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View Full Version : Rate your High School!

08-03-2007, 02:59 AM
Yes, the title implies what you'll be doing in this thread. Rate out of 10, and give a reason why your High School sucks/is great.

4/10 because the school is pretty damn old, creepy pedophile teachers, and if you play Football you can get out of any punishment.

08-03-2007, 03:01 AM
My school is decent enough. I dislike how it's so sports oriented though, so little attention is paid to the arts and music. 6/10.

08-03-2007, 03:18 AM
I hate our school. PVPHS, with all the rich kids that go there the academic rate is really high, and a lot of people got lots of school spirit, it disgusts me. 1/10

08-03-2007, 03:21 AM
It's pretty nice...there's some school spirit, which is a good thing even if it's not something I have myself. There's plenty of opportunities for us, and the rules are very lax.

08-03-2007, 03:23 AM
I gave it an 8/10 because it was brand new, but not a 10/10 because it was still... high school. *shudder*

08-03-2007, 03:29 AM
My High School had some pretty cool teachers. The programs and clubs and everything was awesome. And the atheletes didn't get any special treatment either and the classes that had the coaches has teachers the athelete had to work harder.

08-03-2007, 03:30 AM
I liked my high scool but it could've used some improvements. (Eg: getting rid of the nasty smell in the gym and cafeteria)

08-03-2007, 03:32 AM
Nice people, no bullies, and no excessive amount of cliques or gossiping. It' s a Utopia I tell you!


08-03-2007, 03:33 AM
9/10 because of the dumbass principal who fake ass and who is out for a promotion

Marshall Banana
08-03-2007, 03:51 AM
Eww, mine was flooded with drama and politics, and I remember the girls' restroom being terrible. Just using it was a humiliating experience, because most stall doors had no locks and huge gaps on both sides, and stalls normally were nasty, because the majority of girls who used this restroom didn't know how to clean after themselves, how to dispose of cigarettes, or how to flush, unfortunately.

There were a few awesome teachers at my old school, though. I give it a 4/10 just because them. =O

08-03-2007, 04:02 AM
I really like my school even though everyone in it complains about something. There aren't enough events (that's because no one really signs up for things), sports aren't highlighted (except football), the doors are purple, AC is on during the winter and breaks during the summer, 2/3 bathrooms are closed because of vandalism, more than half of the desks and chairs wobble and no one and that's the basic cons.

I give my school a 6/10 though. For effort and the fact that it's the best school for tech in the area.

08-03-2007, 04:21 AM
*Offers a diverse curriculum to the students and teachers.
*There's a Film Club.
*A few of the teachers are pretty cool. Mostly the ones who are about to retire/have retired.
*They offer AP courses in Art History.
*You only have to take Math for 3 years, but I'm taking it for 4.
*There's an ice cream machine that serves chipwiches. Mmm.
*We get new or good text books.

*Some of the teachers really suck. Mostly the new ones.
*There's a Bible Club.
*The footballers get ready for games in the halls and they smell really bad.
*Some people don't know how to walk in the hallways.
*The cafeteria food is horrid.
*There was a Multicultural Day in which we had to learn why "everyone is racist" and sit with people we don't usually sit with. Great.

All in all I give it 7/10. It is a nice school, but minus a few people it would be a great school.

08-03-2007, 05:01 AM
My high school (TZHS) was pretty good. We had great teachers, for the most part. Pleanty of choices for classes, and most of the students were open. One of the largest clubs was the Gay Strait Alliance. Unfortunatly, we did have a lot of problems learning to walk in the hallways, and the constuctio over the past year made that even worse. I give the school an 8/10.

08-03-2007, 05:16 AM
My high school (BHS) was a good place, but I gave it a 9/10 because that's what the state rated it.

08-03-2007, 05:29 AM
i went to three schools...average out to seven out of ten.

Wolf Kanno
08-03-2007, 06:09 AM
I have done all in my power to block out my high school years...

I went to a K-12 private Baptist School for all the years of my schooling life...

Whatever the lowest number is what I choose.

08-03-2007, 06:14 AM
I highly enjoyed the majority of my high school experience, really. Many teachers were proficient in what they taught and usually fair, and they came down hard on activities deficient to learning (fighting in the hallways! gangs!)

