View Full Version : FFXII Questions

09-07-2007, 05:54 PM
I finished the game and thought it was great. The story was good without being too overbearing. Also i thought the gambits were excellent. I didn't really like the mist attacks, they never really did anything for me and the espers i found were unneccessary. Did anyone else find the main story to easy to complete? Thats my little tyraid thanks for listening. Oh and i never found out who the hunter of the clansmen was...who was it?

09-07-2007, 09:48 PM
The game is great! I finished the Pharos after 93 hours, then got to work on the sidequests. I got up to 128 hours before starting the Negalmuur auto-leveling method, which is taking me from level 60/61 to level 99 in like 120 hours. After this I'll finish more sidequests, then beat the final boss. I still got more work to do but this Negalmuur thing is great! :D

09-07-2007, 10:17 PM
The hunter of hunters was Ba'ganman hoping to grab Balthier again after Balthier escaped from him in Lhusu mines. You have to do the belito hunt to find this out

ff is da best
09-08-2007, 08:57 AM
i only up to the ozmone plains just before jahara and im on 50 hours.
probaly becoz i spent most of my hours trainin my characters.
by da way all my characters are in the 40's. and i have completed the license board for all my characters. except for the espers.