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04-12-2007, 01:05 PM
to be honest, i loved most of the game, but was anyone else disatisfied with the ending?

Sergeant Hartman
04-12-2007, 02:48 PM
Haven't finished it yet, but it's been alright so far.

Setzer Gabianni
04-12-2007, 03:34 PM
I hate these threads, ones which will incite negativity. More positive ones please D:. We need a daily dose of positivity about gameplay from Renmiri and positivity about storyline from Wolf Kanno, and about the characters..I can handle that, but I may have to hire some Balthier lovers 8D

Anyway..love the game, pretty much everything - minus Balthier and Ashe. Ending, I saw on YouTube, and yes I was crying. So therefore, along with FFVIII, this has had a great ending <3

04-12-2007, 09:14 PM
to be honest, i loved most of the game, but was anyone else disatisfied with the ending?


I thought Ashe was a b**tch for abandining her friends and the whole thing was very rushed and anticlimatic, after you defeat the boss.

04-12-2007, 09:20 PM
I haven't finished the game, will their be major spoilers, which will shock me for days, or will they be obvious. Lets say that they defeat Vayne, and Larsa helps?

We need a daily dose of positivity about gameplay from Renmiri and positivity about storyline from Wolf Kanno

I'm always forgotten...:cry:

04-12-2007, 09:30 PM
People were actually able to finish this game?

04-12-2007, 09:33 PM
People were actually able to finish this game?

Why, what do you mean, you don't like it or something?

04-12-2007, 09:46 PM
The ending was awesome and nostalgic and somewhat sad.And no i didn't cry.

Pete for President
04-12-2007, 10:36 PM
I liked pretty much everything about it. The events at the Pharos and Bahamut were ace and I think the ending was allright.

However, there were some moments where I thought by myself, why I am travelling to this place and what should I do there? But then again, usually once I reached the next town a little cutscene shows (the minimum but) enough emotion, motivation and that kind of stuff to keep me going.

Overall, a great game imo. :choc:

04-12-2007, 11:20 PM
When I finished the game (FFXII) I thought.. Ok i'm done. Nothing else.
Generally gameplay was good. I liked the gambit set up, the versatility of weapons usage, no wait mode, etc.

The Hunts were fun as were the sidequests. But I wished that there was a Break HP, Break Damage Limit and other abilities you can add to your arsenal.

Also It would have been fun if there were actually really difficult enemies to conquer. (yiazmat and Omega Mark II?? Nah.. too easy)

But I can't answer the poll since none of them apply to my opinion of the game.

04-12-2007, 11:32 PM
Oh Come on Chris, those enemies are hard, but for some talented gamers, they just appear long and tiring.

04-13-2007, 12:57 AM
nothing special...ffviii for life

Setzer Gabianni
04-13-2007, 09:29 AM
^ pfft, go away. FFXII section only plz. lol also at Tavrobel.

Hazzard, what would you like to be remembered for ;w;

Wolf Kanno
04-13-2007, 10:45 AM
As endings go in the series. It's one of the best IMHO. You actually get to know what happened to everyone. I would have agreed about the whole final dungeon being pretty rushed but after playing it again recently, it was a hell of a lot better than I remember it being. Gabranth forever...

And shame on you Renmiri... I thought we discussed this;)

It's probably the second best ending in the series, only after FFI.

As for the game itself... it's probably my third or fourth favorite (it's duking it out with FFV at the moment) I'm afraid FFVI and FFIV will always be my favorites though FFXII did give them a run for there money.

04-13-2007, 10:57 AM
I havenīt finnished the game yet but soon, and I think it is a great game. It has alot of really great things but also some things that I dislike about the game.

I donīt like the fact that Ashe got so much space she is so annoying.

04-13-2007, 11:45 AM
I can definitely tell that W.K prefers thew old fashioned FF's, which are based in the olden days. Kingdoms, crystals and that usual mojo. I really enjoy those sort of FF's as well, and find myself getting more engaged in them, and that's why the first I-VI are all set in that sort of theme, and also XII. The others were good, but you always seem restricted from certain stuff in the worlds, except for the ones like XII, were you basically explore everywhere in East Ivalice.

04-13-2007, 05:28 PM
Ashe is a b**tch who abandons friends who save her life It might be more realistic, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Besides, not even in RL people do it. I hear from my nephew and other friends in the military that friends in battle are friends for life.

PS: WK, where have you been ? I have been bashing XII with no rebuttal for weeks here. It's getting boring! ;)

Wolf Kanno
04-16-2007, 06:28 AM
Ashe is a b**tch who abandons friends who save her life It might be more realistic, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Besides, not even in RL people do it. I hear from my nephew and other friends in the military that friends in battle are friends for life.

PS: WK, where have you been ? I have been bashing XII with no rebuttal for weeks here. It's getting boring! ;)

Well first off, your nephew and friends admitted at being in the military which is an institution that teaches you to work intimately with others to the point of thinking of yourself as a "team" rather than as an individual. So it's easy to understand the deep bonds formed there.

On the other hand, the cast of FFXII unlike most previous casts of FF was formed out of a mutual goal rather than trust. Half the games dialogue is mostly about how everyone is concerned about being betrayed by the others. The scene at the end of the Pharos and throughout till the ending is showing the player that the party finally accepts each other. But mostly I feel Lady Ashe's action is due to her professionalism rather than her being a bitch. But your free to hate her. I love her though, cause I can respect her unlike Yuna;)

If you want to see a lead character who is truly a bitch, look no further than Shion "Let's jeopordize the party for my own selfish and childish reasons cause I was raised to be treated like a smurfing princess" Uzuki of Xenosaga fame...:mad:

04-16-2007, 06:59 AM
I rather liked the ending. I can get over the whole Bahamut thing by believing that the Pharos was the final dungeon...which is did seem like, being 90 floors of hell and having a very climactic and cataclysmic battle at the top. But it seems that they just sorta forgot about Vayne and the empire until after they settled the Cid subplot, so they threw them in there at the very end. Or something like that. Still, I do like the ending. Everyone went their separate ways and just continued on doing what they do best, which is a rather realistic ending in comparison to other games in the series.

04-24-2007, 12:58 PM
I didn't mean to be negative. as i said, i loved the game. i thought it was the best out of the ones ive played (VIII, X, X-2, KH, KH2, XII) but i just dont like the ending. altough it does leave the plot open for a sequel... can we talk about Revanent Wings- without spoiler tags- without getting banned yet? Does anyone know much about the DS version of xii? like when its being released?*sigggh...*

04-24-2007, 02:56 PM
I liked the ending, I loved how you got to see everything a year later and it was all happy, and the obvious planning for a sequel (I didn't need to know about revenant wings, it was obvious they were planning one), reassured me that this was certainly not the ending.
It was very heart warming, oh, and Penelo looked cooool.

The credits were the best credits yet, because they had concept art. I <3 concept art. Anyone know where I can find those pics on the intarwebz? I've looked everywhere...