View Full Version : Final Fantasy Retrospective

07-23-2007, 11:12 PM
Figured I'd start a thread here so that there wouldn't be one for each FF forum.

Here's part two. (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22650.html)

07-23-2007, 11:56 PM
Oh man, Final Fantasy III is just so great, even the NES version. :) That was quite a good summary of FFs II and III, although FFII was given a bit more attention than FFIII on that video.

07-24-2007, 12:32 AM
That's because few people appreciate FFIIj's origins and options, and few of them followed through to future games, compared to FFIIIj, or FFI. However, it's usually the sequel that promotes the most popular things (Moogles, Chocobo, Cid, Airship). imo, FFIIIj was far more of a radical game (not that it's a bad thing, I love FFIIIj) than people give it credit for, as opposed to FFIIj, which many players consider to be the black sheep, or the worst.

That generosity can only be instilled upon FFX-2.

07-24-2007, 03:52 AM
Not too bad, pretty decently summed up.

07-24-2007, 04:20 PM
That was great seeing FFIII like that. I just wish that they had sended an earlier version to play that looked so great.

The Ceej
07-28-2007, 07:48 PM
As I've stated at least 10,000 times across this forum, I'm on dialup. However, this looked too great to pass up. I copied the links, Emailed them to my father, had him download the MP4 versions burn them to a CD ROM and bring them to my house. Yeah, I could have gone to him, but he had to pick up some of his stuff from my house anyway. So, I copied the files from the disc to my computer and put them on my iPod and watched them on my HDTV. I know. It sounds way too complicated, but I guarantee you, it would have taken a lot longer to download or stream the files myself.

And since I've been able to watch them, I have enjoyed them. I realize I'm the last person on this forum to watch them, but I finally did. I found them both entertaining and informative. I was shocked to find out I was pronouncing Nobuo Uematsu's name wrong this whole time. (I pronounced it NO bo yu MAHT su.)

But yeah. I can't wait for the next intallment. This series is going to be really hard on my father.

And you know what? It actually looks pretty good on my TV for an internet video. I think these are the best quality videos I have on my iPod.

07-30-2007, 08:35 AM
Part three is up. (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/22905.html)

The Ceej
07-30-2007, 08:23 PM
What? No MP4 download? I was hoping to watch the whole series. Guess I can only see the first two.

07-30-2007, 08:49 PM
What? No MP4 download? I was hoping to watch the whole series. Guess I can only see the first two.

I think the downloads came from another source meaning there may be one soon.

In the legend of zelda perspective (which was done by the same guy) the downloads often came about a day or so after the episode was released.

I'm not sure why though maybe it's because they have to change the format. :)

07-30-2007, 10:24 PM
Square published an FF retrospective video on the XII Collectors Edition DVD that was sold in US. I posted it in youtube on 4 parts.

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF X to XIII (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tZxTKpexYQ)

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF VII to IX (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkOd0sKX1DY)

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF IV to VI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvGrzd1gva4)

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF I to III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMEY0Ks90Cw)

The Ceej
07-31-2007, 02:58 AM
What? No MP4 download? I was hoping to watch the whole series. Guess I can only see the first two.

I think the downloads came from another source meaning there may be one soon.

In the legend of zelda perspective (which was done by the same guy) the downloads often came about a day or so after the episode was released.

I'm not sure why though maybe it's because they have to change the format. :)

The Quicktime and Windows Media downloads are there. The MP4 is missing. I need the MP4 because that's the one that plays on my iPod and that's the format in which I got the other two. Besides, it's the smallest and I'm having someone else do my downloading. I'm so disappointed. I wish there was a way for me to contact the author.

07-31-2007, 05:57 PM
I think all thats needed to do is reload it in a different file type.

I needed it to so if one dosen't come out I might nick my brothers computer for a while and change it into an mp4 format.

Of course I'll need the authors permission but if he says yes I could do it.

Only problem is It will be a slightly lower quality but as long as I get permission it will hopefully work.

I'll get back to you if he e-mails me back. :)

07-31-2007, 07:25 PM
So far so good, I was amazed to see them bring up "Sword of Vermillion" that was the first RPG I ever played.

