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I Don't Need A Name
05-04-2007, 09:02 PM
so whats the most underrated and overrated final fantasy

Overrated - Final Fantasy VII cos, in short, its sucks pretty bad overall
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

05-04-2007, 09:12 PM
Overrated: Without a doubt, VII.
Underrated: IX, many VII and VIII fans dislike this game because it is similar to the Original FFs. IV is also underrated, but not VI, as many Orginal FF fans seem to like it. Which is good, because VI is awesome.

The Crystal
05-04-2007, 09:15 PM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVI have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

05-04-2007, 09:21 PM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVII have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

05-04-2007, 09:25 PM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVIII have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

Fixed :)

05-04-2007, 09:27 PM
Overrated - VII and X (although i have both)
Underrated - I, as no-one seams to care about the game that started it all any more.

05-04-2007, 09:36 PM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVIII have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

Fixed :)

Hey, I fixed it first! Now you ruined it. :mad2:

05-04-2007, 09:45 PM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVI have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

that and the fact that I feel Kitase became a better director over his career is why I vote for FFVI as the most overrated.

Most Underrated: Final Fantasy V, this game is so overlooked, mostly because the early American fans are too preoccupied with their cult worshipping of VI to realize that there may be a few games that came before it that are better.

Underrated: IX, many VII and VIII fans dislike this game because it is similar to the Original FFs.

^ are we supposed to take this seriously??? Why would 7/8 fans dislike a game b/c its similar to the originals? I started with 7 and I like every game in the series.

05-04-2007, 09:49 PM
Underrated: IX, many VII and VIII fans dislike this game because it is similar to the Original FFs.

^ are we supposed to take this seriously??? Why would 7/8 fans dislike a game b/c its similar to the originals? I started with 7 and I like every game in the series.

There's lots of truth in this. A large majority of FF fans are actually just fans of FFVII, and VIII, and X. And have never really played any of the others (Like 98% of the fans I know in real life)

05-04-2007, 09:53 PM
are we supposed to take this seriously??? Why would 7/8 fans dislike a game b/c its similar to the originals? I started with 7 and I like every game in the series.

Did I say YOU? No, I said "many" as in the vast majority of VII and VIII fans that are never willing to consider the fact that there are other great FF's too and probably can't even explain why they like them using more than two sentences. And because most of them I have seen on other forums also happen to dislike Originals; some of them who haven't even played Originals say something like: "originals sux, there graphics r crap".

The Crystal
05-04-2007, 10:31 PM
Of what i heard about it, FFXI have a great story with good characters(NPCs) and each game have an "end"(they even have final bosses). But it's online, and many people choosed not to play the game because of that. Hell, some people even think that it cannot be considered a FF.
FFXI is the most underrated game in the series by far.

05-04-2007, 10:35 PM
Of what i heard about it, FFXI have a great story with good characters(NPCs) and each game have an "end"(they even have final bosses). But it's online, and many people choosed not to play the game because of that. Hell, some people even think that it cannot be considered a FF.
FFXI is the most underrated game in the series by far.

The reason many people don't play it isn't because its online, more that it costs 10 bucks a month and requires a larger dedication then any of the other games to even get into the story. I played the game for a month and never got really far into the story, then I realized I didn't have a way to pay 10 bucks and stopped playing, haven't played since.

05-04-2007, 10:41 PM
Overrated : FFVII, do I really need to explain myself on this one?
Underrated : FFIX, most FF fans who started with VII and VIII hated it.

05-04-2007, 10:59 PM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVIII have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

Fixed :)

dude...that's so not true.

nobody likes FF8

The Crystal
05-04-2007, 11:40 PM
The reason many people don't play it isn't because its online, more that it costs 10 bucks a month and requires a larger dedication then any of the other games to even get into the story. I played the game for a month and never got really far into the story, then I realized I didn't have a way to pay 10 bucks and stopped playing, haven't played since.

It doesn't mater. The game is still good, you having to pay for it or not. But many people think that because it's online, it doesn't have a good story, any good character, and it don't have an end. They are wrong of course.

In the moment that people begin to question "This game can be considered part of the main series?", that means the game is completely underrated. FFXI is like any other FF. A group of heros in a magic world trying to save it of a greate evil(or more than one). It have a good story, bosses, cutscenes, FMVs, final boss, etc.

Firo Volondé
05-04-2007, 11:51 PM
Overrated: VI-VIII. A lot people I've encountered who prefer one of these three considers them the best game ever.
Underrated: V because it's a good game that's never really gotten a chance to show how great it is.

