View Full Version : Tactics = XII?

Disco Potato
07-12-2007, 12:27 AM
I finished FFXII a few months ago, and while I liked the story and world (at least what I saw of it), I didn't enjoy the pacing of the story, and that you had to do so much battling, even just to continue the main story. Is it the same deal with Tactics? From what I've read, the story sounds really interesting, but playing through XII became painful towards the end and it wouldn't be worth going through the same ordeal with another game :p

So to rephrase my question I guess, does Tactics unfold the same way as XII? Long beginning and ending scenes, some brief scenes throughout the game, and hours of roaming around with little character interaction in between?

Also, is characterization and interaction very subtle, like XII, or more obvious and apparent?

07-12-2007, 12:46 AM
The plot of Tactics is maintained at a relatively constant pace throughout the game. Like Final Fantasy XII, the game is more about the circumstances into which the characters are thrust than the characters themselves. It can be a difficult game to follow the first time you play it, so definitely pay attention. It's less straightforward than FFXII, and there are many more characters of whom you need to keep track.

I highly recommend it.

07-12-2007, 01:32 AM
No, the storytelling is very different. In XII there are very large dungeons and expanses of the world map which take some time to traverse, like you said, you spend alot of time battling for what seems very little story advanced each time.

Tactics' pace is very different. Basically the game revolves around the individual battles, same concept, different map and conditions each time, with usually 4-8 enemies, and once they are defeated (or another condition is met), you win the battle. At which time you are rewarded with a little bit more of the plot. I would say its pacing is very well done.

Although you may find yourself with long periods of battling between these times, as to afford the equipment, much like XII, requires you to participate in extra battles. And depending on how you want/need to advance your soldiers, you will spend more or less time in random encounters.

It may seem a little vague, but I hope that helps. To give average length, I was able to complete the game in 50 hours, but that was maybe my 3rd or 4th (maybe my 5th) attempt.

07-12-2007, 03:59 PM
I want to add that there is a lot of interactions between allies and enemies during the storyline battles. A little like the Basch/Gabranth scenes.

If you focus on just burning through the storyline and ignore subquests you can clock in under 50 hours. If you truly want to explore every subquest and find everything the game has to offer, you'll easily take twice the amount of time.

Not that the subquests aren't worthwhile; I found them addictive, like the ones in FFXII. I would say FFT is 50:50 storyline to subquest, compared to FFXII which is more like 25:75.

I can't recommend this game enough, once you get over the format you'll find yourself returning to this game time and time again.

07-12-2007, 09:04 PM
FF Tactics might have a great story. I can't tell, what with the horrible translation.

07-12-2007, 09:45 PM
FF tactics has like 4 side storys going on that all seem to connect with the main.

by this i mean larg and whats going on there, goltana and delita. the church ands its corruption. then theres ramze fighting his way throguh it all. it all just adds up to one great story.

Disco Potato
07-12-2007, 10:17 PM
Thanks for responding! :D

FF Tactics might have a great story. I can't tell, what with the horrible translation.

Haha yeah, I watched the intro (the 1 minute one) on YouTube yesterday and got confused.

Edit: Feel free to still reply if you want :p

07-18-2007, 07:01 AM
I feel that Tactics is strong from the get-go. I was and still am very impressed with it.

07-18-2007, 07:21 PM
I love FFT more than I could possibly love FFXII.

The story is just way better, and that's what I look at in a Final Fantasy. And a decent translation is coming very soon.

Demon Lancer
07-30-2007, 02:17 AM
Where does this bad translation come from? I don't understand. Yeah some parts are a little weird... and to me the begining of the fight at the execution site does seem a little childish... "You'll have to take it."
The game = win no doubt one of my most played games... I let meh girlfriend borrow it quite a while ago but has not found the time to play it yet, so i had to download and emulator just to get some of the tactics urge out.

Sick Boy
07-31-2007, 07:21 PM
Tactics is a lot better than XII, IMHO. FFT sucks you in and is far more addictive, so to speak, than XII.

When I was playing Tactics, I found myself unable to stop playing for an extended period of time. But XII on the other hand just never grabbed my interest to the point where I couldn't stop playing. Tactics, as others have said, has a much better development of the plot, and keeps you interested, as well as simply having a much better plot IMO.

Tactics is easily one of my favorite Final Fantasys and I highly recommend it.

08-04-2007, 03:50 AM
I really can't decide which one I consider better. I actually consider the games with the same outlook - both can be extremely tedious, but very rewarding.

I would say XII is cinematic. Tactics is like a play. They're boh great in their respective artforms, I don't know if I would rank one over the other.