View Full Version : Tavvy, Where Are Youuuuuuuu!?!?!?~~~~

06-01-2007, 07:54 PM
If Nobodies can't feel emotion, then how can Roxas and Axel be best friends? Because to be friends with someone, you'd have to feel at least a little emotion for them, something Nobodies can only imitate. So does that mean Axel and Roxas were only pretending to be friends?

I am so confused...

06-01-2007, 08:03 PM
Nobodies are presumed to be incapable of emotion. The are also presumed to fade into nothingness, yet roXas and Namine do not.

You do not need to have emotion either to be friends. Friends of conveniences also exist. I think RoXias and Namine are a glimpse of hope for the ill fated nobodies.

06-01-2007, 08:37 PM
Hmm...I think they said somewhere in the game that nobodies remember what it was like to have hearts. Memory is half of emotion anyway, isn't it?

06-01-2007, 08:49 PM
Okay, now i'm starting to understand.

06-01-2007, 09:26 PM
You do not need to have emotion either to be friends. Friends of conveniences also exist.

Axel and Roxas were sex buddies?!

06-01-2007, 09:45 PM
Friendship does not need emotion, all it needs is trust and liking of similar things(at the minimum)

However it is true Nobodies remember emotinos and what they fell like, so they think of a "happy time" and they think they are "happy".

Roxas and Namine have emotion due to the fact their somebodies are whole.

06-01-2007, 09:56 PM
You do not need to have emotion either to be friends. Friends of conveniences also exist.

Axel and Roxas were sex buddies?!

you catch on quick.

06-01-2007, 11:24 PM
Simply put: there's always an exception.

I could try to explain this, then be wrong. I could shy away from the subject, and appear foolish. However, if I had bothered to listen to my Literature teacher, then I would know that the friendship between Axel and Roxas is a literary device, used purely to create entertainment and keep people guessing.

Even the OXIII knew about this friendship, but it can't be explained. Since Axel is the closest Nobody to ever have regained his humanity (which he still failed to do), it's not a far cry to assume that he can replicate true emotions. Which came first? The friendship or a disposition toward regaining that which was lost? The answer to either of these is a completely different way of looking at Axel's differences from the other members.

If you look at it from Roxas' side, it doesn't quite seem that he holds Axel as closely as he wants to know. This is further explored in FM+, where he calls Axel "partner," not friend, but Axel begins to cry as Roxas fades away.

To look at the relationship as though it had anything to do with Sora still existing, would be false. Nobodies are a completely new entity from life, and they usually have their old memories. To remember that Roxas is an exception to most of the rules would be of utmost wisdom. You'd be surprised how quickly you can make friends if you have no memories.

Memory is not half of emotion. Memory (in terms of experiences) is 100% of identity. Your past makes you who you are, not how you will react. Nobodies do not have an identity, since they are not people. Additionally, whether or not a Nobody has their other half in existence is irrelevant to whether or not they can have feelings. It just simply does not matter.