View Full Version : Too easy? But still fun?

Holy Lancer
05-26-2007, 10:09 PM
Is Final Fantasy IX too easy? I started a file on my PSP and am currently on Disc 3. Zidane is lvl 45 and most of my party is close to that. I have just about everyone's best weapons except the ones I can't get until disc 4 and Quina's because I haven't caught that many frogs yet. I could most likely beat Necron with my current party. Is it just me or is this game really easy? I have beat it many times but it just seems too easy. However, it's still my favorite of the series, and I have played every other FF game and beat most of them. I like ll the sidequests/secrets/minigames (jump rope, frog catching, chocobo h&c, tetra master, excalibur 2, etc.) they really make this a fun game but it all seems too easy for some reason.

05-27-2007, 08:30 PM
yeah it is really easy, but all the things you mentioned above and other sidequests like defeating ozma and hades, very easy but still entertaining. I love the story as well and i never get tired of it:)

05-27-2007, 08:58 PM
yeah but things like ozma and card collecting can be fun:)

05-27-2007, 09:19 PM
Personally, I dont find it harder or easier than the other FFs Ive played, apart from FFXII. That includes FFVII, VIII, X. But you're right, you rarely die.

Maybe try levelling up less. Fleeing from battles, etc.

Btw, how do you get FFIX on PSP?

I didnt know the PSP could do that, but at the moment, Im debating buying a PSP or a DS.

05-27-2007, 09:37 PM
It's harder than VII.

05-27-2007, 09:48 PM
it can be very easy, but the time it takes you to get everything requires a level of dedication, so it doesn't really bother me.

05-28-2007, 12:47 AM
I've only played it once, and it wasn't so easy for me :cry:

I'm gonna borrow it again though. Like many video games, it'll be much much easier after the first time.

Holy Lancer
05-28-2007, 09:26 PM
Personally, I dont find it harder or easier than the other FFs Ive played, apart from FFXII. That includes FFVII, VIII, X. But you're right, you rarely die.

Maybe try levelling up less. Fleeing from battles, etc.

Btw, how do you get FFIX on PSP?

I didnt know the PSP could do that, but at the moment, Im debating buying a PSP or a DS.

You can put PSX, N64, Genesis, GB/C, GBA, NES, SNES, and Atari games on PSPs but you have to download and put emulators on them. PSP>DS

But to put PSX games all you have to do is rip your PSX discs on your computer and put them on your PSP.

05-29-2007, 11:11 AM
I actually think that the difficulty level is just right... and it's really not any different than the other Final Fantasies.

05-29-2007, 11:47 AM
But to put PSX games all you have to do is rip your PSX discs on your computer and put them on your PSP.

That's simplifying it just a tad. >_>

05-29-2007, 12:21 PM
^Is there a full explanation anywhere?

Holy Lancer
05-29-2007, 09:49 PM
^Is there a full explanation anywhere?

This site (http://www.psphardwarehelp.com) has tutorials and info on all that PSP stuff.

05-29-2007, 09:55 PM
Well, firstly you need to upgrade to a custom firmware to run PS1 games and secondly you need to make the PS1 ISO into a EBOOT.PBP file and then put it into your PSP. Fortunately it is alot easier than it was a few months ago and a hell of alot quicker too.

Oh, and your screwed if you upgraded your PSP over 3.10 as you cant downgrade to 1.50 which is the only firmware which allows you to upgrade to the custom firmware. They may of already got a downgrader available though, I havent checked.

As for a full guide.

Guide. (http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/493083)

This seems like a good one, just remember theres alot of different programs you can use to do this. I dont use the one in the guide but from the looks of it, it seems decent. Any troubles you can PM me.

06-23-2007, 12:37 PM

06-24-2007, 01:05 PM
Thanx for the info guys. :)

I was debating over PSP or DS, but this info just about clinches me buying the PSP.

07-05-2007, 12:45 PM
VERY!!! VERY!!!! VERY!!!!! VERY!!!!!!! VERY!!!!!!!EASY!!!!

07-05-2007, 08:16 PM
Well, if you don't flee from battles it is quite easy, but Ozma/Hades/Yans aren't that easy... And I didn't find Necron very easy to beat... Maybe that's just me... And if you want a real challenge... Level 1 Ozma Challenge :p

07-06-2007, 12:16 AM
I'm kinda good at running away... I don't fight unless I have to mostly... but if ur like me you usually fight nercron at level52 average unless u purposefully level up before hand. I won with zidane garnet vivi and eiko after refusing to level up more and dieing like 4 times first. once you get to nercron its pretty easy though!

07-06-2007, 01:13 AM
I beat Necron at level 35-40, it was hard!

07-06-2007, 03:06 AM
Try beating Ozma at level 50 or below and you'll know hard.

07-06-2007, 05:40 AM
OUCH! scary person.....You actually won like that!?

07-06-2007, 12:30 PM
Who cares if it's too easy.. (it's still my favourite.)
And it's not just easy but simple and for example comparing to VIII which is more complicated, VIII seems harder when it's just more complicated...
That probably doesn't make any sense :greenie:

07-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Try beating Ozma at level 50 or below and you'll know hard.

I did the level 1 challenge so, I know hard.

07-06-2007, 06:47 PM
OUCH! scary person.....You actually won like that!?

Me too :(

Once you get below like... high 40s it really doesn't matter that much, because all of Ozma's attacks will kill you anyway. The hardest part of a Lvl 1 Ozma challenge is actually getting there.

07-06-2007, 07:01 PM
Try beating Ozma at level 50 or below and you'll know hard.

I did the level 1 challenge so, I know hard.
Right. If you say so.

07-06-2007, 07:06 PM
The hardest part of a Lvl 1 Ozma challenge is actually getting there.

Hmm, yeah... The actual survival in the Ozma fight is quite luck based, if you ask me :D

07-07-2007, 07:00 PM
Yeah, this game was pretty easy. But it's still an awesome game nonetheless. It's one of my favorite FFs.:D

07-08-2007, 07:33 AM
I like fun games.....the part in ffvll where you have to put in the batteries into slots to get up to shinra for the first time.....and your jumping to get up there..... and falling down and jumping for the swinging bar over and over again until you grab the *flipping* thing.....is NOT fun........i pulled out so much hair over that game im superised that i needed a haircut the next week.......i thought i was bald..................... I love all final fantasys exept 12(not really ff in MYoppinion {only oppinion}) and 11[haven't played yet] but ff lX is the best for my type of person.......("Argh!!!! It's confusing!!!!*throws controller after repeating 1 action imperfectly 20 times because the game will not let main charector continue until perfection to the point of madness drives stress rate hay wire*) (^_^)

03-22-2022, 10:36 AM
TBH the FF series aren't really famous for its difficulties. More of the story, characters, graphics..etc. :bigsmile:

Maybe they should make a Dark Soul like game for FF.