View Full Version : I Love You but...

Wolf Kanno
07-25-2007, 11:29 PM
All right, here's an interesting idea I thought of to offer and interesting introspect of the series. Name your favorite FF(s) and list things you would honestly change about them. Deep down we know that no game is perfect and even our personal favorite gems may have a few flaws we overlook cause we love them so much and the rest was so damn awsome.

Of course, in order to limit stupid fan answers, I'm setting up ground rules.
1) No stupid answers like "The only flaw with FFVII is that it ended! I could have played it forever! Clouds my stud! Wheee!!!"

2) No pretentious answers like "The only problem with FFVI is that it was so perfect it makes every RPG before and after irrelevant! Bow before the greatness of 16-bit superiority!"

3) You cannot wish that other characters appeared in the game. "Squall, totally should have been in FFIX!" Also, on a similiar note, you cannot wish for sequels or side stories or spinoffs...

4) Please be respectful to others opinions when commenting on their views.

5) Lunarweaver can't say he wishes Tidus was real ;) Also any answer of a similiar meaning is outlawed. (That means you Goldenboko...)

I also wish that you may actually touch upon both story and game mechanics but I'll take what I can get.:p

I'll start...


From a story point of view, I wish the game had touched upon both Kefka and Mog's past. They are two of my favorite characters and I'm curious to know more about them.

From a gameplay perspective, I wish VI wasn't so easy. The difficulty could have been better and I really feel that Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau and Setzer all need to be balanced better cause all of them are horribly broken and don't help with VI's difficulty problems. I also wish summons were done a little better, they seem more like an afterthought in the game design. Sure Golem, Palidor, and Zoneseek are useful but most of the offensive summons are horribly overshadowed by magic (I swear Ramuh does as much damage as Bolt 1:rolleyes2 ).

FF Tactics

From a story perspective, I only wish for a better translation (or one that's available on a system other than the PSP) I also wish you could view "all" story scenes including the one's in-battle.

From a gameplay perspective, I wish that story enemies leveled up with you. Nothing is more sad than to put a healthy amount of work into your party to only have them fight supposedly "powerful" enemies who are 20 levels under you.

I also wish some of the classes weren't so damn broken (Looks at Calculator, Samurai, and All Swordmen:mad: ) and that the mage classes didn't need so much damn work to make them battle useful. I mean magic has more variables to decipher damage than any other system in the game. Just don't try to fix it like TA did which made every class horribly broken...

f f freak
07-26-2007, 12:06 AM
I'll give this a try.

On story I'd like it to give a bigger view on what the characters were doing for that year. Celes was sleeping, Cyan was writing letters, what were the other characters doing? was Sabin holding that burning house forever, hoping someone might turn up? Was Locke just waiting in the Phoenix cave all that time? That actually brings up an important question, two actually. 1. How did Locke get there? We needed an Airship yet he doesn't? 2. How did he get through it? we needed two teams yet one man can do it alone?

Gameplay wise I would make the espers stronger. What's the point of Maduin if he inflicts barely 300 damage? Yay I got Ramuh!!! What's that? You cast a flahier version of Thunder that inflicts the same damage as Thunder but costs like more than 3x the MP? No thanks.

I'll think of more later.

07-26-2007, 12:46 AM
Wow, therapy for fanboys!!! j/k...

- There's no sidequests in this game, not even in the GBA version, really. The final dungeon is like 50% optional but to me that isn't enough. It would've been cool to see what happens with Ricard's son (I guess we found out in FFIV :) )

- It would've been cool if at the end you can switch the members of your party. I think it's too late for me to tell square about this now

- Physical damage is possibly a little useless against the final boss

- should've had more than 1 chocobo forest

- more than 1 type of armor in the beginning would've helped

- The Emporer really has no backstory for what he's doing. I know it was the 8-bit generation, but it would've been cool if he had like...talked more.

07-26-2007, 12:55 AM
- Very Frequent random encounters.
- Having to talk to almost everyone to continue through the story.
- Wouldn't a ninja be a more sensical upgrade for a black belt than for a thief?

- The fact that monsters' strength depends on your own was troublesome, and really made levelling anyone other than GFs p.ointless.
- Would like to be able to use GFs without being practically guanenteed to lose in the final battle.

- At. Times. Yuna's. Voice. Actress. Sounded. Like. William. Shatner.
- Very linear before reaching the airship.

07-26-2007, 01:19 AM
FF7: Sound effects out of battle were terrible. I swear that the more complacent dogs sounded like cats.

FF6: I wish the WoR had not been quite so non-linear. This may sound crazy, but WoR was just a boring experience grind and totally put me off playing the game again.

FF8: Apparently compressing time really means "Prevent the leader of SeeD and his party from accessing civilised settlements". That annoyed me. Also, the big clock in Ultimecia's castle should've played a much, much larger role, simply because that clock is awesome.

