View Full Version : Battlestar Galactica

06-02-2007, 11:24 AM
Los Angeles Times: Battlestar Galactica: Say it ain't frakkin so! (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2007/05/say_it_aint_fra.html)

"This show was always meant to have a beginning, a middle and finally, an end. Over the course of the last year, the story and the characters have been moving strongly toward that end and we've decided to listen to those internal voices and conclude the show on our own terms," Eick and Moore said in the statement. "And while we know our fans will be saddened to know the end is coming, they should brace themselves for a wild ride getting there –- we're going out with a bang ."

Anyone else happy to hear this news? It's always sad when a great show comes to an end, but what better way to end it than for the show to go out on its own terms? To make that decision and commit to nothing else but telling the story that needs to be told, and then giving the show a proper and dignified end.

Too many shows these days have a problem with ending their shows. They drag on and on only for profit and advertisement's sake.

I think creatively, setting a definite end for the show opens up a lot of creative freedom for the writers.

When they say they're gonna go out with a bang, I believe 'em. I haven't even gotten through all of Season 3 yet, but I can't wait to see what the final season is like. :D

Madame Adequate
06-02-2007, 01:44 PM
The best show I know of, Babylon 5, had a set structure and a set intended number of episodes. BSG is actually the only thing I know of which rivals B5 for sheer quality, and if the rest of it is as great as the first three seasons, then it might just take the gold medal in my eyes.

So yes, I am happy to see this confirmed. Much as I'd like infinite BSG, if they have a set story and can tell it properly, that's inevitably going to be better than dragging things out until the show goes downhill and people lose interest.

06-02-2007, 02:09 PM
This, along with the announcement of a definite end for Lost were some of the best TV related news I saw this year. Not that I want either to end, but finishing them off strongly is always better than sticking around for 9 seasons or more and petering out at the end. BSG is the best show on TV as far as I'm concerned, and it and the fans deserve a strong finish.

06-02-2007, 02:27 PM
I never really got to watch as many episodes of Battlestar Galatica, after my brother left, because he usually forces me into watching shows like them. Including 24, O.C and even Stargate SG1, all of those shows have really enlightened me into programmes which you once thought wouldn't be that entertaining, but turn out to have great stories.

06-09-2007, 09:16 PM
I recently got all into this show. I'm up to the final episode of season 2. I am sad to hear it's ending, but also agree it's best that it had such solid structure in mind. Any successful narrative has got to have a timeframe or it just meanders. I'll be looking forward to more naked Apollo how it all ends.

06-14-2007, 11:58 PM
While I'm sad to see it go, I guess I'm happy that they won't run it into the ground..:)

06-17-2007, 12:38 AM
Well, it'll be sad to see such a good show end, but I'm happy they're doing it on their own terms rather than dragging it along. I hope they'll manage to make the ending worthwhile, but time will tell how things turn out. :)

06-17-2007, 02:43 AM
Well, at least it won't turn into another 20000 episode long soap. Ending are a good thing.

I just wish they never made 24 season 5 onwards. That's when the show stopped being cool and turned into a farce. I mean... seriously (referring to season 5 & 6) killing the protagonists, bringing in Kim again who was happily married, having yet another atomic explosion and the very worse, JACK HAVING AN EVIL BROTHER?!... I, being an absolute fan of the series, never got passed the start of the 6th season.

06-17-2007, 07:51 AM
I had a feeling that it would end after Season 4 or Season 5, and it looks like it'll be sooner rather than later. Oh well. I think it's perfectly right for them to end it and wrap up the story conclusively. They could drag it out for a long time, but with the story revolving around a search for a particular place, you have to end it sometime or start churning out crappy filler plots. I think the second half of Season 2 was pretty eh, but Season 3 was absolutely top-notch. Especially the finale. Probably my favorite episode of the entire show, in fact. Good news, I'd say.

06-18-2007, 03:51 PM
Just give me 2 more seasons PLZ!!!