Sweet Beloved
08-03-2007, 06:15 AM
Not too bad of a school, teachers are nice, and the kids aren't so bad...
But right now, I'm pissed at them for not giving me my schedule because I didn't pay 63 dollars for a friggin book. Lawl North Lawl.
I will later. -_-

Disco Potato
08-03-2007, 09:10 AM
Looking back, my high school itself was excellent. It helps that it's in a good area. Most of the teachers were good at what they taught and genuinely cared about the students, and wanted them to succeed. There was a good variety of AP and honors classes, clubs, and sports, and fine arts played a huge part in the school (1 year of fine arts is required to graduate, and I think 1/3 of the students at any given time were in a f.a. class). Violence was virtually a non-issue - I think there were 2 fights while I was there, and they were very brief. The only real downside, I think, was that there weren't any real counselors if students were having personal problems (though there were 3 for figuring out college/class stuff and I guess they could've covered personal issues too).


I have done all in my power to block out my high school years...

I went to a K-12 private Baptist School for all the years of my schooling life...

Whatever the lowest number is what I choose.


08-03-2007, 10:23 AM
Nice people, no bullies, and no excessive amount of cliques or gossiping. It' s a Utopia I tell you!

Was that a joke or a typo?

Anyway my highschool is good, but there are a few things i wouldnt mind changed, like hair policy


08-03-2007, 10:28 AM
7/10 - Teachers were good but they wanted too much of us! :( Kids were nice at the beginning but then it sucked! Overall it wasn't bad... not as bad as uni at least!:(

Azure Chrysanthemum
08-03-2007, 11:02 AM
Assuming higher number is better, 8/10, generally good programs, some great teachers, the arts got a reasonable amount of focus (although sports, as is customary, dominated most of the social spectrums).

Less focus on social groups and more on class identity, which was different and occasionally irritating but could have been much worse. Seniors generally feel superior to Juniors who feel superior to Sophomores who feel superior to Freshmen who get the shaft in everything, but I believe my school had a bit more focus on that since the group mentality was nigh nonexistent.

It's a private Catholic school, but it was fairly laid back. There were masses and prayers and such of course, but the policy was to not shove religion down a person's throat. Most religion classes were somewhat eclectic, having elements of history, psychology, and current events. Definitive Catholic spin, of course, but learning about other religions (in a positive light, even) is never a bad thing.

Not a perfect school, no school is, but I found it fairly enjoyable overall. Although with the new principal, I do have worries as to where the school may be headed as he's an uber-Catholic, as it were.

08-03-2007, 12:10 PM
It had its problems, but I got a good education and met lots of great people there. I'll give it 8/10.

08-03-2007, 12:23 PM
As for the school itself, I'd probably give it about 7/10 whereas the actual experience earns it a 10. Mostly because of the unholy amount of in-jokes, messing around and laughing we enjoyed. Teaching was generally good, but they often fluctuated between great and awful (such as comparing my English teacher years 10 & 11 to my ICT teachers years 10 & 11). The facilities weren't terribly good but you wouldn't expect them to be. We had a leisure centre right next door so we were able to use the facilities of that for PE lessons. The school got somewhat updated as I was leaving with more computer boards being put in (I can't imagine how well that went, given how my Physics teacher was given one and blatantly couldn't use it which lead to even more messing around in Physics), the main entrance is really purple and looks the entrance of a cinema and the cafeteria is now really beige with IKEA-type chairs and tables. Didn't like the change of uniform in year 11 though, waste of money and the design sucked compared to the old one.

As for my FE college which I suppose it more similar to the US style of 'High School' that was a lot better than school. Food was a lot nicer, the teachers were a hell of a lot more competent, there were less idiots around the halls and the standard of teaching was much better.

08-03-2007, 12:43 PM
i say 7/10 for my old high school.


decent amount of school spirit. i wasnt included in that.

more then half the teachers were nice.

most of the students ahd decent personalitys. everyone seems to break up into there own little clicks. but there were always peopel who fit in them all. i fit in a decent amount of them myself.

jocks werent worshipped either which was nice.

a lot of drugs float around the school.

theres that one group that think they own the school.

2 teachers i considered evil and i got them both the one year.

08-03-2007, 01:11 PM
School: RHTC (http://www.rainford.org.uk/)

Alot of the old naggy teachers have left now, making it better. When I first started we had a horrid head teacher and just general nasty teachers now they've all left THANK HEAVENS ;_; Ive been here for 4 years, and next year will be my last. In lower school teachers give you no respect, and are way strict. When you enter senior years teachers lay off you, and you find you can actually have a laugh with them. The school is bloody huge, and we have 6 huge buildings on site. Its quite intimidating at first, and you always get lost in your first week. It now looks like a prison, as there is security cameras everywhere and huge big gates you can't get out of until home time. Its a technology college, so we arnt short of gadgets. It does amazing art and drama productions too. I like my school, and I'll miss it when I come to leave next year D:

08-03-2007, 03:29 PM
I hate our school. PVPHS, with all the rich kids that go there the academic rate is really high, and a lot of people got lots of school spirit, it disgusts me. 1/10
I still have one more year of middle school, but the high school I'm going to is virtually the same, only girls there are HOT.


