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The Unknown Guru
07-20-2007, 10:22 PM
Once, I was at a pizza place with some friends after a party. They were up ordering, so I started messing with the condiments. You know, putting some pepper on a napkin and putting it in the salt shaker, that kind of thing. I've had some practice with this, so I'm pretty fast and discreet, and nobody notices. Everyone messes up their food, I laugh, etc. They're pissed at first, but they forgive me because they're my friends, and i fix everything before we leave.

However, about a week later, I go to a pizza place. I try to put some parmesan cheese on my pizza and salt comes out. :mad:

A more "instant" thing happened when I was standing off the side of a soccer goal. I tried to peg the goalie in the back (with the ball) but it bounced off the post and hit me in the forehead.

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

07-20-2007, 10:27 PM
During Track Practice I laughed at a kid for slipping during a run and I almost fell flat face first(We also had tires on our backs).

07-20-2007, 10:50 PM
What goes around comes around.

07-20-2007, 10:52 PM
i ate an athenian once and later i got gas....spooky!

Odaisé Gaelach
07-21-2007, 02:48 AM
One of the only times I don't wear my glasses is when I'm doing Aikido. I was training with someone who was wearing glasses. We were doing suwari waza shomen uchi ik-kyo (read: both kneeling, I attack him with an overhead strike, he blocks it and pins me).

So I attacked, and accidentally hit him with my hand between the eyes. And his glasses. I kept apologising over and over again; he didn't care, but he was worried about his glasses, which were fine. So we resumed training.

After training we were walking down the street together. I was holding my bag, and holding my glasses' case to put them on. It was dark. Suddenly I dropped my glasses, and heard the most horrible tinkling sound on the pavement, like glass on cement.

"Don't move," my friend said. I squinted through the darkness to see if I could find my glasses.

"I think the glass came out of the frame," my friend said. I hoped he was wrong.

Then I spotted them: the glasses had fallen out of the case. When I picked them up I discovered that they were fine: the lens hadn't fallen out of the frames.

I hastily put on my glasses and picked up the case. The catch that keeps it closed had broken off and fallen out. That must have been what the noise was.

"Your glasses are all right?" he asked.

"Yep," I replied. "That's karma." :)

07-21-2007, 02:50 AM
I find Karma to be a lot like psychic predictions. People get excited during the one time it all fits, but then ignore the billion other times it didn't work at all.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
07-21-2007, 10:55 AM
One of these days I'll just punch someone in the face and say "hey!!!! I wonder what you did to deserve that???"

07-21-2007, 12:17 PM
karma? yeah..I've had one of those..pushed a friend into a pool when he just finished drying, then i slipped and fell aswell..

07-21-2007, 12:32 PM
ok this hapens a lot to me Karma friggin hates me

instance one
I was playing soccer and my teamate intentionally tripped someone and I noticed and the other teams coach did but not the ref and the ref asked me if I saw I said yea it wasnt intetional and game continued as normal a few minutes later I was going down the field ball in my possesion I shook everyone the a defender came outta nowhere I get tripped by him and I get charged with a yellow card

instance two
It was my sister bday party i was being an ass to her friends on of them got on this folding table and fell and I laughed a lot. Then I went and put it back up and people were still laughing I hoping to get a few laughs out of it got on the table to make fun of him table falls I go down

07-21-2007, 12:36 PM
That's pretty bad..

Nominus Experse
07-21-2007, 08:01 PM
One day, it happened to be my sister's birthday (she was 1 ad I was 4). She got one of those rolling popper things, and I decided that I wanted it. No, I NEEDED it.

So I stole it from her during the party.

Instantly, the belt came off my father's pants and down came divine punishment.

07-22-2007, 06:19 PM
Karma happens to everyone, I Remember one time me and some of my family were swimming at the lake, and my cousin got sick and puked in my uncles car, i instantly started making fun of him cause i was 13 or so at the time i thought it was funny, and well about 5 minutes after he was done, i got sick on my side of the car too. haha;)

07-22-2007, 06:34 PM
Karma does good too ya know...

But that's not as funny. Well anyway, me and my friends were playing tennis and we got bored playing by the rules and keeping score and just started wailing on the ball as hard as we could. So I smack the ball hard and it hit the ground bounced and hit the wall and came flying back and smacking my friend in the back of the head. He made this awesome "DOOOF" sound and cracked everybody up. Later we were out in the woods and there was muddy slippery bank and as you can guess the three of us who laughed fell in a creek and made an awesome "SPLOOSH" sound.