ability system thing.

Holy Lancer
04-03-2007, 10:44 PM
FFIX. I had no idea about anything to do with video games, including final fantasy. I was just playing on my stepdads PSX back then, and I was bored of playing Spyro and Tombraider, looked thru his massive pile of games, thought the FFVII and IX covers looked pretty, did an eenie meenie meini mo and ended up with IX.

Then I got stuck on the second black waltz and went back to playing Spyro and Tombraider.

Ahh, memories...


I got tired of making big polls here, they die too quick. Look at my started threads if you want an example or two lol.

Anyways, IX is a good one. A lot of people don't like it probably because they don't play past the first disc. It gets good once you get to Lindblum. The beginning (before Lindblum) is kind of dull and I guess it throws alot of people off.

04-03-2007, 10:50 PM
I started with Final Fantasy VII. After that, I played Chrono Trigger, and I eventually played FFVI. I played several FFs after that, but I completed them in this order: FFVIII, FFIV, FFIX, FFV, FFIII, FFI, FFII, FFX, FFX-2, FF Tactics... and that's it. I played many of the remakes after that, and I also played the Kingdom Hearts games, but after finishing FF Tactics, it took me almost 3 years to get to play an FF I hadn't completed before, i.e. FFXII.

04-04-2007, 03:43 AM
Final Fantasy, in all it's NES glory. Although, to be honest, I didn't get much farther than the Temple of Fiends and Garland knocked all my party down. >_>

After that... er... Does Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest count? If not, my next one was Final Fantasy IV.

04-04-2007, 03:51 AM
FF6, way back in like, Elementary School. My sister's boyfriend brought it over one day and I got hooked instantly. I didn't get very far though, but beat it years later.

04-04-2007, 05:16 AM
Final Fantasy, in all it's NES glory. Although, to be honest, I didn't get much farther than the Temple of Fiends and Garland knocked all my party down. >_>

i'll take it!

*holds hand*

04-04-2007, 05:32 AM
i cant remember if it was FF mystic quest or FFII(IV)? my cousin had brought them both with him i cant remember seeing which one he played first but i later played them that day.

04-04-2007, 06:05 AM
I would always watch my friends older brother play the OG final fantasy on NES, but it wasnt until FFVI (III on SNES) till i had my own.

04-04-2007, 06:31 AM
Mine was FFVI. It got me addicted to video games ever since. Thanks to it, I can play games without getting bored, and now know the true meaning to gaming: The characters, stories, music, wonders! Celes! Kefka!

04-04-2007, 02:21 PM
omg i'm the first person to say Final Fantasy??

man i'm old.

me 2

04-04-2007, 03:45 PM
2.FF10(Borrowed it for a year and finished it)
3.Crystal Chronicals(If that counts)
6.FF10-2(Worst waste of £10 in my life)

So overall I have 11......FF12 IS THE UBEREST!!!!

04-04-2007, 08:43 PM
truth be told... X was my first, then I bought VII off the internet, after that, my bro bought X-2 though I never played it. He also bought 8 (mainly 'cause of Rinoa) off the web. FFIV n FFVI advance.
These are NOT in order

Disco Potato
04-05-2007, 12:14 AM
I rented FFIX shortly after it came out, out of curiousity (I didn't really play videogames back then but had heard good things about it), but didn't get very far into it before I had to return it. I went on to play VIII, X, VII, X-2, and XII. I finally bought IX just recently and now I'm playing through it again :p

04-05-2007, 01:46 AM
Final Fantasy, in all it's NES glory. Although, to be honest, I didn't get much farther than the Temple of Fiends and Garland knocked all my party down. >_>

i'll take it!

*holds hand*

I rented it. It wasn't my copy. ;_;

04-05-2007, 01:54 AM
works for me...bunny's in too!

let's march on washington!

04-05-2007, 10:20 AM
My first was FFIX. Soo magical ^^.

