View Full Version : Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation Series

Ishin Ookami
06-21-2007, 08:36 AM
The first two came out for the GBA last year, the more recent one came out for PS2 in japan, but with no news to bring it to the US as of yet. I'm also hoping the anime series gets distributed as I hear that is pretty awesome as well.

So, am I the only one who thinks this series rocks the hardest?

06-21-2007, 01:10 PM
It is pretty cool. The GBA games were kinda 'eh', especially after having played the *real* games (Japanese). A friend of mine is reeeallly into the series, he has all of the PS2 games (except the newest OG) and one that came on Gamecube. I have the DS game as well.

Regardless, if any more of the games come out in English, I'll likely buy 'em. This is one of those series that I want to see more of, especially in english, so I'll support it even if I don't actually play the games.