FF4: Difficulty fluctuations, the best example of which would be that dungeon with the Trap Doors was far too hard in relation to its overall position in the game's sequence.

FF10: All I can say is that FF10's biggest flaw, something which puts me off replaying the game almost as much as FF6's experience grind in its second half, was addressed in X-2 and 12 in a big way. Scene skipping, baby!

FF5: Better thought out villain please. "X-Death"? "Neo X-Death"? Come on. Don't try and tell me it was supposed to be "Exodus" either: X-Death transliterates into Japanese as "Ekusudesu", while Exodus would be "Ekusodasu". Slight difference there.

FF1: It's ironic that they try to make the mages sound more useful, yet the Fighter is so damn strong that it constantly renders mages obsolete except in the midpoint of the game where you can torch everything with FIR2. Balance in job class usefulness is a bit lacking, as you can win the game far more easily with two Fighters and two Red Mages.

FF9: Steiner is flagrantly overpowered, especially with Vivi in the party.

- Wouldn't a ninja be a more sensical upgrade for a black belt than for a thief?
That's actually a very good point.

07-26-2007, 05:41 AM
FF1: less random encounters in dungeons please.

FF6: Needs Harder final battle, more interesting things to do in WoR

FF7: Needs to go into the characters more, example: Tifa's mom died....Okay, what else?
Stop. Showing. That. Freaking. Burning. Town. Memory. NOW!
Better dungeons, not just walk through then fight boss.

FF9: Could have explained Necron more, I mean come on.

FFTA: The message was presented in a weird way, it made Marche look like a freaking douche instead of proving reality is better than escapism.
"What? You want legs?
Needs less crazy laws...

07-26-2007, 06:14 AM

Aeons would not be rediculously overpowered.
Also I would add another temple and leviathen as an aeon. Place leviathen in Djose and change the temple to a water theme. Finally build a new temple in the thunder plains for ixion. And remove auto life for the final battle.


Fix espers. The attack summons should have higher base power. Also, I would allow 2 espers to be equipped at once, and you chose three spells to learn at a time.


Adel needs to look more like a woman than a man.

FF X-2

Fix completion percentage. I didn't like redoing the entire game for .7%
And no doubles of dresspheres in new game plus.

07-26-2007, 11:37 AM
Like everyone says, make the magic suck less and use MP like the later games instead of spells-per-level.
Decent upgrade for the BB

The "missing year" scenarios would have been a nice addition. Every character would have had their own solo adventure prior to Celes tracking them down.

Yes, it the WOR was way too non-linear. I think this was in part because of how soon we got the second airship.

Yep, the esper summon did seem pretty pointless. There was also too much duplication of the less useful spells.

It would have been nice for there to have a been a "best weapon" to get for each person like there was in Chrono Trigger.

Some characters were too strong and others were pretty pointless to have.

More split-up type scenarios where you have three or more groups doing seperate adventures all over the world at once. This would justify having 14 characters.

Honestly though, with that many people it seems pretty hard to come up with a fighting style and abilities that are both useful and unique to each person.

Cyan's sword techs are useless as hell. By the time he charges up, the battle is over. No good in battles with a time limit. The only time it was worthwhile was when the enemy was doing an attack with a big complex effect that took a long time to do.

Tifa wasn't naked.

(just kidding)

07-26-2007, 11:54 AM
FFVI- Better graphics?
FFVII- ...Better graphics?
FFVIII- ...Better...graphics?
FFIX- Repeat
FFX- Repeat
FFXI- Repeat
FFXII- Repeat

I tend to appreciate a game for what it is.

Wolf Kanno
07-26-2007, 08:43 PM

It would have been nice for there to have a been a "best weapon" to get for each person like there was in Chrono Trigger.

More split-up type scenarios where you have three or more groups doing seperate adventures all over the world at once. This would justify having 14 characters.

Actually, FFVI Advance addresses both these issues. The Dragon's Den is a well constructed multi party dungeon and all the bosses drop character specific "Ultimate Weapons" even though Illumina and the Atma Weapon are still stronger than a few of them.

07-26-2007, 11:27 PM
Better character graphics. I don't understand why they didn't just use the graphical renditions of the characters used in battle sequences. Even those would've been much better than the goofy pieces of crap that are used in most of the game. It's hard to get wrapped up in the serious and deep atmosphere of the game when all your characters are 2 foot tall creampuffs with dots for eyes, especially when they stand out so starkly from the more realistic background of the game.

I frankly don't like the Materia system. Mostly because I dislike the idea that you can only "equip" magic, but never really learn it.