Meat Puppet
04-05-2007, 01:13 PM
My first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy VII. I’m pretty sure it was in the same year it came out. My dad had taken my brother out to town for a day, and he had spontaneously decided to let us both choose a PlayStation game each. He chose cool boarders 2, and I picked Final Fantasy VII. Not that I had plotted the thing out; I really just grabbed at any random game which wasn’t a sports game. Also, it probably caught my eye because the case was larger than what I was used to, and I am greedy. Super Size Me, chief!
I have yet to beat the game.

04-05-2007, 01:20 PM
My first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy VII. I’m pretty sure it was in the same year it came out. My dad had taken my brother out to town for a day, and he had spontaneously decided to let us both choose a PlayStation game each. He chose cool boarders 2, and I picked Final Fantasy VII. Not that I had plotted the thing out; I really just grabbed at any random game which wasn’t a sports game. Also, it probably caught my eye because the case was larger than what I was used to, and I am greedy. Super Size Me, chief!
I have yet to beat the game.

:eek:YOU HAVEN'T BEAT VII???:eek:

Meat Puppet
04-07-2007, 10:17 AM
Nope. I’m pretty sure I’ve got close, though.

Disco Potato
04-07-2007, 07:47 PM
My first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy VII. I’m pretty sure it was in the same year it came out. My dad had taken my brother out to town for a day, and he had spontaneously decided to let us both choose a PlayStation game each. He chose cool boarders 2, and I picked Final Fantasy VII. Not that I had plotted the thing out; I really just grabbed at any random game which wasn’t a sports game. Also, it probably caught my eye because the case was larger than what I was used to, and I am greedy. Super Size Me, chief!
I have yet to beat the game.

:eek:YOU HAVEN'T BEAT VII???:eek:

Similar experience...I bought FFVII in 2001 but just beat it last summer :p

04-07-2007, 09:07 PM
It's pretty tiring towards the end. That's were I always lose interest, usually on my following play through.

04-10-2007, 05:44 PM
FF8 popped my cherry, then in order

yes 7 was my last play, and I always argued that it wasn't the best and that sephiroth wasn't the best villain until I actually played the game, since then it is my favorite.

04-10-2007, 06:43 PM
FFVI. I started playing when I was 9 or 10, somewhere around there. My brother loved the FF series so he passed games down to me when I became interested enough. I used to sit and watch him play FFIV and when FFVII came out I watched him play that game all the way through. When I was younger I was a bit scared to play myself, which is why I started so late. He made me play Zelda, Secret of Mana, and Lufia once but I was scared by the boss battles and so I just ended up watching. FFVI seemed safe enough and I played it probably 6 times since then. I've probably hit every glitch, even the annoying ones on accident. I also found Shadow's dreams on accident. I was obsessed with that game, still am.

04-10-2007, 07:36 PM
Haha, Reles, you was like me. I used to always be scared of playing games that my Bro used to show me. For example, Grand Theft Auto was one, and then I finally plucked the courage and played it. It's really comforting watching though, then you can criticize anything they do wrong.
I was very independent with all my FF's except VIII.

04-11-2007, 11:24 PM
my first was IX (loved it forever since then) in 2002/3 (can't remember now!)
then it was VII, VIII, X and the X-2 and they've all been great in their own way - ahh!

04-11-2007, 11:31 PM
I watched my sister play the first FF, but the first game I actually played with the mental capabilities of gaming (not button mashing) was........... DUN DUN DUN, FFVI when it was FFIII, in 1994. Then the summer after I got FFIII I found out my best friend had FFII. <3

But really if that's a surprise to anyone then they're just silly.

MikeL Valentine
04-12-2007, 03:25 PM
Which FF game did you play first?

My first FF was FF9 and it's my favourite along with FF7 :cool:

04-12-2007, 03:28 PM
I still love that game to this day! Im a walking breathing stratagy guide for lol!

04-12-2007, 08:37 PM
omg i'm the first person to say Final Fantasy??

man i'm old.

I share your old skoolness. Though I was only like 7 when I got addicted.

