View Full Version : Final boss help!

07-07-2007, 09:32 PM
Hey, it's me again, the guy that needed your help to beat Adel. Well, this guy didn't know how hard Ultimecia was going to be. Yes, I need help again. Sorry 'bout that. Any tips, strategies, recommended levels to be at, etc. are definitely much appreciated.

I suppose I should inform you all of my strategy. For form 1, I mostly have Quistis cast Demi and Squall use Diablos. It is finished pretty easily. For form 2, I immediately have Squall cast Meltdown so the battle doesn't take forever and have Selphie summon Cerberus. To keep myself safe, I have Selphie cast Aura on herself and then scroll through until I get her to cast Wall on all of my characters (it really helps after that sonic attack, whatever it's called). As far as attacking goes, Quistis will often triple-cast Holy and I will have Aura and Haste on Squall for his Renzokuken. It's finished pretty easily and on to form 3. Pretty much same strategy. I try to always have Wall and Regen on my characters, as it helps loads. Aura on Squall etc. Form 4. Meltdown of course. Try to always have Regen on, but Ultimecia constantly will blow away my magic stocks (and it's possible that Regen will get blown away. Oh well.). No need for Aura really, since the one attack will always bring my health to 1 (that's what the Regen is for. When this happens, I try to get in Quisty's limit as well as Squall's, then go to Selphie for Full-Cure. The Apocalypse attack is where it really gets to be a bitch. I have to say that is what has killed me every time...

07-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Unlock at least: Magic/Item/GF Commands/Limit Breaks
You don't need thoses to succeed, but it will be much easier.

Be at least LVL 40. (again, possible to do it lower than that)

If you have a couple of auras, megalixirs and cast renzokuken, it will go down fast.

Don't have Megalixir, use Recover/Revive.
Don't have thoses? Use Curega.

Magic: The Best are
-Meteor (Combine Angel Wing with Rinoa, Omega Weapon can go down easy with it, given your stats are maxed of course.)
You don't need any other magic to attack.
If you want to have status inflict, but I doubt it will work.
----(If you truly insist, add)

The rest of the magic, you won't need to use in battle.

-Cerberus (if you're compatibility is high)
-Bahamut/Eden(with boosted Comp.)
If you are lucky to use them...

Squall: Renzokuken/Lionheart
Rinoa: Wising Star/Invincible Moon/Angel Wing&Meteor (cast meltdown by another party member, see this site guide for detail) Also, do not bother learning Angelo Strike.
Irvine: Hyper Shot/Armor Shot/Quick Shot + Turbo Control & Maxed Strengh (Also cast Meltdown first for Quick Shot)
Quistis: Shockwave Pulsar (Griever's Sig Attack)/Mighty Guard/White Wind
Zell: Armagedon Fist/My Final Heaven
Start 1: O,X (goes to start 2)
Start 2: Right, Left - Up, Down
- . . . (Go with Meteor Strike: Up, O, Down, O)
- . . . Or if you don't have it: Left, Left, O - O, X -
My Final Heaven: U, L, D, R, T
Make sure to boost your Str and Spd
Selphie: Full Cure/Wall

-Phoenix Down
-Holy War

07-07-2007, 10:09 PM
Hmm...you need to learn how to properly exploit the junction system!

This is how I do it, but everyone has their own strategy n.n

Well...maybe I should simplify it...

I usually have Ultima and Full-Life on Elemental Defense. Ultima Weapon drops 100 Ultima stones and you can get Ultima from invisible draw points in The Island Closest to Heaven/Hell. They boost all of the elements, so if you equip those, Ultimecia's first form can't do much to you. It also makes unlocking the seals a breeze.

Aaaanyway, you want Cerberus, or lots and lots of triples. Cast triple first, then you want to give your party Haste, Aura, and Regen. Meltdown isn't a big deal, but it does help. Make sure you have the Revive, Recover, and Treatment abilities, Revive especially. If you haven't used a Phoenix Pinion in battle before, use it before you start so you can have the GF Phoenix. You'll want a high strength stat. I usually have Quake, Aura, or Meteor on that.

So...with Aura cast, just go insane with the limits. I strongly reccomend Zell, if you do that. Just keep using Punch Rush and Booya. You can hit three times in one second, more if you're good at it n.n
Also, if you wanna cheat a little, get a turbo controller and use Shot. BPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPT!

One last thing. Bahamut's card can refine into 100 Megaelixirs, which is really usefull in Ulti's final form, as she uses an attack that cuts your HP down to 1 a LOT.

The Ceej
07-07-2007, 10:42 PM
I did this last summer. Let's see if I can remember how.

At this point, I had done everything else the game had to offer and made sure that my three main guys had 100 of every powerful spell so I could junction them properly. I didn't know at this point that the battle would pick three people at random, so I was fighting with two. I didn't know that if one of my guys were killed, he'd be replaced, so I kept the unprepared one alive. I used the auto-junction to junction magic for defense. This put spells like Ultima and Full Life on HP, which would lower my HP between battles because of their use.

I did this in one try, so I would say my strategy is flawless if you know what you're doing.

