View Full Version : how did you come across it?

06-04-2007, 10:08 PM
final fantasy has been going a very long time now:D so when and how did you first discover it, what game was it? how old were you and what made you interested in playing it:)

06-04-2007, 10:47 PM
When I was about 11 or so, my friend told me all about FFVII and about how great it was. I then saw a walkthrough for it in a magazine and it looked really interesting so I bought it.

06-05-2007, 01:40 AM
I think I was 10, had just bought a PS and was looking for good games, a friend of mine who knew I played RPGs highly recommended VII. It was nothing like I'd ever played and I've been hooked to the series ever since.

i really liked how there was just so much to do with Disc 3, basically a disc full of sidequests and minigames, it seemed like you could never run out of stuff to do, and i still have yet to beat Emerald and Ruby, as big of a fan of VII as I am.

06-05-2007, 03:25 AM
was five or six. the first i played was either 4 or 7, i forgot....

i think there was four out in america then(i'm 13, do the math)

i loved the game, and the music especially:love: :choc2:

chocobo theme was always great:choc: :choc2: :choc: :choc2:

my brother showed it to me, and i've been playing the series since:D

but now there is Kingdom Hearts:cool: :love: :love: :love:

06-05-2007, 02:32 PM
I played Mystic Quest back when I was about 7 or so. That led into IV, and then VI when it came out, and I just kept going from ther. I suppose that means I've been playing these games for almost fifteen years now. Why does that make me feel old? Maybe I'm not old, but a lot of the people here are just young? Yeah, I'll go with that.

06-05-2007, 03:42 PM
FFI, but I had such a hard time playing it because I didn't speak English back then that the game didn't leave much of an impression.

Then I was introduced to FFIV back in 1993 by a friend. I was lucky to find a copy because the game had been released in 1991.

06-05-2007, 03:49 PM
I believe I was 10, or something. My friends found this cool site (which is now long closed down) with a lot of emulators and roms. We started of with Pokemon Diamond (the hacky GBC version, not the new, flashy DS title). I then decided to play FF MQ and quite liked it. I got IV then and was captivated. V and VI followed.

06-05-2007, 03:59 PM
I rented it the day it came out from the local PM video store. I rented it every weekend for about two years, and never beat it, cause the game would get rented during the week, and my save would be deleted. I would always start over, and never cared. I never did beat the game till I entered the sixth grade. My dad was a bit amazed that at my age (I was in first grade) I could get into this game so hardcore. :jess:

I then rented VI the day it came out, and fell in love all over again. I had a sega (the better machine) so I never played IV till late in the game. Either way, I immediately began collecting all things square - and well, here I am. Nerd heaven.

edit: By It, I mean the original Final Fantasy.

06-06-2007, 04:18 AM
I was about... ... 2 I guess. My dad had just sold his NES to buy a SNES. Well he bought a couple of games. FFVI was one of them. I feel in love with it just by watching him. I tryed to play, I don't remember how I was, but it was cool. A few years later my dad got FFVII. I didn't like the series after it. But I kind of do now, seeing how I love FFIX and X. I do like FFVII though now.

06-06-2007, 06:57 AM
Technically, it would be when I was very young and watched my aunt play it a bit when she was baby-sitting me. But I don't really count that since I didn't know it was FF or what FF was, and I didn't fall in love with it just by watching for 10 minutes.

What I count as my real first time would be when FFIV first came out. Not sure how old I was, but I'm 24 now, so whoever knows when it came out can do the math. I read about it in Nintendo Power and thought it looked cool. Got it, fell in love hardcore, played obsessively, wanted to crawl inside the game cart and live there, etc. The rest is history.

06-06-2007, 10:19 AM
Some fat kid called Comet told me about it, and I'm in debt to him to this day...

My first FF was VIII, and Elman gave the game to me to borrow. It was around last year, and I've been Final Fantasy crazy ever since. Later on, I accidentally lost the last disc in the game, and well, that's it.