Although I'm worried it's starting to get like the XII retrospectives, basically saying "this game was about that; it had these characters; it had these vehicles; cid did this" and then move on to the next one. I liked this one's 1st so much because it compared FFI to its contemporaries and noted the influences and implications of the game, which I feel they didn't do for 3-5.

Although the next one looks really great and i can't wait to see what they say about VI.

07-31-2007, 10:23 PM
Although the next one looks really great and i can't wait to see what they say about VI.

Agree'd. I like anything that says FFVI has one of the best stories ever told in FF. :D

07-31-2007, 10:23 PM
I like how they talk about one of Galuf's noble deeds in glowing terms as a "series first" while completely overlooking Tellah.

07-31-2007, 10:48 PM
I like how they talk about one of Galuf's noble deeds in glowing terms as a "series first" while completely overlooking Tellah.

I was chuckling at that too. I guess they figure Galuf was in the party for a longer period of time and had a more profound impact than Tellah did in FFIV.

08-01-2007, 02:26 AM
I like how they talk about one of Galuf's noble deeds in glowing terms as a "series first" while completely overlooking Tellah.

I was chuckling at that too. I guess they figure Galuf was in the party for a longer period of time and had a more profound impact than Tellah did in FFIV.

Using Meteo to hurt Golbez proved only one thing: Golbez can be hurt. Gee whiz!

Also throw in the fact that until FFIVA, those who left the party left permanently, once you get Edge. Unlike FFV, FFIV doesn't get the luxury of having a cast where you can choose for them to do whatever they want. FFIV's cast had specific niches, and Tellah is easily replaced by the far superior and far sexier Rosa and Rydia, and the pedophile-licious Palom and Porom. Galuf's death just plain matters more than Tellah's.

Although, I will admit that it wasn't a series first. FFIIj did that well before FFV or FFIV. Hell, even FFIIIj lost Elia.

08-01-2007, 02:31 AM
Yeah i guess they wanted to give Galuf's death some type of dignification. Note they say "major party member" or something along those lines to distinguish him from Tellah and all the deaths that happened in FFIIj.

08-01-2007, 02:47 AM
This would be more interesting if the information in the videos wasn't common knowledge for anyone who's followed the series. Probably useful for non-fans and people who haven't gone back to play the earlier games but that's about it.

08-01-2007, 03:30 AM
Probably useful for non-fans and people who haven't gone back to play the earlier games but that's about it.

But that's a good thing, giving the previous games exposure to people who may have only played 7, 8, 9, 10, or 12, would do things such as boost sales for the 3D remakes that will be taking over the earlier games soon. Eventually the person who played the FF8 first that ended up playing 7, 9, 10, and 12, may want to buy the FFIV remake due to it's like awesome DS-ness, but seeing as it's not out yet, they may want to play the original and to have an overveiw of what they could expect gameplay sie. That would be their overveiw, and it could easily bring more fans.

08-02-2007, 05:00 PM
Really... this brought a lot memories to me.
I got really touched, and I fell a tear, thats for sure.
Thanks for sharing :choc:

08-06-2007, 03:01 PM
I like anything that says FFVI has one of the best stories ever told in FF. :D

And I'm disgusted by anything that says that, for there exists no bigger lie in the universe. Oh well.

And how in the world did I miss these videos for so long??? 0_o

I liked the first episode. My first play with FF I was dawn of souls and a brief encounter with the NES ROM. So seeing the game in its original form in many different locations was good.

I wish episode two had been al about FF II and episode III all about FF III and so on, but oh well. I've played the II NES ROM a bit as well (until the mythril) so again seeing locations and events happening in original NES look is quite a joy.

I'm very positive about the FF III part (I'll take it on me to be the unofficial biggest FF III fan if needed). They at least admitted it's importance to the series and didn't make it seem like it's story was inferior to II's (which it isn't). Yes, very positive. But I think they should have paid attention to the music. FF III offered the first boss battle and final boss battle I believe and that deserves a mentionning I find. A small mistake was that summons have nothing to do with the story. Not really true. In the game it is stated that Magus Noah could summon even Leviathan and Bahamut, stating them as the most pwoerful summons. A small connection not really of importance, but a connection to the story nonetheless.

