View Full Version : Ivy and Gackt!

04-29-2007, 09:09 PM
Anyone heard of her? She has just brought out a new CD, with a Remix of a song that she has sung, and the music Video is to do with Advent Children, take a look here: YouTube - Ivy - Temptation of Sonata [mv] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6m01X8Qzkw&feature=PlayList&p=3EB6C1684AA14464&index=67)

Gackt...well I am like the biggest Gackt Fan girl in England...I love him to bits, and his song Redemtion.....wow.

Big D
04-30-2007, 11:41 AM
I saw the video for 'Temptation of Sonata'... cringe-inducing, but the song is oddly catchy.

'Redemption' is the only Gackt song I know, but it's pretty neat.

04-30-2007, 11:50 AM
I like Secret Garden.