Either tie up the lose ends of the game, or cut them completely. Why would you leave so many things in a game that were never flushed out completely, especially things that might tie into the main storyline. I understand that it happens in lots of games due to budget or schedule constraints, but if you aren't going to finish some element of the game, don't leave half of it still in the game to confuse and upset people.

07-27-2007, 12:04 AM
LE GASP! Tidus is real already, Kanno!!!11!!on1!NotTwo1!!!!


-Include the Japanese voice track to appease the lip-synching disgruntleds and general yayness of it all. I know the disc was full, but I dunno, some special edition with a second disc that had it. The Great Jubbah knows Japan gets enough special editions.

-Makes it more challenging. A few key battles felt just right (if you didn't overlevel), but many of the random battles were more a game of putting the right key in the right lock than actual strategy. I don't want a grinding experience, but nobody asked for a hand-hold either.

-Blitzball was supposed to be fast-paced sport, not slower than a Strategy-RPG smothered in snail juices.

-Scene skip feature for the impatient / replays. Don't worry baby, I'd never skip your story myself :aimkiss:.

-New Game + with various features like starting the characters at different points on the Grid or keeping all your accessories or something. Some excuse for me playing the game over seven times because without it I just look like a freak.

-An option that will automatically move you to the next point on the Grid and activate any nodes until you tell it otherwise. Maybe a feature where you can manually map out a path then have the game automatically go down it from then on.

-I never liked the idea of earning spheres to activate nodes on the Grid. If you earn the experience to move there, you should be able to just get it. It didn't add anything other than an annoyance.

-The Chocobo Racing and Lightning Dodging thing was the opposite of fun, and games should be fun.

-Am I allowed to at least wish Tidus was more naked? No? Oh, fine, I wish Lulu had more magic spheres towards the end, as her balance tips away in Yuna's favor quite dramatically at a certain point if you know what you're doing.

-Kimmy needs more development. He's so the Amarant of this sucker.

07-27-2007, 12:40 AM
FFVII- arrive at Corel, Barret-My hometown oh god awful memories rahhhhhhh im running off in a rampage i cant go on with my life i think i might just huh!!?? we re leaving!!??? ill act myself again then.

They focused on characters well at their hometown, other than Cloud and Tifa, everyone elses problems kinda faded once theyd talked about their past for just a short time

07-27-2007, 12:51 AM

What I really hated was when you get out of a room or something, it takes so long to fade and re-enter into the other room...

That is all.

07-27-2007, 01:01 AM
FFVIII: Change the leveling system.

FFIX: Make Trance not so random, so that you can actually gameplan around it.

Wolf Kanno
07-27-2007, 01:30 AM
-Am I allowed to at least wish Tidus was more naked? No? Oh, fine, I wish Lulu had more magic spheres towards the end, as her balance tips away in Yuna's favor quite dramatically at a certain point if you know what you're doing.

I'll let that slide actually;) We need more naked sprites! Stop being so damn prudish SE!

-Kimmy needs more development. He's so the Amarant of this sucker.

I'm sorry but I have to quote myself to add to this comment:D

Originally Bespoken by by Wolf Kanno
Originally Bespoken by I'm my own MILF http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/buttons/lastpost.gif (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-gaming-discussion/101462-over-rated-games-post2093793.html#post2093793)
I agree that it focuses too much on Tidus/Yuna, but seriously. Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, and the entire Al Bhed all have totally awesome stories. And the story itself has like the second best "Oh snaps" I can remember seeing in a game (The best being in Star Ocean 3).
I have a confession about Kimahri... When I was playing FFX-2 and got to Mt. Gagazet, where you meet Kimahri again, I didn't know who he was. He kept talking like he knew my party and was part of what happened in FFX but I just could not remember him actually being in my party. I was like "You couldn't have been a playable character in FFX, I think I would have remembered a 7'6" blue cat being in my party." I literally saved the game, popped in FFX and checked to see if he was in my party and lo and behold there he was... Definetly didn't leave much of an impression on me I'm afraid...

07-28-2007, 08:27 PM

Fix it so you can skip scenes. I LOVE the story, don't get me wrong, but I've replayed the game so many times that there are a few scenes that I'm tired of seeing....and I agree with Lunar Weaver about Tidus :mad2:

Fix it so I'm not doing sidequests the whole game. A sequel to FFX could have been greatness, but instead it just turned out a bit mediocre for my tastes :P

07-29-2007, 03:56 AM
FFVI-- Like everyone said, some things are ridiculously overpowered. Gem box+economizer on Relm with ultima and the game beats itself for you.

FFV-- although I consider it a 100th away from FFVI as best FF, interestingly, it's much harder for me to think of a flaw with this one. You can be overpowered here too but it takes much more of an investment, while in FFVI you can almost do it on accident. I suppose Exdeath could've been a better villain, but I don't think he's as bad as people make him out to be. I actually think the tree thing is cool.

