View Full Version : Random Fun-ness

08-01-2007, 11:46 PM
What are some random fun stuff you like to do in the game? I'm talking about the stuff you do when you don't have the time or patience to level grind or the manpower to do big missions or quests.

Del Murder and I have been doing the Crawler's Nest Map quest and it's a really nice (although very long) quest. It takes you all around Vana'diel to places you wouldn't normally visit. It's a nice quest to do when we're not doing anything else since it only takes like 10 minutes to go find a monument and then return to Selbina.

So yeah, I want recommendations for fun quests or random activities to do in the game when not doing some of the more "major" stuff.

Also, look how cute we are!


Markus. D
08-02-2007, 07:39 PM
I like going on Chocobo joyrides in Rolanberry Fields for some reason :3...

Donno... it's just something I enjoy ^^

08-02-2007, 08:45 PM
I just like to spin in place and use the shout command a lot XD

08-02-2007, 09:08 PM
I started playing Final Fantasy XI a month or so after it came out in the states, and one of the coolest memories I have of the game was getting a teleport-dem one day in Jeuno with a group of others the white mage had accumulated. When we arrived, everyone paid out their 500 gil, or whatever she was asking for it, and then all of the sudden she flipped out because apparently one of the guys in the group gave her something like five million gil and logged out. I always assumed that guy was quitting that day, and decided to go out with a small bang to highlight someone else's experience of the game. I thought that guy was really cool, and I promised myself that when I quit I'd do something similar.

Months later I quit Final Fantasy XI for the first time. I sold off every piece of equipment I had up to that point on my main character and all my mule accounts and accumulated the gil into one big pool in my main character. I was broke, and selling that gil pool to an online gilseller site was looking pretty appealing, but I didn't want to break the promise that I made to myself. My compromise was that I'd sell half of my gil and do something special with the other half.

So, I went to Bastok Markets, stood at the fountain in front of the auction house, and shouted Final Fantasy trivia with gil prizes all day long. It was probably one of the most fun times I ever had playing the game, and some members stuck around for hours answering questions.

Good times.

In the end, the gil I ended up selling netted me just about enough money to even out what I'd spent on playing the game to that point, including the price of the game, and the monthly fee I'd been paying. It was nice.

08-02-2007, 11:16 PM
That's awesome XD

Del Murder
08-03-2007, 01:55 AM
How much gil was that, do you remember?

I craft when I'm bored, but that isn't really a two player activity. I like to level NPC too. We could do that together!

08-03-2007, 01:59 AM
I think I had just over or just under 8,000,000 gil at the time. I sold 4,000,000.

It was worth more back then, though. I don't even think 8,000,000 is all that much these days. It's been awhile since I logged on.

Del Murder
08-03-2007, 02:05 AM
Yeah probably not. I'd probably have about 6m if I sold all my stuff today and I've only been playing for a year.

08-16-2007, 09:32 PM
:D :D I remember wen im bored me and my friends play hide and seek. We do /names so u dont see any names and u cant use the map and no pressing tab or 0 to target. Its sooo fun, i did with a couple of my friends in selbina once wen i was making a party and we had gil prizes and stuff:D :D

08-17-2007, 02:17 PM
:D :D I remember wen im bored me and my friends play hide and seek. We do /names so u dont see any names and u cant use the map and no pressing tab or 0 to target. Its sooo fun, i did with a couple of my friends in selbina once wen i was making a party and we had gil prizes and stuff:D :D

Sure you like it, cos your a taru! They're small...

But elves... :(

08-19-2007, 01:20 AM
I've finished all the fun quests now, nearly all the quests in the game(short on bastok quests). I wish they'd continually add deep involved quests because it's one of my favorite things to do in the game. There really aren't enough fun/worthwhile quests in the game. I also very strongly enjoy killing NM's, any NM. I'll attempt to solo basically anything I can get my hands on.