Make sure everyone has Triple and Aura on them. Try not to use Cerberus because it takes a while for GF's to come out. At this point in the game, you shouldn't rely on GF's. Then, use a Holy War the party. This will make you temporarily invincible. Have magic users focus on healing or casting triple-Ultima while Squall does his limit break. After the Aura wears off, you won't be able to cast it again until after the Holy War wears off too, so at that point, have Squall cast triple-Ultima as well. Once the Holy War wears off, repeat the process. Just make sure your HP is kept up. With this process, you should have all three forms killed in less than ten minutes. You probably won't even hear the entire battle song on one or more of the forms because you kill her so fast, so you might want to buy the soundtrack too.

EDIT: I should clarify that just because you shouldn't rely on GF's doesn't mean you shouldn't have them junctioned. You need their abilites.

07-07-2007, 11:28 PM
You should have the junctions I suggested last time, that will make the battle much easier. I assume you don't because you're having trouble. :p

Your first mistake is using Quistis and Selphie. They have the worst Limit Breaks in the game (except for The End, but that is incredibly cheap). I suggest using Squall, Irvine, and Zell. Kill any other characters that are in the battle until you get them. The only recovery things you need for the entire battle are Recovery/Curaga/Megalixir, any of those will do. Then cast Doomtrain/Meltdown, summon Cerberus (make sure to have a high compatibility so you can summon him quickly), triple cast Aura (some others like Haste, etc. if you want), and spam Limit Breaks. Once you get to the final stage and she uses Hell's Judgment, use the curative items and you should be fine.

I would only suggest using Eden if your strength stat is incredibly weak (but in which case just find a stronger spell like Ultima/Tornado). It's summon sequence takes like 5 minutes and it will probably only end up doing around 15000 or so.

I did this in one try, so I would say my strategy is flawless if you know what you're doing.

Make sure everyone has Triple and Aura on them. Try not to use Cerberus because it takes a while for GF's to come out. At this point in the game, you shouldn't rely on GF's. Then, use a Holy War the party. This will make you temporarily invincible.
If you have max compatibility with GFs they take about a second to summon, so that should not be an issue. It's true that GFs should not be used for damage, especially late in the game, but everything else is great. Doomtrain and Cerberus are great GFs, and it is a wise idea to use them in battle, imo.

The Holy War strategy is as cheap as using The End, it will insure nothing short of an effortless victory if you have enough to last. I would suggest using them only as a very last resort if you're at the point where no other strategy you try works.

07-07-2007, 11:50 PM
Try not to use any heroes/holy war during Omega's Terra Break Attack... and tell me the result of it...
or even Invinsible Moon.

07-08-2007, 01:01 AM
Try not to use any heroes/holy war during Omega's Terra Break Attack... and tell me the result of it...
or even Invinsible Moon.
Me dying and then being resurrected by Phoenix.

07-08-2007, 01:17 AM
OH I totally forgot about the random party thing...if I got people I who didn't have junctions, I just killed them off :P

I'm still working on Omega XD

The only time I beat him is when I cheated and opened the playstation lid so I could use Selphie's Slot to get The End without worrying about him going TERRA BREEAAK on me :cry:

07-08-2007, 03:45 AM
Try not to use any heroes/holy war during Omega's Terra Break Attack... and tell me the result of it...
or even Invinsible Moon.
Me dying and then being resurrected by Phoenix.

Hahaha, you too!:cool:

07-08-2007, 04:41 AM
All of my characters are above level 70. It just seems so odd that you guys are beating it at lower levels. I use most of the same strategies, but I will try using a phoenix pinion, didn't even think of that.

07-08-2007, 06:18 AM
Scream1008, the monsters level up with you do, so if you have lower levels, then having the best magic makes up the extra difference, because frankly the monsters will level up stronger than you.

07-08-2007, 06:43 AM
Try not to use any heroes/holy war during Omega's Terra Break Attack... and tell me the result of it...
or even Invinsible Moon.
Me dying and then being resurrected by Phoenix.

Hahaha, you too!:cool:

All of my characters are above level 70. It just seems so odd that you guys are beating it at lower levels. I use most of the same strategies, but I will try using a phoenix pinion, didn't even think of that.
meh, all of mine are 100. It's really easy, actually, to get 3 people to lvl. 100. All you need to do is kill enemies on the Island Closest to Hell for awhile. If you have Quistis learn Degenerator and give her Initiative you can just have to spam that all over (Degenerator = instant death). I used that strategy and went there with everyone at initial levels and went straight to 100.

Your level isn't the problem though. I just do that so I can boost my stats. It's your junctions and abilities that need a tinge of improvement.

Big D
07-08-2007, 12:24 PM
Note to all:

So if you fight her with characters who're at a lower level, she'll be at a lower level too. With less HP, weaker magic, inferior strategies. The secret to an easy Ultimecia fight is to keep everyone at as low a level as possible, and use junctioning to make them stronger. It's easy to have a low-level party (less than level 20) who've got maximum HP, strength, magic, etc.

07-08-2007, 03:14 PM
Just a quick hint and tip...