Then we come to FF IV (When i saw the timer I was WTF?! Barely 5 minutes for V???). I didn't like how they said that this game was the first to introduce Nobuo's musical genious. FF II and III already showed what he was capable of, even on a very limitted system. Otherwise no complaints here. I love hearing IV's SNES tunes, though. All other ports simply didn't capture that thing that makes IV's music so great (not as great as III's, though =p ).

V received a good bit of attention despite it gettin ga lot less time than IV, though. And I liked it. Again they didn't put down V's story in favor of IV's or VI. I didn't mind that they promoted Galuf's legendary death so much, though I agree with everybody who says that Tellah did his thing great too. As did Aria in FF III. =) No real complaints here. Except for the ending. My ears when I heard 'one of the best stories'. Sigh, should have known though. Alright, let's see what they have to say about the worst FF ever.

*Watches the episode*

*refuses to think different about VI but negatively, depsite the episode making me remember that there was a time that I loved this game as much as any other of the first six FFs*

No comment on the VI episode. I wish I wouldn't be such a stubborn, fanboyish ***. Oh well, looking forward to episode V.

The Ceej
08-06-2007, 08:42 PM
My source just got me my copy of Part III yesterday and it was just as good as the other two.

I can't watch it until my source downloads the MP4 and gives me my CD, but I did notice that Part IV is up (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23185.html). I didn't want to deny those with faster connection the opportunity to see it just because I can't yet.

08-07-2007, 12:44 AM
Watched pt. IV. To me this series so far has had great direction, and they really did VI justice with their choice of artwork, music, and scenes. Another strong point was the detail on how the technology was upgraded which I think has been a strength of this retrospective.

Unfortunately they took the cheap route praising this game as the "almighty FFVI", leaving out any criticism. Also I feel it was over the top to say that it made the previous FF's feel like they were made in anticipation to it, especially since it is arguable for some of the predecessors being better, V posing a considerably strong argument.

I just hope they do VII justice considering how much its influence has been downplayed over the yeras, and that there's a whole generation (maybe 2) of young gamers who are unaware of it.

The Ceej
08-07-2007, 12:54 AM
I changed my download source back to my original source (which was my father as previously stated) because my other source was too slow. It wasn't until yesterday when I saw Part III because of how slow he was.

My father, on the other hand, had Part IV to me within eight hours of my requesting it, and I really enjoyed it. I have found this entire series so far to be very enjoyable. It's been entertaining and informative, but this last part was excellent. I hope they're able to follow it. I hope they can stay just as good, if not get better.

Ashley Schovitz
08-07-2007, 02:07 AM
Great vids who made them you?

08-07-2007, 10:20 PM
Square published an FF retrospective video on the XII Collectors Edition DVD that was sold in US. I posted it in youtube on 4 parts.

I'm already preferring GT's to this one.

08-08-2007, 04:45 AM
I like it
makes me nostalgic and brings back so many good memories

08-10-2007, 08:08 PM
I haven't watched part 4 yet (gotta wait until I get home) but I already know I'm not gonna truly agree with what's said about number 6. The game was excellent up until the Floating Continent incident at which point it became a boring level grind, much like a certain other even numbered title on the NES which I'm currently playing so I have an excuse not to play 12...

Although, I will admit that it wasn't a series first. FFIIj did that well before FFV or FFIV. Hell, even FFIIIj lost Elia.

Heh, the scene with Elia was way too dramatic in the fan translation. So cheesy!

08-12-2007, 08:33 PM
Square published an FF retrospective video on the XII Collectors Edition DVD that was sold in US. I posted it in youtube on 4 parts.

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF X to XIII (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tZxTKpexYQ)

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF VII to IX (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkOd0sKX1DY)

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF IV to VI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvGrzd1gva4)

YouTube - History of Final Fantasy - FF I to III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMEY0Ks90Cw)

The guy who voices over it scares me...:(

08-12-2007, 09:22 PM
Although, I will admit that it wasn't a series first. FFIIj did that well before FFV or FFIV. Hell, even FFIIIj lost Elia.

Heh, the scene with Elia was way too dramatic in the fan translation. So cheesy!