I guess all I can come up with for that one is that some abilities are cheap and the temptation to misuse them is awful. For example, coin toss. Last time I played through I opted not to make the game too easy and only allowed myself to use coin toss for two battles-- that annoying enemy that divides into several and you have to guess which one to attack, and those balloons that cast life on their comrades when they die so you have to kill them all at the same time.

08-05-2007, 02:28 PM
FFIV Fabul section: "Oh my God! The enemy is aproaching. Quick, let's all move slowly back through the castle!!"

FFIV (Again) Transport: Travel on land like normal, bit later get an airship, that only takes you so far. Then get another that takes you a tiny bit further, then repeat, and repeat...

FFVII Huge Matteria: Yeah, the missions are fun, but the game doesn't care if you get it or not!

FFVIII D District Prison: "Come on everyone let go down stairs and escape, oh crap! Forgot Squall. Got him. Now let's go down and escape! Oh CRAP! It's blocked, let's go ALL THE WAY BACK UP STAIRS!!!"

FFVII: That one guy/girl who insists "Aeris is alive!!!" on every forum.

FFIV Edward: I don;t usually like being biassed, but to me it seams like Sqaure wanted us to hate him!

FFVI: WOR Just do what you want, it's up to you.

08-05-2007, 03:18 PM
FF5: Better thought out villain please. "X-Death"? "Neo X-Death"? Come on. Don't try and tell me it was supposed to be "Exodus" either: X-Death transliterates into Japanese as "Ekusudesu", while Exodus would be "Ekusodasu". Slight difference there.

It's Exdeath in the GBA translation though. The Anthology translation should be erased from gamer's minds forver and everybody should bow down to the godly thing called FF V Advance's translation. But at least it was name. I mean, FF II, Final Boss: Emperor. Um yeah... Emperor who?

Changes to FFs, hmm...

FF I: I wouldn't really change anything. If I wanted things like real characters with personality and all, it wouldn't really be FF I anymore.

FF II: Like I said, give Emperor a name, jeez. People blame Exdeath fo a pathetic name but at least he had one. Also, make weapons useful against him, besides the blood sword. I hate how cheap Emperor is as a Final Boss. And give him a motif or backgroundstory. Thank god Squaresoft knew what they were doing when they created Xande (= motif + backgroundstory).

FF III: Well, all that I would have changed about FF III was adressed in the DS version. So against the rules: FF III DS was perfect. Bleh.

FF IV: I wish the gameplay wasn't so boring... After FF III, just plain leveling to gain new things is so boring...

FF V: I wouldn't change anything. I love this game how it is, even if people say it's flawed, it's villain pathetic or it's story nothing compared to that **** thing called FF VI.

FF VI: The entire World of Ruin. Nuff said.

FF VII: Didn't like the fact that only limit breaks made the characters different. Or that some limits are so overpowered. Otherwise it was alright. Didn't really bother to notice the flaws, I'll never play the game again anyway.

FF VIII: The Squall - Rinoa romance needs to be done different. The change in Squall is just too sudden. Drawing should be less tedious and limits and junctioning not so abusable. Otherwise, great game.

FF IX: The ATB a little bit faster. After VIII, battles in IX really feel slower. That's all that ever bothered me in this game. It's the best RPG ever.

FF X: Where to start... Ehm, change the character designs. Main characters are passable but the NPCs make me sick. Voice acting is bad too. Make it less linear. AND BRING BACK THE WORLD MAP.

FF XII: A little bit more story and control over the Strahl is all I ask. The lack of world map didn't really bother me so much, because the world is beautiful.

FFTA: More story missions would be welcome.

FFT: Don't really know. Story is good, but I didn't find the gameplay as smooth as FFTA's.

08-05-2007, 06:00 PM
FFT: The game reserves some of the coolest abilities for one-shot guest characters. Galaxy Stop or MBarrier anyone?

Having Cloud and Aeris appear in the game was cute, but it was a distraction from the main focus of the game.

FFVIII: My biggest issue is the way the SeeD rank can decrease if you spend too much time leveling up. And I know that junctions count more than levels, but I like to be given the option of leveling when I choose without penalty.

FFVII: I dislike the fact that some of the rarest weapons and items are available only through mini-games that I have no talent at playing. Parasol springs to mind.

FFX: Similar to FFVII in regards to mini-games and weapon upgrades. Also I disliked the affection ratings with Tidus and Yuna, Lulu or Rikku. It made no difference whatsoever in whom he chose to be with in the end, so why these coy games? If a love has to be preordained, just get on with it.

FFX-2: I think the biggest flaw is actually that they made it a sequel to FFX. Had it been a stand-alone game I would have enjoyed it in more instead of constantly comparing it to FFX in the back of my mind. The game's plot problems tend to overshadow it's genuinely innovative and fun gameplay aspects.