06-06-2007, 03:47 PM
My first and dearest FF is IX. My sister bought it from my friend, but cuz i was so young i didn't really know anything about games so i was like ok, a game, great. Well, i wasn't all that young, but stupid, maybe.
She played it and i watched it for a couple of times. I thought it was cool and amazing but cuz i didn't understand english that well i didn't get it and plus it felt really hard. But still i knew that afterwards i wanted to play it by myself.
Few years after my intrest grew and i started to play it. English was still too hard for me so mostly i didn't read the texts at all. Though i didn't understand much i fell in love anyway.
During playing the game i started to be better at english and the story came more amazing for me of course. I think the graphics and the music really got me into it.
When i played IX for second time i understood so much more and i'm still obsessed with IX. Like five years after the first contact with it.

So i guess without my friend or my sister god knows would have i ever found these games.

06-07-2007, 01:29 AM
When I was about 10, I saw my friend play FFVII. He gave me his game because he said he didn't want it anymore, and so I began with FFVII and was interested, and it was when I first discovered what an RPG was like. I liked it, knowing what an RPG was like. Shortly after, I got FFIV from Final Fantasy Chronicles (with Chrono Trigger) and I that's when I knew that I would be really interested in FF.

By the way, I hated FFVII and it sucks.

06-07-2007, 02:02 AM
I was around 10 - 11 years old, and we were on vacation with family friends at Lakes Entrance. One day, for some reason, my friend and I decided to go down to the video game store and hire a few games for my PS1 and his N64.

One of them was Final Fantasy VII (not knowing what it was), and when I hit Tifa's bar, I just fell in love with it. When we got back from the vacation, I ended up borrowing it all the time until my parents just bought me it.

06-07-2007, 06:12 AM
Actually, Kingdom Hearts got me into Final Fantasy. I got that game for Christmas 2002 and I wasn't very good at it and did not like it much so I put it down. Later I picked it up again and at some point picked up a strategy guide which was key in my interest in FF, as the guide would give bios for all the FF characters in KH. I fell in love with Kingdom Hearts and bought the Greatests Hits version of FFX when I saw it at the store (prolly sometime in early 2004, a little bit after beating KH). It was technically my first RPG; the only other time I had experienced turn-based combat was in a demo for The Legend of Dragoon by Sony. I liked the graphics and story, but didn't really like how linear it was. Still, I enjoyed it and picked up FFVII for $15 at Kmart (you can't do that anymore!) and...did not enjoy it, at first. I gave it away to a friend of mine. Later, after seeing how much people online loved it, my interest grew and I took it back from my friend when we dropped him off at his house on the last day of school in 8th grade (2005). I started it from the beginning, fresh and absolutely loved it, more than I have loved any other game before.

And I still think the summer is the perfect time to REALLY enjoy a game.:)

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06-07-2007, 06:21 AM
My sister played FF1 when I was like.. 3 or something.

Then we bought FF3 (VI) because we remembered that FF1 was pretty cool, I was 9 and it's STILL THE BEST GAME EVER. 13 years of lovin. :razz:

06-07-2007, 06:26 PM
Then we bought FF3 (VI) because we remembered that FF1 was pretty cool, I was 9 and it's STILL THE BEST GAME EVER.

You were 9? Did you have boobs?! DIDN'T THINK SO! :mad2:

Spawn of Sephiroth
06-07-2007, 06:47 PM
It was my 7th grade year, which was back in 2002, I always hung out with my neighbor who had a disability, and one day he was playing FF7 and I though it looked kinda cool, and so we started a new game together, renamed cloud, Spiffy, and then about two weeks before I moved, he offered to give it to me and I said no. So when we moved into our new house, I bought a PS1 and found it for 15 bucks at K-Mart so I bought it and ever since have had a FF craze.

06-07-2007, 07:16 PM
FFVIII when I think I was about 9. My mum was buying me a game and I couldn't pick one then she said that she had heard FFVIII was meant to be quite good, so I got it. This is when FFVIII first came out.

06-08-2007, 06:05 PM
I was practically weaned on FF7.