The DS version was incredible... So sad, even though she's in for so little for the game, I still felt so sad. Man, I wanted to hang Kraken with his own tentacles. That scene was truly wonderfully made in the DS version, finally taking Galuf's scene's first place (at least for me).

08-13-2007, 12:39 PM
No, that Elia chick dieing done nothing for me, Luneth's reaction was totally over-the-top and cheesy. He only knew her for like half a day, and next minute he's all getting emotional, nobody done that when Desch died - now that was sad...but he really weren't dead anyway.

I'm glad Kraken killed the girl.

08-13-2007, 03:06 PM
New part: Gimme an F! Gimme an I! Gimme a V! Gimme an E! Gee, that's short. (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23449.html)

I like them mentioning Spielberg's quote about how a video game will be as good as a movie when people cry at level 17. For the record Spielberg, not a single one of your movies ever made me cry. Ponce.

08-14-2007, 05:57 AM
yay part 5 out finallllly

08-14-2007, 07:46 AM
I'm glad Kraken killed the girl.
When you're glad somebody good dies, there's something wrong with you. Especially if it's Aria.

But oh well, I know the feeling. Can't say I was sad when Jenova rammed that piece of steel through Aeris. Guess there's something wrong with me as well.

And personally I think Luneth and co knew her longer than that. We of course don't know how fast an airship flies, but I don't think they can go all around the globe in half a day, not even with the Nautilus.

And Desch, he said he was going to repare the tower so the floating continent would stay in the air. Jumping in some lava is not going to fix anything. He needed to be alive if he wanted to fix anything. And seeing as the FC remained in the air, I never believed he was dead anyway. He was too cool for that. Cool guys never die, like Balthier said. Well, there was Zack but...


Part V was good. I got the impression of it that they didn't praise FF VII as the best thing since sliced bread. But they were right, it is one of the most popular RPGs of all time, if it deserves it or not. And where the heck was Advent Children?

I'm not glad with VIII and IX being in one episode, though.

08-14-2007, 05:08 PM
I had never seen the Amano artwork for VII. it was all really good.

So far they haven't really been that biased, which is a really good thing. I would say VI and VII received some partiality but they got just as much exposure as FFI.

08-14-2007, 05:28 PM
And where the heck was Advent Children?

I was wondering about that too. :p

I'm not glad with VIII and IX being in one episode, though.

I think the reason they're putting VIII and IX in the same video is to compare how different they were in their intentions; one to bring the series to a more realistic and detailed level, the other to bring the series back to its roots.

08-14-2007, 06:06 PM
And where the heck was Advent Children?

I was wondering about that too. :p

Maybe it's not there because it wasn't a game? Seems fairly odd to omit it.

08-15-2007, 02:31 PM
VIII and IX being in the same episode just ain't my cup of tea; they uncomprehendingly give VII some personal limelight, unlike the res of them and can't let VIII and IX share the heat. Dang, that's unfair, I hope they don't restrict XII to 6.30 minutes.

It was good though, the episode, lol.

08-15-2007, 02:44 PM
FFVII didn't really get an episode to itself. They also summarized the Compilation of FFVII at the same time (although, as others have mentioned, they kind of messed up).

08-15-2007, 03:10 PM
One reason Advent Children got left out is because they'd get their asses copyrightclaimed off if they used footage. What they could just as easily have done, though, is use footage from any theatrical trailers that got released to the public where they were available for free. This is sillier than a W-Meteo...

Maybe it's not there because it wasn't a game? Seems fairly odd to omit it.

Well come to think of it, the Zelda cartoon didn't appear in the Zelda retrospective for more than like two seconds. That wasn't a game. I doubt The Spirits Within will appear in this retrospective either. Saying that, if they do a Sonic retrospective (or if they already have) there better be some mention of Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, because that just shamefully showed Mario how video game cartoons could and should have been done.

08-15-2007, 04:10 PM
I was a bit dissapointed with the ff7 one. :(

08-15-2007, 06:10 PM
I was a bit dissapointed with the ff7 one. :(

I wasn't. It was thrilling.

The Ceej
08-20-2007, 07:41 PM
Hey! Part VI (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23726.html) is up! But wasn't it supposed to come out on Sunday?

Now, I have to send an Email to my source to download it for me. Curse dialup.

