View Full Version : Where is Weapon's Monthly July?

04-19-2007, 06:14 AM
The walkthrough on the main site is missing that information, as well as weapons monthly August. I know August is just few clicks south of the gargoyle statue in trabia garden, but I can't remember where July is.

Any help?

Edit: Also, why are selphies weapons listed as "Shinobu"? I wasn't aware they were japanese transverse flutes. Yeah, I thought they were Nunchaku.

Edit2: I found it by myself, thanks bunches.

"The disk begins with Squall thinking about what has happened. Quistis
tells Squall to head to Edeas house, but first head over to the training
area of Balamb Garden. There is now a Weapons Mon July Magazine lying on
the ground"

Thank you gamefaqs, no thanks eyeson.