04-16-2007, 04:04 PM
My first FF experience was with FF IX. My sister bought it from my friend and started to play it. Back then i was too young to play it myself and i wasn't even interested about it enough that would have started playing it.
I can't remember how old i was then. But it was probably the year 2000 or 2001.. err.. or 2002? Well, i was about 11-years-old or something like that.
Back then my English wasn't good so most of the game still remained hidden for me. But the experience still blew me away. I maybe didn't read all the text there was written but the game, the plot, the characters, the whole story... it captured me and the magic of IX hasn't yet faded away. I guess it would have been better if had played the VII first but cuz i was so young then it would have been too hard for me. You know, IX is quite easy comparing to the other FF's.
Now I have played the IX like four times (I know that's not actually much but for me even playing a game through one time is a real task.)
I like to play it to the start of the fourth disc cuz then you would have to start raising the lvl's and the actual story is pretty much over (at least cuz you know how it will go).

The next FF i played was X. Again, I had watched my sister playing it through first but it didn't catch me as badly as IX did. Maybe cuz it was more deeper story and much longer too.
And cuz i hadn't watch every minute of the game the story wasn't whole for me.
So there i was, living in a thought that X wasn't good enough to be played. One sunny day i decided to start to play it.
And i realized that it was amazing. That's enough about that.

04-16-2007, 04:19 PM
First FF was 7. My friend told me 'wanna borrow this game, it's so crap, I bet you won't like it.' I liked it, but I got stuck on that lunar harp part when you have to dig it up. I gave it back.

I got FF8 for my 9th birthday, and it took me 2 years to complete. That's right. Well to be fair, it's because I got stuck on finding the seed ship, so I didn't play the game for like a year and a half. I put it down.

Then I finally picked it up cos I was bored, and ended up completing it, and becoming crazy about Final Fantasy. My other friend let me borrow FF7, and I completed it...

I have completed FF8 four times.
I have completed FF7 two times.

04-16-2007, 04:35 PM
I'm sure this topic has been done a thousand times now but hey ^.^

FFVII, with my Cousin, who owned it. We played through it together. In other words, he did all the important story-driven bits and when I borrowed it all I could without dying was training :( But hey, that was 10 years ago XD
I also remember he thought it was over when we blew up the first reactor :D Much lol'ing. And he thought it wasn't that good til I forced us to both play it cos it looked SO. COOL. :p

The black mage
04-23-2007, 10:37 AM
the first FF i played was ff7 at a mates house, then i lent ff9 off him.
Then i bought ff8 stop plaing that on the second disk(dam scrach) then
i got given FF7 (pc) as a gift, i then bought FF9, then FF10, then ff10-2, then DOS, FF4A, FF5A, FF12,FF6A
(and someware in there i got FF7 ps)

04-23-2007, 11:15 AM
I'm in England so VII.

Pete for President
04-23-2007, 01:12 PM
My first was X and i got blown away. Second was VII, third was Tactics Advance (never finished this one though) and fourth is FF XII.

04-23-2007, 06:43 PM
My first FF game was FF2 for the SNES, but we were only renting it. We bought FF1 for the NES shortly after returning FF2.

Though I know it makes sense, I still find it strange to read the responses where people say they played FFX first. It's like the same feeling I get when N64 or PS1 is referred to as "Retro" or "Old-School".

Holy Lancer
04-25-2007, 04:49 AM
I see some people played them in order. I went kind of crazy with the order. For me it was X, IX, VII, I, II, V, Tactics, VIII, VI, IV, XII, DoC. I beat nearly all of them and some multiple times. I have 13 different save game files on FFX using the same memory card (2003-2007).

04-25-2007, 06:10 AM
Final Fantasy for NES in 1990.

Dr. Acula
04-25-2007, 07:54 AM
My first FF was...uh... FF6 I think, but when I was 5 I used to watch two of my older brothers play FF7.

1: FF6
2: FF4
3: FF8
4: FF5
6: FF7
7: FF1
8: FF2
9: FF12

Those are all the ones I've played, though I'm not sure if they're in the right order... the only ones I've actually FINISHED are 1, 5 and TA though. Pretty sad stuff.