05-05-2007, 12:05 AM
The reason many people don't play it isn't because its online, more that it costs 10 bucks a month and requires a larger dedication then any of the other games to even get into the story. I played the game for a month and never got really far into the story, then I realized I didn't have a way to pay 10 bucks and stopped playing, haven't played since.

It doesn't mater. The game is still good, you having to pay for it or not. But many people think that because it's online, it doesn't have a good story, any good character, and it don't have an end. They are wrong of course.

In the moment that people begin to question "This game can be considered part of the main series?", that means the game is completely underrated. FFXI is like any other FF. A group of heros in a magic world trying to save it of a greate evil(or more than one). It has (sorry couldn't resist XP) a good story, bosses, cutscenes, FMVs, final boss, etc.

I think there was a misunderstanding there.
I was just pointing out the reason why most people don't play it.

05-05-2007, 12:28 AM
Overrated: FFVIII.
Underrated: FFX-2.

05-05-2007, 12:46 AM
Overrated- FFVII- not that it's bad, but it is not the be-all and end-all of FF greatness.

Underrated- FFII-Damn good story considering when it came out, and the leveling system was fun. Also, IX-Has a good story, solid characters, and one of the best villans in the series. I don't know why more people don't appriciate it.

Meat Puppet
05-05-2007, 12:47 AM
Overrated: FFX.
Underrated: FFVII.

05-05-2007, 01:00 AM
are we supposed to take this seriously??? Why would 7/8 fans dislike a game b/c its similar to the originals? I started with 7 and I like every game in the series.

Did I say YOU? No, I said "many" as in the vast majority of VII and VIII fans that are never willing to consider the fact that there are other great FF's too and probably can't even explain why they like them using more than two sentences. And because most of them I have seen on other forums also happen to dislike Originals; some of them who haven't even played Originals say something like: "originals sux, there graphics r crap".

You just contradicted your own argument. If they don't like the originals strictly on the basis of graphics, logically they would love IX as it had better backgrounds, character pixelation, and cutscenes than VII and VIII. I think you're leaving things out.

Not to mention I've never seen anyone on this forum use that reason as to why they don't like the originals. Maybe you've seen that on other forums, that's your word.

Everyone I know in real life who played VII past the third or so cutscene hated VIII and loved IX. In fact, I have one friend who only played part of VII for the cutscenes (as alot of people on here claim is the only reason), skipped out on VIII, but bought IX when it came out and got really hooked on it, moreso than the other RPGers I knew.

So, again, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

I think you and fans who share your sentiments need to come out and say it: the only reason people like VII more than the others are FMVs.

But if you took more than 6 seconds to think about it, you'd realize there's an abundance of reasons why VII is much better than the first VI games, aside from graphics.

There's lots of truth in this. A large majority of FF fans are actually just fans of FFVII, and VIII, and X. And have never really played any of the others (Like 98% of the fans I know in real life)

where are you getting the information for that generalization (bolded)? Again, everyone I know who's a fan of VII hated VIII, and loved IX. (BTW Boko, I agree that the monthly fee is what turned off alot of people from XI, and is probably contributes as to why they don't count it as a "true" FF).

In general, I just find it hilarious and ironic how posters on this site accuse the PSX generation of stereotyping the classics, when i've seen on this site that the exact opposite is true. You don't even have to look further than this thread to see that.

05-05-2007, 01:03 AM
Overrated: FFVIII.
Underrated: FFX-2.

05-05-2007, 01:44 AM
are we supposed to take this seriously??? Why would 7/8 fans dislike a game b/c its similar to the originals? I started with 7 and I like every game in the series.

Did I say YOU? No, I said "many" as in the vast majority of VII and VIII fans that are never willing to consider the fact that there are other great FF's too and probably can't even explain why they like them using more than two sentences. And because most of them I have seen on other forums also happen to dislike Originals; some of them who haven't even played Originals say something like: "originals sux, there graphics r crap".

You just contradicted your own argument. If they don't like the originals strictly on the basis of graphics, logically they would love IX as it had better backgrounds, character pixelation, and cutscenes than VII and VIII. I think you're leaving things out.

Not to mention I've never seen anyone on this forum use that reason as to why they don't like the originals. Maybe you've seen that on other forums, that's your word.

Everyone I know in real life who played VII past the third or so cutscene hated VIII and loved IX. In fact, I have one friend who only played part of VII for the cutscenes (as alot of people on here claim is the only reason), skipped out on VIII, but bought IX when it came out and got really hooked on it, moreso than the other RPGers I knew.

So, again, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

I think you and fans who share your sentiments need to come out and say it: the only reason people like VII more than the others are FMVs.