07-08-2007, 05:43 PM
Just a quick hint and tip...

lol ogm srsly?!

07-10-2007, 03:11 AM
Note to all:

So if you fight her with characters who're at a lower level, she'll be at a lower level too. With less HP, weaker magic, inferior strategies. The secret to an easy Ultimecia fight is to keep everyone at as low a level as possible, and use junctioning to make them stronger. It's easy to have a low-level party (less than level 20) who've got maximum HP, strength, magic, etc.

You know, I heard the same about Sephiroth, yet I beat him after I trained a while and advanced a few levels. He was, for me, far easier at level 75 than, say, level 60. I enjoyed that final battle far more for the most part anyway. It may have been around the same length, but it definitely didn't seem like it. The only hard part of the final boss was Safer Sephiroth (Jenova was simple with the Slash-All and so was Sephiroth's first form, for the same reason), unlike every form of Ultimecia keeping you completely on your toes all the time. The battle is so much up to chance as well, if you think about it: any random magic you have junctioned could be blown away at a single thought, among other things. FFVII was a far better game IMO. I was enjoying this one SO MUCH though up until this final boss battle. Right now I'm just like "screw it; I've already seen the ending video on YouTube, so what's the point of wasting my time?"

Anyway, now that the rant is over, I realized that I am fresh out of Phoenix Pinions. Where might one acquire some?

The Ceej
07-10-2007, 04:11 AM
Try modding your cards. At this point in the game, you need them no longer.

Did you try my strategy? The others called it cheap, but it worked for me the first time and I was fighting with two as I stated earlier.

07-10-2007, 05:31 PM
If you haven't used your Bahamut card for 99 Megalixers do it. Make sure to have Aura cast on Squall. For junctioning. Have each Character with 100 Ultima for Strength or Attack (Don't remember). Or Meteor will work fine too. This should be an easy win.

07-11-2007, 01:01 AM
I realize that to get Holy War, I have to use card mod on the Gilgamesh card. I also realize that to get this card, I have to go through all 7 of the CC members on the Ragnarok. Unfortunately, there is only one, the Joker, on the ship. He is located next to the elevator. Where are all the others supposed to be? I heard that they were all on the ship somewhere. Maybe he is the only one I battled with earlier on, so do I have to go back to Balamb Garden? And one more: if I do have to go back, where is the Garden now? I tried following the train tracks from Esther St., which is the last place I remember seeing the Garden, but to no avail. Anyway, I plan on using the Holy Wars I recieve in the battle, and I will also go to the Deep Sea Research Center to obtain Eden. I think that will give me the upper hand in the battle against Ultimecia. Remember, I can get to her last form and maybe destroy a fifth of it, but I get killed pretty often by Apocalypse. Holy War would obviously help a lot in that area. :-)

Also, the Chubby Chocobo card I heard will help me get closer to my GFs. That is another one that I get from the CC Members, correct?

07-11-2007, 01:05 AM
Monsters level up as you do.
Bosses have a level cap and are really not that stronger! So just shup up about it because it's no excuse.
Level 1:6000HP, 46str, 32vit, 59mag, 42spr, 35spd, 0eva.
Level 10: 15,000HP, 64str, 47vit, 78mag, 61spr, 40spd, 1eva.
Level 20: 25,000HP, 83str, 65vit, 98mag, 82spr, 44spd, 1eva.
Level 40: 45,000HP, 120str, 100vit, 137mag, 124spr, 53spd, 2 eva.
Level 46 (MAX): 51,000HP, 131str, 110vit, 148mag, 136spr, 56spd, 2eva.

or Biggs:
level 1: 467HP, 6str, 31vit, 8mag, 45psr, 6spd, 2eva
level 10 max: 705HP, 18str, 37vit, 17mag, 49spr, 7spd, 3eva.
ecounter 2: 1467HP-2235HP

By the way, there is no way to encounter enemies under level 7.
And speaking of Adel: Rinoa also increases in levels, the higher the level, best chances she has to survive!
very few bosses go up to 100, but they are all optional and not all of them either.

07-11-2007, 01:11 AM
Monsters level up as you do.
Bosses have a level cap and are really not that stronger! So just shup up about it because it's no excuse.

Way to answer the question I asked.... Besides, what in God's name did I do to you? I was just saying that I enjoyed Sephiroth battle far more and I heard the same thing about him being at the same level as your party, yet when I leveled up I found him easy. I don't understand why you are attacking me.

Big D
07-11-2007, 02:14 AM
very few bosses go up to 100, but they are all optional and not all of them either.Not quite right... plenty of bosses can attain the maximum level, and many of them are disproportionately powerful as a result - i.e, they become stronger at a much faster rate than your own characters do, as they level up. If you fight Raijin, Fujin and Seifer at Lunatic Pandora with a party who're all at level 100, those three will be at level 100 too - and each will have about 40,000 HP. That's more than your entire party gets. By keeping the party at a low level, the bosses remain suitably weak; but it's still easy to get your party up near their maximum by using strategic Junctions.