FFXII: Treasure chests, Treasure chests, Treasure chests. I'm okay with super-rare hard-to-get items if the game gives a clue somewhere about it. The way the Zodiac Spear chest was handled was absolutely horrible.

08-05-2007, 07:14 PM
FF5: Better thought out villain please. "X-Death"? "Neo X-Death"? Come on. Don't try and tell me it was supposed to be "Exodus" either: X-Death transliterates into Japanese as "Ekusudesu", while Exodus would be "Ekusodasu". Slight difference there.

It's Exdeath in the GBA translation though. The Anthology translation should be erased from gamer's minds forver and everybody should bow down to the godly thing called FF V Advance's translation. But at least it was name. I mean, FF II, Final Boss: Emperor. Um yeah... Emperor who?

Changes to FFs, hmm...

FF I: I wouldn't really change anything. If I wanted things like real characters with personality and all, it wouldn't really be FF I anymore.

FF II: Like I said, give Emperor a name, jeez. People blame Exdeath fo a pathetic name but at least he had one. Also, make weapons useful against him, besides the blood sword. I hate how cheap Emperor is as a Final Boss. And give him a motif or backgroundstory. Thank god Squaresoft knew what they were doing when they created Xande (= motif + backgroundstory).

FF III: Well, all that I would have changed about FF III was adressed in the DS version. So against the rules: FF III DS was perfect. Bleh.

FF IV: I wish the gameplay wasn't so boring... After FF III, just plain leveling to gain new things is so boring...

FF V: I wouldn't change anything. I love this game how it is, even if people say it's flawed, it's villain pathetic or it's story nothing compared to that **** thing called FF VI.

FF VI: The entire World of Ruin. Nuff said.

FF VII: Didn't like the fact that only limit breaks made the characters different. Or that some limits are so overpowered. Otherwise it was alright. Didn't really bother to notice the flaws, I'll never play the game again anyway.

FF VIII: The Squall - Rinoa romance needs to be done different. The change in Squall is just too sudden. Drawing should be less tedious and limits and junctioning not so abusable. Otherwise, great game.

FF IX: The ATB a little bit faster. After VIII, battles in IX really feel slower. That's all that ever bothered me in this game. It's the best RPG ever.

FF X: Where to start... Ehm, change the character designs. Main characters are passable but the NPCs make me sick. Voice acting is bad too. Make it less linear. AND BRING BACK THE WORLD MAP.

FF XII: A little bit more story and control over the Strahl is all I ask. The lack of world map didn't really bother me so much, because the world is beautiful.

FFTA: More story missions would be welcome.

FFT: Don't really know. Story is good, but I didn't find the gameplay as smooth as FFTA's.

I just want to point out that in II, the emporer did have a name, and in VII the characters have different statistics and weapon selection.

08-05-2007, 07:27 PM
FF5: Better thought out villain please. "X-Death"? "Neo X-Death"? Come on. Don't try and tell me it was supposed to be "Exodus" either: X-Death transliterates into Japanese as "Ekusudesu", while Exodus would be "Ekusodasu". Slight difference there.

It's Exdeath in the GBA translation though. The Anthology translation should be erased from gamer's minds forver and everybody should bow down to the godly thing called FF V Advance's translation. But at least it was name. I mean, FF II, Final Boss: Emperor. Um yeah... Emperor who?

Changes to FFs, hmm...

FF I: I wouldn't really change anything. If I wanted things like real characters with personality and all, it wouldn't really be FF I anymore.

FF II: Like I said, give Emperor a name, jeez. People blame Exdeath fo a pathetic name but at least he had one. Also, make weapons useful against him, besides the blood sword. I hate how cheap Emperor is as a Final Boss. And give him a motif or backgroundstory. Thank god Squaresoft knew what they were doing when they created Xande (= motif + backgroundstory).

FF III: Well, all that I would have changed about FF III was adressed in the DS version. So against the rules: FF III DS was perfect. Bleh.

FF IV: I wish the gameplay wasn't so boring... After FF III, just plain leveling to gain new things is so boring...

FF V: I wouldn't change anything. I love this game how it is, even if people say it's flawed, it's villain pathetic or it's story nothing compared to that **** thing called FF VI.

FF VI: The entire World of Ruin. Nuff said.

FF VII: Didn't like the fact that only limit breaks made the characters different. Or that some limits are so overpowered. Otherwise it was alright. Didn't really bother to notice the flaws, I'll never play the game again anyway.

FF VIII: The Squall - Rinoa romance needs to be done different. The change in Squall is just too sudden. Drawing should be less tedious and limits and junctioning not so abusable. Otherwise, great game.

FF IX: The ATB a little bit faster. After VIII, battles in IX really feel slower. That's all that ever bothered me in this game. It's the best RPG ever.