But if you took more than 6 seconds to think about it, you'd realize there's an abundance of reasons why VII is much better than the first VI games, aside from graphics.

Well, actually no. FFIX's graphics get ranked on a lot. I've heard complaints on the Big heads during the cut scenes, the fact that the battles looked too pixeclated (FFIX's battles actually where graphically inferior to VIII's because IX had to support a forth character), and I've also heard complaints by various fans of the character and city designs.

Next, Yes there is more reason why FFVII has so many fans, let me name them...

1. Sephiroth
2. Futuristic (Also applies to FFVIII, people complain about IX not being futuristic, often not realizing the past all weren't futuristic)
3. Tifa (yeah... XD)

As for never hearing someone claim FFVII and VIII are better then the originals because of graphics...
Yeah... (http://forums.eyesonff.com/members/chrisfffan.html) :p

05-05-2007, 01:47 AM
1. Sephiroth
2. Futuristic (Also applies to FFVIII, people complain about IX not being futuristic, often not realizing the past all weren't futuristic)
3. Tifa (yeah... XD)

4. It was the first game most of them played.

The most overrated game is the Final Fantasy series as a whole.
The most underated game is any game other than the Final Fantasy series.

Seriously, Final Fantasy gets too much credit for just being a successful knockoff of Dragon Warrior/Quest

05-05-2007, 03:04 AM
overrated-- FFVII. Honestly, I thought the game was meh. Usually I'm obsessed with doing every sidequest and finding every treasure in an RPG, but FFVII made me stop caring about that and the FF series altogether, until IX rescued it for me. I will never, ever understand why this is the game with the most fanpersons.

underrated-- This will sound like hyperbole, but I'm being completely serious: every other FF game seems underrated to me because of VII's undeserved popularity. Except II, II is the only one in the series I played that I actually hated. Otherwise, every game in the series is less popular than VII, which makes them all seem unappreciated because VII is really mediocre.

And no, I'm not hating on FVII just because it's more popular than other FFs I love. I played the game with the highest of hopes for it, not imagining any other outcome than me loving the game as much as everyone else. I tried so hard to love it, but it wouldn't let me. The game really is underwhelming, that is my unbiased opinion.

05-05-2007, 03:07 AM
Alright, I'll try to be clearer for you, Bolivar. Many VII/VIII fans do hate Originals because of their graphics. They also probably hate them for their "simple" storylines. They also probably hate them because of the fact its medieval-ish and not futuristic like VII/VIII, the story they are used to and first started off with. The same goes for IX, (excluding graphics) that it was not futuristic as the previous two. I'm just saying, there are a lot of people that I have seen that hate IX for those particular reasons. They are not willing to consider that IX could be anywhere as good as their first FF, which in the case is VII/VIII. Also, yeah, many VII and VIII fans that I have seen don't really get along, since they are about as equally ignorant and stubborn people saying that their favorite game is better.

There are probably reasons why VII could be better than I-VI more than just the graphics. It's just that I've seen very few VII fans who are actually serious and go beyond just the graphics, which is what's said by the majority of ignorant VII fans, and one of the reasons why VII is the most liked. If you think VII is not overrated, you really need to go read the posts of certain people in the FFVII forum.

Here I am, just simply telling what I have seen, and you come in and shove your own opinions down my throat saying that you like VII and IX along the lines of: "you're totally wrong, I liked them both, therefore every VII/VIII fan likes IX as well" with your earlier post. The fact is, you are 1 person who denies that there are MANY more VII fans who might have different views from you and might not like IX with just your sole opinion. The world does not revolve around YOU.

05-05-2007, 03:30 AM
Overrated: VII
Underrated: IV

05-05-2007, 05:26 AM
Overrated: FFVII, VIII

Thinking a game is overrated doesn't mean you dislike it, right? I honestly enjoyed playing Final Fantasy VII. I enjoyed it on a second play through, too. It just doesn't live up to the hype fans have built around it. It's a good game, but it's not the end-all-be-all of RPGs like some people seem to think it is.

Similarly, I enjoy playing Final Fantasy VIII. The battle system is unique and fun, although it has some critical flaws (particularly the discouragement of using magic in favor of junctioning it to stats; by the end of the game I just spammed aura and meltdown on everything). The plot starts out fantastic as well, but wanes after the end of the second disc. The reason I say FFVIII is overrated is because so many of the fans seems to fawn over Squall and Rinoa's relationship as a beautiful, timeless romance. Really, there hasn't been such a romance in the Final Fantasy series ever; FFVIII spends so much time drawing attention to the romance that the player can notice all the flaws that have existed in previous love stories that didn't matter because they weren't the focus of the game.