Sure Ultimecia can blow away magic spell; but if a character's carrying a lot of different spells, her chances of hitting a crucial spell are pretty low. Out of all the times I've beaten FFVIII, only once did she blow away the Full-Life spells I was using for someone's HP junction.

Sephiroth certainly does level up as you do in FFVII, but his incremental increases in strength are nothing compared to Ultimecia's.

07-11-2007, 02:24 AM
If you don't face the CC Club before Disc 4, you can't face them later. So you have lost Gilgamesh and his Holy Wars. It's still possible to obtain them, through a very long and annoying item refinement process, but it won't be easy.

Dark Matter => Shaman Stone => Hero Trial => Hero => Holy War Trial => Holy War

07-11-2007, 02:43 AM
can you mod a hungry cookpot into a shaman stone, or just vice versa?

07-11-2007, 02:49 AM
Monsters level up as you do.
Bosses have a level cap and are really not that stronger! So just shup up about it because it's no excuse.

Way to answer the question I asked.... Besides, what in God's name did I do to you? I was just saying that I enjoyed Sephiroth battle far more and I heard the same thing about him being at the same level as your party, yet when I leveled up I found him easy. I don't understand why you are attacking me.

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...
I meant others who always complains about monsters level up has you do, well bosses don't, and neither does some 'dungeon' areas.
I wasn't attacking you, on the contrary, I was saying the same as you saying ''they are easyer to beat, and here's the proof''.

very few bosses go up to 100, but they are all optional and not all of them either.Not quite right... plenty of bosses can attain the maximum level, and many of them are disproportionately powerful as a result - i.e, they become stronger at a much faster rate than your own characters do, as they level up. If you fight Raijin, Fujin and Seifer at Lunatic Pandora with a party who're all at level 100, those three will be at level 100 too - and each will have about 40,000 HP. That's more than your entire party gets. By keeping the party at a low level, the bosses remain suitably weak; but it's still easy to get your party up near their maximum by using strategic Junctions.

Sure Ultimecia can blow away magic spell; but if a character's carrying a lot of different spells, her chances of hitting a crucial spell are pretty low. Out of all the times I've beaten FFVIII, only once did she blow away the Full-Life spells I was using for someone's HP junction.

Sephiroth certainly does level up as you do in FFVII, but his incremental increases in strength are nothing compared to Ultimecia's.
:rolleyes2 see what I mean Scream1008?

Bosses/GFs that goes up to 100:
-Omega Weapon
-Sphinzaur/Sphinxara (HP locked at 10,000)
-Tonberry King
-Ultima Weapon

That is all, no others. All of them are OPTIONAL!
Seifer's 4th encouter, he doesn't go up more than lvl45.

Here are the stats you should focus on:
All: HP (9999)
Squall: Str, Vit, Spd.
Rinoa: Str, Mag, Spd.
Irvine: Str, Vit, Spr.
Quistis: Mag, Vit, Spr.
Zell: Str, Spd, Luck.
Selphie: Mag, Eva, Spr.


Squall: He will need strengh for Renzokuken/Lionheart. Vitality for him to absorb most melee attacks. And Spd because you'll want to execute his limits often.

Rinoa: Str will do good with Angelo Combine for Shooting Star/Cannon ''don't even make Angelo learn Strike, it's no good. Still ok if you did''.
Magic is what Rinoa would use with Angel Wing. You'll want the Meteor Shower Strategy for Rinoa ''provided on this very site''
Simply remove all Magic to Rinoa besides:
Cure/Cura/Curaga, Life/Full-Life, Regen, Haste, Double/Triple, Esuna, Float, Protect/Shell, Reflect, Aura and Meteor.
Having 255mag, use Angel's Wings ''Yes, you will loose control of her, but it's for the best.'' when you enter battle with her, have another party member cast Meltdown on her/griever/both/both again/final form. You'll see.
Spd since you want her to attack fast.

Irvine: Have Irvine cast Meltdown, with his strenght at 255, he should do about 5500 damage average. There are two time limit. The smaller can cast 20 bullets with turbo controller (I did 21, don't ask me how.) and the other one can cast 50 bullets with TC. You'll eventually run out of ammo after 100, useless to focus on spd, so just focus on defence of vit and spr.

Quistis: Have Quistis cast Meltdown. She can learn Shockwave Pulsar/Mighty Guard (cast Protect/Shell, sometimes Aura, Float and Others..)/White Wind(It does heal, but you can find better with Recover command, good if you are only using limit breaks challenge and don't have Selphie.)/Degenerator(Good for quick lvl up at Island H/H)
Based on that, you'll want to cast Mighty Guard at first, you'll want to max magic for Shockwave Pulsar. And keep her tough for spells, having spd isn't really a priority after Mighty Guard.

Zell: You'll ant to max his Str for Duel, use my Final Heaven or Armegeddon Fist; (up/down, left/right) repeat...
Spd accutally boost his Final Heaven. And you'll want to use him often.
If you are not using his limit break, boost Luck, this way he will do more critical hits (x2Damage Attack).

Selphie: She uses slot so boost magic, altought it is rare I use slot to attack.
Eva since it takes a while to find what you want, so evading attacks is good right?
Spr to defend against magic.