08-21-2007, 08:44 AM
Hmm, it was a good episode but it simply gave me the feeling of being rushed. They should have made 2 separate episodes of these two games, even if them being in one episode shows the huge difference between the two. They simply didn't expand enough on some things I feel.

Seeing IX filled me with nostalgia however. After I finally beat X I'm gonna replay it again. Will be the first time I beat it on my PS3 and not on my PC with ePSXe 1.5.2 ^^"

Now, I'm curious what they are going to say about X and X-2. So far I've enjoyed X, but not because of the story or characters, but because of the wonderful battlesystem. I'll be glad once I've finished it, so I can put it away finally. I'm not even going to bother with X-2.

08-22-2007, 03:40 PM
This just reminded me of the huge amount of FF9 artwork. Incredible.

08-22-2007, 07:04 PM
This just reminded me of the huge amount of FF9 artwork. Incredible.

I remember the art book they published and had in game stores when it came out. it was beautiful with so many pages, makes me wish we could have the ultimanias here.

I gotta agree with Elpizo that this seemed very rushed in that they really didn't say anything about these two games. Also they had too many of the internet cliches that are just plain wrong - like saying the "younger generation just didn't get it" about IX. Everyone I know who started with VII almost entirely hated VIII and loved IX. It wasn't until I came to EoFF that I saw people suggest that the fans of VII/VIII hate IX. Gametrailers loses points for that, among the other problems in this one.

so far this has been good but not great. It's a nice little recap that does little more than the bonus features on the XII collector's edition DVD.

08-22-2007, 07:37 PM
They didn't really contrast the two games enough as advertised in my opinion. They mention that it was a departure and attempt to return to the original roots, but left in the blanks for people to fil, a small problem as most people don't really know off the tops of their heads. They'll simply stick it in a category and move on. Didn't have as much detail as previous episodes.

Otherwise, I was up to par with the rest of the episodes. I particularly enjoyed how they said that PlayOnline was created for FFX, but rushed back to be part of FFIX. However, my largest concern about FFIX's strategy guide wasn't the features; it was the information found inside, which was mostly inaccurate or misleading.

I'm going to cringe once FFX's portion crosses over in the FFX-2. Sparse and unmentioned, please.

Captain Maxx Power
08-23-2007, 11:53 AM
For those wondering about the absence of movies note that the series is apparently in thirteen parts. Considering we're more than half-way through the "numbered" series I imagine the following episodes will be FF10/FF10-2, FF11, FF12, FF13, spin-offs, movies and then probably something like a summary.

08-27-2007, 04:36 PM
Part seven seems late.

08-27-2007, 07:13 PM
Part seven seems late.

they've been coming out a little later each time.

08-29-2007, 01:13 PM
Yeah. Here it is! Part 7. (http://www.gametrailers.com/game/4831.html)

08-30-2007, 10:52 AM
This is a kick-ass series. It literally made me wanna play every single game in the entire Final Fantasy series.

08-30-2007, 12:19 PM
The unbearable voice acting, especially the laughing scene - Tidus and Yuna, lol.

08-30-2007, 04:03 PM
this whole series is good, but the guy is definately reading from a script as he mispronounces so many names it's not funny, even though the correct pronunciations are available on official Square media, i cringed every time he mispronounced Tidus in this last one. the other episodes werent so bad cuz they wer mostly support characters and didn't get mentioned as much as the leads, but Tidus being a lead got his name slaughtered... and the laughing scene i could have done without, i wish they had not reminded me of that... maybe they shouldda got someone that knew some simple Japanese pronunciation rules to read the scripts... otherwise the scripts were well written and dosen't mess up too much...

if Tidus was pronounced Tydus woudn't Riku be pronounced Ryku... c'mon common sense...

08-31-2007, 05:24 PM
Rikku was "Ryukku" in the Japanese version. Their decision to romanise it as "Rikku" proves it's meant to be pronounced "Ree-koo".

Tidus was "Tee-da" in Japanese. His romanisation seems kinda random.