Underrated: FFIV, FFIX

Final Fantasy IV is just awesome all around. Good soundtrack (FFIV: Celtic Moon, by the way, is one of my favorite Final Fantasy Albums), interesting characters, and incredibly memorable lines. You know of which one I speak.

I've always loved Final Fantasy IX. The one thing that's always set Final Fantasy IX apart from other games in the series is the consistent novelty throughout. Most Final Fantasy are really impressive at the get-go. You spend the first few hours getting totally psyched as you get used to this new world. In most titles, that feelings wears off after the first quarter of the game or so. FFIX is the only FF title I've ever played where that feeling never went away.

05-05-2007, 05:51 AM
Overrated: VII by a mile. I can't stand that game....

Underrated: VIII seems to get too much hate. And IX is indeed hated by horrible idiots.

05-05-2007, 06:00 AM
And IX is indeed hated by horrible idiots.
I see what you did there.

Wolf Kanno
05-05-2007, 07:32 AM
Overrated: FFVI, FFVII, and FFX

When will people relaize that there are nine other games to this series:rolleyes2.

Now I love FFVI and I've even started to like FFVII after I spent a few years cleansing myself from their rabid fans. X is my least favorite in the series but overall I feel it was average at best and I'm probably more bitchy about it than I actually mean to be. It's most likely cause dealing with their fans is like dealing with the VII fans back in the day. Hell, even the VI fans are pretty damn annoying.

Now granted all three games are good in their own right but come on people... There are better villains than Kefka, better heroes than Cloud, and better love stories, characters and general writing than FFX:D

Underrated: FFI-III

Am I the only person who played these games and thought "Damn this is good! and this was made when?" Honestly, the games actually have pretty good stories and gameplay mechanics that I feel let them stand equally besides the overrated games I've mentioned above. These games definetly have a more addictive and open ended style than the later games. They were pretty damn innovative for their times.

XI gets an honorable mention cause I've never played it but it's never actually mentioned in discussions so it's definetly the "blacksheep" of the series and that I cannot deny.

FFs that are not actually under/overrated: FFIV, V, VIII, IX, and XII

The first two seem to always be considered underrated but let's be honest. Most of the time they are actually being overshadowed by the three established overrated games and are actually pretty well respected. Out of all the games in the series, these two recieve the least hate so it's not like they are being really overlooked. I also don't feel these games (mind you I love these two) have the same sheer impact like the others cause their fanbase is generally small compared to the overrated games.

VIII, IX, and XII are the oddities in the series. Of all the games in the series these three seem to have the most definitive love/hate relationships. I rarely meet people who say they only think the above three games are "O.K." It's usually either "I love it!" or "I hate it!". Granted the overrated games have similiar relationships among the fans but these three I don't feel have the sheer volume of fanbase like the overrated games and are thus "oddities" in the series.

Just my opinion though...

Ramza Beoulve
05-05-2007, 08:46 AM
Overrated: FF VII so what? I don't like the game. point.

Underrated: FF Tactics There can't be a Final Fantasy more underrated than FFT, come one, someone here has even mentioned it once in this thread?

Also, I have to say, I love FF VIII and was one of the ones I played first, but I also love the originals and IX, so what? ;)

05-05-2007, 12:13 PM
Overrated: VII. I like the game, but it is overrated.

Underrated: Probably X, because of some peoples hate towards Tidus.

05-05-2007, 03:00 PM
Underrated: Probably X, because of some peoples hate towards Tidus.

FFX has more fans then you could believe, its basically just like FFVII (their tied for most fans... really)

05-05-2007, 05:02 PM
Overrated: FFVII, definitively. I don't hate the game, but as it was already pointed out by Ouch!, it's not the end-all-be-all of RPGs. It's an okay game. It was innovative, yes, but like all the other titles in the series it has its flaws.

Underrated: FFT. Or if you want to stick to the "main" titles, FFI-III.

05-05-2007, 05:07 PM
Overrated: FFVIII

Underrated: FFIX

05-05-2007, 05:12 PM
Underrated: Probably X, because of some peoples hate towards Tidus.

FFX has more fans then you could believe, its basically just like FFVII (their tied for most fans... really)

Yeah, cause of Auron.

05-06-2007, 01:07 AM
Alright, I'll try to be clearer for you, Bolivar. Many VII/VIII fans do hate Originals because of their graphics. They also probably hate them for their "simple" storylines. They also probably hate them because of the fact its medieval-ish and not futuristic like VII/VIII, the story they are used to and first started off with. The same goes for IX, (excluding graphics) that it was not futuristic as the previous two. I'm just saying, there are a lot of people that I have seen that hate IX for those particular reasons. They are not willing to consider that IX could be anywhere as good as their first FF, which in the case is VII/VIII. Also, yeah, many VII and VIII fans that I have seen don't really get along, since they are about as equally ignorant and stubborn people saying that their favorite game is better.