FF X: Where to start... Ehm, change the character designs. Main characters are passable but the NPCs make me sick. Voice acting is bad too. Make it less linear. AND BRING BACK THE WORLD MAP.

FF XII: A little bit more story and control over the Strahl is all I ask. The lack of world map didn't really bother me so much, because the world is beautiful.

FFTA: More story missions would be welcome.

FFT: Don't really know. Story is good, but I didn't find the gameplay as smooth as FFTA's.

I just want to point out that in II, the emporer did have a name, and in VII the characters have different statistics and weapon selection.

What mas his name then? I know he's called Emperor Palamecia, but Palamecia is the name of his empire, isn't it? Whenever he spoke, they always called him 'Emperor'. I found it weird and at any rate 'Emperor' is worse than 'Exdeath'.

And sure in VII characters have different weapons. Same in VIII and X really, and yet they still can be exact copies of each other in terms of abilities and all.

08-05-2007, 08:10 PM
FF VIII: The Squall - Rinoa romance needs to be done different. The change in Squall is just too sudden.

I dissagree completly. For personal reasons I know that it was done realistically. It was brilliant. Please don't go get at me again guys...

f f freak
08-05-2007, 10:24 PM
FF VIII: The Squall - Rinoa romance needs to be done different. The change in Squall is just too sudden.

I dissagree completly. For personal reasons I believe that it was done realistically. It was brilliant. Please don't go get at me again guys...

Many people think otherwise. Like me. Squall would not change that fast, it was unrealistic that he went from "... whatever... *Slits wrist*" to "OMG RINOA!! WHY!? WHY GOD!? TAKE ME INSTEAD!!! *Slits wrist*" In the space of 4.342587958694868486849684896 seconds.

08-06-2007, 11:28 AM
We've argued before you and me, so what I'm about to say may be pointless but here goes...

We have no proof he changed *that* quickly as we don't know how far apart scenes are. It's like in FFVII where hear that two parts are 7 months between each other. But to us it was about a minuite or so.

Also I don't think his change was a change. It was more an abolisment of a psuedo personality. Squall built up his "whatever" personality in order to avoid people getting close to him, to avoid anymore pain - I have done this my self so I know it's true. But from as eairly as disk 1 we can see it's false. Such as the scene with the Ignions, it was that scene that convinced me they would be a match up.

The only far fetched thing about it is that they've just seen each other - but if you want to moan about that, you might aswell moan about almost every match up in game and movie history. Only a select few actually know each other before storyline e.g. Cloud and Tifa, who saw each other as 8 year olds.

If admins think this OT please say, as I will make a thread for this anyway.

08-06-2007, 05:57 PM
What mas his name then? I know he's called Emperor Palamecia, but Palamecia is the name of his empire, isn't it? Whenever he spoke, they always called him 'Emperor'. I found it weird and at any rate 'Emperor' is worse than 'Exdeath'.

And sure in VII characters have different weapons. Same in VIII and X really, and yet they still can be exact copies of each other in terms of abilities and all.

I'd assume his name was Palamecia. Just like Baron in IV, Tycoon in V, and Ghestal in VI.

And about character similarities, I just found it odd that that was one reason you didn't like VII, considering III and V are two of your favorite games in the series (mine too). Their characters didn't even have limit breaks/weapon selection, and in the case of III, statistics to differ them; you customized them with Jobs. Materia, like Jobs, not only give you abilities, but augment your statistics.

08-06-2007, 06:24 PM
And about character similarities, I just found it odd that that was one reason you didn't like VII, considering III and V are two of your favorite games in the series (mine too). Their characters didn't even have limit breaks/weapon selection, and in the case of III, statistics to differ them; you customized them with Jobs. Materia, like Jobs, not only give you abilities, but augment your statistics.

There's a difference between the job system and systems VI and later used, at least for me. When I used the job system, I made my party different. In III this is pretty much a given, seeing as you can't mix jobs (part of the reason I love III's job system) and in V making characters exact copies in terms of abilities would be kind of foolish. I always only played for story and stuff so I never bothered mastering all jobs in V after I beat the game, ending up with characters that were all very different from each other. Same as in III, my party members each were very different from each other (okay, I am training for a party of 4 Onion Knights in III DS but that's just to kick the IG's behind for fun).

In VIII for example (A game I really like, mind you, but I do not really like character clones) I never felt the urge to make my party different cause there's barely a reason to. The balance in VIII is so off that it didn't need a balanced (different) party like in III or V. And in the end, I ended u pwith characters that were all junctionned the same and had the same abilities (magic, GF and Item/Draw). Ultima junctionned to strength, strong healing magic to HP and so forth. You know it makes your party walking demi-gods and there's not a single situation in the game that requires you to do it differently. Ending up with copies.