08-31-2007, 07:25 PM
yeah that's what i meant, guess i shouldn't have used 'y' but 'ee' instead to make it easier to understand since 'y' has so many ways of being said now that i think about it, yeah i always said them like i=y pronounced like the 'ea' in "tea", i said 'y' thinking like the 'y' at the end of "crappy", like the guy reading the script is doing a crappy job with pronunciation, lol...

08-31-2007, 07:44 PM
I always called him Tye-dus until I heard that it's actually the other way. Actually, I still refer to him as Tye-dus even though it's obviously wrong.

This was really good and reminded me how much of a great game X was. I remember getting it the day after christmas when i got my ps2 with my gift money. It really took the series even further and I was surprised to find out just how many people hate it when I came to EoFF. But those're the different biased groups that dominate internet forums, everyone I know in real life who played it loved this game.

Although I am starting to lose faith in this retrospect series and I'm starting to really hate the guy narrating it. While providing some good insight and facts I didn't know, they follow the cliche statements that have been associated with these games.

When they said FFVII and VIII introduced Steam-Punk into the series I wanted to rip his throat out. Also, with their comments about cultural influences for early games. Play the wind Shrine in FFI, play the Towers of Zot and Babel in FFIV, play the Fire Ship and flying fortress in V, play FFVI at all, i mean damn.

09-01-2007, 02:26 PM
oh i feel ya on that steam-punk referance, i so wanted to slap the script writer for that, though VII did include something simmilar to steam-tech, it was not, and VIII had no steam-tech in it anywhere that i remember, i remember VIII being all electricity, very modernish, right down to an internet comunication system... unfortunatealy though since this isn't written by fans or even real gamers for that matter (either that or they don't have access to a fact checker) we can expect to see many more innaccuracies as the retrospective series progresses closer to it's end... despite the inaccuracies that inevitably happen it is still an entertaining project they put together that makes me go "o~h i remember that" and makes me wanna get back on or restart some earlier FFs that i have either beaten or just put down and forgoten over time...

09-01-2007, 02:56 PM
Tidus = Tee-Das???

Tidus has always been pronounced "Tie-Dus" by me, although I did used to call him "Tee-Di-ous" at one stage...

The Ceej
09-05-2007, 08:06 PM
Part VIII is up. (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24494.html)

Even in HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24493.html), if you have a connection fast enough to watch or download this version.

Time to contact my source and have him download it for me.

09-05-2007, 08:27 PM
Woah, wait a second! All Ivalice games in one episode? Either that's gonna be a long episode or a rushed one.

That aside, I liked this episode, since I don't know a thing about XI. What they showed looked good. I wish I could play XI, but I'm just not a multiplayer person. It still looks like a fine game though.

09-05-2007, 08:57 PM
I agree with Elpizo. Before I was narrow minded, and was easily swayed by what others said about XI, but the video done a great job of highlighting the most appealing parts of the game; keeping me gripped for the whole video.

09-05-2007, 10:24 PM
I love all the retrospective's, i really do think Square dragged XI out though with all those expansion packs!! :mog:

09-05-2007, 10:28 PM
Wow. This is so awesome. The video is perfect for people who haven't played some of the FF Games and want to know what they're missing out on.

09-05-2007, 10:55 PM
Woah, wait a second! All Ivalice games in one episode? Either that's gonna be a long episode or a rushed one.

That aside, I liked this episode, since I don't know a thing about XI. What they showed looked good. I wish I could play XI, but I'm just not a multiplayer person. It still looks like a fine game though.

at first I would have to agree but I think it would be a good way to chronicle the bringing in of the Ogre Battle team to Square Enix, putting them under Hiroyuki Ito and making some awesome games.


I just watched the one on XI. I wanted to wait til I get a PS3 to get this game since sony released that update, but damn this one really made me want to play it. it really looks like it has a cool story, music, and character designs. Definately the most unreasonably hated FF, they said it was because of level grinding, i'm pretty sure it's more b/c people don't want to pay continuously for a game they usually spend a whole lot of time on anyway.

The Ceej
09-13-2007, 03:45 PM
Part IX is really late. Like almost a week by now. Update soon.

The Ceej
09-18-2007, 05:59 PM
Sorry about the double post, but this is one of those few times when it's necessary. See, because this is big news and if I just edited my last post, no one would know it. Besides, my last post is like a week old.