There are probably reasons why VII could be better than I-VI more than just the graphics. It's just that I've seen very few VII fans who are actually serious and go beyond just the graphics, which is what's said by the majority of ignorant VII fans, and one of the reasons why VII is the most liked. If you think VII is not overrated, you really need to go read the posts of certain people in the FFVII forum.

Here I am, just simply telling what I have seen, and you come in and shove your own opinions down my throat saying that you like VII and IX along the lines of: "you're totally wrong, I liked them both, therefore every VII/VIII fan likes IX as well" with your earlier post. The fact is, you are 1 person who denies that there are MANY more VII fans who might have different views from you and might not like IX with just your sole opinion. The world does not revolve around YOU.

I feel your post was dead-on until the end. It looks like you didn't read my post. I didn't use myself as the basis for every FFVII fan, I mentioned myself, people i know in real life who play the series, and posts that i've seen in this forum. I have yet to see the ignorant FFVII fans you seem to be so frustrated with. I'm in the VII forum alot, and to tell the truth, alot of people are exaggerating when they talk about people who stubbornly call VII the best. I'm not doubting they exist, but they are certainly not in number, at least on this site, like you claim them to be.

Also, I'm pretty sure I never said that I denied there being VII fans who have different views than me. Again, my point is that the number and drive of VII fanboys are exaggerated.

I'm sorry if you feel I've shoved my opinion down your throat, I'll be less hostile if that's the case, but it seems to me like you have 2 reasons why IX is underrated, which are pretty baseless, and you can't seem to make up your mind.

05-06-2007, 01:16 AM
are we supposed to take this seriously??? Why would 7/8 fans dislike a game b/c its similar to the originals? I started with 7 and I like every game in the series.

Did I say YOU? No, I said "many" as in the vast majority of VII and VIII fans that are never willing to consider the fact that there are other great FF's too and probably can't even explain why they like them using more than two sentences. And because most of them I have seen on other forums also happen to dislike Originals; some of them who haven't even played Originals say something like: "originals sux, there graphics r crap".

You just contradicted your own argument. If they don't like the originals strictly on the basis of graphics, logically they would love IX as it had better backgrounds, character pixelation, and cutscenes than VII and VIII. I think you're leaving things out.

Not to mention I've never seen anyone on this forum use that reason as to why they don't like the originals. Maybe you've seen that on other forums, that's your word.

Everyone I know in real life who played VII past the third or so cutscene hated VIII and loved IX. In fact, I have one friend who only played part of VII for the cutscenes (as alot of people on here claim is the only reason), skipped out on VIII, but bought IX when it came out and got really hooked on it, moreso than the other RPGers I knew.

So, again, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

I think you and fans who share your sentiments need to come out and say it: the only reason people like VII more than the others are FMVs.

But if you took more than 6 seconds to think about it, you'd realize there's an abundance of reasons why VII is much better than the first VI games, aside from graphics.

Well, actually no. FFIX's graphics get ranked on a lot. I've heard complaints on the Big heads during the cut scenes, the fact that the battles looked too pixeclated (FFIX's battles actually where graphically inferior to VIII's because IX had to support a forth character), and I've also heard complaints by various fans of the character and city designs.

Next, Yes there is more reason why FFVII has so many fans, let me name them...

1. Sephiroth
2. Futuristic (Also applies to FFVIII, people complain about IX not being futuristic, often not realizing the past all weren't futuristic)
3. Tifa (yeah... XD)

As for never hearing someone claim FFVII and VIII are better then the originals because of graphics...
Yeah... (http://forums.eyesonff.com/members/chrisfffan.html) :p

Umm, i'm not sure what your first point has to do with my post. I think its very redundant to say there's complaints with the graphics in IX, none of the games are perfect visually.

But if someone has a problem with the graphics in IX, I could only imagine how much they would dread the graphics in FFVIII and VII! That's my point, that the graphics argument for fans of VII not liking Ix is pretty baseless.

Also, I think you're missing the point again. I was talking about aspects of 7 that were better than the first 6 games, not why it has so many fans. I'm not quite sure why you listed them...

Also, I know chrissfan is a fan of VII, but I haven't seen him make that claim. I'm not saying he never did, but my point is that I have yet to see it, whereas others have claimed that it's everywhere.

