View Full Version : Whats the Corniest Final Fantasy ever?

06-08-2007, 10:26 PM
i think X-2 is the corniest, and 12 is the most serious
how about you guys?

06-08-2007, 10:53 PM
i think X-2 is the corniest, and 12 is the most serious
how about you guys?

All true, I hate X-2, but love XII. X-2 is very pathetic, while XII is for more knowledgeable gamers, who are familiar with an olden text of language.

06-08-2007, 10:58 PM
Necrop-longassname pretty thoroughly proved it was FFIV, and I'd have to agree. It was my first and I still love it very much, but c'mon...

06-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Probally VII, followed closely by X-2 and IV.

06-08-2007, 11:54 PM
X-2, no doubt. X and VIII follow.

06-09-2007, 12:54 AM
5 and X-2 definatly....in a good way:rolleyes2

06-09-2007, 02:34 AM
Probally VII, followed closely by X-2 and IV.

how do you think that 7 is corny???? i believe it is one of the least, along with XII

06-09-2007, 02:42 AM
How come in the Star Wars prequels the haughty way they talk is considered corny, but in Final Fantasy XII it makes you a mature, intelligent person to like it.

I don't know which is the corniest. I just can't decide. Why must you bring up such questions?!

06-09-2007, 02:57 AM
How come in the Star Wars prequels the haughty way they talk is considered corny, but in Final Fantasy XII it makes you a mature, intelligent person to like it.

I don't know which is the corniest. I just can't decide. Why must you bring up such questions?!

because i thought it would be an interesting discussion, and a funny one

06-09-2007, 03:34 AM
IMO, Final Fantasy XII is good, but it's story sucks. It may be political, but it dosen't go into ther mature elements usch as love, hatred, life, and faith some other games have.

06-09-2007, 08:56 AM
X-2, no doubt. X and VIII follow.

I totally agree.

Dr. Acula
06-09-2007, 11:11 AM
I haven't played X-2, so I'm gonna say FF5's GBA script. ("Oh my stars and comets! He's a she!" or something like that.)

06-09-2007, 11:33 AM
I think X-2 then second is VIII

06-09-2007, 12:37 PM
X-2, for definite.

The Yuna-Tidus love story in FFX is also corny, although I hear it is not supposed to be in the Japanese version. I guess the translators made it come across that way... :eep:

06-09-2007, 12:42 PM

06-09-2007, 04:15 PM
FFV may be corny, but it's great.

Rikku- "Oh, poopie!" I hate that hoe.

06-09-2007, 05:25 PM
Probally VII, followed closely by X-2 and IV.

how do you think that 7 is corny???? i believe it is one of the least, along with XII
Probally because it's about a bunch of guys who follow this guy, who turns out to be stuck in a piece of rock for 5 years. And the death scene was just so over the top that it's unbelievable.

06-09-2007, 05:33 PM
Probally VII, followed closely by X-2 and IV.

how do you think that 7 is corny???? i believe it is one of the least, along with XII
Probally because it's about a bunch of guys who follow this guy, who turns out to be stuck in a piece of rock for 5 years. And the death scene was just so over the top that it's unbelievable.

Not to mention dead bodies don't sink.

f f freak
06-09-2007, 06:13 PM
Probally VII, followed closely by X-2 and IV.

how do you think that 7 is corny???? i believe it is one of the least, along with XII
Probally because it's about a bunch of guys who follow this guy, who turns out to be stuck in a piece of rock for 5 years. And the death scene was just so over the top that it's unbelievable.

Not to mention dead bodies don't sink.

ARieS woZN't DeDZ LoooLZORZ.

Probably X-2

Ramza Beoulve
06-10-2007, 07:27 AM
Corny = FF X-2
Serious = Tactics

06-10-2007, 07:36 AM
Tactics Advance.

06-10-2007, 08:31 AM
I'd have to say IV. But I still love the game. I love all FFs! I really do! :love:

06-10-2007, 07:00 PM
X-2, for definite.

The Yuna-Tidus love story in FFX is also corny, although I hear it is not supposed to be in the Japanese version. I guess the translators made it come across that way... :eep:

There was this interview when they talked to the guy who voiced tidus and he said it was supposed to be corny:)

f f freak
06-10-2007, 07:24 PM
X-2, for definite.

The Yuna-Tidus love story in FFX is also corny, although I hear it is not supposed to be in the Japanese version. I guess the translators made it come across that way... :eep:

There was this interview when they talked to the guy who voiced tidus and he said it was supposed to be corny:)

Yeah but JAT probably has sexual fantasies about Zell and his "Hot Dog".

06-11-2007, 07:04 PM
ffx for definite! it's the voice acting...

06-11-2007, 07:16 PM

Not to mention dead bodies don't sink.

WOW! Good point! BUT! Perhaps her body filled with water from the gaping hole Sephiroth created....:eek:

06-11-2007, 11:10 PM
Not to mention dead bodies don't sink....what? Why would being dead affect whether you would float or sink? The laws of gravity don't suddenly rewrite themselves just because somebody is no longer living. Why do you think the bodies of people who drown are rarely recovered? They sink.

Also, VIII. By a long, LONG way.

