View Full Version : What do you think of Tim Burton's Batman?

The Fat Bioware Nerd
10-23-2007, 04:20 AM
I used to like Tim Burton's Batman but recently I grew bored with those films and just now I finally realized how screwy these films truly are. To sum it all up the only thing that Jack Nicholson and Danny Devito did was ham it up for the camera.

Kim Basinger spent most of her time screaming her damn head off and Michelle Pheiffer spent most of her time playing a psycho bitch. Also Michael Keaton's performance in both films was pretty forgettable because he didn't do much besides beat up the bad guys and kiss the girls.

10-23-2007, 04:46 AM
I hate them. I find it hard to watch them without laughing hysterically at just how badly done they were. In general my biggest problem is the poor portrayal of pretty much every character. I hate Nicholson's Joker; there's nothing menacing or terrifying about him. I hate Keaton's Batman/Bruce Wayne as well. His Batman I suppose wasn't horrible given what he had to work with, but his Bruce Wayne always bothered me. Especially the fact that for being the richest man in Gotham, nobody seemed to even know what he looked like in the first movie. He also came off more as a bumbling idiot than a billionaire playboy. Also, right around the point where Batman blows up a factory with Joker's goons inside in the first movie is where I give up on it completely. Batman doesn't kill. Period. Even Batman Begins "I can't kill you, but I don't have to save you" moment was a bit of a stretch for the character.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
10-23-2007, 04:54 AM
Even Batman Begins "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you" moment was a bit of a stretch for the character.

Well...at least Batman didn't kill Ra's Al Ghul.

10-23-2007, 05:17 AM
I don't mind them. They aren't my favorite movies of all time, but they're far from the worst.

Marshall Banana
10-23-2007, 06:05 AM
Michael Keaton is such a cutie, though!

10-23-2007, 03:51 PM

How old were we when the movie came out? What did we think of them THEN? Maybe that's not a valid argument. What did adults think of the Batman movie? Remember adults only had Batman comics and the Adam West TV show to go with as well.

I think the Keaton Batman was campy , but not too campy

10-23-2007, 03:58 PM
I fucking hate Tim Burton and everything he does.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
10-23-2007, 06:05 PM
How old were we when the movies came out?

I was six years old when I saw Batman Returns in the movie theater. At the time adults didn't like the Tim Burton Batman films because they thought that those films were inappropriate for children...after Batman Returns was over most children had left the theater crying but I didn't.

10-23-2007, 06:27 PM
I hate batman altogether.

10-23-2007, 06:39 PM
His two Batman movies are undoubtedly the best Batman movies out there. Batman Begins is nowhere near as good.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
10-23-2007, 09:31 PM
I hate Batman altogether.

Then why the hell did you even bother posting here!?:mad:

10-23-2007, 10:56 PM
How old were we when the movie came out? What did we think of them THEN?I was old enough to see the first one in the theater and I did see the second one at the movies. I always liked those two movies.

10-23-2007, 11:04 PM
I hate Batman altogether.

Then why the hell did you even bother posting here!?:mad:

Just to bug you, John. Why else would I?

10-23-2007, 11:07 PM
Its a free country, he can post his hate if he wants to.

I think they're ovverated.

10-23-2007, 11:17 PM
Its a free country, he can post his hate if he wants to.

I think they're ovverated.

It's okay. He's still "unhappy with me" (replace with a more suiting expression) for taking apart his poll half a year ago. Elephants never forget, eh John?:cry:
Back on topic. :tongue: There are few things that look dumber than Batman. I think Catwoman would be one of them. Other than that, I think that all his films are rubbish, despite the huge investments into the cast.

10-24-2007, 01:42 AM
I admire Tim Burton's vision even in the movies I feel are unsucessful. Batman Returns is a better movie than the first one, but he took the wrong approach with the Penguin by making him a grotesque. I actually liked his take on Catwoman. And Michael Gough's performance as Alfred was simply wonderful. After seeing Jim Carrey as the Riddler I wished he had been cast as the Joker. He had the lanky loony look down perfect.

