View Full Version : Homework Overload Ranting Thread

10-18-2007, 04:39 PM
This is for those, like me, who have an overload of things to do.
Write a paragraph like this:

I have to get 18 lessons, 1 15pg project, 2 written reviews done by Nov 27. I also have to get 8 Chemistry exams in soon, I have to do a math project by Oct 30, reporter analysis by nov 1, math assnmt by oct 23, reporter update by next thursday, and on top of that I have to study thoroughly for my math test 2 and get in an english assnt tomorrow. Geez! I feel much better!

If that doesn't work then list everything so:
1. 18 lessons, 15page project, 2 reviews by Nov 27
2. 8 Chemistry exams by end of semester
3. Math project Oct 30
4. Math assnt by Oct 23
5. Reporter updat next thursday
6. Reporter analysis by Nov 1
7. Test 2 in math and final exam studies
8. English assignment tomorrow

It really does help. Trust me! I prefer paragraphing it just to make it seem more overwhelming. Seriously, it takes my feelings of overwhelmedness away.

10-18-2007, 05:33 PM
Lists are nice because I always feel nice and accomplished when I can put a tick next to one or put a strike through it. I have absolutely no homework at the moment, though I am only doing one course to tide myself over during my gap year.

10-18-2007, 05:51 PM
1) Study for Chem exam monday
2) physics long homework
3) work a million math problems
4) review for physics test tomorrow
5) write something for french
6) write up lab report for physics
7) write a report on catapults for intro to engineering

In order of when they're due;
1) review for physics test (tomorrow)
2) write something for french (tomorrow)
3) work a million math problems (presumably for tomorrow incase we have a quiz:O)
4) physics long homework (monday)
5) review for Chem exam monday. (monday)
6) write up a lab report for physics (next wednesday)
7) write a report on catapults fr intro to engineering (31st)

10-18-2007, 10:08 PM
I got a nice whiteboard to keep track of all this stuff for me, so I feel a lot better organized than I did.
1. Study for physics test tomorrow.
2. Study for Japanese vocab quiz tomorrow.
3. Make calls to schedule appointments for resnet.
4. Go to resnet appointment tomorrow morning.
5. Go to any appointments scheduled for this weekend.
5.a) Buy your girlfriend (and john) flowers.
6. Study for Chem exam on Monday (!!)
7. Get in contact with physics lab partners so they can get the data they didn't write down during class.
8. Write physics lab write-up before next Thursday.
9. Hunt for scholarships and apply like a mother.
10. E-mail professors about final exam dates.
11. Continue GNEG experimentation and do write-up for that (due Halloween).
12. Scout plane tickets for winter break (based on final exam dates)

Some of those aren't huge deals yet but I like to keep them in my mind so they don't creep up on me.

10-19-2007, 06:24 AM
I just got done with one of those homework overloads (and got out of it with an 88, 90, 93, 94, and "A").

But now:

1) Write the 13 journal entries that I was supposed to be doing all semester before tomorrow, over stuff by Averroes, Aquinas, Marie de France, and Dante. (tomorrow)
2) Study for my Geology test (tomorrow)
3) Prepare a project on African-American folk songs (next Tuesday)
4) Write a paper in folk music comparing traditional African music to African-American music (next Thursday)
5) Read 13 cantos of Paradiso (tomorrow)
6) Research a local barbecue place for my Sports Role Play with the owner (two Mondays from now)
7) Write a lab report, identifying the "rock" they put in front of the SLC (it's a hunk of granite!) (next Tuesday)
8) Study for my Accounting test (next Thursday)

10-20-2007, 09:11 AM
Dear God, Kirobaito! And I thought I was screwed!

10-23-2007, 02:00 AM
:skull::skull::skull::skull:, so my hefty drinking this weekend has put me behind on homework.

Finish Lesson 1 SAH
Finish Lesson 2 SAH
Finish Lesson 2 MME
Finish Project 2
Journalism HW
Start Unit 8
Start Lesson 3 MME
Finish Chem notes and study for quiz tomo
Read to pg 200 Things Fall Apart
Read to pg 185 Season of Blood
Read to 135 God Dies by the Nile
Study Assignments 1-4
Update for Thurs
Start notes on Ch 4 Chem
Finish Unit 8
Finish Lesson 3 MME
Start Lesson 3 SAH
Read to 275 Things Fall Apart
Read to 200 Season of Blood
Read to 175 God Dies by the Nile
Study Assignments 5-7:skull::skull::skull::skull:, I didn't anticipate being a lush this weekend.
There is no way I can finish all this by tomo... YEAH I CAN! Believe! Believe! I may in the end write roughly 50 pages by the end of tomorrow but I can do it. Time to get crazy!

10-23-2007, 08:34 PM
Hmm... my list consists of:

Algebra II homework, approx. 20 problems that I haven't finished yet, due tomorrow.

I'm doing my best not to procrastinate anymore. :D

10-24-2007, 08:21 PM
Fucking hell, school is really neverending.

10-24-2007, 09:54 PM
Aside from the research (which takes at most an evening of luck), most of the writing, for me, can be done in one night. I've written A papers for friends that I researched and finished within an evening. It's all about realising that once it comes down to it, each of the items in your list just needs you to sit down, deal with not having fun, and do it for 4-5 hours.

11-12-2007, 10:33 PM
Let's see... a 8-10 pg rough draft due by Nov 16 in LA, Test 2 in math due Nov 13 along with Assnmt 10 by Nov 15, 5 exams in chem due by dec 13 AND THEN I have 4 lessons in SAH, 3 lessons in MME, 2 exams in SAH, 2 book reviews in SAH, a 15 pg paper in MME due Nov 27.
I am going to die.