Part IX (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/25003.html) is up now. Unfortunately, it doesn't have an MP4 download. If someone can tell me when it's available as an MP4 download, so I can tell my source to download that for me, that'd be great. Thanks.

Oh, and it's about damned time.

09-18-2007, 07:00 PM
I didn't really find much flaws with this episode, aside from perhaps the fact that each of those games deserved perhaps a bit more attention.

Regardless, good episode without stupid fan-complaints (like FFTA being too kiddy or XII having the worst story in the series ever).

Next episode should be interesting. Looking forward to Chocobo Tales, it was a surprisingly fun and addictive game that I enjoyed playing. Even the story drew me in. 0_o

09-18-2007, 09:23 PM
The only problem I saw is that while talking about how they're connected they misjudged the Totema as a "new" introduction of summoned monsters while they and the Espers go back to FFT as the Lucavi. They also didn't even acknowledge what FFT's plot was actually about, something much bigger than the Lion War and then something even bigger than the Glabados conspiracy.

Furthermore, the developers have confirmed the order, in the ultimania omega, that FFXII is far in the past to FFT and that XII is the game that Mewt based his world on.

So part X is going to be on both the spinoffs and the movies... It makes me wonder what the remaining 3 episodes are going to be about, as XIII and Versus is about as far as they can get. It'll be cool to find out.

09-18-2007, 09:31 PM
Maybe they'll talk about the remakes, like Finest Fanatsy for Advance or so.

Or maybe FF III DS gets an episode of its own. :D
Okay, wishful thinking on my part...

09-18-2007, 10:08 PM
I found a glitch; they forgot to mention Vossler as one of the guest characters in XII, but instead put forward Judge Gabranth as a guest, which is entirely incorrect.

The Ceej
09-26-2007, 06:14 PM
Wow. No one else is watching this. Part X (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/25549.html) is up. Time to contact my source again.

09-26-2007, 06:43 PM
I found a glitch; they forgot to mention Vossler as one of the guest characters in XII, but instead put forward Judge Gabranth as a guest, which is entirely incorrect.
Not entirely. Gabranth was a 'guest' during the second form of the Final Boss of XII.

Part X was one of least favourite ones to be honest. I didn't really learn anything from it aside from 'this is this spinof and it came/did not came outside of Japan'. Not enough focus on the games, I feel. This episode could easily have been split into the TV things and the games.

Still, not that bad, but could have been better. Next episode is Kingdom Hearts, I guess, but I wonder what episode XIII will be like. Maybe a preview of the future?

09-27-2007, 05:10 PM
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Actually, it was pretty damn good. I always brushed off the first seiken densetsu and mystic quest but they look kinda interesting. Might have to get that GBA remake and get a new rom.

I still feel so bad for the spirits within. Damn that :skull::skull::skull::skull: just bombed. I'm wondering if they left the FF name off of it if it actually would have done BETTER. Then maybe everyone would have been like "WOAH, what's this crazy new movie!???", living off all that matrix hype at the time. i don't know.

09-29-2007, 11:59 AM
I don't care what any of you say, Chocobo Racing rocked. And Mystic Quest's battle themes were amazing.

10-01-2007, 01:07 PM
FFVII:AC & LO were also in part 10...Part 12 is about FFXIII (All of them) and part 13 will be summary of FF Retrospective.

The Ceej
10-03-2007, 07:49 PM
I humbly ask everyone who cares about new episodes to watch for Part XI (which is late, by the way), because I don't want to be the only one posting new episodes. It makes me feel like I'm the only one left who cares.

10-03-2007, 08:11 PM
I believe that it's drowned out now because of the fact that watching the old games really brings back nostalgia for those who know about it. To those who have not followed the series to date, they can say "ohh yeah, I remember that, those were great times." To the uninformed, this is a large lesson in history.

As you approach more modern times (games, to be precise), not only do you lose the interest of those who don't care about the series up to this point, it serves nothing more than to say "you are here." To those who haven't played the old games, it's simply taken for granted.

I probably fall into the category of the oldbie fan. I hate the direction that the games have taken. The only reason I actually remembered about this was because it is going to feature the KH series.

In a way, it kind of reflects the current gaming constituency, no?

