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View Full Version : workin 17 hours a day, can it be done?

06-18-2007, 02:00 AM
m-f workable for the short term?ok a few months ago i quit my decent job (place sucked) and started doing freelance but not enough so i took this job for some $. and applied to another. then i got a real job like a carear job not a part time job. so now im dong both although the part time job doesnt like that im part time now and i might lose it. but im really good so they might keep me. now i got an offer to do a night job. so the day would go like this6:30-10:30 job 1 11:00-6:00 job 27:00-1:00 job 3then home fast for a few winks then start over. if i could do this for say 3-4 months i would have tons of extra money to pay off debt (student loans and credit card) and i paid off my car already so i would be debt free which i really want. then i can always scale back.has anyone done something like this. ive had alot of jobs that work long hours like 12 hour day is nothing and if my last job was say until 11 instead of 1 i think i could but it might just be too much.

06-18-2007, 02:11 AM
It can be done with extreme determination, but more likely that not, you'll probably end up quitting from exhaustion and be set back a while looking for a new job.

06-18-2007, 02:13 AM
They used to do it back at the cotton mills! See Lowell, Massachussets

06-18-2007, 02:17 AM
Lowell is nasty and well, Massachusetts is nasty all together. And yes it can be done but you have to either love working or hate life :p

06-18-2007, 02:19 AM
It is technically possible to run on 7 hours of sleep, though you would probably always be tired doing so much work on that much sleep.
I wonder if it's possible to find a place that would hire people to work 24-hour days. They could sleep when there are no customers there and just hook up a pair of headphones to an amplifier so that the *DING* from the door when somebody walks in will wake them up. It's a perfect scheme to make around-the-clock pay >=)

06-18-2007, 03:03 AM
sure you can work 17 hours a day for like maybe a week but then the body shuts down sleep creeps in and forces you to sleep 2 - 3 days sometimes more...not going to happen bud I understand an all believe me I'd love to have the money I earn with 17 hour days for a full weeks work but it's impossible.

Odaisé Gaelach
06-18-2007, 03:12 AM
17 hours a day. So you get 7 hours to relax and go to bed.

It is possible. But you'd most likely end up being bitter, resentful and tired.

06-18-2007, 04:20 AM
First off, Kudos to you for paying off your car, thats great!
And my Step day worked at Wal-Mart from 8pm-7am, and then from there he worked at a dental office from 9am-7pm.
It was crazy madness but he did it! and you can to. not to say he was working as many hours as you but he was tired. But...at the end of the month he said it was worth it when we all could literally go out a get what ever we need and wanted!

So, if you think its worth payin off your debt and credit card bills than you can make it possible!

06-18-2007, 05:27 AM
It is technically possible to run on 7 hours of sleep, though you would probably always be tired doing so much work on that much sleep.
I wonder if it's possible to find a place that would hire people to work 24-hour days. They could sleep when there are no customers there and just hook up a pair of headphones to an amplifier so that the *DING* from the door when somebody walks in will wake them up. It's a perfect scheme to make around-the-clock pay >=)
I bet if you whined and pleaded long enough, Walmart would let you.

for 4 months??!?!!?!?!? thats too long for that many hours. 1 month, sure, 2 months, maybe, 3 months = loss of all past social life, 4 months = drinking straight from a coffee pot, only to find its filled with your own urine, and not caring.

I wouldn't make plans for it being the 3-4 month scale of time, but 1-2 is probably safe.

06-18-2007, 07:36 AM
I worked 2 full time jobs for 3 years supporting my wife and kid. It can be done. Make sure that you treat yourself and only you sometimes, like a little shopping or going to a nice resturant every once in a blue moon.

Markus. D
06-18-2007, 07:56 AM
whoah... the longest I have ever worked was 23 hours.

Oh Gosh I never wish for it to occur ever again.

06-18-2007, 09:21 AM
i worked so long and hard once i cared about this thread...

Rocket Edge
06-18-2007, 09:56 AM
It can be done, sure. During all of last summer & the summers before I worked a 19 hour day on the bog (peat labour, it needed to be done over the summer when the weather was good). It was physically draining, but the money was good, and it was only for a few months so it wasn't that bad. What I did was not think about work at all and just do it.

06-18-2007, 12:13 PM
sure you can work 17 hours a day for like maybe a week but then the body shuts down sleep creeps in and forces you to sleep 2 - 3 days sometimes more...not going to happen bud I understand an all believe me I'd love to have the money I earn with 17 hour days for a full weeks work but it's impossible.

I don't see why his body would shut down. All he hasa to do is work for the five days and then sleep longer on the weekend. It is increidbly feasible to do this with enough grit and determination. I'd say that the worst thing to watch out for would be stress, not lack of sleep.

06-18-2007, 12:16 PM
Bunny is right, but why would you want to work that much? Your life would be work and sleep. You wouldn't be very happy.

06-18-2007, 01:01 PM
I worked 20 hours a day Monday-Saturday and 17-18 hours on Sunday for 6.5 weeks. It was hell. If you have another alternative, take it. If the debt is really enough to make you want to work that badly I guess it will just be the worse months of your life. I hate the feeling that my job is my life.