View Full Version : the new games

06-23-2007, 03:10 PM
am i the only one who thinks that all the versons after FF7 are over dramatic?

...and Dissidia!? wtf?

mixing different ff and enix characters??

the japanese are retarded, square and enix should make pokemon or girl-pants obsession teenage mangas instead...thats what sells down there and this is what they are turning into anyway


06-23-2007, 09:08 PM
U sir R A n00b >:-(

06-23-2007, 11:17 PM
^Thats a given.

Dissidia looks awesome IMO. Despite the cliched Sephiroth entrance, Im excited to see Zidane and Kuja. Btw, its not going to used Enix characters anyway. Just Final Fantasy.

sir helix
06-24-2007, 12:23 AM
so is this game like a final fantasy fighter?

06-24-2007, 01:45 AM
the japanese are retarded

You sir, are the one that is retarded. At least until you can show me you earn more revenue than Square-Enix. :)

06-24-2007, 04:23 AM
Please to not call each other names, even if he just made a sweeping generalization insulting an entire nationality.

06-24-2007, 09:39 AM
Why is it a stupid idea?
I think its a very good one.

Markus. D
06-24-2007, 10:54 AM
I think FFVII Cerberus is an absolutely perfect implementation into the story within the world of FFVII.

06-24-2007, 02:06 PM
This had better suck less than Ehrgeiz. Oh wait, it's for the PSP? Dammit, I won't get to play it anyway.

06-24-2007, 04:54 PM
Don't buy games you don't think look fun, then.

Ramza Beoulve
06-24-2007, 08:22 PM
You sir, aren't a noob desu. You are a n00bl37 desu!!

06-24-2007, 09:40 PM
Turn the computer off and go to sleep.

06-25-2007, 05:47 PM
FFs after 7 overly dramatic...? I LOL'd! You, sir, are a n00bistic, nerdish FANBOY!

06-25-2007, 10:00 PM
guess i posted this the wrong place :p or at the wrong time...people who post here are playing them so...

well..just abit angry cause i bought square and enix games mindlessly after good experience with xenogears, chrono trigger, FF6 & 7, star ocean, valkyrie profile..chrono cross was ok.

so i bought FF8..played through it a bit dissapointed, bought FF9 with huge expectations and was let down again, then GOT FFX bothered halfway through cause the graphics(the lame clothes and fake main char laughter! oh the pain!), star ocean 2, the other ps2 mana game, not to mention xenosaga felt like mind rape :eek: i was actually paying and supporting this!

after i saw what they had done to valkyrie profile...or should i say valkyrie pedofile...heh (developed humor there) :D with 12 yearolds running around with swords and magic with high pitched japanese "cute" voices, i lost all respect for future rpg games from japan

aah thakns, finally got it all out...needed to bitch about this :p

06-27-2007, 06:12 PM
guess i posted this the wrong place :p or at the wrong time...people who post here are playing them so...

well..just abit angry cause i bought square and enix games mindlessly after good experience with xenogears, chrono trigger, FF6 & 7, star ocean, valkyrie profile..chrono cross was ok.

so i bought FF8..played through it a bit dissapointed, bought FF9 with huge expectations and was let down again, then GOT FFX bothered halfway through cause the graphics(the lame clothes and fake main char laughter! oh the pain!), star ocean 2, the other ps2 mana game, not to mention xenosaga felt like mind rape :eek: i was actually paying and supporting this!

after i saw what they had done to valkyrie profile...or should i say valkyrie pedofile...heh (developed humor there) :D with 12 yearolds running around with swords and magic with high pitched japanese "cute" voices, i lost all respect for future rpg games from japan

aah thakns, finally got it all out...needed to bitch about this :p

Valkire peadophile? high pitched japanese voices? lame clothes?

You sir blatently know you're games I can just imagine you on a development team it would be some sort of 18 rated game with spelling mistakes every piece of dialogue.

06-28-2007, 12:18 AM
Its all your opinion, because millions of fans disagree with you. Some people there is no pleasing...

I personally thought that FFVII was a mediocre game in the series. (Still awesome though, but we're talking of FFs)

06-28-2007, 05:43 PM
guess i posted this the wrong place :p or at the wrong time...people who post here are playing them so...

well..just abit angry cause i bought square and enix games mindlessly after good experience with xenogears, chrono trigger, FF6 & 7, star ocean, valkyrie profile..chrono cross was ok.

so i bought FF8..played through it a bit dissapointed, bought FF9 with huge expectations and was let down again, then GOT FFX bothered halfway through cause the graphics(the lame clothes and fake main char laughter! oh the pain!), star ocean 2, the other ps2 mana game, not to mention xenosaga felt like mind rape :eek: i was actually paying and supporting this!

after i saw what they had done to valkyrie profile...or should i say valkyrie pedofile...heh (developed humor there) :D with 12 yearolds running around with swords and magic with high pitched japanese "cute" voices, i lost all respect for future rpg games from japan

aah thakns, finally got it all out...needed to bitch about this :p

Valkire peadophile? high pitched japanese voices? lame clothes?