The Ceej
10-10-2007, 06:59 PM
Part XI (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26204.html) is up even though no one cares anymore.

Time to contact my guy.

10-10-2007, 07:53 PM
Oh, I'll be sure to care for the next episode, for it'll feature Final Fantasy III DS!

This episode was great for me, cause I've never known that much about Saga, Crystal Chronicles or Kingdom Hearts. Crystal Chronicles looks better than I had expected, but then again, looks can be deceiving.

Most of all looking forward to the next episode though. Should be interesting to hear what they have to say about all the ports but most importantly about FF III DS (duh), since I consider GT's review of III DS the best review of that game in existence. Yes, I'm curious...

10-11-2007, 09:58 PM
like last one it got me interested in games i haven't tried yet although they pretty much omitted saga completely.

10-16-2007, 11:43 AM
They're gonna touch on all the wacky localisation issues in the next one!

10-26-2007, 03:35 PM
And part XII is up. Now gonna watch...

EDIT: *FF III fanboy mode on* Well it was a good episode though more focus on III DS woudl have been in place *FF III fanboy mode off*
Really though, it was good, but there have been better episodes. This one seemed to go on and on about languages and translations. I know that's most of the time the most important part of a port/remake, the new translation, but still... I felt it lacked something.

I'm wondering how the final episode will turn out. This certainly was an interesting series to watch. Better than the retrospective that came with XII (which I've watched on youtube), IMO.

The Ceej
10-26-2007, 06:52 PM
Care to link (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27088.html) it, Elpizo?

Time to contact my guy.

10-26-2007, 07:17 PM
Did you all see Steiner saving the day at the end there?

Watch and learn guys. Watch and learn.

It was interesting.

11-03-2007, 08:33 PM
The final episode is up (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27455.html)

Well, you can't hate on anything just because of specific flaws, so I have to say this was overall a good series, and i can say that I even picked up on a few things.

The only things I could really point out is that they overlooked the importance of the crystal in VIII and XII and Hiromichi Tanaka is probably the most underappreciated contributor to the creation of Final Fantasy.

11-03-2007, 10:31 PM
That was really the best episode. I loved everything of it.
I also liked, when reviewing the villains, they admitted Xande was the first villain in the series to have a more developped motive. =P Then again, Gametrailers always had the best review of FF III, IMHO.

Great series all in all, I fully enjoyed it. I liked how they said "The only thing Final about Final Fantasy is its past". But how true is that when the past gets remade again and again, and now even jumps to 3D? :p

11-03-2007, 11:01 PM
the crystal in VIII


11-04-2007, 12:07 AM
That final one actually made me feel a bit sad:cry: just looking back at all of them at once, all the characters, vehicles locations, sidequests that ive been to and done over the years:rolleyes2
Final Fantasy has gave so many people endless entertainment:) seeing that makes want to play through all of them again right from the start:D

11-05-2007, 12:35 AM
the crystal in VIII


The Crystal Pillar

11-05-2007, 06:13 PM
Listen to 17:30 and learn all ye heathens!

Learn the way of the Lord.

11-07-2007, 10:53 PM
the crystal in VIII


The Crystal Pillar

Oh shi- of course! I don't believe it! It's mentioned so briefly I totally failed to notice! ^_^

11-11-2007, 11:05 PM
the crystal in VIII


The Crystal Pillar

Oh shi- of course! I don't believe it! It's mentioned so briefly I totally failed to notice! ^_^

on my recent playthrough i just randomly stumbled upon the Information section in the menu, where you can read about key terms. The one about the crystal pillar/lunatic pandora is actually pretty interesting.

11-12-2007, 12:32 AM
on my recent playthrough i just randomly stumbled upon the Information section in the menu, where you can read about key terms. The one about the crystal pillar/lunatic pandora is actually pretty interesting.

Most of them are; I can sit and read the more databasey bits of Tutorial for hours. Lunatic Pandora being four and a half miles high too... that's just mental.

The Ceej
11-12-2007, 03:01 PM
Final Fantasy Origins was not a two-disc set. I guess the guy didn't check his facts on that one. Maybe he could have checked that while he was learning how to pronounce Tidus' name.... What's that? He didn't do that either? Sorry.