06-11-2007, 11:19 PM

06-12-2007, 03:28 PM
They are all pretty lame and corny. That is why we love them. The Drama in six was fairly severe and real though.

I would say one is the most serious. It lacks one thing, boobs. Which simply put, keeps the emotional drag out of things. The second you throw one chick in the damned mix the HERO gets all pussy whipped and you spend half the game doing her favors instead of saving the world. I mean come on. PS: Men are just better. At everything. Seriously. The END.

X-2 takes the cake though. Just proof that if you spend too much time making these games, you really need to get laid.

06-12-2007, 03:55 PM
Not to mention dead bodies don't sink....what? Why would being dead affect whether you would float or sink? The laws of gravity don't suddenly rewrite themselves just because somebody is no longer living. Why do you think the bodies of people who drown are rarely recovered? They sink.

Also, VIII. By a long, LONG way.

Dead people don't sink, they float. You have heard of the "dead man's float", haven't you? A body can lie facedown in water, floating, for an incredible length of time. With living people, there is no real limit to how long they can stay afloat this way, bringing their head up to breathe, as long as they don't weaken too much from thirst or hunger. A dead body has the advantage of not having to come up for air. Of course, decomposition, fishies chomping on it, water composition, water temperature, and many other factors will keep the body from floating forever. It's hard to find a body of someone who has drowned because of course the body can't control where it is going and will drift out to sea, and will decompose enough to lose its natural bouency in short order, but a freshly dead body will certainly float. The lake that Cloud lowered Aeris into simply must not have been pure water, but a mixture of water and something else that lowered the density of the lake.

06-12-2007, 04:06 PM
Not to mention dead bodies don't sink....what? Why would being dead affect whether you would float or sink? The laws of gravity don't suddenly rewrite themselves just because somebody is no longer living. Why do you think the bodies of people who drown are rarely recovered? They sink.

Also, VIII. By a long, LONG way.

Dead people don't sink, they float. You have heard of the "dead man's float", haven't you? A body can lie facedown in water, floating, for an incredible length of time. With living people, there is no real limit to how long they can stay afloat this way, bringing their head up to breathe, as long as they don't weaken too much from thirst or hunger. A dead body has the advantage of not having to come up for air. Of course, decomposition, fishies chomping on it, water composition, water temperature, and many other factors will keep the body from floating forever. It's hard to find a body of someone who has drowned because of course the body can't control where it is going and will drift out to sea, and will decompose enough to lose its natural bouency in short order, but a freshly dead body will certainly float. The lake that Cloud lowered Aeris into simply must not have been pure water, but a mixture of water and something else that lowered the density of the lake.

People who are immediately dead float, and this is all depending on body type and boyancy. bodies will sink, inevitably. In the olden days, and even today, small explosions are let off under water to make dead bodies float. (the old timers used canon fire) This disruption would cause dead bodies to float upward as the watter is immediately more deance than tissue, and the water is dispersed or knocked out of the tissue momentarily. But yes, bodies usually float for few hours first. I would quote something outta wiki, but I think tom Sawyer is a more reputable source :D

06-12-2007, 10:51 PM
I'm surprised no one has said IX. It's about a bunch of little cuddly sprites who go around having close calls and making jokes. I mean look at Eiko. That's corny. The love story was alot cheesier than VIII's, too.

06-13-2007, 12:30 AM
Final Fantasy V hands down the only reason why I had played it was because I needed to add it to my collection of beaten Final Fantasy games.

06-13-2007, 02:45 AM
FFIV i mean lets look at it. my entire reasoning will be one big spoiler.

dark knight labeled as pretty ruthless when it comes to getting the crystals. so dark knight labeled as bad in the beginning kinda corny.

so then his bestfriend betrays him but its only because he's being controlled. that in its self is corny

so drak knight has a change of heart and must clime the top of a mountain and basically pull the sword from the stone and become a paladin.

his enemy turns out to be his brother. oh but then it turns out he's being controlled by zermous.

we forgive kain for his betrayal and he rejoins the team good thing too because he's the reason we can win the next battle.

and of course the love story between cecil and rosa and how cecils best friend is also in love with rosa but must watch her in the arms of another man.

theres more but i havent played the game in awhile so its hard to remember.

none the less its one of my favorite ff's and i dont really look at it as if its corny but jsut when you think about it, it bkinda is.

06-13-2007, 03:20 AM
Heh, at least the love story of IV was the more plausible one, even if it was cliché. It's not like Cecil and Rosa only knew each other for a month before going all "OMG I luv u lets make babiez!" like some other canon couple in the FF franchise. They knew each other for years.

06-13-2007, 03:43 AM
Heh, at least the love story of IV was the more plausible one, even if it was cliché. It's not like Cecil and Rosa only knew each other for a month before going all "OMG I luv u lets make babiez!" like some other canon couple in the FF franchise. They knew each other for years.

very true.

06-19-2007, 03:52 PM
About the dead float thing just look at dead fish they float, and for the guy who said 9 was corny.....NO just no it was actually very serious (the merging of Terra and Gaia which would destroy Gaias inhabitantas, Kujas rampage of destruction, Kujas deception i.e. anything to do with Kuja is serious and awesome) BUT with some light hearted humour that was actually funny not corny.

06-21-2007, 03:52 PM
Corniest: X-2
Serious: IV