View Full Version : Allied LP

04-20-2007, 01:25 AM
Do the party members you recruit in the course of the game have a fixed amount of LP when you recruit them, or is it based on how much your other characters already have?

I'm asking because I had about 600 LP on Vaan when Penelo joined, and she had about the same amount of LP. If that works the same way for the others I'll do a lot more of my leveling up early on in the game.

04-20-2007, 06:49 AM
Do the party members you recruit in the course of the game have a fixed amount of LP when you recruit them, or is it based on how much your other characters already have?

Yes. It's based on the number you have already accumulated beforehand. That's around how many LP your new characters start out with.

I'm asking because I had about 600 LP on Vaan when Penelo joined, and she had about the same amount of LP. If that works the same way for the others I'll do a lot more of my leveling up early on in the game.

It works the same way for the others. On my current file, I power-leveled Vaan by himself early on, and I had gotten tons of LP for him and used them on a lot of augments. When the next members joined, they started out with tons of LP as well which was roughly the same number as I had acquired for Vaan. It was the same way when the rest of the characters joined as I was building up LP for everyone.

04-20-2007, 06:09 PM
Same for levels. Guests usually join 2 levels higher than you, except for Vossler which joins you at 20 always iirc.

04-20-2007, 08:56 PM
Vossler was like 17 when I had him in the sandsea xD I think Larsa was 23.