All the same, I think Burton's best movies are the ones that are animated. There he can indulge in his amazing visions without it being too jarring, as it usually is in his live action films. The only live action movie of his I thought was almost perfect was Ed Wood, and in there the visuals were played down.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
10-24-2007, 05:00 AM
I hate Batman altogether.

Then why the hell did you even bother posting here!?:mad:

Just to bug you, John. Why else would I?

Because you're a spammer.

10-24-2007, 09:49 PM
I hate Batman altogether.

Then why the hell did you even bother posting here!?:mad:

Just to bug you, John. Why else would I?

Because you're a spammer.

Sorry, pal, but I believe that saying "Batman sucks" is more than on-topic in a Batman related thread.:choc2: If you have a problem with me, let's go and clear it outside!:love:

10-24-2007, 09:56 PM
Both of you stop it right now!

10-26-2007, 03:33 AM
I love Tim Burton like for serious, and my favorite superhero is Batman, but those movies... meh.

10-26-2007, 06:13 AM
I think they're better than some of the other ones, but I'm not really a fan.

John, do you need to make a new Batman/Superman/superhero fanchise thread every week?

10-26-2007, 06:24 AM
Never being much of a Batman fan, I found Tim Buron's Batman movies to be consistently more entertaining then Batman Begins. Batman Begins took itself way too series for a superhero movie imho.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
10-26-2007, 09:56 PM
John, do you need to make a new Batman/Superman/superhero fanchise thread every week?

Well if you don't like it tough luck...you don't have to respond to threads, you can ignore them you know.:|

10-27-2007, 06:45 PM
I like them....alot. Tim Burton knew how to capture what Batman is, dark. He was able to get a great cast in both movies which I thought helped the movies alot, Devito's and Walkers acting was much underappreciated in Batman Returns.

If anything, whether they were good movies or not, they were the most Batman out of all the Batman movies, for that I give Burton alot of respect. Batman is not about kung fu dojo's, big military tanks and "realism" for all you lot who think Batman Begins was the best Batman movie.

10-27-2007, 09:05 PM
Batman is not about kung fu dojo's

I'm quite certain that's exactly how he trained in the comics (including training with the league of assassins if I'm not mistaken).

big military tanks and "realism" for all you lot who think Batman Begins was the best Batman movie.

You've never read Dark Knight Returns have you? Or Batman Year One for that matter? Batman Begins was based heavily off of Frank Miller's best work with the character, which included taking a darker and grittier slant with him. Something that Batman Begins also did better than the other Batman movies. Burton's films were dark in the usual surreal sense that most of his movies are dark, but there was far to much camp in them for me to think of them as actually giving a dark portrayal to the character.

Oh yeah, and he gave him a tank for the Batmobile.

Jon Thompson
10-31-2007, 09:37 AM
His two Batman movies are undoubtedly the best Batman movies out there. Batman Begins is nowhere near as good.

Yeah...Batman Begins is not only the best Batman but the best comic book adaptation ever. I know people who hate Batman love this movie.

Tim Burton made his batman movies feel like comic books and he did a wonderful job with them. Compared to Forever and Batman and Robin (HOLY BATCRAP!) they're pure gold.

10-31-2007, 12:23 PM
His two Batman movies are undoubtedly the best Batman movies out there. Batman Begins is nowhere near as good.

Yeah...Batman Begins is not only the best Batman but the best comic book adaptation ever. I know people who hate Batman love this movie.

I said that Batman Begins was sucky compared to the ones Burton did... But, whatever

Jon Thompson
10-31-2007, 07:52 PM
Even that...Begins was an excellent movie with a stellar ensemble cast (with exeption of Katie Holmes but Maggie Gyllenhaal took over her role) and while Burton's movies are good are no where near the quality of Batman Begins. Not saying you're wrong for having a personal preference but they were not better made movies.