View Full Version : BOMB KING

ff is da best
09-04-2007, 05:18 AM
does any1 know an easy way of defeating the bomb king coz i keep dying.Its crazy becoz he keeps on using renew when he is almost dead arghh any1 please im on my way to getting the zodiac spear (early in the game) just after king raithwall tomb. All my peolpe are at lv 40 so please dont tell me to lv up becoz i think im at a high enough lv.

09-04-2007, 05:33 AM
Use a fire shield, there's one to buy in Mosphoran Highwaste or Mt. Bur Omisace iirc.

Also, try techniques. I beat him easily with Horology, Traveler

ff is da best
09-04-2007, 05:34 AM
what does herology and traveller do?

09-04-2007, 06:28 AM
they give damage based on how often you use them, basically. First time you use them after saving they make a killing, then they make less damage. But horology is ranged and costs no MP so you can keep on spamming it on the little bombs while you quicken King Bomb

ff is da best
09-04-2007, 06:32 AM
oh ok i try it.

The Mog Ninja
09-04-2007, 08:05 AM
Doesn't Traveller do damage based on steps taken?

09-04-2007, 07:08 PM
Yes so if you use it for the first time you have lots of steps. Then the steps counter goes back to zero. When you use it a second time, if you run around a bit you do good damage but not as much, the third time you barely do any damage... Horology is similar but it is just based on time between uses so you don't have to run around (which I do anyway because it replenishes MP).

The Mog Ninja
09-05-2007, 07:28 AM

ff is da best
09-05-2007, 07:36 AM
is there anyway of making bomb king from stop using renew

09-05-2007, 10:20 AM
is there anyway of making bomb king from stop using renew

inflicting desease is the only way, you do it by throwing a vaccine or remedy on him while wearing the accesory that reverse effects of restorative items.. sadly i forgot the name of the accesory.. but i know that you can buy it in the clan exclusive shop in muthruu bazaar.. this really helped me alot, hope it'll do you good too

09-05-2007, 11:10 AM
Cast Reflect on him when his health's down to about half. Put Reflect on your party and cast Blizzara on yourselves to make it hit three times. When he casts Renew he'll heal you instead. Job done.

ff is da best
09-06-2007, 11:40 AM
I finally defeated Bomb King.
i basically used the gillie boots to avoid getting hit with oil so i wouldnt die in one hit when bomb king uses fira.

09-06-2007, 01:57 PM
too bad...
i liked power leveling with that boss...
he constantly summons bombs and i really like killing them off...
you even have a higher level than i do.. i was 30ish when i started fighting him and got to level 45+ when i got bored and killed him...
all you need is a proper gambit set-up and flame shields or a flame shield on your main support character... :)
a really nice boss. i would have loved it if he was a repeatable boss or a rare game...

ff is da best
09-07-2007, 02:39 AM
i never had the flame shield becoz i wasnt avaliable to buy at the time of the game. i just gotten of the leviathan when it blows up.
then basically went straight to the morphan highwaste and went to go for the zodiac spear.

09-07-2007, 08:21 AM
too bad...
i liked power leveling with that boss...
he constantly summons bombs and i really like killing them off...
you even have a higher level than i do.. i was 30ish when i started fighting him and got to level 45+ when i got bored and killed him...
all you need is a proper gambit set-up and flame shields or a flame shield on your main support character... :)
a really nice boss. i would have loved it if he was a repeatable boss or a rare game...

we still have negalmuur for that

09-07-2007, 01:55 PM
is "negalmuur or whatever the fiend's name is" a rare game?

09-07-2007, 04:32 PM
yap, and just like king bomb he summons for help, you can even power level your characters over night, just set up the right gambits

09-10-2007, 12:59 PM
i'ma need a list of that set-up from anyone. plsss????

09-10-2007, 04:46 PM
i'ma need a list of that set-up from anyone. plsss????

ok i will, this wont spoil anything and i hope it helps

for the leader:

Self - Haste
Ally:Any - Raise
Ally:Any - Esuna
Ally:Party Leader - Remedy

for the other 2:

Self -Haste
Ally:HP < 70%-Cura
self: decoy
Ally:Any- Raise
Ally:Party Leader-Remedy

it is very important to set that in order! the reason i added decoy is so negalmuur will not cast DOOM on the leader often so you will not run out of remedies for the night! bcoz if you run out of remedy and the leader dies, the game will pause!and you will have infinite MP bcoz of charge you will nver run out! and your guys will not attack negalmuur bcoz he has 18,000HP but his guys have only 2000+...and he will summon them like crazy... wear embroiderd tippet turn off your TV, turn on your PS2 cooling system and just sleep!you will get tons of loot!

now to find this negalmuur, go to the stillshrine and kill everyone in the -ward of the sword king-.. after you kill everyone, go back one rooom (dont use the teleport device for this k!) and wait for at LEAST 30 mins!!!! then re enter.. he is rare game

sub zero
09-11-2007, 01:39 PM
cant you use dispell if dooms effecting you?

09-11-2007, 03:12 PM
well dispel only removes BENIFICIAL stasuses such as protect, shell, haste and so on..

dont worry about those remedies they wont run out, you at least need 40 for the night.. and besides, you will get tons of loot that you can sell for cash