Use Auras Applenty.

can you mod a hungry cookpot into a shaman stone, or just vice versa?

You can only have one hungry cookpot. You should use it wisely on the GF you'll want to make learn Devour.

07-11-2007, 04:54 AM
You know, I heard the same about Sephiroth, yet I beat him after I trained a while and advanced a few levels. He was, for me, far easier at level 75 than, say, level 60. I enjoyed that final battle far more for the most part anyway. It may have been around the same length, but it definitely didn't seem like it. The only hard part of the final boss was Safer Sephiroth (Jenova was simple with the Slash-All and so was Sephiroth's first form, for the same reason), unlike every form of Ultimecia keeping you completely on your toes all the time. The battle is so much up to chance as well, if you think about it: any random magic you have junctioned could be blown away at a single thought, among other things. FFVII was a far better game IMO. I was enjoying this one SO MUCH though up until this final boss battle. Right now I'm just like "screw it; I've already seen the ending video on YouTube, so what's the point of wasting my time?"

Anyway, now that the rant is over, I realized that I am fresh out of Phoenix Pinions. Where might one acquire some?
Wow, way to fail.

Ultimecia is not hard, you simply SUCK. k? Improve your junctions and she will be nothing. I went out of my way last time to give you a list of the best magic to junction to what stats and the easiest way to obtain it. If you would've listened to me in the Adel topic you made and got the magic I suggested you get, you would not be having trouble with this fight. I would be helpful and find it for you again, but I'm through with helping you.

I've never had a problem with my magic being blown away. It was always something that wasn't important. The only stats that are important at this point in the game are your HP, Str, Vit, Mag, and Spr. There's a small chance that one of those 5 spells will be blown away.

You're ranting about how Sephiroth was so easy compared to Ultimecia, and that FF7 is better because Ultimecia kicks your ass? Not cool. You're making it seem like you prefer an easy fight to a challenging one. Sephiroth is boring because he is so easy, Ultimecia is at least a bit more challenging and takes more than 1 turn to kill.

Why are you still trying to beat Ultimecia? There isn't any point in trying to beat her if you've already spoiled the ending by watching it on YouTube.

07-11-2007, 05:09 AM
He didn't see quite all of it...

You know, I heard the same about Sephiroth, yet I beat him after I trained a while and advanced a few levels. He was, for me, far easier at level 75 than, say, level 60. I enjoyed that final battle far more for the most part anyway. It may have been around the same length, but it definitely didn't seem like it. The only hard part of the final boss was Safer Sephiroth (Jenova was simple with the Slash-All and so was Sephiroth's first form, for the same reason), unlike every form of Ultimecia keeping you completely on your toes all the time. The battle is so much up to chance as well, if you think about it: any random magic you have junctioned could be blown away at a single thought, among other things. FFVII was a far better game IMO. I was enjoying this one SO MUCH though up until this final boss battle. Right now I'm just like "screw it; I've already seen the ending video on YouTube, so what's the point of wasting my time?"

Anyway, now that the rant is over, I realized that I am fresh out of Phoenix Pinions. Where might one acquire some?
Wow, way to fail.

Ultimecia is not hard, you simply SUCK. k? Improve your junctions and she will be nothing. I went out of my way last time to give you a list of the best magic to junction to what stats and the easiest way to obtain it. If you would've listened to me in the Adel topic you made and got the magic I suggested you get, you would not be having trouble with this fight. I would be helpful and find it for you again, but I'm through with helping you.

I've never had a problem with my magic being blown away. It was always something that wasn't important. The only stats that are important at this point in the game are your HP, Str, Vit, Mag, and Spr. There's a small chance that one of those 5 spells will be blown away.

You're ranting about how Sephiroth was so easy compared to Ultimecia, and that FF7 is better because Ultimecia kicks your ass? Not cool. You're making it seem like you prefer an easy fight to a challenging one. Sephiroth is boring because he is so easy, Ultimecia is at least a bit more challenging and takes more than 1 turn to kill.

Why are you still trying to beat Ultimecia? There isn't any point in trying to beat her if you've already spoiled the ending by watching it on YouTube.

And be nice Xurts!
Others aren't as talented as I am!

07-11-2007, 05:24 AM
I believe that Ultimecia's maximum level is 65. Or perhaps that just for her first form...

At any rate, she was still quite easy with three level 100 characters. As with most of the other bosses in the game, Meltdown and Aura made quick work of her forms. Most of them could be taken out with just one Armegeddon Fist. If you understand how the Junction System and how the characters' Limit Breaks work, the game becomes a whole lot easier.

Nonetheless, Ultimecia still has one of my favorite final boss sequences in the series.

07-12-2007, 01:05 AM
Monsters level up as you do.
Bosses have a level cap and are really not that stronger! So just shup up about it because it's no excuse.

Way to answer the question I asked.... Besides, what in God's name did I do to you? I was just saying that I enjoyed Sephiroth battle far more and I heard the same thing about him being at the same level as your party, yet when I leveled up I found him easy. I don't understand why you are attacking me.