The same I prety much had in VI for example. Everybody can learn magic. Then why shouldn't I learn them? The game pretty much urges you to do that (I'm not a challenge player either), ending up with copies, again. In V everybody can use all magic as well, true. But wait, magic in V was still devided into numerous types. In VI there is one list of magic. There's no ability 'Time Magic' or 'White Magic' like in V. The clone-stuff in VI wasn't that hard however, for characters still had pretty unique abilities themselves. (Wonderful, I said something positive about VI
-_- )

In VII this fell away. Your characters are empty and you can fill them up however you want (like in III and V, agreed). It was still bearable in VII for me, because there's so much different Materia. This was no longer the case in VIII, like I said.

It's the worst in XII though. There really is no reason to not equip your characters with the best stuff because magic is not that usefull in XII again resulting in total copies.

With a job system, this is not that possible, because not every job has access to everything, like in VIII with junctionning or XII with licenses (the worst games when it comes to clones, however still great games regardless of that, unlike...). A white mage in V for example, can not perfom black, summon, blue and time magic at the same time. In XII this is very possible, and in VIII as well. Even if you have mimes in V, you can still only have 3 types of magic at your disposal at the same time. If you want to use all magic in the game that there is to use, you'll have to give your characters different abilities, thus making them different.

A long rant for just this: a job system never made me make exact copies, VI, VIII and XII did.

08-06-2007, 07:12 PM
And about character similarities, I just found it odd that that was one reason you didn't like VII, considering III and V are two of your favorite games in the series (mine too). Their characters didn't even have limit breaks/weapon selection, and in the case of III, statistics to differ them; you customized them with Jobs. Materia, like Jobs, not only give you abilities, but augment your statistics.

There's a difference between the job system and systems VI and later used, at least for me. When I used the job system, I made my party different. In III this is pretty much a given, seeing as you can't mix jobs (part of the reason I love III's job system) and in V making characters exact copies in terms of abilities would be kind of foolish. I always only played for story and stuff so I never bothered mastering all jobs in V after I beat the game, ending up with characters that were all very different from each other. Same as in III, my party members each were very different from each other (okay, I am training for a party of 4 Onion Knights in III DS but that's just to kick the IG's behind for fun).

In VIII for example (A game I really like, mind you, but I do not really like character clones) I never felt the urge to make my party different cause there's barely a reason to. The balance in VIII is so off that it didn't need a balanced (different) party like in III or V. And in the end, I ended u pwith characters that were all junctionned the same and had the same abilities (magic, GF and Item/Draw). Ultima junctionned to strength, strong healing magic to HP and so forth. You know it makes your party walking demi-gods and there's not a single situation in the game that requires you to do it differently. Ending up with copies.

The same I prety much had in VI for example. Everybody can learn magic. Then why shouldn't I learn them? The game pretty much urges you to do that (I'm not a challenge player either), ending up with copies, again. In V everybody can use all magic as well, true. But wait, magic in V was still devided into numerous types. In VI there is one list of magic. There's no ability 'Time Magic' or 'White Magic' like in V. The clone-stuff in VI wasn't that hard however, for characters still had pretty unique abilities themselves. (Wonderful, I said something positive about VI
-_- )

In VII this fell away. Your characters are empty and you can fill them up however you want (like in III and V, agreed). It was still bearable in VII for me, because there's so much different Materia. This was no longer the case in VIII, like I said.

It's the worst in XII though. There really is no reason to not equip your characters with the best stuff because magic is not that usefull in XII again resulting in total copies.

With a job system, this is not that possible, because not every job has access to everything, like in VIII with junctionning or XII with licenses (the worst games when it comes to clones, however still great games regardless of that, unlike...). A white mage in V for example, can not perfom black, summon, blue and time magic at the same time. In XII this is very possible, and in VIII as well. Even if you have mimes in V, you can still only have 3 types of magic at your disposal at the same time. If you want to use all magic in the game that there is to use, you'll have to give your characters different abilities, thus making them different.

A long rant for just this: a job system never made me make exact copies, VI, VIII and XII did.

agree on all that. In VI it's like you might as well give every character -aga spells, viii the same junctions, and if you play through alot of xii there's no reason to not have every augment for every character. i guess that's why iii, v, and vii are 3 of my favorite games, but i gotta acknowledge viii as one of the best experiences in games. i guess i should write my own thing for viii in this now lol.

f f freak
08-06-2007, 07:26 PM
Such as the scene with the Ignions, it was that scene that convinced me they would be a match up.
What before or after the fight? Surely you can't mean after. After the fight Rinoa's all clingy, Squall's like pushing her away, Irvine's just there doing absolutely jack.
Before the fight. Irvine's all like We gotsta save her, Squall's all like Whatever, Irvine's all like running, Squall's all like following and then well not much really.

