View Full Version : what is best?

06-20-2007, 12:29 PM
FFX or FFXII or FFX-2?
im new to FF but i dont wana play every single FF!! and i also dont really wanna play the older ones, cos i like all the graphics of new games!

so i was gonna see wht you guys like best!! any help will be appreciated!

Treasure Hunter Locke
06-20-2007, 12:47 PM
In my opinion, the 3 you list are probably my least favourites in the franchise which would also include FFXI. :D

Out of that list, I would probably go with FFX. Despite having a really annoying protagonist, the story was decent aswell was the ending. I don't like FFX-2 at all since it just seemed too 'Charlie's Angel's' like and the fact that it ruined FFX's great ending. FFXII for me was just boring and the protagonist (Vaan) is even worse than Tidus. Since you seem to like more recent games with graphics etc then I have a feeling that you will probably like FFXII.

06-20-2007, 06:30 PM
You'll love FFVI then, it's got incredible graphics compared to the older games.

06-20-2007, 11:26 PM
ff12 is fun but it dont really have a story.10-2 is fun dont play it a million times.10s probably my vote.it has a story line it's emotional and it's real.
ps I did not cry!!!i swear!!!

06-21-2007, 12:14 AM
X is what I'd pick.

Big D
06-21-2007, 12:54 AM
X is the easiest to get into, but XII's a great game to tackle eventually. XII has superior visuals, an astounding script, and a world with more depth and culture than just about any other FF previously; the story just doesn't focus on the main characters as much.

I'd recommend playing X, then X-2, then XII. That should be enough to keep you busy for a year or so :p

06-21-2007, 01:10 AM
X is best, XII is good, X-2 sucks.

06-21-2007, 03:29 AM
X is good to start with

06-21-2007, 06:09 AM
Just play them in order like the rest of us had to 8)

06-21-2007, 08:23 AM
Just play them in order like the rest of us had to 8)

I went from FFVII, to FFX, to FFVIII, to FFVII (to finish), to FFX-2, to FFIX, to FFVI, to FFV, to FFIV, to FFXII, to FFIII DS lol, to FFXII (to finish it) lol.

Start out with FFX. Great game. Then XII, then X-2. That also happens to be my order of preference among the 3 games. :p

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
06-21-2007, 01:19 PM
i played 7 8 9 6 10 4 5 1 2 X-2 12. you don't wanna play them all? what kind of final fantasyer are you!? :D

06-21-2007, 01:56 PM
X is good to start with

06-21-2007, 04:38 PM
X is good to start with

Start with X and then X-2 feels like a ''MUST PLAY!''

06-21-2007, 05:17 PM
The order I'd put them in are,
Best: X
Good: XII
Worst: X-2

06-21-2007, 05:57 PM
start with X, and then XII. Ignore X-2, and refuse to believe it exists.

06-21-2007, 08:50 PM
i dont wana play every single FF!! and i also dont really wanna play the older ones, cos i like all the graphics of new games!

you'll learn eventually.

Disco Potato
06-21-2007, 10:54 PM
Since you seem to like more recent games with graphics etc then I have a feeling that you will probably like FFXII.

Graphics-wise, XII would naturally be best, just be sure to be very, very patient if you choose to play this one :p

FFX or FFXII or FFX-2?
im new to FF but i dont wana play every single FF!! and i also dont really wanna play the older ones, cos i like all the graphics of new games!

so i was gonna see wht you guys like best!! any help will be appreciated!

My favorite FFs (out of VI-X2 and XII) are VI and VII, but in my opinion, VII has horrible graphics for the most part, and a lot of people don't seem to think highly of VI's. I really encourage you to look beyond graphics when it comes to these games :)

Besides XII, X, and X-2, the graphics in VIII are alright as well. VI I think has good graphics too, but in a different way (less realistic* and more pixelly, but surprisingly detailed and cute). IX has graphics almost on the level on X, but the characters aren't too realistic.

As for older games, III is out on the DS, and IV is coming out sometime on the same system, so the graphics will be high quality, but again, not so realistic.

* by realistic, I mean looking like what you would see on Earth :p

06-22-2007, 02:06 AM
As you can see at the bottom of my sig I have beaten FF V,VII, VIII, IX, XII. Which were all good games my favorite was VII. At this moment I'am working on IV, and X. Pretty soon I might get VI. I would recommend playing VII or X they're the best.

06-22-2007, 12:00 PM
Hmmmm, FFX Rocked My Rainbow Coloured Sock Off! I Hated X2 I Liked XII A Little Just Don't Like Characters :P

~Very Warm Regards...

06-22-2007, 02:16 PM
Well, my personal favorite of those three is FF12. FFX is more like a traditional FF game in a lot of ways, though.

Oh, and don't let anyone talk you out of playing FFX-2--it's actually quite enjoyable as long as you take it for what it is. Not to mention, one of the best battle systems in any FF game (IMO, anyway). Just make sure to play FFX first, so you'll actually have some clue as to what's going on.

And please, don't let graphics stop you from playing the earlier games. They're great games, and you'd be amazed how easily you can get used to the graphics after playing for a bit.

06-22-2007, 11:28 PM
Threads about more than one FF belong in the General FF forum. :)

My personal order of preference:
2) FFX-2
3) FFX

06-25-2007, 12:17 AM
XII is a great game, but it doesn't live up to the Final Fantasy legacy, which was pushed forward by X.

I've never played X-2.

Wolf Kanno
06-25-2007, 05:27 AM
XII is my first choice as it's depth and scope is greater than most of the series. I never liked X and actually found it to be pretty boring, in fact (to me at least) it's the most boring storywise of the three you mentioned. X-2 is a game you play for gameplay and little of anything else...

Seriously though, play FFIII DS cause it's got sexy graphics and is good overall. I also feel you should give the earlier games a shot cause I can't necessarily say the recent generation is the best.

06-26-2007, 10:03 PM
VII took my FF virginity. From there I went to X, then X-2, then Dirge, and lastly XII. VII would be the ultimate game if they were to utilize that story with the graphics of XII. I loved X and X-2, even though X-2 was a bit "Charlies Angels"-ish.

I do want to go back down the line and play more of them, even the ones that some say suck so I can make my own opinions.