View Full Version : Music and other Specialty Magazines

05-25-2007, 04:38 PM
I have a problem keeping track of a lot of my favorite bands. I never know when new albums are coming out, when the band is going on tour, or anything like that. I'm too forgetful to check the websites, even when I have them bookmarked. And just looking at the websites means I'm exposed to less new music. The radio stations I listen to don't play a lot of new music. It's mostly classic rock and stuff from the 1990's. There really isn't a really good station for new rock in the Raleigh area, and the college radio stations just play weird, avant garde-y type stuff.

So I decided I might subscribe to a few music magazines, but I'm not very familiar with them. And I refuse to pay shelf prices for magazines when I know I can get them up to 50 percent cheaper if I subscribe.

So what music magazines do y'all subscribe to? What types of music do they cover? Do they have any other interesting content? (political, world news, columns etc.)?

Also feel free to use this thread to discuss other magazine subscriptions you hold or have held, or just periodicals you read in general. Avoid discussing Playboy, Playgirl, Hustler, Penthouse and their ilk if you know what's good for you. :radred:

EDIT: I have the exact same problem with video games, so if you want to sugest some cheap, thorough gaming magazines here, I'm all for it.

05-25-2007, 04:45 PM
If I remember correctly playboy probably does have music reviews, too.
It's much classier than the others!

05-25-2007, 07:59 PM
Most of the music magazines here in the UK are terrible nowadays (especially NME and Q) - I find online sites like Pitchfork, Drowned in Sound, and Stylus Magazine are useful to use to keep up to date on music news and reviews etc. Though their reviews can get horribly pretentious they're still useful reference guides in other areas.

Flying Mullet
05-25-2007, 08:02 PM
If you're having problems remembering to keep up with various bands, have you checked to see if they have RSS feeds that you could subscribe to?

05-25-2007, 08:46 PM
I don't subsribe to any magazines, since I'm far too impatient to receive my music and game news in weekly or monthly installments. Websites are much more convenient, and free to boot.

From time to time, though, I'll pick up a magazine for a feature article, or if I'm looking for a second opinion on a new release. Music-wise, it's usually Filter or Uncut, just because I can't stand pretty much anything else. When it comes to games, I always go for GamesTM, which is sort of like the UK's version of Edge. They're really well-informed, without a particular bias towards any manufacturer or developer, and with a really cool retro section every month. I don't think you can get it outside of Britain, but if you can then I'd definitely recommend it. Good luck, foa!

05-25-2007, 08:50 PM
I get PC gamer and I <3 it.

05-27-2007, 07:36 PM
I don't subscribe to it (not enough money right now) but I would have to say Revolver is a great rock magazine. I've found quite a few new bands to listen to (Dark Tranquillity being one of them, great band btw) just from one issue.

05-27-2007, 08:11 PM
The only magazine that I am currently subscribed to is FHM.

I guess I'm subscribed to the one I write for, too, but that's different. :}

Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World
05-27-2007, 10:46 PM
AP - Alternative Press is a great one. I myself don't get it, but my girlfriend does. I read hers a lot. I love it. There are articles about different bands and music. I have seen articles about summer plans and such. There is a 'help' section or whatever, where people write in with their problem and two of the editors give advice and such. That is always interesting. All in all, a great magazine. You can find it at http://altpress.com/ (http://www.altpress.com/)

I don't subscribe to any magazines myself though. So this is all the help I can give you.

05-29-2007, 02:44 AM
AP - Alternative Press is a great one. I myself don't get it, but my girlfriend does. I read hers a lot. I love it. There are articles about different bands and music. I have seen articles about summer plans and such. There is a 'help' section or whatever, where people write in with their problem and two of the editors give advice and such. That is always interesting. All in all, a great magazine. You can find it at http://altpress.com/ (http://www.altpress.com/)

I don't subscribe to any magazines myself though. So this is all the help I can give you.

I've been considering getting a subscription to that. Either that or Rolling Stone.

I Took the Red Pill
05-29-2007, 03:36 AM
Blender's a decent music magazine.

Red Phire
05-29-2007, 03:52 AM
Blender's a decent music magazine.

I agree, I subscribed to it for like.. three years but just stopped suddenly a year ago.