View Full Version : Al Bhed - evil?

07-16-2007, 08:48 PM
Are the Al Bhed evil?
I mean, almost everybody hates them, they "violate the teachings" and they kidnap people.
Are they supposed to be evil?

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
07-16-2007, 09:13 PM
not really. in the eyes of yevonites they are because they are violating the teachings like you say. However, as we learn in bevelle yevon is also violating it's own teachings so really the al bhed aren't doing anything wrong.

yes they are kidnapping people but their intentions are good, they're just trying to save lives, much like the summoners really.

is say no, al bhed aren't evil

07-16-2007, 10:35 PM
By the game's end I suspect your sympathies will lie much more with Al Bhed than Bevelle. They are a much-maligned people.

Of course Tidus can befriend them easily enough because he's come from outside the situation and hasn't been indoctrinated to hate and fear them. It also helps that he's clueless.

07-16-2007, 11:10 PM
Fallacy of popularity. Just because everyone says so does not make it so. Antagonistic for a part of the game, yes, but certainly not evil. A corrupted Church is far more evil than an abused and scapegoated people.

07-16-2007, 11:49 PM
Yes, you are correct. The Al Bhed are the villains of Spira. They destroy religious statues, sabotage religious rituals, and bring death and destruction to Spira. There will later be a side quest where you can bring a holy genocide upon them all. This unlocks a secret ending, where Tidus becomes an official Crusader of Yevon.

Don't believe me? Then play the game and find out for yourself.

07-17-2007, 12:25 AM
they kinda reminded me of al-qaeda with all that. except for the whole terrorism part.

07-17-2007, 01:39 AM
I see it like this:

The whole game is basically a allusion to Christianity.

For arguments sake, let us say that the Yevonites are a reference to the Catholic church.

The Al Bhed could then be compared to Protestants (basically any non-Catholic Christian) in the sense that even though they basically want the same thing, since the Al Bhed/Protestants don't follow the same rules as the Yevonites/Catholics, they are considered evil by the hardcore followers.

P.S. If anyone was offended by this, I apologize.

07-17-2007, 02:09 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to just compare the Al Bhed to non-christians?

And you don't have apologize for simply saying out loud what the game tries to hint towards.

07-17-2007, 02:39 AM
They aren't evil! :mad:

07-17-2007, 02:49 AM
They aren't evil, they just think for themselves and question things as is human nature. Rikku has lines directly putting forth the idea "Think for yourself" quite a few times. To an organization that has power and wants to keep it, anybody who isn't retarded is going to be a threat and they will tell followers they are evil. Nobody likes a smarty messing up the opiated masses!

07-17-2007, 02:51 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to just compare the Al Bhed to non-christians?

And you don't have apologize for simply saying out loud what the game tries to hint towards.

He's apologizing for not insulting the Jews. Rikku is clearly Borat in disguise.

07-17-2007, 03:00 AM
you can really see it in wakka's trying to beatdown rikkus viewpoint and his arguments are what those who simply follow the religion fervently but don't truly understand.

like all those idiots in the south that keep spouting al the jewish stereotypes just because they can't take the time to find out the truth.
i quote a qeustion asked of a jewish kid at a friends house

Do yall people eat oatmeal?

07-17-2007, 05:30 AM
you can really see it in wakka's trying to beatdown rikkus viewpoint and his arguments are what those who simply follow the religion fervently but don't truly understand.

like all those idiots in the south that keep spouting al the jewish stereotypes just because they can't take the time to find out the truth.
i quote a qeustion asked of a jewish kid at a friends house

Do yall people eat oatmeal?

Why do you say south?

Aaaaaanywaaayz, no, they aren't really evil, but because the world is run by religion, it's teachings are law.

07-17-2007, 04:24 PM
Not essentially evil but some elements are a bit out of control and not always acting wisely. They threaten to kill Tidus at the start until stopped by Rikku. Their scheme to kidnap summoners "for their own good" is not very well-thought out. Both Rikku and Brother use dangerous machina against the party which could easily destroy it rather than just capturing Yuna. Cid, their leader, is a also bit crazy, inclined to blow things up for no good reason.

On the other hand they join with the Crusaders to fight against Sin, and their airship is vital to defeating it in the end.


07-17-2007, 06:47 PM
you can really see it in wakka's trying to beatdown rikkus viewpoint and his arguments are what those who simply follow the religion fervently but don't truly understand.

like all those idiots in the south that keep spouting al the jewish stereotypes just because they can't take the time to find out the truth.
i quote a qeustion asked of a jewish kid at a friends house

Do yall people eat oatmeal?

Why do you say south?

because the guy who said this is an atheist jew from georgia he was talking about southern babtists

07-21-2007, 05:40 AM
Nah they are'nt evil, they are just looking after summoners, and they dont belive in Yevon

07-21-2007, 08:02 PM
Al Bheds aren't neccesarrily evil. They just don't follow the teachings of Yevon. Plus if they were some lunatic would've eventually killed Yuna by now.

08-01-2007, 03:50 AM
Heres a quote from my favorite FF: "Right and wrong are not what seperate us from our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that seperate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views."

08-01-2007, 06:37 AM
Heres a quote from my favorite FF: "Right and wrong are not what seperate us from our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that seperate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views."Ah, I misunderstood! Rather than kicking the bad guys' arses we should just come to a friendly agreement that they can kill people.

(Sorry if this is going off topic but I couldn't let that one go).:mad2:


Pouring Rain
08-09-2007, 12:20 AM
I don't think they're evil. I think that they don't believe in Yevon, and therefore they kidnap summoners in an attempt to save their lives. Like maybe they believe that they shouldn't be sacrificed with their religion. The way they show their anti-Yevonism is a bit odd, though. Cid is just a little bit crazy and likes to blow everything up, which is not the way to go. But as you see, Rin is a very successful Al-Bhed businessman. So not all Al-Bhed are evil. ...I guess.

12-12-2022, 01:22 PM
Yes. Except for Rin cuz he is rich. Rich ppl can do no wrong. :bigsmile: