View Full Version : Is playin KHII before KH a stupid thing to do?

06-28-2007, 03:06 PM
Okay well I wanna get into this whole kingdom hearts thing..
I won kingdom hearts II at this thing,, and I dont have kingdom hearts. and i cant really be bothered buyin it. Obviously they would be related but how closely related are they? like storyline wise? is it like the FF series where the storylines are all different or is it KHII more of a sequel to the storyline of KH?
so my main questions are
- would playing KH before KHII benefit my understanding, make it a better play etc?
- would playin KHII first ruin the storyline/ending etc of KH making it not worthwhile to play KH after playing KHII?
so prity much should I bother goin out to get kingdom hearts, or shud i just play kingdom hearts II

06-28-2007, 04:36 PM
You should get KH1 first.

The games are related story-line wise, so it'll make understanding it harder.

KH2 will ruin the ending on KH1.

I Don't Need A Name
06-28-2007, 04:43 PM
yeah, get KH first, because it introduces all the characters and would make the story line non-sensicle without having played the first

Ashley Schovitz
06-28-2007, 04:56 PM
Yes it would be stupid playing KHII before the original.

06-28-2007, 05:26 PM
and I dont have kingdom hearts. and i cant really be bothered buyin it.

You spend more money in one day on food for three meals than you do for a twenty dollar game. Less if used. It's a bit of a stretch in college where your diet consists of three meals worth of Ramen and soda (approximately $5.75).

You should play KHI before KHII. Common sense.

However, you don't have to play CoM before II. It's nicely summed up, and doesn't add anything to the feel of the world. Story-wise, it's more accurate to play CoM after II, even if CoM's events are in between the two games.

06-28-2007, 05:47 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

06-28-2007, 06:39 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

leader of mortals
06-29-2007, 12:31 AM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

owned lol

i think you should really get kh before khII, and dont even bother with CoM, unless you want to play it. It doesnt matter at all in the KHII story really.

Markus. D
06-29-2007, 09:27 AM
They have a recap through the beginning of KHII that seems to explain enough.


06-29-2007, 02:29 PM
Certain parts of the storyline won't make sense (specifically the first 3 hours of the game). But you could probably be able to catch on well enough to go without KH1. It is much the same way you could probably get through FFX-2 without playing FFX.

06-29-2007, 02:48 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

Example please.

Gopher Gamble
06-29-2007, 03:28 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

Example please.

It a joke....if he spent alot of money on the box he might not have enough for the game.....

06-29-2007, 06:13 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

Example please.

It a joke....if he spent alot of money on the box he might not have enough for the game.....

Yeah, I just installed a TV in my box....the only channel i get is old women being robbed, but thats what you get when you install it with scissors

06-29-2007, 06:17 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

Example please.

It a joke....if he spent alot of money on the box he might not have enough for the game.....

Ah, apparently you fail to see the sarcasm I threw at Tavrobel's sarcasm. Normal I'd get some kind of crazy example.

Markus. D
06-29-2007, 10:29 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

Example please.

It a joke....if he spent alot of money on the box he might not have enough for the game.....

Ah, apparently you fail to see the sarcasm I threw at Tavrobel's sarcasm. Normal I'd get some kind of crazy example.

In the land of EoFF Disgaea Tavvy is level 9999 when it comes to most things... spiffy comebacks are one of them.

06-29-2007, 10:59 PM
You must live in a box if you can't afford a used KH1 :p

Depends on how nice the box is, Boko.

Example please.

It a joke....if he spent alot of money on the box he might not have enough for the game.....

Ah, apparently you fail to see the sarcasm I threw at Tavrobel's sarcasm. Normal I'd get some kind of crazy example.

In the land of EoFF Disgaea Tavvy is level 9999 when it comes to most things... spiffy comebacks are one of them.

I'd like to add n00b control as well, he does a good job at that

07-15-2007, 12:46 PM
It would be foolish to play KHII first. These are 2 very story-related games and it just won't be as much fun playing KHII first..story aside. Def. get KH first. It's a must-own btw..both of them amazing games.

07-18-2007, 09:39 AM
Without KH1, it'll be hard to understand KH2... so, playing KH2 first is not stupid, but ... weird. its like when you watch a movie, you watch the ending first. you'l miss the surprise and suspense... :eep:

smily face
08-13-2007, 08:24 AM
I just played kh2 but my brother played the first

oh and it is stupied to play it before you play the first