08-06-2007, 09:00 PM
Such as the scene with the Ignions, it was that scene that convinced me they would be a match up.
What before or after the fight? Surely you can't mean after. After the fight Rinoa's all clingy, Squall's like pushing her away, Irvine's just there doing absolutely jack.
Before the fight. Irvine's all like We gotsta save her, Squall's all like Whatever, Irvine's all like running, Squall's all like following and then well not much really.

I mean after. He's not pushing her away, he reacts as he's not expecting it, but for the rest he's actually very respectful, and kind. Telling her to "stay close".

You can't really take the "before" in to acount as it is entirerly manual.

f f freak
08-06-2007, 11:29 PM
Okay I'm not gonna argue anymore for many reasons, one of them being we are getting off topic and are likely to get warned. If we need to debate this anymore then we can do it over PMs or in a different thread on the FFVIII board.

08-07-2007, 01:21 PM
Okay I'm not gonna argue anymore for many reasons, one of them being we are getting off topic and are likely to get warned. If we need to debate this anymore then we can do it over PMs or in a different thread on the FFVIII board.

That's fine by me.

Back on topic then guys :)

08-07-2007, 10:43 PM
I think this is a great idea, so I'll try my hand at it.

Final Fantasy IX
I thought about this for a bit after I read the first post. I'd never really stopped to consider what I'd like to change about the game. Occasionally something would stick out while I was playing that bugged me, but other than that, I never gave it much thought.

First and foremost, I wish that older equipment would continue to be accessible throughout the game. Once you reach the fourth disc, many great equipments are available to synthesize at the Black Cat Synth Shop in the Black Mage Village. Many of the ingredients for these items, however, are no longer available to purchase at that point of the game. This isn't so much a problem on subsequent playthroughs of FFIX as you quickly learn its better to keep all of your old gear. Occasionally, though, you'll skip on a certain piece of equipment that proves useful later on with no way to remedy the situation.

Second, I agree with the comment earlier about the slow ATB. Even when I turned the battle speed up to the max, for a majority of the game battles were painfully slow. Not until you get auto-haste do the battles pick up in speed.

I really would have liked to see more parts like Kuja's Palace which forced you to use two teams. I've always enjoyed such situations, and Kuja's Palace was the only time when you really had to use both parties; I'm not going to count being forced to bring Quina along to the Earth Shrine.

I'd also like to have a little more control over Trance. More often than not, Trance is activated in battles in which it is completely unnecessary. Seeing it go to waste sucks.

A little more insight into the history of the crystal and Necron's existence would be nice. Sure, there were hints to Necron scattered throughout, but they could hardly be considered foreshadowing.

I wouldn't mind seeing a little more development of Amarant's character. I feel as though he only got the scene when the party first encounters him in Maiden Sari and the events in Ipsen's Castle. There was the short series of ATE's revealing some of his history when the party visits Treno on disc three, but that hardly provided satisfactory back story. I felt as though Amarant could have been a lot more than the generic RPG cliche that he is (although, granted, FFIX is full of them). I would also go as far as saying that further development of Quina's character would have been welcome, but there wasn't much to Quina other than comic relief anyway. Not that I'm complaining.

Speaking of ATE's, those were undoubtedly my favorite part of FFIX. They were great in the beginning of the game, but during the latter half they all but disappeared.

In a game which makes use of a set class system, I feel it's best to allow the player to choose whichever party they want. More specifically, I want to remove Zidane from my main party occasionally. Sure, he's got Thievery, and until the very end of the game, his weapons are more powerful than Steiner's, but I've never been particularly partial to thieves when trying to make a balanced party.

I also have one gripe with the soundtrack. For the most part, the music is fantastic. It's undoubtedly my favorite soundtrack in the series. My only complaint is that far too many of the songs were just variations of the tune of Melodies of Life. It got annoying after some time.

I loathed Tetra Master. I'd replace it in an instant with something similar to the Triple Triad.

That's all I can come up with now.

08-07-2007, 11:36 PM
Final Fantasy IX
A completely improved battle system, including no random encounters and a better trance system. Something more similar to FFXII's but without the customisation. I like the sepearte, forced classes. Also, a harder difficulty.

For the story, Id keep it mostly as it is, but I would just like more depth and voice acting. I love the music, but I would like to see it used more effectively in the game. It could have been done better (although it certainly wasnt bad). And better sound quality.

Oh yeah, and better graphics obviously.

Other than that, this game is perfect.

I cant believe I forgot! A Steiner x Beatrix sex scene :p

08-08-2007, 04:02 AM

-You are only allowed to get 6 chocobo stables, when there are clearly 4 more that are always empty. Screw you Choco Billy you fuckin con artist.

- It would've been nice if you could land the Highwind directly on the Golden Saucer instead of having to take the tram from that shanty town every time.