The Crystal
05-06-2007, 01:43 AM
I have yet to see the ignorant FFVII fans you seem to be so frustrated with. I'm in the VII forum alot, and to tell the truth, alot of people are exaggerating when they talk about people who stubbornly call VII the best. I'm not doubting they exist, but they are certainly not in number, at least on this site, like you claim them to be.

The problem with being a fan of FFVII, is that everyone that like the game is automaticaly labeled "fanboys/girls", just because they like the game. What is funny is that the majority that label them fanboys/girls, are fanboys/girls of other FF games(most of times, FFVI fanboys).
Today, FFVII fans don't exist. Or you are a FFVII fanboy/girl, or you hate the game. You cannot be just a fan.


05-06-2007, 02:36 AM
I have yet to see the ignorant FFVII fans you seem to be so frustrated with. I'm in the VII forum alot, and to tell the truth, alot of people are exaggerating when they talk about people who stubbornly call VII the best. I'm not doubting they exist, but they are certainly not in number, at least on this site, like you claim them to be.

The problem with being a fan of FFVII, is that everyone that like the game is automaticaly labeled "fanboys/girls", just because they like the game. What is funny is that the majority that label them fanboys/girls, are fanboys/girls of other FF games(most of times, FFVI fanboys).
Today, FFVII fans don't exist. Or you are a FFVII fanboy, or you hate the game. You cannot be just a fan.


A fan of FFVII (or any FF) can properly explain and give well thought out reasons why he or she believes it is her favorite game. Now a fanboy/fangirl of VII (or again, any FF) would probably be saying something along the lines of "It is the best game ever and all others aren't even close to comparison." A VII fanboy would probably say something like: "Cloud/Sephiroth/Aeris/etc. is the best character ever!" as their main reason why they would like it. They would probably also say something "the story was good" or "i liked the gameplay" without actually elaborating past that or giving proof on why they would think that.

Example of a VII fan: Bolivar, as it seems like he could give plenty of good reasons why he would like VII.

Example of a VII fanboy: Chrisfffan (though he's also an VIII fanboy too). Here is an example; if you look at this post he made:

09-07-2006, 03:43 PM

I think the best Final Fantasy can only be 7 or 8 the others are ok but I don’t think they compare and maybe they have got worse as they have gone along what do u think? im not saying 9 and X were bad its just maybe the ideas have got worn out

Notice how in this post, he says that all FFs except VII and VIII are just "ok" and how he gives almost no reason at all except for "ideas have gotten worn out" and he doesn't even explain what he means by this reason.

Another post of his, this time saying why he likes FFVIII:

08-23-2006, 05:08 PM

I personally think Final Fantasy 8 is the best FF game ever! a lot of people say 7 and I can understand that but I love 8 the characters the story and the graphics are still good considering it was made in 99.

He said the characters, the story, and the graphics were good. One might ask why he thinks that and ask him for proof of his claims.

And I have no idea what the hell he means here:

09-18-2006, 01:55 PM

i think thats what made 7 great the darkness of it!

And Bolivar, proof for my claim that some VII/VIII fans like them so much because it was their first game:

09-13-2006, 05:40 PM

yea your right everyone has their favourite game and maybe thats why 8 is mine because it was the first one i played

And again, proof that some VII/VIII fans do dislike Originals:

09-11-2006, 05:19 PM

I haven’t played the old games and I don think I will I consider 7 and 8 old im not gona play the really old games and how well did they do anyway? I don’t think they done anywhere near as good as 7 or 8 or am I wrong?

Chrisfffan saying the Original's can't be the best FF's because their graphics are bad:

09-08-2006, 06:16 PM
[!] / icon and title [/!] [!] message [/!]
how can u count the first ones? the graphics are so crap

Please don't make me go on. I realize that Chris is only one person, but you wanted to see proof and you got it.

Ironically, you even replied to some of Chris' posts.

Edit: Oh yeah, I couldn't get his name around the quote tags because the threads where I got these posts from were locked. So I put the time and date around his posts instead, using GMT-5 (Eastern) time.

05-06-2007, 02:48 AM
Underrated - Final Fantasy IV and VI cos no one ever notices their amazingness :D

FFVI have so many fanboys and is so overrated that is not even funny.

Compared to others in the series, not really. Also when it comes to people "proving" FFVI's greatness, they often actually point out real stuff. Using FFVII as a comparision, people said "Cloud got shot in the face, he is so cool," or "Sephiroth is just cool, so this game rocks," as opposed to stuff like "Kefka began as a general and became a god just because he was crazy" or "The story was deep with characters and their backstories and the espers..." ect. You see the difference? Not only that FFVI gots a dead community compared to VII and X

Overrated- FFVII- not that it's bad, but it is not the be-all and end-all of FF greatness.