When I finally get into high school and realize what a smurfing blast of hell it is, it'll probably be something like 6/10 :-/

08-03-2007, 03:31 PM

My school sucks because of the snooty girls and asshole jerk guys. Some of the food is also sickening, not to mention teachers that make you want to puke. :mad:

Good thing high school is in a month! My sister says it is so much better than middle school. *is exited*

08-03-2007, 08:28 PM
The school itself was horrid, we had an awesome highschool, then they deiced they needed to build a new one. It's complete :skull::skull::skull::skull: and is now falling apart at ten years old, the one million dollar gym has flooded three times. teachers were ok, some horrid but that's in every shcool. And lots and lots of drugs/violence evryday. I think we had two or three month long streak of a fight everyday in my junior year.

08-03-2007, 08:38 PM
8/10. I liked my school for the most part.

It had a few problems. they let the sports track get overgrown so skive lessons day (aka sports day) was cancelled three years in a row. Oh, and the maths teachers were terrible. One teacher also owned a used cars business and generally only spent half of the lesson in his room. And he only marked books (wrongly as it turned out) before parents evenings or inspections.

However, Mr Parling made the school awesome. He was a real tough guy, but you felt great when he thought well of you. He was pretty much responsible for me pursuing Science and I'd like to be as good a teacher as him (only without the huge sideburns and the one cheap suit that he never changed).

Rocket Edge
08-04-2007, 04:20 PM
Great teachers, :skull::skull::skull::skull: facilities. 8/10

08-04-2007, 05:10 PM
Well, I can't say, as I haven't started High School just yet. However, judging by 8th Grade, all the freshman are going to be blithering idiots.

08-04-2007, 05:39 PM
3/10. A+ grade students can go to that school and will likely come out a C/D student or possibly even a failure.

The teachers were awful. The teachers are either too much of a walkover and can't teach because of the out of control students, or there the absolutely over the top teachers who terrify the students into learning. 5% of the schools teachers have respect for the students, and get respect back. Two teachers were fired for being perverts whilst I was there.

One thing that really got to me whilst I was at school was: uniform. It was almost as if the school held the belief that as long as things looked good to onlookers/the outside then the school was good. Uniform was one of the petty things that was given lots of attention. Amount of make-up, peircings, lengths of ties, shirts tucked in, nail varnish. Nearly all teachers spent 5-10 minutes each lesson nagging/lecturing about the uniform.

60% of the students are morons/chavs/trouble makers/thieves, bringing the rating down further.

The school gets the 3/10 for me because the 40% of good students, the 5% of decent teachers and the fact that I managed to walk out of that school with the majority of B GCSES. :jess:

08-04-2007, 05:59 PM

It's actually amazing. It has every single sport and extra-curricular activity you could dream of. Nobody's ever lonely; it's cliquey, yes, but everyone has a place in some clique or the other. People are (for the most part) great too; obviously, there are some idiots , but the really moronic ones always wind up either leaving or getting expelled. Students from all over the world; I think we have about seventy different nationalities. So multi-cultural :D Bless them.

The teachers are great too; not a single paedophile, and hasn't been for ten years. :-) Some are, as Jess said, kinda strict about the clothes and the make-up and all; moreso than other schools in Malaysia. But I guess that's a small price to pay.

School's about 50+ years old, but up-to-date; great facilities; it has EVERYTHING. Except a polo field and a horse-racing track. But that's okay.

Academics are fantastic too o_o creepy kids scoring all As and running off to great universities. Good for them eh.

I really love my school xD

08-04-2007, 06:22 PM
- Rampant budget problems due to an incompetent school board
- Constant in-school drama admidst the staff due to said budget problems
- Constant threats of cuts due to said budget problems
- Too many teachers making the classes too easy, giving the kids no encouragement to actually apply themselves in any way (generally outside of the advanced classes, though I've had some advanced that did this too)
- Two teachers in my career were asked to leave due to "involvement" with their female students.
- Very very sports oriented. Graduation processions were scheduled around a softball tournament.

+ I've had a handful of teachers that I felt honored to have had them teach me.
+ The Quiz Bowl team kicked ass and our coach was awesome.
+ My friends are really cool and I enjoyed spending time with them there.

On the whole, I'd say 3/10. If it weren't for my friends I would've gone nuts during attendance. I pity those who have to stay there.

08-05-2007, 06:28 AM
I gave mine an 8/10.

I had a <i>great</i> time there. Senior year of high school was the best time of my life. It really was.