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...
I meant others who always complains about monsters level up has you do, well bosses don't, and neither does some 'dungeon' areas.
I wasn't attacking you, on the contrary, I was saying the same as you saying ''they are easyer to beat, and here's the proof''.

very few bosses go up to 100, but they are all optional and not all of them either.Not quite right... plenty of bosses can attain the maximum level, and many of them are disproportionately powerful as a result - i.e, they become stronger at a much faster rate than your own characters do, as they level up. If you fight Raijin, Fujin and Seifer at Lunatic Pandora with a party who're all at level 100, those three will be at level 100 too - and each will have about 40,000 HP. That's more than your entire party gets. By keeping the party at a low level, the bosses remain suitably weak; but it's still easy to get your party up near their maximum by using strategic Junctions.

Sure Ultimecia can blow away magic spell; but if a character's carrying a lot of different spells, her chances of hitting a crucial spell are pretty low. Out of all the times I've beaten FFVIII, only once did she blow away the Full-Life spells I was using for someone's HP junction.

Sephiroth certainly does level up as you do in FFVII, but his incremental increases in strength are nothing compared to Ultimecia's.
:rolleyes2 see what I mean Scream1008?

Bosses/GFs that goes up to 100:
-Omega Weapon
-Sphinzaur/Sphinxara (HP locked at 10,000)
-Tonberry King
-Ultima Weapon

That is all, no others. All of them are OPTIONAL!
Seifer's 4th encouter, he doesn't go up more than lvl45.

Here are the stats you should focus on:
All: HP (9999)
Squall: Str, Vit, Spd.
Rinoa: Str, Mag, Spd.
Irvine: Str, Vit, Spr.
Quistis: Mag, Vit, Spr.
Zell: Str, Spd, Luck.
Selphie: Mag, Eva, Spr.


Squall: He will need strengh for Renzokuken/Lionheart. Vitality for him to absorb most melee attacks. And Spd because you'll want to execute his limits often.

Rinoa: Str will do good with Angelo Combine for Shooting Star/Cannon ''don't even make Angelo learn Strike, it's no good. Still ok if you did''.
Magic is what Rinoa would use with Angel Wing. You'll want the Meteor Shower Strategy for Rinoa ''provided on this very site''
Simply remove all Magic to Rinoa besides:
Cure/Cura/Curaga, Life/Full-Life, Regen, Haste, Double/Triple, Esuna, Float, Protect/Shell, Reflect, Aura and Meteor.
Having 255mag, use Angel's Wings ''Yes, you will loose control of her, but it's for the best.'' when you enter battle with her, have another party member cast Meltdown on her/griever/both/both again/final form. You'll see.
Spd since you want her to attack fast.

Irvine: Have Irvine cast Meltdown, with his strenght at 255, he should do about 5500 damage average. There are two time limit. The smaller can cast 20 bullets with turbo controller (I did 21, don't ask me how.) and the other one can cast 50 bullets with TC. You'll eventually run out of ammo after 100, useless to focus on spd, so just focus on defence of vit and spr.

Quistis: Have Quistis cast Meltdown. She can learn Shockwave Pulsar/Mighty Guard (cast Protect/Shell, sometimes Aura, Float and Others..)/White Wind(It does heal, but you can find better with Recover command, good if you are only using limit breaks challenge and don't have Selphie.)/Degenerator(Good for quick lvl up at Island H/H)
Based on that, you'll want to cast Mighty Guard at first, you'll want to max magic for Shockwave Pulsar. And keep her tough for spells, having spd isn't really a priority after Mighty Guard.

Zell: You'll ant to max his Str for Duel, use my Final Heaven or Armegeddon Fist; (up/down, left/right) repeat...
Spd accutally boost his Final Heaven. And you'll want to use him often.
If you are not using his limit break, boost Luck, this way he will do more critical hits (x2Damage Attack).

Selphie: She uses slot so boost magic, altought it is rare I use slot to attack.
Eva since it takes a while to find what you want, so evading attacks is good right?
Spr to defend against magic.

Use Auras Applenty.

can you mod a hungry cookpot into a shaman stone, or just vice versa?

You can only have one hungry cookpot. You should use it wisely on the GF you'll want to make learn Devour.

Sorry for misunderstanding you. Sometimes it's hard to understand exactly what people mean on forums, you know. And definitely thanks for the help. It sucks that I can't get those cards, though.

07-12-2007, 01:07 AM
Have you done the CC card quest?
It really doesn't matter for first play through.
Use what I've said, ...

All: HP (9999)
Focus on:
Squall: Str, Vit, Spd. /Lionheart
Rinoa: Str, Mag, Spd. /Meteor Shower 'Angel Wing' after Invincible Moon
Irvine: Str, Vit, Spr./Fast Shot, Normal Shot or whatever is your strongest
Quistis: Mag, Vit, Spr./Mighty Guard, Pulsewave Shock
Zell: Str, Spd, Luck./Arma Fist; up down left right...repeat
Selphie: Mag, Eva, Spr./Full Cure; Wall if you need to.
Use Auras

...you'll be fine.

Trust me, if you do Angel Wing correctly like I said and this site said, and keep using Renzokuken while the third is healing, it will go fast!