Underrated- FFII-Damn good story considering when it came out, and the leveling system was fun. Also, IX-Has a good story, solid characters, and one of the best villans in the series. I don't know why more people don't appriciate it.

Finally I met someone who recgonizes the story, albeit ripped from Star Wars.

[quote]Seriously, Final Fantasy gets too much credit for just being a successful knockoff of Dragon Warrior/Quest

Wasn't Dragon Quest/Warrior released after Final Fantasy?

Alright, I'll try to be clearer for you, Bolivar. Many VII/VIII fans do hate Originals because of their graphics. They also probably hate them for their "simple" storylines. They also probably hate them because of the fact its medieval-ish and not futuristic like VII/VIII, the story they are used to and first started off with. The same goes for IX, (excluding graphics) that it was not futuristic as the previous two. I'm just saying, there are a lot of people that I have seen that hate IX for those particular reasons. They are not willing to consider that IX could be anywhere as good as their first FF, which in the case is VII/VIII. Also, yeah, many VII and VIII fans that I have seen don't really get along, since they are about as equally ignorant and stubborn people saying that their favorite game is better.

There are probably reasons why VII could be better than I-VI more than just the graphics. It's just that I've seen very few VII fans who are actually serious and go beyond just the graphics, which is what's said by the majority of ignorant VII fans, and one of the reasons why VII is the most liked. If you think VII is not overrated, you really need to go read the posts of certain people in the FFVII forum.

Here I am, just simply telling what I have seen, and you come in and shove your own opinions down my throat saying that you like VII and IX along the lines of: "you're totally wrong, I liked them both, therefore every VII/VIII fan likes IX as well" with your earlier post. The fact is, you are 1 person who denies that there are MANY more VII fans who might have different views from you and might not like IX with just your sole opinion. The world does not revolve around YOU.

1.) Your first paragraph doesn't make it sound like you played FFI-VI at all. For example FFVI was futuristic and FFIV and FFVI had deep storylines, considered more deep then many other games.

2.) The vast majority is often split between FFVII, VIII, and X. Too many times do I meet people like this. For example I like FFI-VI and VII seems to be built off cliches from what I seen. I am also enjoying IX the most. Guess what? The other person at my school (keep in mind my school is very small, with only 50 kids) who like Final Fantasy have similiar opinions than I do. On the forums it seems to be like this. Like many people said it is often because many people started with FFVII. FFVIII came along and people thought they knew the style. FFIX came along and bam, they thought FFIX ruined the series (when in reality started incooperating elements from FFI-V). FFX came along and that made it up.

But on this same note there is also another key factor. Overshadowing. FFVII and FFX in particular got so much hype/good responses that it completely overshadowed the other games. Much like FFIII completely overshadowed FFVA and FFVIA. But I am just saying it isn't definite, but there definitly seems to be a pattern going on here.

Here is a good example. The friend who is letting my borrow FFVII bought FFVII why? It was the only one he heard about aside from one. The other? FFX. FFI? Drew a blank. FFII? Same. (Skipping III because it wasn't out yet at this time, likewise with XII). FFIV? Nothing. FFV? Nada. FFVI? I remember there was some crazy guy, but nothing else. FFVIII? Oh, ya I recall that one having Leon. FFIX? Blank. FFXI? I remember that one being online.

Yes this is one person, but think about the reponses. Almost all of them blank.

Okay now mine:
Overrated: FFVII due to obvious reasons. The other being FFIII, very overrated for being inferior to the FFIV-VI and everyone is forgiving on it (It doesn't have much of a story, but that is fine).

Underrated: Final Fantasy V. Seriously, no one knows of this awesome title. Dang it Square. Why did you have to choose the worst release date and have it overshadowed by FFXII and FFIII? WHY!

The Crystal
05-06-2007, 03:55 AM
Pupu, what i'm saying is that in general, people think that 95% of FFVII's fanbase are a bunch of fanboys/girls. If you enter in a discussion about FF with some people and defend FFVII(with good arguments), you will see that sooner or later one of them will call you a fanboy(not a fan, but a fanboy). Because FFVII IS labeled as "the FF of the fanboys/girls". This is a fact. I remember a thread in this forum, that was about describing each FF's fanbase with one word. And guess what word was used to describe FFVII fans? Fanboys.

You want an example of someone generalizing the FFVII fans as fanboys?

