View Full Version : Sweet Jesus! Where is that mark???

Ko Ko
05-03-2007, 09:34 PM
I have a couple of irritating problems - one, I cant find a rod for the fishing minigame (but the dock man still suggests it) and two, I cant find the mark billed by Ieeha in Mt. Bur Ormisace. It just wont blizzard for me at all. It refuses. I walk in and out of both parts of the Silverflow's End several thousands of times and nothing happens. No mark, no Ieeha, nothing.
I'm about to eat my own leg and suggestions from websites tell me nothing; because my school blocks out most websites and I LIVE HERE.

Someone help me. :cry:

Cap'n Basch
05-03-2007, 10:07 PM
You basically need to exit and re-enter the Paramina Rift from the Feywood until a blizzard starts. You can then run along to where Fafnir is (it's a trip of about 2 zones) before the blizzard ends.

05-04-2007, 12:55 AM
Actually, you're supposed to follow a designated path from Mt. Bur-Ominsace (use a chocobo). I'm not positive what the path is, but as long as you follow it through the map, the blizzard will continue. If it stops, you need to talk to that Viera again.

Cap'n Basch
05-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Actually, you're supposed to follow a designated path from Mt. Bur-Ominsace (use a chocobo). I'm not positive what the path is, but as long as you follow it through the map, the blizzard will continue. If it stops, you need to talk to that Viera again.

First I've heard of this.

I do know the blizzard is one of the game's "random" weather events, and the Feywood/Rift trip will trigger it while leaving you close enough to get to Fafnir without it stopping. That's how I did that hunt.

Ko Ko
05-04-2007, 01:37 AM
I'll try both before commiting suicide. ^^ Cap'n's idea seems easiest.
So what about that fishing game?

05-04-2007, 01:56 AM
You will find the fishing rod at Balfonheinm. It is a very long quest, mind you and the prize is kind of silly

FFXII/Quests/Fishing - FFProject (http://ffproject.net/forumwiki/index.php/FFXII/Quests/Fishing)

05-04-2007, 02:14 AM
There's a much easier way to get a blizzard to appear. Talk to the Viera on Mount Bur-Omisace (I think her name has Relj or something) during the Fafnir hunt to automatically trigger a blizzard. However, you have to get to smaller section in the Silverflow's End area WITHOUT going through the Frozen Brook area (the place where you fought Trickster). If you go through the Frozen Brook, the weather will automatically change and you will lose your blizzard.

After slaying Fafnir, you won't be able to use the Viera to trigger a blizzard anymore though.

Ko Ko
05-04-2007, 10:22 PM
I love you guys ^^ Thanks

05-05-2007, 10:43 AM
I love you guys as well, I'm gonna try it out later!