07-12-2007, 01:15 AM
You know, I heard the same about Sephiroth, yet I beat him after I trained a while and advanced a few levels. He was, for me, far easier at level 75 than, say, level 60. I enjoyed that final battle far more for the most part anyway. It may have been around the same length, but it definitely didn't seem like it. The only hard part of the final boss was Safer Sephiroth (Jenova was simple with the Slash-All and so was Sephiroth's first form, for the same reason), unlike every form of Ultimecia keeping you completely on your toes all the time. The battle is so much up to chance as well, if you think about it: any random magic you have junctioned could be blown away at a single thought, among other things. FFVII was a far better game IMO. I was enjoying this one SO MUCH though up until this final boss battle. Right now I'm just like "screw it; I've already seen the ending video on YouTube, so what's the point of wasting my time?"

Anyway, now that the rant is over, I realized that I am fresh out of Phoenix Pinions. Where might one acquire some?
Wow, way to fail.

Ultimecia is not hard, you simply SUCK. k? Improve your junctions and she will be nothing. I went out of my way last time to give you a list of the best magic to junction to what stats and the easiest way to obtain it. If you would've listened to me in the Adel topic you made and got the magic I suggested you get, you would not be having trouble with this fight. I would be helpful and find it for you again, but I'm through with helping you.

I've never had a problem with my magic being blown away. It was always something that wasn't important. The only stats that are important at this point in the game are your HP, Str, Vit, Mag, and Spr. There's a small chance that one of those 5 spells will be blown away.

You're ranting about how Sephiroth was so easy compared to Ultimecia, and that FF7 is better because Ultimecia kicks your ass? Not cool. You're making it seem like you prefer an easy fight to a challenging one. Sephiroth is boring because he is so easy, Ultimecia is at least a bit more challenging and takes more than 1 turn to kill.

Why are you still trying to beat Ultimecia? There isn't any point in trying to beat her if you've already spoiled the ending by watching it on YouTube.

Well, I did appreciate all the help. I mean, I did beat Adel the second time around and I in no way think that it was all my doing. Yes, I somewhat suck at videogames, but I do enjoy them. It's just that I want to finish this game before summer is over, and that's why I'm asking for all this help. In IB, I'm not gonna have much time for videogames at all. Well, I will have some chances, but they will be few and far between. I did appreciate all your help, and everyone's help, and I'm sorry if I didn't make that sincere.

Big D
07-12-2007, 01:52 AM
The first time I played through FFVIII, I found Ultimecia incredibly hard. I wasn't great at effective junctioning, or exploiting weaknesses like Meltdown + Triple + Aura. There are a whole lot of quirks and secrets like that, which take time and experimentation to discover.
My point is that there's nothing at all wrong with finding Ultimecia a difficult challenge. Geeks on the internet might mock you for it, but then again they've been playing the game for about 8 years and might have long since forgotten what it was like the first time they played it.

07-12-2007, 02:30 AM
The first time I played through FFVIII, I found Ultimecia incredibly hard. I wasn't great at effective junctioning, or exploiting weaknesses like Meltdown + Triple + Aura. There are a whole lot of quirks and secrets like that, which take time and experimentation to discover.
My point is that there's nothing at all wrong with finding Ultimecia a difficult challenge. Geeks on the internet might mock you for it, but then again they've been playing the game for about 8 years and might have long since forgotten what it was like the first time they played it.

Well, I mean, I know how to do that Meltdown Triple Aura thing. Apocalypse is killing me though. I do fine up until that point. Junctioning is easy once you get the hang of it, it's just hard for me to obtain some magic (such as Ultima). I think what I'm gonna do is fight through Deep Sea Research Center to get some Ultima stones, some Meteor magic, more Meltdowns, etc. before I fight Ultimecia.

07-12-2007, 03:00 AM
The first time I played through FFVIII, I found Ultimecia incredibly hard. I wasn't great at effective junctioning, or exploiting weaknesses like Meltdown + Triple + Aura. There are a whole lot of quirks and secrets like that, which take time and experimentation to discover.
My point is that there's nothing at all wrong with finding Ultimecia a difficult challenge. Geeks on the internet might mock you for it, but then again they've been playing the game for about 8 years and might have long since forgotten what it was like the first time they played it.

Well, I mean, I know how to do that Meltdown Triple Aura thing. Apocalypse is killing me though. I do fine up until that point. Junctioning is easy once you get the hang of it, it's just hard for me to obtain some magic (such as Ultima). I think what I'm gonna do is fight through Deep Sea Research Center to get some Ultima stones, some Meteor magic, more Meltdowns, etc. before I fight Ultimecia.

That's a good idea n.n

You get Bahamut there, and his card will refine into 100 Mega-elixers. I found them to be really usefull when she uses Hell's Judgement O_O4

Big D
07-12-2007, 03:22 AM
Yep, if everyone's got 100 Ultima, Meteor, Holy, Quake, and Triple spells, you can boost most of the key stats close to their limit. I think it's the GF Eden that has the Forbid-Mag-Rf ability, enabling you to refine 'forbidden' magic (like Meteor).