Also when it comes to people "proving" FFVI's greatness, they often actually point out real stuff. Using FFVII as a comparision, people said "Cloud got shot in the face, he is so cool," or "Sephiroth is just cool, so this game rocks," as opposed to stuff like "Kefka began as a general and became a god just because he was crazy" or "The story was deep with characters and their backstories and the espers..." ect. You see the difference?

To people like Zora, the FFVII fans aren't capable of "pointing out real stuff" to prove their point, and only give poor reasons of why they like the game.
Unfortunately, Zora is not the only one that think like that.

05-06-2007, 04:19 AM
1.) Your first paragraph doesn't make it sound like you played FFI-VI at all. For example FFVI was futuristic and FFIV and FFVI had deep storylines, considered more deep then many other games.

Alright, you got me there because VI was the exception and it was more futuristic than I-V. And I also know they have deep storylines, which I believe too. If you didn't notice, I put "simple" in quotes because that's what those certain VII/VIII fanboys/fangirls have said to me; I don't really think that. I'm a HUGE fan of the Originals and believe that many of their concepts (besides graphics) were better than Second Generation. I've already said most of the stuff in 2.) earlier.

@Crystal: What if somebody likes FFVII equally as some other FFs? Is he or she still a fanboy/fangirl? What does that make them?

05-06-2007, 05:26 AM
1.) Your first paragraph doesn't make it sound like you played FFI-VI at all. For example FFVI was futuristic and FFIV and FFVI had deep storylines, considered more deep then many other games.

Alright, you got me there because VI was the exception and it was more futuristic than I-V. And I also know they have deep storylines, which I believe too. If you didn't notice, I put "simple" in quotes because that's what those certain VII/VIII fanboys/fangirls have said to me; I don't really think that. I'm a HUGE fan of the Originals and believe that many of their concepts (besides graphics) were better than Second Generation. I've already said most of the stuff in 2.) earlier.

@Crystal: What if somebody likes FFVII equally as some other FFs? Is he or she still a fanboy/fangirl? What does that make them?

Oh, okay. It just wasn't clear :P

Red Phire
05-06-2007, 05:40 AM
Under - IX - It gets so much hate for not being like the two before it. :mad:

Over - X - While everything but graphics were average at best, this one gets WAY too over praised imo.

05-06-2007, 08:28 AM
I equally like most of the games, and generalizing that if you're an VII fan, doesn't exactly mean you're a fanboy. I for one find it interesting how they're are the different scenarios in each FF, and never specifically cling to one, because they all have something they are remembered for, and I don't judge by the quality of the graphics-but by the Gameplay, Story, characters background etc. If some people think that VII is the best FF game ever, than that's their opinion and like it or not, you can't change it. I loved the whole Sephiroth concept and the warring tension between him and Cloud. I also grew fond of the badassness that Cloud had in his image, but I take turns to realize how good characters like Barret, and the others were.

I still think that X was a great FF, and solely because of Auron, and you can class me as what ever you want, but I don't really care because I know I can backup my points. I also like VIII because of various reasons, but tend to appreciate the stories in the originals; IV & V. I'm generally a fan of FF, and we've all got our own opinions why we think a certain FF is better, and like Chrissfan said earlier in one of his posts, that was quoted by PuPu- I can relate to how he is intrigued by the dark element and theme, in VII.

But at the end of the day, I think that VII is still overrated than others, although VIII is similarly the same in correspondent to time (Futuristic) But gains more hate than VIII, for what I think, baseless reasons.

The Crystal
05-07-2007, 03:38 AM
@Crystal: What if somebody likes FFVII equally as some other FFs? Is he or she still a fanboy/fangirl? What does that make them?

They are FF fans. Why are you asking this?

05-13-2007, 01:18 AM
I have to change my pick for underrated:

to FFII. just beat this for the second time today and I have to say this is a basis for almost every FF, not just XII. On DoS I had a great time playing it, and to me it rivals the SNES installments. So many things came up in this for the first time in the series that I have to give it alot of credit in that it odesn't get alot

05-13-2007, 02:55 AM
Also when it comes to people "proving" FFVI's greatness, they often actually point out real stuff. Using FFVII as a comparision, people said "Cloud got shot in the face, he is so cool," or "Sephiroth is just cool, so this game rocks," as opposed to stuff like "Kefka began as a general and became a god just because he was crazy" or "The story was deep with characters and their backstories and the espers..." ect. You see the difference?

To people like Zora, the FFVII fans aren't capable of "pointing out real stuff" to prove their point, and only give poor reasons of why they like the game.
Unfortunately, Zora is not the only one that think like that.

I am merely going what I am observing. Yes fans are capable of choosing more factual based arguements than opinion based audience, but generally the VI and IX communities go back and give more factual information from what I seen.