You sir blatently know you're games I can just imagine you on a development team it would be some sort of 18 rated game with spelling mistakes every piece of dialogue.


mature comeback..guess i offended the nerd here
im not english f**ktard :eep:

06-28-2007, 07:57 PM
guess i posted this the wrong place :p or at the wrong time...people who post here are playing them so...

well..just abit angry cause i bought square and enix games mindlessly after good experience with xenogears, chrono trigger, FF6 & 7, star ocean, valkyrie profile..chrono cross was ok.

so i bought FF8..played through it a bit dissapointed, bought FF9 with huge expectations and was let down again, then GOT FFX bothered halfway through cause the graphics(the lame clothes and fake main char laughter! oh the pain!), star ocean 2, the other ps2 mana game, not to mention xenosaga felt like mind rape :eek: i was actually paying and supporting this!

after i saw what they had done to valkyrie profile...or should i say valkyrie pedofile...heh (developed humor there) :D with 12 yearolds running around with swords and magic with high pitched japanese "cute" voices, i lost all respect for future rpg games from japan

aah thakns, finally got it all out...needed to bitch about this :p

Valkire peadophile? high pitched japanese voices? lame clothes?

You sir blatently know you're games I can just imagine you on a development team it would be some sort of 18 rated game with spelling mistakes every piece of dialogue.


mature comeback..guess i offended the nerd here
im not english f**ktard :eep:

You are blaming me for being immature then you follow up that statmement by calling me a f**cktard and a nerd I dont wish to continue this argument anymore because you clearly dont have the material to comeback.

YOU are the immature one and if you made respectable posts you would be respected back so do that or stfu.

And if someones intelligent it dosent mean they are a nerd in most cases it just means they pay attention at school.

One last thing what does being english have to do with anything?

06-28-2007, 09:12 PM
You tell 'em! Being English > Everything Else

06-29-2007, 09:14 AM
you suck in RL
loser :D

06-29-2007, 09:29 AM
squiike, you do not talk to users of this forum in such a disrespectful manner. If you cannot uphold your argument without posting disrespectfully, then do no post at all.

06-29-2007, 03:15 PM
Upon looking at it, all of y'all need to behave yourselves. If you can't say anything nice, then STFU.

sexy yuna
07-01-2007, 06:18 PM
good lord that was violent

07-06-2007, 11:58 PM
im not english
My first language is not English, as well, and I spell better than you.

07-08-2007, 09:17 AM
You're all noobs

Markus. D
07-08-2007, 09:21 AM
the japanese are retarded



07-08-2007, 09:26 PM
This thread has gone insane, but I have to agree with Demondude.
Squiike, I am English and find it very insulting you think of us as "f**ktards"
You are blatently being Racist, to the people of Japan and the English.
The Japanese INVENTED modern video gaming.
If you don't think that FF7-FF12 are good, then shut up and don't go disrespecting other people, just don't play FF's anymore.
In conclusion, you sir, are a n00b, who cannot see other peoples opinions.

07-08-2007, 09:50 PM
Get off this site and get a life. Your racist remarks aren't wanted.

07-08-2007, 10:42 PM
FFs after 7 overly dramatic...? I LOL'd! You, sir, are a n00bistic, nerdish FANBOY!

07-09-2007, 01:31 AM
I'm sorry squiike :kaocry2: I'm usually against calling people n00bs even if I think they are one :P

Aaaanyway, I disagree with you, but we all have our opinions.


07-11-2007, 01:13 AM
I'm sorry squiike :kaocry2: I'm usually against calling people n00bs even if I think they are one :P

Aaaanyway, I disagree with you, but we all have our opinions.


totally agree, we have our own opinions but you do not attack other members because they dont agree with you:rolleyes2

07-11-2007, 01:21 AM
never liked d.o.c thought it was poor and to easy!

07-11-2007, 02:06 AM
Due to the fact the FFVII fan kids will NEVER GO AWAY and CONTINUE TO BUY INTO SQUEENIX'S METHODS, this constant spin off thing will never end.

And no, the japanese are smart, they know that there are -many- fan kids in other countries that would kill for their stuff. It's about money, and I don't see any FF's being as good as the originals because they're spending like half their time working on spin off games and half their time trying to make a new game, once they get off this whole "let's make spin off games since people like these games" kick, maybe we'll have some good FF's.

07-11-2007, 03:53 AM
Due to the fact the FFVII fan kids will NEVER GO AWAY and CONTINUE TO BUY INTO SQUEENIX'S METHODS, this constant spin off thing will never end.

And no, the japanese are smart, they know that there are -many- fan kids in other countries that would kill for their stuff. It's about money, and I don't see any FF's being as good as the originals because they're spending like half their time working on spin off games and half their time trying to make a new game, once they get off this whole "let's make spin off games since people like these games" kick, maybe we'll have some good FF's.

I agree.

The plan for FFXIII seems out of control.

07-11-2007, 09:48 PM
They're so going bankrupt if FFXIII doesn't sell.

It will, of course, but imagine if it didn't :eek:

Eiko Guy
07-12-2007, 05:59 PM
Bad eoffer bad bad eoffers. Don't you understand that it is your unquestioning support of Square-Enix that has allowed them to do whatever they want. They are still making great games but you guys want to pretened to be cool by calling Square n00bs and pointing out how it's all about money. Hello n00bs aren't that rich and if a company didn't care about money it would die. NOthing wants to die, unless it's emo.

^ points for the thrown in emo joke W00T

07-13-2007, 01:39 AM
They're so going bankrupt if FFXIII doesn't sell.

It will, of course, but imagine if it didn't :eek:

even if it did theyd bounce back from crisis core:) if it really was diastorous then theyd remake ffVII:D :p