07-12-2007, 03:50 AM
Well, I did appreciate all the help. I mean, I did beat Adel the second time around and I in no way think that it was all my doing. Yes, I somewhat suck at videogames, but I do enjoy them. It's just that I want to finish this game before summer is over, and that's why I'm asking for all this help. In IB, I'm not gonna have much time for videogames at all. Well, I will have some chances, but they will be few and far between. I did appreciate all your help, and everyone's help, and I'm sorry if I didn't make that sincere.
eh, sorry. I kinda snapped there. =/ Truth be told, when I first played FF8 I got raped because I had no clue how anything worked. It wasn't until my later playthroughs that I learned how to exploit junctions and magic.

The first time I played through FFVIII, I found Ultimecia incredibly hard. I wasn't great at effective junctioning, or exploiting weaknesses like Meltdown + Triple + Aura. There are a whole lot of quirks and secrets like that, which take time and experimentation to discover.
My point is that there's nothing at all wrong with finding Ultimecia a difficult challenge. Geeks on the internet might mock you for it, but then again they've been playing the game for about 8 years and might have long since forgotten what it was like the first time they played it.

Well, I mean, I know how to do that Meltdown Triple Aura thing. Apocalypse is killing me though. I do fine up until that point. Junctioning is easy once you get the hang of it, it's just hard for me to obtain some magic (such as Ultima). I think what I'm gonna do is fight through Deep Sea Research Center to get some Ultima stones, some Meteor magic, more Meltdowns, etc. before I fight Ultimecia.
Then you need higher Spirit. The best for that is Reflect which can be drawn from Death Claws (Centra) and Adamantoises (beach by Dollet).

Ultima takes awhile to get. The best way is to fight the Tri-Face fixed encounters in the Deep Sea Research Center. They should drop a bunch of Curse Spikes. Once you get 100 use Siren's (she MUST be lvl. 100) Tool-RF to refine those into 1 Dark Matter, then refine that into 100 Ultimas with Bahamut's Forbid-Mag-RF. Do that 3 times for 300 Ultimas, it doesn't take as long as you would think. Tri-Faces should drop around 6-8 Curse Spikes each I think.

Draw Meteor from Ruby Dragons. KO 1 character in your party and it won't hurt you, it'll mostly use crappy attacks like Fira.

Meltdown is easy to get, just draw that from Gaylas (Trabia region).

07-12-2007, 05:20 AM
Well, I did appreciate all the help. I mean, I did beat Adel the second time around and I in no way think that it was all my doing. Yes, I somewhat suck at videogames, but I do enjoy them. It's just that I want to finish this game before summer is over, and that's why I'm asking for all this help. In IB, I'm not gonna have much time for videogames at all. Well, I will have some chances, but they will be few and far between. I did appreciate all your help, and everyone's help, and I'm sorry if I didn't make that sincere.
eh, sorry. I kinda snapped there. =/ Truth be told, when I first played FF8 I got raped because I had no clue how anything worked. It wasn't until my later playthroughs that I learned how to exploit junctions and magic.

The first time I played through FFVIII, I found Ultimecia incredibly hard. I wasn't great at effective junctioning, or exploiting weaknesses like Meltdown + Triple + Aura. There are a whole lot of quirks and secrets like that, which take time and experimentation to discover.
My point is that there's nothing at all wrong with finding Ultimecia a difficult challenge. Geeks on the internet might mock you for it, but then again they've been playing the game for about 8 years and might have long since forgotten what it was like the first time they played it.

Well, I mean, I know how to do that Meltdown Triple Aura thing. Apocalypse is killing me though. I do fine up until that point. Junctioning is easy once you get the hang of it, it's just hard for me to obtain some magic (such as Ultima). I think what I'm gonna do is fight through Deep Sea Research Center to get some Ultima stones, some Meteor magic, more Meltdowns, etc. before I fight Ultimecia.
Then you need higher Spirit. The best for that is Reflect which can be drawn from Death Claws (Centra) and Adamantoises (beach by Dollet).

Ultima takes awhile to get. The best way is to fight the Tri-Face fixed encounters in the Deep Sea Research Center. They should drop a bunch of Curse Spikes. Once you get 100 use Siren's (she MUST be lvl. 100) Tool-RF to refine those into 1 Dark Matter, then refine that into 100 Ultimas with Bahamut's Forbid-Mag-RF. Do that 3 times for 300 Ultimas, it doesn't take as long as you would think. Tri-Faces should drop around 6-8 Curse Spikes each I think.

Draw Meteor from Ruby Dragons. KO 1 character in your party and it won't hurt you, it'll mostly use crappy attacks like Fira.

Meltdown is easy to get, just draw that from Gaylas (Trabia region).

Wow, thanks! It is really helpful telling me where I can find these enemies to draw from and stuff. That is sometimes the hardest thing. And sorry about bringing FFVII into comparison, I guess I should have forseen that it's a touchy issue comparing the two. :)

08-10-2007, 05:09 PM
Man you just need to get the best weapons and lots of aura magic or stones and go full pelt!