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10-14-2007, 03:13 PM
I'm barely into the 2nd six weeks of 8th and its getting hard quick. So far my grades are average but i might be making a c in 2 classes (if my mom was to see that she'd go mad). I've tried to persuade my parents for me not to have non-advance language arts but its not working so i have all advance classes. To top it all off i have choir reharsul every monday and wednesday the art club monday,tuesday,and thursday from 3:30 to 5:20. On the weekends i can't even sit to study because i don't know how to properly study. Can somebody give out advice about how and when i should study through out the days. I still want to have time to interact with friends and have free time. Any help would be nice.

10-14-2007, 03:24 PM
Have you used your looming bad grades as reasoning for why you should lighten your courseload?

The extra-curriculars really can eat into your time, and it looks like you're doing a lot of them. Do you have to go to both of them every day every week?

(I can't give you much advice about studying because I haven't quite gotten the knack down for myself ;oo)

10-14-2007, 05:28 PM
Well my mom wants me out of the house so i have to do a bunch of stuff so she'd get off my back.

10-21-2007, 09:41 PM
If lightening your coarse load isn't possible then make a priority list. Or see my thread " Homework Ranting Thread"

10-21-2007, 10:01 PM
You should talk it over with your parents, and try to get them to understand your situation. If that doesn't work, then maybe you should just quit the less important clubs, or the ones you don't like, and just go study in the library, or somewhere quiet. This isn't the best advice or a good advice in that matter, but I once had the same problem as you, and I got over it by doing this.

Getting down and actually studying is different for everyone. I prefer cramming a few nights before and letting the stress go straight to my head ( I actually perform better this way ). Others like to sit down, take away any time devices (watches, clocks, etc.) and just study as much as they can. Have you tried studying with music in the background? Apparently, it helps quite a large group of people.

10-24-2007, 06:59 PM
You need to review material you are not familiar with. The only courses I was able to pull a 4.0 average on were courses that I knew the syllabus for before I even walked into the first lecture (like how Bart Simpson knew everything in kindergarden, or how you should know everything that is taught in grade 5 or 6.

In any case, as I said, you need to review your material. Pay attention in class, ask clarification questions, and attempt to do the homework. If you need help, ask for it.